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File: 27 KB, 272x406, Junger-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5450288 No.5450288 [Reply] [Original]

who are some good fascist philosophers and writers

>> No.5450293

That's an extremely good question (coming from a fellow fascist). Unfortunately, Junger is not really a fascist, he's only right-wing in the most superficial of senses.

>> No.5450294



>> No.5450297

I forgot to add that Giovanni Gentile is the only one that leaps readily to mind.

>> No.5450299


>> No.5450302

Neither of them are fascist, they're both arisocratists, Plato being a proactionary aristocratist...like Nietzsche...Evola being a reactionary aristocratist.

>> No.5450305


Emil Cioran
>He considered himself a “Hitlerist” and had similar views about Italian fascism.

Corneliu Zelea Codreanu

>> No.5450312

>they're both arisocratists

nice euphemism. they were fascistic in a lot of ways and understood "race" to be much deeper than just biology

>> No.5450319


If you don't read Savitri Devi then get the fuck out of my face.

>> No.5450323

Mosley is the best actual fascist

>> No.5450356
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Quarantine the fascist plague

>> No.5450364
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I agree.

Fascism: 100 Questions Asked and Answered
Fascism for the Million

>> No.5450377
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>Wanting to follow in the footsteps of the least functional, generally failure filled nations of 20th century Europe.

Not even a Communist.

>> No.5450400

Probably, but he's only a good writer.

There aren't really any good "philosophers" in fascism (at least when dealing with their politics, see Heidegger) because fascism is inherently based on pandering to pride and vanity, and thus generally refuses to criticize itself leading to circle arguments and ideals before conclusions.

>> No.5450403

Carl Schmitt is tops

>> No.5450406
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>coming from a fellow fascist

>> No.5450412

That'd be Hoxhaism

>> No.5450450

Yeah, I exaggerate. Fascism isn't the worst, but they still seem to have fucked an incredible amount of things up. The Nazis may have built the nation back up from pretty much nothing, but they just as quickly sent it crashing back down. It's a good thing Speer made a concentrated effort to try and preserve what he could of German industry towards the end of the war.

>> No.5450457

>The Nazis may have built the nation back up from pretty much nothing
No, that was Social Democracy. The Nazis mobilised the rebuilt capital for obvious ends.

>but they just as quickly sent it crashing down
Their economy required constant primitive accumulation by expropriation.

>Speer made a[n]…effort
Talk to Mad Bomber Harris about that one.

>> No.5450467
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So what you're saying is that Nazism was even less successful than my already very low opinion held it to be?

>> No.5450471


>> No.5450473

>fascist admitting that there's no real intellectual content behind his ideology

facists burn books OP, not read them. only retarded esoteric bullshit like evola

>> No.5450476

its true, social democracy saved germany, which is why it experienced hyper inflation and then massive deflation all within the the decade before hitler came to power.

>that poster

>> No.5450477

Is it true that the Nazis really thought the sun was made of ice?

>> No.5450483

Himmler actually believed that, but he believed a lot of shit.


>> No.5450489


We're talking the last five years of continuous Junker/Syndicat enforced crisis, when the capital accumulation that social democrats had forced out of the petits-bourgeois and proletariat were rendered into stable infrastructure and currency.

Fucksake, learn your Weimar history. It should give you all the more reason to praise Hitler's capacity as a politician in the art of leverage.

>> No.5450491

Not like they had much to work with

>> No.5450494

Titoism, or Goulash Socialism, or heaven forfend actual proletarian self-governance would have made Albania less basketcasey than Hoxhaism did.

>> No.5450497

>Fucksake, learn your Weimar history

do you have a reading recommendation specifically related to its death throes.

>> No.5450502

Its been 20 years, and since then I've only read economic history articles occasionally.

>> No.5450504

>good fascist philosophers and writers

lol those can't coexist

>> No.5450522
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I think there's a new version of this chart already, but I don't have it.
Of course, I haven't read a single one, so you're on your own on that one.

>> No.5450526
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So /pol/ invading and incessant shitposting is really a thing, huh?

The answer to your question whether there are fascists philosophers the answer is exactly that :None

Fascism does not have a philosopher that outlined what fascism is, neither is there a theoretical framework defining what the good society is.

Though people frequently cite thinkers like Heidegger,Spengler or Schmitt as providing a theoretical framework for Nazism, they are wrong, not only because the Nazi party never appropriated their works (But even heavily criticized some) but because the simple truth is that Fascism hates "thinking".

You may think this is ironic,since Nazi Germany produced some of the finest scientist like Von Braun and Heisenberg but this happened not because the "Conservative Revolution" of the Nazis had stimulated philosophy and science (these structures existing long before the Nazis), but because the Nazis had a near religious obsession with technological domination and advancement.

Only the Nazis could ideologically manipulate the masses through non-thinking (their emphasis on action and tradition being the very definition of non-thinking) ans use them to advance technological domination.

Keeping this in mind people often wonder what was the purpose of this vast number of concentration camps and the innumerable number of slave labor before and during the war. There was no real purpose, it was manufacturing for manufacturing's sake, Total War had entered every facet of life turning humans into assembly lines,that once broke down were left to die.

In such a way "Arbeit Macht Frei" epitomizes this blind unthinking obsession of fascism,work shall make you free only through death.

>> No.5450567


>Right wing

>> No.5450571

Fascism inherently has no philosophical integrity whatsoever

>> No.5450596


>> No.5450628

Lucien Rebatet

>> No.5450633

yes fascism invented that yes

i want /pol/ to leave

>> No.5450636

If you think fascism is about race, you're poorly informed. Mussolini didn't even believe that race existed, and only politicized it to solidity ties with Germany.

"Race? It is a feeling, not a reality. Ninety-five per cent, at least. Nothing will ever make me believe that biologically pure races can be shown to exist today.… National pride has no need of the delirium of race. "
-Mussolini, 1932

Mosley never wrote anything of note

Carl Schmittt is a conservative, not a fascist.

Not sure how that's more fedorable than the prevailing ideology here.

Evola wasn't a fascist just because he was far right. Rothbard was far right as well.

>> No.5450641

Fascism is anti-intellectual. Fascists oppress and execute writers.

>> No.5450647



So it's ok for you morons to preach your insane left wing ideologies and what is deemed politically correct but if someone with a different viewpoint than you asks nothing but a harmless question you have to automatically break down and make a fuss about it? Nice victim complex buddy.


>Fascism is anti intellectual

I'm not a fascist but it wasn't just Nazi Germany and Mussolini's Italy that oppressed writers.

>USSR/East Germany

>What is the KGB and Stasi

>You've never heard of Das Leben der Anderen


>> No.5450656


And the /pol/fag mad keeps on coming.

Had you read any history or educated yourself in any way you would know that Stalinism was at the fore front of intellectual battles in university life in Europe up until the 60's.

To what extent it censored and banned intellectual works i another subject all together.
But the USSRS terror years are but an extension of the battle on what orthodox Marxism is, it wasn't just a power struggle but also a battle of ideas (Trostkyism vs Stalinism).

Such manner of intellectual thinking is entirely absent from Fascism,because as I said before Fascism has no real theory or thinking process behind it apart from the concept of "Conservative Revolution".

>> No.5450666

⇒I'm not a fascist but it wasn't just

So you're saying oppression and murder are okay if other ideologies do it too? Shows how immature you are.

>> No.5450678


>My professor didn't talk about it therefore there is no theory behind fascism.

Sure thing.

>> No.5450683

There is a nuance to fascism. Francoism, Mussolini fascism, and NatSoc are very different sorts (Pinochet was even arguably fascist, and very different from the other varieties). I'm not a Nazi, but I am a fascist. The thing is, fascism is such a four-letter-word among the philosophical establishment that it's hard to cultivate the theory and the possibilities. Fascism is used as synonymous for "bad" in post war thought. Adorno used it as psychological category for people who are sexually insecure, Barthes used it to refer to limiting language, Foucault used to a catchall for non-consensual power.

I don't blame the left for systematically cockblocking open discussion of fascism, fascists did the very same thing to leftists where the former had power. However, without trying to romanticize 4chan, I do expect its most intellectual board to be less knee-jerkingly polarized than even (yes) academic institutions.

Fascism DOES have an intellectual theory behind it, it was simply never permitted to blossom. Communism as a movement started very primitively with Babeuf, and only grew to intellectual respectability with Marx. There has never been a Marx of fascism because any sympathy toward fascism is signing one's academic death warrant. But I digress. The theory behind fascism is strength as a value system. To make every citizen as strong as potential will allow. In fascism, strength...in every sense of the word...is the most important thing. Fascism does not distinguish between strength and freedom. This makes its outlook very different from the left, but not necessarily unsophisticated.

>> No.5450702

The Soviet Union desperately relied on intellectuals and intellectualism to give it a patina of legitimacy. NSDAP Germany relied on anti intellectual thinkers and attacked intellectualism. That's what we mean by anti intellectualism.

>> No.5450710

Deal with Horthy and get back to us. /lit/'s pet fascists have generally become reactionaries over time.

>> No.5450712

The fact that fascism isn't based on theory but rather an almost organic process stemming from a certain type of attitude is something I consider a possible benefit. Letting politicians play their power game rather than asking them to bring into existence the musings of academics can work quite well. Basing a living thing like a society on dead rigid writings with clearly defined goals and ideals is asking for trouble.

>> No.5450721

Cioran was fascist for about five minutes when he was young, then he renounced all fanaticism and was in favour of a moderate, sceptical careful left.

>> No.5450727

Fascisti generally believe that the nation is an organic culture and capable of internally differentiated self-conception through the power of man.

Praxis proletarians and their class-traitor hangers on from the bourgeoisie and nomenklatura believe that the working class forms an effectively undifferentiated subject capable of self-comprehension through reflective action.

Nomenklatura and bourgeois Marxist intellectuals believe that if only the proletariat implemented their ideas history would totalise itself.

To a certain extent working class marxists are closer to fascisti, in that they both believe in non-individual subjects. To another certain extent bourgeois marxists are closer to fascisti, in that both believe in the possibility of POWERFUL LEADERS intellectually totalising history.

>> No.5450735

>Deal with Horthy and get back to us.
Did he write anything of note?

> /lit/'s pet fascists have generally become reactionaries over time.

There is a good deal more high-end reactionary /lit/...partially because monarchies had a much longer run than fascist states...than there is high-end fascist /lit/. However a return to rule by the old blood is pure fantasy. Fascism on the other hand still has potential as something that can happen.

>> No.5450739

By "/lit/" I am indicating "literature"

>> No.5450760

I lost a massive post. Excuse the terseness thereby.

Horthy ran a state. Very interesting. Compare to Peron or Pinochet. Read how he ran the state.

Reaction is more compatible with normal capital's ideologies. Fascism is when the state cannot discipline workers, and requires something more.

>> No.5450781
File: 2.29 MB, 2933x2229, Bundesarchiv_Bild_102-14597,_Berlin,_Opernplatz,_Bücherverbrennung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>So you're saying oppression and murder are okay if other ideologies do it too? Shows how immature you are.

Did I ever say I approve of it/? I merely pointed out your ignorance.


>There is a nuance to fascism. Francoism, Mussolini fascism, and NatSoc are very different sorts (Pinochet was even arguably fascist, and very different from the other varieties

Not really, they are basically within the framework of the "Conservative Revolution", reactionaries in defense of "tradition".

>The theory behind fascism is strength as a value system. To make every citizen as strong as potential will allow. In fascism, strength...in every sense of the word...is the most important thing. Fascism does not distinguish between strength and freedom. This makes its outlook very different from the left, but not necessarily unsophisticate

You could not have spouted a more general incoherent collection of sentances.

Fascism cannot live without mystification, you hide behind a persecution complex but when I ask you what is the theoretical framework of Faschism, you fall back to a Pseudo-Nietzschean generilization( something extremely ironic since Nietzsche would have never had been a Fascist), that Foucault or Sartre would have no problem accepting.

Yet again when I ask you what was the reason why all these millions of people died, like all Fascists you have no hope but to fall on previous myths and cliche narratives (see Mein Kampf) to support blind action and violence against your intellectual enemies.

Because of this reason Fascism stands on wooden legs, it cannot stand debate and intellectual discussion because when it's myths are challenged it regresses into violence and censorship and as a result it rightfully flagged and looked down upon as a political position.

>> No.5450787

>Keeping this in mind people often wonder what was the purpose of this vast number of concentration camps and the innumerable number of slave labor before and during the war. There was no real purpose, it was manufacturing for manufacturing's sake, Total War had entered every facet of life turning humans into assembly lines,that once broke down were left to die.

This is 100% true. I always see this as maybe the most beautiful example of the Weberian functional rationality.

>> No.5450792

⇒Did I ever say I approve of it/?

You did. You used it as a fallacy to defend your infantile ideology.

>> No.5450796

>The thing is, fascism is such a four-letter-word among the philosophical establishment that it's hard to cultivate the theory and the possibilities.

Its more than that. I would break your jaw with a shifting spanner and put your eyes out with a hot soldiering iron. Except I'm humane. If you're a worker I'd beat the fash out of you, if you're not, I'm happy to wall you. And I'm proud of that.

>Fascism is used as synonymous for "bad" in post war thought. Adorno used it as psychological category for people who are sexually insecure, Barthes used it to refer to limiting language, Foucault used to a catchall for non-consensual power.

All of whom are broadly rejected by praxis type marxists.

>However, without trying to romanticize 4chan, I do expect its most intellectual board to be less knee-jerkingly polarized than even (yes) academic institutions.

The intellectual and political power of marxism means that /lit/'s intellectuals tend to either be marxists or "progressive" pomos. I'm pretty sure the pomos here are adhering to progressivism because they're attracted to an "imaginary" of their own power: I do not attend to their thoughts, because, they're not praxical nor do they contribute to an ideology (Marxism or Anarchism) that can effectively inform praxis.

>Fascism DOES have an intellectual theory behind it, it was simply never permitted to blossom.

Yeah, nah, you've had since Napoleon III and you've never had a systematiser like Marx. Your values are less coherent than reactionary thought. I'm not sure its going to happen. As a system of ideas its a dead end rapidly found.

>> No.5450798

But since he achieved regency by legitimacy other than inheritance, he was more in the vein of the "probationary" term I employed. A reactionary would have supported Charles.

>> No.5450806

Its more than that. I would break your jaw with a shifting spanner and put your eyes out with a hot soldiering iron. Except I'm humane. If you're a worker I'd beat the fash out of you, if you're not, I'm happy to wall you. And I'm proud of that.
That's great. You'd be willing to kill people for dissenting from your ideology. In that sense we are on the same page.

>Yeah, nah, you've had since Napoleon III
Napoleon III was not a fascist, to say he was is stretching the term immensely. He was only vaguely fascist in the Francoist sense, and only insofar as Franco deviated from common fascism.

>> No.5450807

Well, given that he was the head of a progressive White reaction to put down revolution, and that he implemented a progressive national imaginary, I view him as solidly fascist.

>> No.5450816


>> No.5450818

>That's great. You'd be willing to kill people for dissenting from your ideology. In that sense we are on the same page.
We often agree on these points, but differ on who should do what to whom. Also we agree that it is admirable that held belief should express itself politically including through violence.

>Napoleon III
Broke a revolution, and implemented a progressive nationalist semi-racial "imaginary" founded in a conservative world view.

That's fascism for me, the anti-revolutionary violence, the national / racial imaginary, the progressivism, the conservatism.

I think Napoleon III is really important. He's my "tenuous." Franco is semi-fascist, semi-reactionary. Horthy is really amazing. Pinochet is solidly in. So is Salazar, the forgotten.

>> No.5450819

Oh, I thought you were saying he was a reactionary. Yes, I view him closer to a fascist than a reactionary, and a pretty good one. But....I think fascism needs to focus more on comprehensive theory than former idols. Fascism needs postulated value system and a full theory of state to accompany that. There has been something drawn toward this...The Doctrine of Fascism, for instance...but fascism needs to expand on theoretical critique of other systems...and beyond a mere manifesto.

>> No.5450825

>so /pol/ invading
Fuck off, you paranoid leftist faggot

>> No.5450839

>We often agree on these points, but differ on who should do what to whom. Also we agree that it is admirable that held belief should express itself politically including through violence.
I think I should do it to you, you think you should do it to me. Opposite, but yet not.

>That's fascism for me, the anti-revolutionary violence, the national / racial imaginary, the progressivism, the conservatism.
Fascism is more than action, it's a condition. Fascism generally considers economics second to national solidarity and strength, but where economics are a factor, they run the gamut from libertarian (Pinochet) to socialist (Hitler). Fascism, if it's a reaction to anything, is anti-nationalism. Fascism is not concerned about defending private property, except as a secondary concern depending on the flavor of fascism. Fascism is ultimately concerned about cultivating national identity and strength; if that requires capitalism, then so be it; if that requires socialism, then so be it.

>> No.5450840

Holy shit, I guess it's true that arrow cunt is the most retarded poster on this board

>> No.5450849

>Producing an ideology of fascism
Well you could do this, but, for example, "Cow Protection" in Hindu culture is going to postulate a total value system that is differently grounded to, for example, Soumiism.

I'm not sure a fascist theory can be comprehensive in this way, and I think past approaches to "total" fascist thought have floundered in this ground.

One of the issues with using idols is that we can examine the actuality and practice. The fact that Horthy was overthrown from the _right_ is interesting.

Go it if you want to, but Marx's motivation was a deep understanding of alienation and the production process. I'm not sure that there's a connection to a real and underlying process that will motivate a fascist "Marx." Evola encounters the national as a mystical which is a half decent attempt. The SS's anti-thinkers followed the same process of mystification.

>> No.5450854

>to socialist (Hitler).
Please please deal with Hitler's interface with the Syndicat trusts. Hitler is far less socialist than many people imagine. He rode a system of high finance capital trusts while smashing workers organisation rather than relying upon it.

The thing with national identity is that its an identity. You'd need to read and love identity politics and Judith Butler's performativity and deal with core issues of identity. Marxism and Anarchism's grounds are in production processes lying prior to identity. You'd need to find the "blood and soil" of nation to form an ideology of fascism.

>> No.5450863

>infantile ideology
You obviously haven't studied leninism, trotskyism, Stalinism, anarcho-primitivism, mutualism, and etc

>> No.5450873

Actually given I've raised blood and soil, you might want to go through Serbian and Polish fascism. Or if you're actually an intellectual read and comprehend the neue Slowenische kunst movement of art-politics during the Tujman/Milosevich fascism in Croatia/Serbia.

>> No.5450881

I haven't studied astrology either, yet I can tell you why it's bullshit. You're arguing like one of these christfag retards who say "hurr durr you cannot disprove god if you haven't read the bible". I won't read any of your childish ideology rubbish. It has already been tested in reality and history showed us how flawed it is.

>> No.5450884

Mysticism is not a respectable theory. I don't think respectable fascist theory will happen for a hundred years, if it ever happens, because in the current climate it is like expect Medieval academic institutions to produce atheist works.

I have read Judith Butler. As for Marx, as much he hated forming his politics around identity, "worker identity" is functionally a very big part of Marxism, because it helps failures who work low-end jobs feel important.

>> No.5450889

>It has already been tested in reality and history showed us how flawed it is.
Most workers revolutions were put down by fire and sword, very few collapsed through internal dissention, fewer still were coopted by nomenklatura.

Stable post-capitalist relations spring up all the time, even tendentiously within capitalism.

Hell, fascism will keep fucking happening until we eliminate capitalism. (From my perspective). Hitler didn't fucking stop Milosevich happening.

>> No.5450894

>muh version of communism has never been implemented
Fuck off, I hope you get raped by one of your professors, you grotesque retard

>> No.5450895
File: 1.54 MB, 1200x850, 2011berlin_149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its more than that. I would break your jaw with a shifting spanner and put your eyes out with a hot soldiering iron. Except I'm humane. If you're a worker I'd beat the fash out of you, if you're not, I'm happy to wall you. And I'm proud of that.
Are you one of those angry vegan squatters?

>> No.5450905

Yeah, but "worker identity" is really solidly rooted:

are you forced to offer your labour for sale to survive.

The actual historical identities such as "blue collar male white" are far more up Butler's alley.

As you note, Marx varies between the two.

Finding a similar grounding experience to "alienation in production" for fascism will be hard. I agree, mysticism isn't adequate for the western tradition. But as we noted with "blood and soil" maybe mysticism is adequate for some fascisms... if they're nationally specific.

But finding the blood and soil will be hard work.

>> No.5450927

>Are you one of those angry vegan squatters?
No. I am not an angry man, people are amazed when my anger comes forth. And unlike the vegan squatters, I have inspected very seriously the conditions of successful violence, I will not speak of that.

1936 was a warning that few have heeded.

>> No.5450930

the only good fascist is a dead fascist

>> No.5450935

Almost the entire population has to labor to survive, including the bourgeoisie, unless they live of their parents' labor or welfare, which the manchildren of proles do as frequently as anyone else.

>> No.5450937

Are you retarded? I just told you that communism is bullshit. An ideology that denies human nature and caused the biggest genocides in history is definitely bullshit. Go back to /pol/, you illiterate piece of crap.

>> No.5450941
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Theory is vastly overrated. Fascism gave people a sense of belonging, being almost a political and religious hybrid. When you have your needs met and have a sense of unity and purpose and a yes and a no, most people don't care about dusty academics stacking jargon on top of arbitrary axioms.

>> No.5450949

The bourgeoisie do not offer their labour for sale, nor do they "labour" as they have full cognitive control over the tasks they engage in. Have you read Hannah Arendt on the greek's conceptions of freedom including freedom regarding work? Might be useful in your construction of what power and culture are.

The bourgeoisie generally don't have to labour, since the late 19th century they've been able to hire intermediaries to perform the functions of capital.

We dealt with that above, thank goodness its anonymous here or Omnisexual and myself would be knifing each other.

>> No.5450958

>The bourgeoisie do not offer their labour for sale, nor do they "labour" as they have full cognitive control over the tasks they engage in. Have you read Hannah Arendt on the greek's conceptions of freedom including freedom regarding work?
Yes, she was a hack, and I suggest you contrast that with Hesiod.

>The bourgeoisie generally don't have to labour, since the late 19th century they've been able to hire intermediaries to perform the functions of capital.
They labor their asses off, they're completely career oriented and demand their kids get jobs before graduating highschool. The bourgeoisie lifestyle is workworkworkworkworkwork. It's neurotic.

>> No.5450959

And this is why Omnisexual's project of specifying a real fascist theory of fascism as ideology is going to be a lifetime's project, and he'll probably only manage to be a Saint Simon if he's the hottest shit fascist thinker who manages to avoid mysticism or unsustainable claims.

>> No.5450967

Let me be clear, I am using bourgeois to mean the owners of capital, in particular the owners of the commanding heights of capital. For example, Bruce Wayne.

In contrast, Steve's Discount Mattress Warehouse, a small capital, yeah, Steve works his arse off, but, at the same time he is not forced to offer his labour for sale.

>> No.5450975

Even the haute bourgeoisie tend to be workaholics. You think Steve Jobs wasn't neurotic about working?

>> No.5450982

Thanks for the Hesiod, I found Arendt's accounts to be post-graduate. Maybe that's unfair, I'd been thinking about Foucault's more complex approaches. (Both of which are deficient to my field's treatment of labour, but hey).

When you hang around /lit/ and want to talk about fascism, do this. Prove by reference to the canon that you're an intellectual.

>> No.5450989

By focusing on entrepreneurs who are active engaged in the functions of capital, you're avoiding the silent trust recipients. And in any case, we both agree that they exert. My argument was that they are not compelled to offer their exertion for sale, that they have a command over their exertion that differentiates their position from workers.

>> No.5450990

No, you're retarded, cunt, I was never advocating communism, you obtuse cunt. Reading comprehension, it's important, you STEM retard.

>> No.5451004

The only people who can live very well without choosing to work, are those who are born into wealth (which most of the haute bourgeoisie are not, and of those who are, almost all of them choose work regardless).


So, let me get this straight: basically you're complaining that some people have the option to not work, but you don't have that option? Or are you simply complaining that you can't be your own boss (have to sell your labor)?

>> No.5451011

I'm not complaining. I'm establishing a useful category, which is centred not on volition, but requirement to offer for sale; and on the nature of the exertion being without control.

Its a category without normative content, and highly predictive of wealth outcomes. The category directly indicates the capacity of an individual to control other's social labour.

I think we got onto this because this territory is Marx's core. And we were discussing the difficulty of specifying a similar fascist "fundament" without going into mysticism.

>> No.5451016

You don't like having to sell your labor? Don't work for the bourgeoisie. Oh, wait, you need the means of production! But you should of course get to use those for free, because the means of production isn't an actual contribution, just the labor is.

>> No.5451020

I'm sorry that you have reading comprehension problems, look up what "normative" means.

>> No.5451040
File: 120 KB, 1824x1604, normative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what normative means.

>> No.5451042

You do, but the anonymous chap above responded to a post where I outlined a category that appears very deeply to be grounded in non-normative descriptions. That anonymous chap immediately accused me of producing a normative category.

Our discussions have been wonderful except for the violence we know we would do each other as political necessity; violence neither of us would lie about.

>> No.5451061

The trouble with your category is that subjugates. Most workers, at least in the U.S., would rather be capitalist bourgeoisie than socialist workers. A worker is a second-best, and if you can't be on top, then make everyone a worker. But national identity is already the top, it is not something most people who are conscious of it hope to transcend.

Now you can say, "Oh boo hoo, nationality is just reification, being a prole is objectively defined", but that's not entirely the case. Nationality is a group of people you aligned with in cooperation, it is a team, like the Greeks vs. the Trojans. That can be defined through action, but in order for that to happen, the team must become much more concrete. The leftist trend is to destroy national identity because it conflicts with class identity, they don't want you to be loyal to the former over the latter. But being a player for a certain nation can be very rigorously and legally defined, but for that you need a fascist system.

>> No.5451084

You're drawing a normative conclusion from the category. Fair enough. I do too. But I differentiate the normative assumptions, and the category which lacks a normative assumption.

We both agree that "blue collar male manual white" is a normative category.

My argument about being "Polish," is that "Polish" might be like "Blue Collar Worker." That "Polish" isn't a non-normative category. Similarly "Nation" might not be non-normative. I find your project to find such a non-normative category interesting.

I'm okay with action defined categories, but they can be either normative or non-normative.

We both know there have been left-wing nationalisms, the majority of the pro-capitalist "left" have been just that. Cosmopolitanism is a deeply held normative ideal for most communists though.

>> No.5451101


>left wing

pick one. Stalinism is conservative, patriarchal communism

>> No.5451103

>Neither of them are fascist,

Plato advised things even Hitler wouldn't have dared to do. Go read the Republic, faggot.

>> No.5451107

If you want to learn about left-wing stalinism start looking into the communist party in Hungary's reaction to 1956.

>> No.5451110


Some of them had occult beliefs about the universe being a war between fire and ice. That's why Hitler attacked Russian in winter, he literally believed that "fire" would win against ice. Or some bullshit like that.

>> No.5451112

And with a looser definition of Stalinism, the Czechoslovak party's attempts to unfuck itself in 1968.

>> No.5451119
File: 7 KB, 205x245, martin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all anti-intellectualism is a valid intellectual position.
Second, there are no good fascist philosophers. There are few good poets and writers, but that's all.

All intelligenstia on the right-wing of political sphere is and always was centered around heavier (traditionalism) or lighter breeds of conservatism.

>> No.5451127

I have read The Republic, "faggot", as I'm sure everyone on /lit/ has. The nation state didn't even exist back then.

>all authoritarianism is fascism

>> No.5451131

>I have read The Republic, "faggot", as I'm sure everyone on /lit/ has.

This should show how much of an idiot you are if you think most people here have.

The nation state is comparable to the city back then, faggot.

90% of ancient Greece would be considered fascist by the average cunt today. Many of Plato's ideas on how to create the perfect city are exactly what Nazis wanted to achieve.

>> No.5451142

The Republic is generally the first book anyone who is studying philosophy reads.

No, it isn't. A city state (which shares common ethnicity with its fellow cities), a multi-ethnic state, and a nation state are all very different.

I'm not interested in the average cunt, I'm not even a Nazi. Furthermore, the core of Nazi ideology is a homogenous Aryan race, which Plato didn't even a concept of.

>> No.5451146

>The Republic is generally the first book anyone who is studying philosophy reads.

It isn't. You never start with something like this. You start with synthetic volumes and introductions, you don't just tackle a classic from millennia ago.

Plato didn't have to conceive of races because the question wasn't even asked back then.

Mixing wasn't on anybody's mind.

>> No.5451147


Actually I think Plato is more universal version of a right-wing philosopher.

>hurr this concept didn't even exist back den!

Yeah, however his views reflect in at least 80% what today is called a heavy traditionalism, with a little smell of fascism, that's given, but with a monarch on top.

>> No.5451161

Care to contribute a reason why you think fascism is so bereft of intellectuality?

>> No.5451163

But Aristotle was a racial suprematist. He wrote the blondes are constantly freeze and therefore their blood's too hot and therefore they're too proud to subject themselves to any polity more complicated than the tribe. The southern races are, on the other hand, so cold-blooded and so docile you get humongous empires. It is only the Greek who have the exactly right mix of cold blood and hot blood.

>> No.5451178

But I'm not a traditionalist. I like "tradition", but I don't believe in caste-essentialism within the polis.

>> No.5451187


>> No.5451227
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>The leftist trend is to destroy national identity because it conflicts with class identity, they don't want you to be loyal to the former over the latter. But being a player for a certain nation can be very rigorously and legally defined, but for that you need a fascist system.

Nationalism is reifiction because it is about an imaginary construct.
Please read Marx before you start criticizing the left,or you will come as just ignorant.

According to Marx nations,traditions and cultural practices are the "superstructure" imposed on the "structure", that is real conditions of labor and demand.
Thusly a social castes, conflicts and cultures arise out of the management of labor. For Marx asking what lead labor to be working in such conditions at a historical time,circumvents asking about only politics, because politics is subservient to economics. Real material conditions lead people into forming the "superstructure" which can take the form of ideologies such as Nationalism or religion.

>> No.5451250
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Plato was not a fascist you ignorant fucks, have you people even read the Republic?

The Republic is clearly outlined to be a Timocrasy , it is not based on any idea of "one people", a "country" or "race". Instead it is ruled by Philosophers and the whole of the state exist to sustain them,since only they can contemplate the Good and Justice. Because of this formation,castes exist to manage the stability of the Republic but not it's overgrowing in anything apart from it's limits(aka Athens and Rome). The biggest deference from the classical notion of tyranny and oligarchy (the kind Nietzsche fapped to) was that the rulers gained nothing and had no interest in ruling apart from the fruits of philosophy itself.

Furthermore Plato did not believe in any form of racialism. Aristotle does indeed seem closer to a biological explanation of intelligence and power, but Plato goes out of his way to prove that slaves have the same intelligence as free people and that women should be given political power.

True, he excludes barbarians from his republic but this exclusion was a typical xenophobic Greek reaction to any culture that did not speak the Greek language.

>> No.5451265


Honestly I have no idea. There is Oswald Spengler who was quasi-fascist and a decent philosopher. Also Gottlob fucking Frege, greatest logician in history (some rank him second to Leibniz) and founder of analytic philosophy along with Wittgenstein turned out to be a deep reactionary and a fascist to a degree. However he didn't publish anything on political philosophy.

I think that fascism in a sense was created by radical politicians and wasn't given enough time to produce enough academia and then WW2 happened and it was forcefully, intellectually discredited. So. putting simply boomed and peaked early.

>> No.5451271
File: 44 KB, 600x451, marinetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. We intend to sing the love of danger, the habit of energy and fearlessness.

2. Courage, audacity, and revolt will be essential elements of our poetry.

3. Up to now, literature has exalted a pensive immobility, ecstasy, and sleep. We intend to exalt aggressive action, a feverish insomnia, the racer's stride, the mortal leap, the punch and the slap.

4. We affirm that the world's magnificence has been enriched by a new beauty: the beauty of speed. A racing car whose hood is adorned with great pipes, like serpents of explosive breath -a roaring car that seems to ride on grapeshot is more beautiful than the Victory of Samothrace.

5. We want to hymn the man at the wheel, who hurls the lance of his spirit across the Earth, along the circle of its orbit.
6. The poet must spend himself with ardor, splendor, and generosity, to swell the enthusiastic fervor of the primordial elements.

7. Except in struggle, there is no more beauty .No work without an aggressive character can be a masterpiece. Poetry must be conceived as a violent attack on unknown forces, to reduce and prostrate them before man.
8. We stand on the last promontory of the centuries! Why should we look back, when what we want is to break down the mysterious doors of the Impossible? Time and Space died yesterday. We already live in the absolute, because we have created eternal, omnipresent speed.

9. We will glorify war-the world's only hygiene-militarism, patriotism, the destructive gesture of freedom-bringers, beautiful ideas worth dying for, and scorn for woman.

10. We will destroy the museums, libraries, and academies of every kind, will fight moralism, feminism, every opportunistic or utilitarian cowardice.

11. We will sing of great crowds excited by work, by pleasure, and by riot~ we will sing of the multicolored, polyphonic tides of revolution in the modem capitals~ we will sing of the vibrant nightly fervor of arsenals and shipyards blazing with violent electric moons~ greedy railway stations that devour smoke-plumed serpents~ factories hung on clouds by the crooked lines of their smoke~ bridges that stride the rivers like giant gymnasts, flashing in the sun with a glitter of knives~ adventurous steamers that sniff the horizon~ deep-chested locomotives whose wheels paw the tracks like the hooves of enormous steel horses bridled by tubing~ and the sleek flight of planes whose propellers chatter in the wind like banners and seem to cheer like an enthusiastic crowd.

We Futurists, who for over two years, scorned by the Lame and Paralyzed, have glorified the love of danger and violence, praised patriotism and war, the hygiene of the world, are happy to finally experience this great Futurist hour of Italy, while the foul tribe of pacifists huddles dying in the deep cellars of the ridiculous palace at The Hague.
We have recently had the pleasure of fighting in the streets with the most fervent adversaries of the war, and shouting in their faces our firm beliefs.

>> No.5451278


Why are you replying to me? Nonetheless he was a hierachical, heavy traditionalist and elitist. He has inherently right-wing position. And he is not fascist, haven't said that.

>> No.5451283

> We will destroy the museums, libraries, and academies of every kind

This is why the futurists were shit.

>> No.5451296
File: 63 KB, 640x431, may_1st_athens_protest__03_hds9g1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. We want to sing of the danger of love, the daily creation of a sweet energy that is never dispersed.

2. The essential elements of our poetry will be irony, tenderness and rebellion.

3. Ideology and advertising have exalted the permanent mobilisation of the productive and nervous energies of humankind towards profit and war. We want to exalt tenderness, sleep and ecstasy, the frugality of needs and the pleasure of the senses.

4. We declare that the splendor of the world has been enriched by a new beauty: the beauty of autonomy. Each to her own rhythm; nobody must be constrained to march on a uniform pace. Cars have lost their allure of rarity and above all they can no longer perform the task they were conceived for: speed has slowed down. Cars are immobile like stupid slumbering tortoises in the city traffic. Only slowness is fast.

5. We want to sing of the men and the women who caress one another to know one another and the world better.

6. The poet must expend herself with warmth and prodigality to increase the power of collective intelligence and reduce the time of wage labour.

7. Beauty exists only in autonomy. No work that fails to express the intelligence of the possible can be a masterpiece. Poetry is a bridge cast over the abyss of nothingness to allow the sharing of different imaginations and to free singularities.

8. We are on the extreme promontory of the centuries... We must look behind to remember the abyss of violence and horror that military aggressiveness and nationalist ignorance is capable of conjuring up at any moment in time. We have lived in the stagnant time of religion for too long. Omnipresent and eternal speed is already behind us, in the Internet, so we can forget its syncopated rhymes and find our singular rhythm.

9. We want to ridicule the idiots who spread the discourse of war: the fanatics of competition, the fanatics of the bearded gods who incite massacres, the fanatics terrorised by the disarming femininity blossoming in all of us.

10. We demand that art turns into a life-changing force. We seek to abolish the separation between poetry and mass communication, to reclaim the power of media from the merchants and return it to the poets and the sages.

11. We will sing of the great crowds who can finally free themselves from the slavery of wage labour and through solidarity revolt against exploitation. We will sing of the infinite web of knowledge and invention, the immaterial technology that frees us from physical hardship. We will sing of the rebellious cognitariat who is in touch with her own body. We will sing to the infinity of the present and abandon the illusion of a future.

>> No.5451327

Bullshit. Operation Barbarossa was planned to spring 1941, but was delayed due to the Italians fucking up in Greece.

>> No.5451330
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This is why they were great and refreshing. They wanted to blow up Venice and replace it with a concrete military harbour. They wanted to ban pasta. Gotta go fast.

>> No.5451336

I'm completely repulsed. Sure, as a political/artistic/culinary movement they were interesting and made alright art, but I just can't into anti-intellectuals, or "intellectuals" who would want to destroy beauty to get their way.

>> No.5451352



>> No.5451392

A willingness to shatter old idols can be a very good thing though. Too much curating leads to stagnation and too much self-awareness and postmodern reference games. A clean slate can be invigorating.

>> No.5451478

You're the sort of person who thinks the destruction of the Warsaw Archives or the Library of Alexandria was a good thing, right?

>> No.5451509

I certainly don't lament it. What do you think was lost?

>> No.5451593

What is the purpose of the russian test fire image on a prototype German tank?

>> No.5451617
File: 3 KB, 194x259, somanymussolinis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Myatt. (Vindex) - National socialism.
Ezra Pound - his economic essays and the cantos.
Nietzsche, for his interpretation by fascists.
Marx (communist manifesto) for some of fascism's class analysis.
Futurist manifesto.
But be aware that fascism is (predominantly) a vitalist, organicist, modernist movement, not a pro-intellectual movement. Fascism is about life, not intellect by itself. It is a reaction to the alienation and conflicts of modernity that seeks to restore order, mutual strength, vitality, depth etc. to life by taking the nation/race as an organic entity and both imposing and nurturing it into reality. It is not heavily an intellectual, rationalist movement, as much as the result of a yearning for wholeness and purpose, beauty and strength, in a world where peoples' last source of meaning after the death of God - that is, their folkways, and the organic development of their world/culture, has been stripped away from them. It is a looking back to an era when the world made sense and life had purpose, but not a desire to return to that past in form. Instead, to recover that world-feeling, by creating/discovering a national culture and identity, and by obedience/contribution to a leadership, becoming one with a surge of growth. Fascism is an instinctual, poetic worldview, like a religion. I don't personally feel it, but if I did I'd be a fascist.
I'm more of an individualist/nature worshipper/daoist person, but if you haven't felt the fascist feels I feel faintly forlorn 4u.

>> No.5451627

>putting beauty above life
>putting art above the beauty of life-experience

>> No.5451664

It´s my lucky day. An interesting /lit/ thread.

>> No.5451737
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>No, that was Social Democracy

Didn't know Adenaur and Ludwig Erhard were social democrats.

>> No.5451762

According to Marx the "reactionary" nations would perish in the revolutionary frenzy. Marx was a genocidal idiot just like Hitler.

>> No.5451768

The best writing in favour of fascism is the constant effeminate whining of antifa faggots on the internet. Read a few of their goony-ass posts and you'll be heiling Hitler hard enough to break your arm, just to make the douche chills go away.

>> No.5451773

no, Engels wrote that.

>> No.5451781

Asking why there is no fascist intellectual is like asking why there is no Black Panther Party intellectual.

Fascists were just street thugs, their rise to power was based on fights on the streets (and leniency by the judicial system that always let them go). Every intellectual who got closer to it ended up rejecting it (Werner Sombart, Oswald Spengler, Martin Heidegger etc).

>> No.5451787
File: 6 KB, 214x235, gramsci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That imaginary construct recked the Second International so hard that every serious Marxist philosopher afterwards had to work with the concept of culture and how that affects the revolutionary struggle.

Except Althusser, of course.

>> No.5451788

>Heidegger rejected Nazism


>> No.5451796

>fascist philosophers and writers
How is that even supposed to work?

>> No.5451801

heidegger actually notoriously didn't mea culpa

>> No.5451804
File: 35 KB, 500x646, Gabriele-DAnnunzio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gabriel Dannunzio wrote theatre, poetry, novels, and political essays. and he kicked some ass during WWI with his plane, but he did not really get along with Benito

>> No.5451808


>> No.5451825

Some guys linked to the Action Française can also be considered fascist intellectuals, like Robert Brasillach, Lucien Rebatet, Abel Bonnard, Claude Jeantet, Pierre Drieu La Rochelle.

There were other intellectual collaborationists through Europe too, like Paul de Man and Knut Hamsun.

Ultimately, this thread is more about the complete ignorance of /lit/ about anything that goes beyond the vulgar Marxism taught at universities than about fascist intellectuals.

>> No.5451830
File: 35 KB, 306x475, The_Captive_Mind_by_Czeslaw_Milosz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You said it all. Stalinism was at the "fore from of intellectual battles". Which means that it was just a tactic to enlist the support of Western useful idiots like Sartre for the USSR, at the same time that intellectuals are persecuted in the Eastern bloc.


>> No.5451840

Depends on who's running the fascist state. In all cases, however, democracy is anti-intellectual.

>> No.5451863

The first place you should go for learning about fascism, in the general sense that most people mean volkisch/ultra-nationalist/authoritarian/mishmashy etc. movements, is Stanley Payne's book on Fascism. He covers everything from the Action Francaise described by >>5451825 to the Croix de Feu to Mussolini to D'Annunzio to the Pangermanist volkisch movements to the Nazis to Stalinist Soviet Communism to Japan's wavering after the Meiji restoration into a bunch of technocrats and militarist bureaucrats despite initial flirtations with more liberal government.

What you can do from there is pick off the major figures who seem interesting and read their work, or at least about them and their associates. It allows you to avoid the "what even is fascism what do you even mean bro??" line of questioning, because Payne is already making broad strokes.

>> No.5451874

Read Kant. Hegel, and Marx. You'll see the evolution of fascism.

>> No.5451878

That makes no sense at all. What the fuck does Kant have to do with fascism?

>> No.5451921

Underrated post.

>> No.5451925

it's more efficient to read about the radical center, than having to filter out national and Nazi moral allusions (unless that's what you're after)

>> No.5451981

Goony is weird as an adjective, sounds like British slang

>> No.5452132
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Oswald Mosley
Aleksandr dugin

>> No.5452228

I have read Marx, thoroughly.

I know what the story is "according to Marx," but a common language, morality and culture expression is more than imaginary to me and most people on the planet.

>> No.5452274

I'm pretty sympathetic to Marx but the idea that nationalism is imaginary and the class system is real is silly. (Does he really say that?) They're both pretty essential parts of social and cultural structure.

>> No.5452282

Marx was a hardcore materialist. The acknowledgement of culture as a lot more than an illusion didn't really start until Gramsci. I think Gramsci and Marx would have differed considerably on that point...but just about every serious Marxist today likes Gramsci.

>> No.5452433

>but I just can't into anti-intellectuals, or "intellectuals" who would want to destroy beauty to get their way.

Kill all academics

>> No.5452537


Not that again....

>> No.5452573

>So /pol/ invading and incessant shitposting is really a thing, huh?
How dare people talk about books on /lit/.

>> No.5452614

Heidegger, Schmitt, A. Rosenberg, Plato

>> No.5452689

"imaginary" has a specific meaning in the humanities. It doesn't suggest that an imaginary isn't real. It does strongly suggest that the imaginary is produced culturally.

If you think intellectuals were solely persecuted in the soviet-style societies you have problems. Persecution tends to make intellectuals better. It is fêting that destroys them. Try Aczel and Meray _Revolt of the Mind_.

>that every serious Marxist philosopher afterwards had to work with the concept of culture

Not every serious one other than Althusser. And it is hard to explain how Frankfurt, a school of German idealists who claim that culture is determinate are in any way Marxist.

It's pretty obvious that you're illiterate because you got cued to Weimar and decided to talk about the Bonn state.

>> No.5452692

It's rather amusing to hear old KGB people like Yuri Bezmenov be very candid about how it was their pet supporters among western intellectuals, journalists and culture writers that they picked out first to execute.

>> No.5452754

Diogen wasn't forced to offer his labour.
Marxism itself is an ideology which demands the existence of a working class.
The "working class" could very well stop working, but then, on what would marxists have power with their state?

>For example, Bruce Wayne.
Good example of a marxist. Fuels crime on day time so that he can go eccentricaly-dressed to fight it at night.
Same way some fuel social problems through welfare and general laissez-faire so that they get to complain about them...

>> No.5452770

Around here we require literacy, coherence and citation for that lying outside of the expected common knowledge of an undergraduate.

I have never seen expectations so cruelly thwarted. Well done, you are the king of the cretins.

>> No.5452855


Bezmenov was stationed in india, not to say the Soviets didn't have similar designs in the west.

>> No.5453153

>I don't lament it
>what do you think was lost
Oh the ironings

>> No.5453197

Please elaborate

>> No.5453432


He means it's ironic because you don't know what's lost because, well, it's lost. I kinda think that supports the fascist's point though, I mean, how can you bitch about something when you don't even know what you're bitching about? It's just lost potential, and humanity has always had that in abundance.

>> No.5453444

typical unrealistic observations, I bet you think the Greeks believed they would reach the gods if they climbed Mt. Olympus.

>> No.5453472

Nice trips.

Many people lack the historical empathy to understand mysticism adequately. SS mysticism explained an inexplicable world. SS mysticism did not provide an adequate tool to command the world to obey, however, as loss rates of the "cream" of the Waffen SS in Poland and France demonstrate. The theories of the SS regarding blood vitalism, for example, did not change the most effective way of reducing emplacements by infantry assault.

Obviously, mystification isn't fundamental to fascism, look at Pinochet.

>> No.5453627
File: 1.78 MB, 1388x1163, BoccioniLaughterLarge1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with the Futurists

>> No.5454307
File: 63 KB, 300x378, pinochet5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Pinochet fascist, again? Because leftist kids do not like him?

>“Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State”

This is fascism, according to Mussolini himself, how can a regime that pursued economic liberalism and the creation of intermediate organisms between individuals and the state (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gremialismo)) be considered fascist?

>> No.5454380

God I love Tim. Don't you love Tim?

Tim should be our leader.

>> No.5454384

You can find just about every ideology in Blake's work in one place or another.

The dude was complicated as fuck.

>> No.5454394

Did you bother to read any of this thread where the definition of fascism was extensively debated? No you didn't.

>> No.5454402

I dunno, it's probably the junta and internment and torture of dissidents. That's just a guess.

>> No.5454442

Giovanni Gentile
Robert Michels
Ugo Spirito
Gabriele D'Annunzio
Filippo Marinetti
Francis Parker Yockey
Maurice Bardeche
Emil Cioran

>hurr durr Fascism has no intellectuals

Read some actual scholarship about Fascism instead of Marxist agitprop.



>> No.5454445

Not at all. It is the modernisation and the recapitulation of the nation combining conservative and progressive features in a programme of mass action.

The state is only one form of total nation.

>> No.5455064

Spinoza is a good choice. He's probably a bit more liberal than a lot of "fascists" or whatever, but he demanded a strong state and a willingness to use violence to enforce the state's will, as well as declaring that the ideal state is inseparable from the people's religion. That and an intolerance of even vocal dissent puts him pretty strongly in what I consider fascist territory.

Thanks for reminding me, OP. I'm going to go read Tractatus Theologico-Politicus now.

>> No.5455157 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5455176

It has been never tried? It has never been properly implemented. Of course it has been tried, but it failed without even being close to what it should have been.

On the other side fascism and capitalism have been properly implemented.

>> No.5455182

>A willingness to shatter old idols can be a very good thing though.
You would love Wahhabism.

>> No.5455193


I can't believe someone went so far in misunderstanding an argument as to actually create an image responding to their illusion of what it means.

>> No.5455196 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5455231

to be fair, vulgar marxists often effectively state this.
In a lot of ways the failure of soviet marxism is something that reinforces communist demands, since only marxist analysis can give a comprehensive understanding of the disaster, and a solution to the problems within it.

>> No.5455235

>since only marxist analysis can give a comprehensive understanding of the disaster, and a solution to the problems within it
hahahahahahahhahaha fuck you

>> No.5455865

if you would ask them, they'd say they were doing socialism, not communism.

>> No.5455901

oh fuck off, 12 year old boy

>> No.5456035

I hate marxist historians. They're worse than evangelicals

>> No.5456088

Which ones have you read?

>> No.5457828


>> No.5458555

too old, away with it

>> No.5458833

So Fidel Castro is fascist too?

Pinochet's military regime was never intended as representative of "mass politics". Quite the contrary, it was technocratic to the core.