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5448621 No.5448621 [Reply] [Original]

Is evil "evil" because god said so? Or is it evil in itself?

Check your fedora at the door pls

>> No.5448629

God didn't say anything
But the argument goes that goodness is a part of its nature
It's basically platonism

>> No.5448632

>God didn't say anything.
Then how did we get the bible?

>> No.5448638

Thanks man, I'm a Christian and that still gave me a good kek

>> No.5448644

Vox populi, vox Dei

>> No.5448645

Define "evil."

>> No.5448652

>>God didn't say anything
>And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light

>> No.5448662

There is no evil

>> No.5448676

Evil as defined by the religion that the replies talk about.

>> No.5448693

Is-ought problem.

Thread rekt, go home.

>> No.5448698

define "religion"

>> No.5448711

"evil' the ignorance within yourself's

>> No.5448716

Religion as defined by the replier.

>> No.5448723


evil because it hurts us.

evil that doesn't hurt anyone is just arbitrary, God can call puppies evil all he wants and tell us to kill them, they might even be "evil in themselves" whatever that means, but who cares? We like puppies.

What matters is what is true for us, from our human perspective, not what is "objectively true" or given by "divine command" fuck that shit

>> No.5448768

define "replier"

>> No.5448789

your mom when she answers my love letters

>> No.5448800

define "love"

>> No.5448809

I'll tell you a secret, OP

God does not exist

>> No.5448815


>> No.5448818

baby dont hurt me

>> No.5448829

define "hurt".

>> No.5448959
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makes sense

>> No.5449060

Evil is not real. It is a social construct made in place to define an area of behavior or thought that threatens the status quo or culture of the group.
So even something like rape is only evil because we have been trained to believe women have rights and that forcing sex is a violent act that will harm her identity which has also been molded by our culture to be beautiful and pristine.
Yeah man everything is terrible and fake.


>> No.5449136

define "define"

>> No.5449159
File: 399 KB, 1028x1337, ein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God is omnipotent. Therefore, even if God was didn't exist He would be able to effortlessly will Himself into existence.

LOL and you call us religious people irrational.

>> No.5449167

The idea of social constructs are not real, they're social constructs.

>> No.5449183
File: 120 KB, 685x490, Abba111113-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't social constructionism itself a social construct?

>> No.5449187

This image is an offense to Islam, please remove it.

>> No.5449208

Islam is an offense to this image. Please remove it.

>> No.5449215
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>> No.5449262
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>Check your fedora at the door pls
Since you're confused and wish to stay that way, Plotinus is your man. Enjoy.

>> No.5449270

Woah, you've read him?

>> No.5449281


If God exists, then he is all-knowing. This implies knowledge of the future. If absolute knowledge of the future exists, then free will does not exist. If free will does not exist, punishment for actions deemed "wrong" is pointless, as the person who goes through with the action has merely acted in accordance with fate (or, even, God's will). If punishment for these actions is pointless, then categorizing actions as right, wrong, good or evil is without purpose. If there is no purpose in creating evil as a social construct, then evil does not exist.

It follows that if God exists, then evil does not exist. However, evil does exist, so it can't be the case that God exists.

>> No.5449290


>> No.5449301

I've actually only been listening to plenty of podcasts about him. Interesting stuff form a historical point of view, but wow, ...I'm still quite happy being a devout Epicurean.

>> No.5449313

take butterfuck's advice and read plotinus, he's amazing

>> No.5449401

> Using sloppy logic to prove that God doesn't exist
> fedoratip.jpg

You lose me when you say
> If free will does not exist, punishment for actions deemed "wrong" is pointless

you're implying that
a) God punishes all actions "deemed wrong"
b) the [categorization of good and evil]'s purpose depends on whether punishing them "has a point". The word "pointless" is also highly ambiguous. Decent pasta though

OP: I would compare the relationship of evil to good with darkness and light. Like darkness, evil is simply an absence of "light", not its own property. I would say the existence of "good" is basically dependent on the existence of God, however. I don't perceive God to be a bearded old man writing commandments but an abstract embodiment of the universe's laws and morality, like Platonic ideals.

>> No.5449410

evil is the privation of good. it's kinda like atheism.

>> No.5449573

What if God willed himself into existence to experience a mortal life?

>> No.5449927

Isn't that part of the plot in Dogma?

>> No.5449940

God isn't real, this should be obvious to you.
*tips fedora*

>> No.5449953

Existence is not a predicate.

>> No.5449977

>good and evil

>not a social construct

>> No.5449982

evil is a function o two entities, therefore it is evil in itself, but evil is a lower event and as such God whose archetype often employs a stoic countenance would say nothing of it

>> No.5449992

I don't recall.

>> No.5449997


>> No.5450004

Isn't that the plot of entire western civilization for the past 1600 years?

>> No.5450012

Well, nuh, it's God's favourite movie

>> No.5450068

No, because Jesus was god and man. I'm talking about God becoming human for the course of a human life with any of His godly powers.

>> No.5450094

Evil is more pathos than logos.

>> No.5450114

Other way around this time m8

>> No.5450236

If God were omnipotent and omnipresent he would literally have to exist in a state of non existence otherwise non existence does not exist which is a real mind melter right there.

>> No.5450260
File: 1006 KB, 610x806, 0S1MBHj[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the Lord, and there is no other.
I form the light and create darkness,
I bring prosperity and create disaster;
I, the Lord, do all these things.

>> No.5450265

God, why did you create Satan if not to spoil the Earth which you set out to create?

>> No.5450270

So far my understanding of this question is this. All the stuff called evil in the Bible is labeled that way because the Jews saw cause and effect. They saw what people were doing in Sodom and Gomorrah and then they saw what happened to the city. They put two and two together and found that sexual perversity and arrogance on a large scale leads to your city getting nuked. On a person to person basis they have tons of knowledge of right and wrong. Just read Proverbs to discover how extensively the Jews studied the consequences of various types of behavior. You gotta remember the Jews were and are practical people. God was never something abstract to them, but present in every event. I don't think they ever thought of him in the terms that we think about him today. They were hardened desert tribes, and for them to kill some rival tribe was nothing - it was proof that Yahweh was the ruler. Their faith in him was unwavering, and whoever wavered was not fit to be part of their tribe. It had to be that way for them to survive.

>> No.5450275
File: 958 KB, 2184x3064, Creation_of_the_Sun_and_Moon_face_detail[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you retard, i am the lord and i do all these things. Get over it!

>> No.5450282

that's what he gets for loving his creatures so much that he gave them free will.

>> No.5450311

damn god ok...


>> No.5450543

God if you can do all things why are you withholding an honest and decent explanation?

>> No.5450544

Because you touch yourself at night

>> No.5450581


Is this an attempt at irony?

>> No.5450853
File: 16 KB, 234x250, funny-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I think about you...

>> No.5450858

>tfw old enough to remember the divinyls

>> No.5451012

God's only commandment is to love, the reason you are in your body is to love. So, evil is that which intends to remove love from the universe.

>> No.5451028

Ahh, I see you've come across old Euthyphro's Dilemma. Welcome aboard.

>> No.5452158

Evil things are evil because you don't like them.

>> No.5453439

I'd kinda like to strangle you but I still know it would be evil to do so.

>> No.5454279

It really is as simple as that.