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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 64 KB, 770x607, 267154-could-renewed-publication-really-demystify-mein-kampfs-extreme-racist-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5446608 No.5446608[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Reading Mein Kampf just because
>Has a lot of infamy
>holy shit, this is machevellian as fuck!
>Holy shit, his suffering in Vienna is real!
>Holy shit, this explains why Hitler became who he became in sociological, psychological, and political terms.

Swear to God, not trolling, but why do people who haven't read this book shit on it?

>> No.5446619

he was allegedly writing the nazi party platform but there were too many discrepancies with the later party platform so the nazis basically brushed it under the table
Plus he exaggerated his heroism in the Beer Hall Putsch

>> No.5446629

Because /lit/ is full of Marxists. They do it to draw attention away from their equally destructive ideology.

>> No.5446631

It's a terribly crafted book, Hitler was a hack and his importance is somewhat overstated, he was a figurehead with some private delusions, not much else.

>> No.5446638

Because they don't like to think about the fact that Hitler was a human being.

>> No.5446640

Because it reads like a bitter old fuck romanticizing his past.

>> No.5446641

it's a big seller amongst muslim extremists. i bet everyone in ISIS has a copy

>> No.5446646

Dude he was in his early 30s

>> No.5446655
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The book is really an overwrought emotional appeal that is so monotonous and contains more pedantic aphorisms than any real grit. For every page of actual political theory there are entire chapters of emotional fellating that serves literally no purpose but to create the illusion that he is exposing some amazing secret truths to the reader.

Hitler was as terrible a writer as he was a painter; leaning far too much on his romantic nostalgia for a pre-war Germany that never existed and using that same collection of dreams to cover up the fact that the book was a pure vanity project.

Whilst you are clearly posting /pol/-bait you could at least have done something by someone who was actually an entertaining writer like Evola.

>> No.5446664

>holy shit, this is machevellian as fuck!
I dont see how something written in prison after a failed political coup is Machiavellian, or how literally explaining your plot in a book released to the public is either.
But you probably didn't realize that The Prince was written as a farce.
>Holy shit, his suffering in Vienna is real!
Economically sure, but its not like only Hitler saw this.
>Holy shit, this explains why Hitler became who he became in sociological, psychological, and political terms.
Dude hated jews and used that hate a a political platform, its not that big a shock.

>> No.5446671

Why does it seem like you're parroting what other people have told you to think about the book?

It's especially telling since you draw attention to the fact that there is "romantic nostalgia" but neglect the fact that Hitler talks at length about the conflict between individualism (romantic notion) with collectivism (national socialism).

It's his biography, and his deliberations of how things made him "feel" is pretty important.

I've just finished a biography on Napoleon, and this obsessive drive and passion seems to be a common trait amongst men who rise on a wave of supreme authority.

What I'm trying to say is that your critique is that of a pea-brain--and uncritical pee-brain incapable of independent and penetrative thought.

>> No.5446674
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>Whilst you are clearly posting /pol/-bait you could at least have done something by someone who was actually an entertaining writer like Evola.

I hear that, the Italians fascist lit is so much more interesting and well thought out than most of the other stuff. They were the only ones who actually explored how it could work instead of just using it to feed the propaganda machine.

Honestly, early Mussolinis non-racial fascism based entirely on class warfare was interesting.

>> No.5446711

>Dude hated jews and used that hate a a political platform, its not that big a shock.

Here is an excerpt:

>Confused by the mass of impressions I received from the architectural surroundings and depressed by my own troubles, I did not at first distinguish between the different social strata of which the population of that mammoth city was composed. Although Vienna then had about two hundred thousand Jews among its population of two millions, I did not notice them. During the first weeks of my sojourn my eyes and my mind were unable to cope with the onrush of new ideas and values. Not until I gradually settled down to my surroundings, and the confused picture began to grow clearer, did I acquire a more discriminating view of my new world. And with that I came up against the Jewish problem.
I will not say that the manner in which I first became acquainted with it was particularly unpleasant for me. In the Jew I still saw only a man who was of a different religion, and therefore, on grounds of human tolerance, I was against the idea that he should be attacked because he had a different faith. And so I considered that the tone adopted by the anti-Semitic Press in Vienna was
unworthy of the cultural traditions of a great people.

He actually explains how and why he came to hate jews. This is gold for psychological studies on propaganda.

Hitler explains in great detail how he is a member of a mass, and how the machine influenced him.

>> No.5446720

>I hear that, the Italians fascist lit is so much more interesting and well thought out than most of the other stuff.
No, it's crap aswell. Macho-whiny poetry, pseudo-science, esoterics, bad interpretations of Hegel.
The whole thing

>> No.5446730
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Its not that I am simply regurgitating what other people have told me to think about the book, its just that for an autobiography it reads far more like a political manifesto in terms of its structure. He presents the events of his live as aphorism instead of narrative, as only pretext for statements on his political views. So I just started to see it more as a political diatribe.
I do feel that he was extremely good at stating what he thought with an acute clarity that I usually dont find in a bio of this size, yet that only reminds me that the ideas in Mein Kampf were derivative by the time he wrote it, and better explained by his contemporaries.

>What I'm trying to say is that your critique is that of a pea-brain--and uncritical pee-brain incapable of independent and penetrative thought.
Why? Because I didn't see it as anything other than the angry words of an angry man in prison?

>> No.5446734
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>expecting something intelligent from the most anti-intellectual political ideology of all

>> No.5446741
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>No, it's crap aswell. Macho-whiny poetry, pseudo-science, esoterics, bad interpretations of Hegel.
Fascism is the most overcompensating ideology in existence.

>> No.5446746

>Why does it seem like you're parroting what other people have told you to think about the book?
>academic consensus
> Hitler talks at length about the conflict between individualism (romantic notion) with collectivism (national socialism).
>the authors opinions (Hitler's opinions) invalidate the analysis

And don't compare Napoleon to Hitler, it's pea-brained
(not the kaiji guy btw)

>> No.5446750

this is actually a pretty good point. the nazis were book burners and banned many of the books that /lit/tards regard highly.

on the other hand, hitler himself was a massive reader and owned copies of many of those same books and loads more that /lit/ would blerg over. the book "Hitler's Private Library" by Timothy Ryback is probably as revealing about the influences on hitler's twisted thinking as Mein Kampf is, if not more so. and it's a better read.

>> No.5446772

>And don't compare Napoleon to Hitler, it's pea-brained

This attitude can be seen from the letter he wrote on 29 November 1806, to Champagny, Minister of the Interior:

[It is necessary to] reduce, if not destroy, the tendency of Jewish people to practice a very great number of activities that are harmful to civilisation and to public order in society in all the countries of the world. It is necessary to stop the harm by preventing it; to prevent it, it is necessary to change the Jews. [...] Once part of their youth will take its place in our armies, they will cease to have Jewish interests and sentiments; their interests and sentiments will be French.


They have pretty opinions on the jewish question.

>> No.5446777

>this is actually a pretty good point. the communists were book burners and banned many of the books that /lit/tards regard highly.

>> No.5446783

Because his writing is awful.
Most of the book is just petty whining.

>> No.5446789
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Down with the International Jewry!

Also, I hope Marx is rotting in hell right now.

>> No.5446803

I never understood this. Why are the tallest of the poppies left in society, the supposed intellectuals, the ones who push communism the hardest? They end up being the first executed in every uprising.

>> No.5446814

Because they're out of touch with the people they claim need their help.

In the same way a modern day SJW's message would fall on deaf ears to a Russian farmer.

>> No.5446820

>the most anti-intellectual political ideology of all

You mean communism?

>> No.5446822
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dude you are just weird
shouldn't you be burning a cross on some black person's law or something?

>> No.5446823

lawn dammit

>> No.5446826

How do you think she would feel, If I put my black rod into her secret place, while we lay in the missionary and I gaze deeply into her hate filled eyes as I give her a few orgasms before succumbing myself...

Would she feel dirty for liking it?

>> No.5446841
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>implying that Adolf wouldn't fug Marx up in a fist fight

>> No.5446863

You didn't know this? Communists are basically SJWs and the first thing they do in power is shoot everyone who disagrees with them in the head and burn everything because their fragile amygdalas can't deal with any dissent without making them physically ill. Communism is a form of brain damage found among the children of priveledge liberal narcissists.

>> No.5446881
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>there are still people who think extremist ideologies can exist and survive in the 21st century

>> No.5446884
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>Muh Dik

>> No.5446893

k dude whatevs. i thought we were discussing mein kampf. turns out we are just having another /pol/ shitfest

>> No.5446899

>What is Wahabism

>> No.5446903
File: 1.52 MB, 350x233, nvm fixed it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread was a /pol/ shitfest from the OP post

>> No.5446904

>I'm for freedom of expression but this guy said something about my ideology I don't agree with so he should go back to pol

>> No.5446905

Because hitler clearly had a very flawed understanding of biology, genetics, sociology, psychology, animal psychology, and really any of the subject matters he tried to twist toward what he wanted to be true.. I read mein kamph. Some of the most delusional rantings I could have ever imagined.

>> No.5446909

Adolf Hitler was a sickly pussyboy, he might have been in the war but he was only a messenger there, and he was only in the beerhalls to train his empty rhetoric. Marx however was a strong German fellow that had a thing for drinking and rioting.

>> No.5446914

>he doesn't understand why extremist ideologies gain support in the first place

>> No.5446916

>I read it, he was bad
>No examples or argument whatsoever

>please believe me

>> No.5446918

that is a fair point

>> No.5446919

>a very flawed understanding of biology, genetics, sociology, psychology, animal psychology

>> No.5446921
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>there are still people who think ideologies can exist and survive in the 21st century
The fallout of post-modernism and the inadvertent rise of the internet has killed any potential political growth that is not already bound to the mire of centrist neoliberal economics.

>> No.5446922

what you wrote:
>I'm for freedom of expression but this guy said something about my ideology I don't agree with so he should go back to pol

what i read:
>waa waaa waaaaaaaahhhh prrrrt fffrrpppp hrrppp

>> No.5446923

3/10 for making me reply to your bait

>implying that I, too, haven't read Mein Kampf
>implying that Hitler didn't stress the importance of daily physical development, especially among males
>implying that Hitler didn't emphasize the importance of boxing among young boys
>implying that you are a faggot

>> No.5446925

>It's wrong
>I just told you it's wrong
Great arguments.

>> No.5446930 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.5446933


B-but he's just a supervillain who is pure evil for on r-reason! Fuck off you anti-semite!

>> No.5446934

>Some of the most delusional rantings I could have ever imagined.
Could you please post some text to demonstrate your evaluation of his book?

>> No.5446935
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But they do.

>> No.5446937

I can't believe commie faggots do this unitonically with no shred of self-awareness but it happens every single time an actual argument is expected of them. How do they never realize that collectively they're a bunch of ridiculous children with no real point?

>> No.5446942
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Don't listen to the haters, anon.

We've read Mein Kampf. We know. We understand him.

Together we stand.

>> No.5446947

You just shit on the core of what YOU said. Way to go.

>> No.5446948

Most academics aren't very political though, even though their views are marxist/left-wing. Zizek isn't actually doing anything to contribute to Communist Revolution, nor did Althusserl ever get involved in day-to-day politics.

The only major Marxist philosopher with a career in politics after Lenin was Gramsci.

>> No.5446949

i can't believe you used the phrase "commie faggots" unironically

>> No.5446951

and i'd bet every single one of the people holding the guns in that video has been influenced by mein kampf

>> No.5446952

Your argument consists of non-sequitors about cocks and shitting into your own pants screaming waah waaah. You are a retarded fucking faggot.

>> No.5446953

Peter Hitchens has some good stories about how out of touch the International Socialists were in his time as a member.

>> No.5446955
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that picture is hiliarious. are there people who really take it seriously?

>> No.5446956
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i love you anon. don't ever change

>> No.5446959
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Yes. Mostly on /x/, fortunately.

>> No.5446961
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>Most academics aren't very political though
Most academics aren't philosophers. They're social scientists, whatever that is, and they have hold on almost every department in education and force their ideologies through it.

>> No.5446964
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Ah, in a way you got me there. ISIL is a newer spin on the old Al Qaeda flavor, but with the added bonus of seemingly having a concrete set of goals and clear power structure.

Personally though, I think the majority these groups are only tenuously political at best and more fueled by thuggish turf wars and ever-present racial strife, their Islamist "ideology" is barely coherent with the Quran and only really used as an excuse for their leaders actions. ISIL seems like an outlier.

>> No.5446965

>Zizek isn't actually doing anything to contribute to Communist Revolution
Revolutions need ideological lining, he is providing this.

>The only major Marxist philosopher with a career in politics after Lenin was Gramsci.
completely wrong
Stalin, Mao, Lukacz, Sartre, there are many

>> No.5446967

>Uh-oh, he's right
>I better respond so I can try to win because all that matters is I reply sarcastically since in my isolated bubble saying things like "THEY ACTUALLY THINK SOMETHING ELSE HAHAHA" constitutes a rebuttal
>"Y-you're sokewlxD"

Kill yourself, you intellectually dishonest fucking tumor.

>> No.5446970

Of course, muslims love that shit.

>> No.5446971

whereas you are ... what, exactly?

>> No.5446976
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i bet you typed that really hard

>> No.5446977

I wasn't even baiting, Hitler was indeed a sickly, malnourished, figuratively literally dropped on the head pussyboy
While Marx came from good stock and was apparently physically adept, Hitler collapsed into disease in his late 20s

>Researchers have variously suggested that Hitler suffered from irritable bowel syndrome, skin lesions, irregular heartbeat, coronary sclerosis,[377] Parkinson's disease,[269][378] syphilis,[378] and tinnitus.

>> No.5446978
File: 74 KB, 227x349, yeah rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you were born at the right time to witness the birth of the cyberpunk nightmare you used to think was so cool.

>> No.5446981

It doesn't have to be coherent. It's a political force aiming for power. It's basically the same recipe the Bolsheviks used.

>That's not real communism
>That's not real Islam
Doesn't really matter.

>> No.5446984

Oh you.

>> No.5446990

>implying that most of those can't be attributed to combat in WW1
>implying that he wasn't injured from lethal gasses that had unprecedented long-term effects
>implying syphilis wasn't ubiquitous at that time
>implying that people still don't suffer from Parkinson's
Try harder, faggot.

>> No.5446991

> Stalin
Whose only contribution to Marxist theory was Communism in One State which isnt a very good idea.
> Mao
When was Mao ever a philosopher or a thinker? Because the man was a practical politician whose thinking was later on shaped into an ideology.
> Sartre
Not even a meaningful politician.

>> No.5446995
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I guess you are right. Now that I think of it, somehow it seems that true ideologies and theory is only really defined after the revolutionary group is victorious or fully expunged.
I always catch myself on the No True Scotsman when thinking about the evolution of ideology, thanks for pointing it out.

>> No.5446996
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>> No.5447001
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>ad homeniems
>infantile insults
>parrot sqwaking
>no talking about directly about the book, simply vague generalities
>only one anon quotes from the book

Never change /lit/.

>> No.5447005
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>> No.5447007

>>ad homeniems
>>no talking about directly about the book

>> No.5447010
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>that last sentence

>> No.5447012 [DELETED] 
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#gamergate [4chan spam bypass 555238723]

GamerGate discussion is taking place at mchan's /b/


If you don't know what is going on, ALL GAMERGATE THREADS ARE BEING INSTANTLY PURGED FROM /V/ AND /POl/. Almost instantly, it´s insane. We can't discuss gamergate anymore on 4chan.

There is a brand new chan ( m sterchan.org, it´s name is censored here), it´s only 5 months old but it´s already the second fastest english speaking chan. It´s /b/ already gets 1k posts a day. It has done something really fucking remarkable, 7chan which was made years ago doen't have a fraction of its activity.
How did it get so popular? Because it was based on allowing freedom of speech, and it has a unique moderation style to support that without the need for mods deleting or banning people.

It´s truly freedom of speech chan and it got popular fast because of that. You have no idea how hard it is for a 4chan alternative to get popular, it never ever happened before, except with this chan because it is so different. It´s still under construction, so it looks like shit, but that´s also good because you get to start browsing it when it all began.

Pic related. 4chan deserves to die for all its censorship.

I will be immediately be permanently banned for posting this. It´s up for each one of you to spread the word of mchan

Mchan, this place, by default, by design, is what you always wanted 4chan to be.

>> No.5447015

This always gets shit on and shut down by the name of the link alone, but it describes these debate tactics to a T. Also SJWs.


>> No.5447016

None of those things even pertain to what I said, you are sad

>> No.5447020

Nietzsche said there is nothing wrong with ad hominems.

>> No.5447022
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Hitler was an interesting guy. Definitely a fanatic, but definitely sincere. So sincere sometimes that he would sincerely do seemingly insincere things, like all his posturing and meticulous construction of his image, justified in his mind because it made his country and leadership stronger.

I think his fanaticism is refreshing and forgiveable to a lot of right-inclined people today because the alternative is an endless sea of self-loathing Western politicians who think a nation or a people amounts to little more than a LLC.

>> No.5447029

>Whose only contribution to Marxist theory was Communism in One State which isnt a very good idea.
>I don't like his ideas therefore he is not a thinker
You are a child, I won't be your teacher but here are some notes on your insolence
Stalin was trained in a religious seminar, he was educated, most of his works are political philosophy, and there is quite a many of them:
>When was Mao ever a philosopher or a thinker?
>I am just completely unfamiliar with Mao

>Not even a meaningful politician.
lol, Sartre was one of the most important political figures in western Europe in his time, maybe the most important in France, you don't seem to understand the significance of 68, or really to have any understanding of politics and history at all.
He was, for example, personally involved in brokering the peace in Vietnam, acting as defacto representative for the Vietcong in Paris, which is where most of the negotiations took place.
He also received the Nobel prize for literature, which is a political prize.

>> No.5447061

classic example of the illusion of asymmetric insight.

i guess you would believe that sort of thing if you have a mindset that can only accommodate two opposite extremist viewpoints, rather than a spectrum. or if you were the sort of person who responded to every post with TRI HADRER COMIe FaGET

>> No.5447074
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When will you faggots learn (and read)...

>> No.5447075

Die sieht aus wie 'ne Asischlampe, die noch nicht mal 'nen Hauptschulabschluss hat. Diese Fresse, diese Klamotten,aber Hauptsache mit Mein Kampf posen.

>> No.5447079

>boxing among young boys
Totally 'not gay', of course, lel.

>> No.5447081

>their Islamist "ideology" is barely coherent with the Quran
False, the core and central tenant of Islam is the doctrine of holy war and world theocratic government. The rest is just irrelevant window dressing.

ISIL is, quite literally, the only true Muslim group in the world right now.

>> No.5447082

>implying it wasn't part of their development towards strong, dominant Aryan men

>> No.5447085


>> No.5447086

Of course it's a spectrum, but the underlying motivations of those that hold beliefs are intrinsic to understanding the implied goals, as the expressed ones are rarely truthful.

In fact, the study and method is designed to expose that very thing and points out that certain styles of debate are more indicative of a type of person than the view they hold, though the views they hold are very likely a reflection of that person.

>> No.5447087

>This always gets shit on and shut down by the name of the link alone
For good reason, you are blinded by your own bias.

>> No.5447090
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>Abandon ideology
>Acquire Ethics

I like it!

>> No.5447096

ISIS is more inclined to wahabism, which is all about only praying allah (which excludes praying saints and everything that isn't allah, muhammad or the calif) and only reading the quran, from that i'd say that reading a book written by a christian is surely forbidden in ISIS, even if that christian like muslims and hated jews.

>> No.5447097

the stuff about abortion is fuckwittery. in the age of stem cell research and cloning, a fertilised egg is no more "the elementary level of a human being" than a drop of blood from a paper cut. if you are going to start from such an ethically twisted position, any discussion of ethics is not going to achieve anything more than the KIL YORSEFL FAGGIT crazies in this thread.

>> No.5447099
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Do sad, unread people who read such trash think they are educating themselves about history or politics?

Just because you read a piece of propaganda by a mad dictator does not make you more knowledgeable of history,psychology or philosophy any more than watching Bob Square-pants .

I guess it is true that in the 21st century, the dissolving subject is so thoroughly confused about politics, that it doesn't only mix fact and ideology as it has always been,but also ideological placed situations, periods and myths are all mixed together in the anarchy of unspecialised opinion.

>> No.5447120

No. Mein Kampf is a steady seller in many Muslim countries, even ones that could be considered "moderate". In mainstream bookshops in the US/Europe it is rarely on display; in Muslim countries it is often right there on the front tables with Twilight or whatever.

Also, if you walk around the street markets of cities like Kuala Lumpur, you can often find e.g. swastika t-shirts for sale- and I'm not confusing the Nazi and Buddhist versions of the symbol- I mean Nurember rally style red t-shirt, white circle, big black swastika in the middle.

>> No.5447123

You guys are messed up, and wayy too opinionated considering the apparent lack of knowledge and experience you have about anything in general.

>> No.5447129

i wrote this post
please enlighten me as to what i wrote that you think betrays a "lack of knowledge and experience".

before you answer, bear in mind that i spend several months a year working in Muslim countries.

>> No.5447132

Did you read it? Have you tested it? It's accurate and the method works. Certain ideologies and the way the people that hold them express themselves share traits with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Communism is the biggest case of Tall Poppy Syndrome there ever was.

>If I can't be better than everyone else, no one will.

>> No.5447136

The funny thing is if you switch "communists" for "fascists" and it's actually true.

>> No.5447142

The funny thing is everyone is fully aware of the atrocities and failures of your retarded nigger ideology and you posting things like this just illustrates what a butthurt, reality denying retard you are.

>> No.5447154

Touched a nerve

>> No.5447157

Nietzsche was a whiny crackpot who's taken as seriously as Freud in contemporary philosophy.

>> No.5447162

>retarded nigger ideology
I thought the jews were behind it, did /pol/ figure discover something new?? The jews were just a front for the niggers??

>> No.5447165

>Hurr durr any actual point means ur le mad and any emotion whatsoever regarding politics means ur a kid xD

Yes you fucking retard, the sickening display of rhetoric that you malicious liars engage in is deplorable.

>> No.5447168

Not true, Freud's discovery of the unconscious is still extremely relevant in philosophy and psychology. Nietzsche is, however, irrelevant.

>> No.5447169

>figure out
your pick

>> No.5447175

>Implying nigger isn't an insult
>Implying nigger activists aren't commies
>Implying you aren't a cock-chugging faggot who just wants to whine that people shouldn't point out the blatant fact that blacks will never get their shit together

>> No.5447182

no i think "/pol/ figure" is the shady Mr Big behind all /pol/ posts. He's a shapeshifting alien lizard, or something

>> No.5447191

>The Prince was written as a farce
Your posting privileges have been revoked, you are not welcome here until you've actually read the material you discuss.

>> No.5447201

>if you walk around the street markets of cities like Kuala Lumpur, you can often find e.g. swastika t-shirts for sale

I've been there as well and can confirm. They sell them right next to the Che t-shirts.

>> No.5447208
File: 2.71 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_0554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.5447212

Top laffing you butthurt moron.
>I-I have to think of SOMETHING!

>> No.5447221

Every single word in that image is in English. I can't believe you're trying this hard to lie to disprove "arab countries really like mein kampf". The depths that communists will sink to display their party narrative is revolting. You should have all just been killed in the 60's when we had the chance.

>> No.5447224
File: 2.59 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_0556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one.

>> No.5447229
File: 3.54 MB, 3264x2448, Hitler and Sodomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup. they like to cover the largest target market possible :)
here's a pic from a KL bookshop. MK on sale next to a book amusingly titled "SODOMY" about the show trial of Anwar Ibrahim

>> No.5447232

dude most muslim countries don't speak arabic
why would anyone lie about this? are you going to start going on about the shadows not matching or something?

>> No.5447236

What are you on about?

>> No.5447255

I've heard it said that comparing Napoleon to Hitler is the greatest insult one can give to the former and the greatest compliment one can give to the latter

>> No.5447276

i guess for russians, one frozen to death army is pretty much the same as another

>> No.5447292

>Israel is an ethno-suprematist Jewish state that has kept the native Arab popualtion (mostly Muslims) subjugated and terrorized since its founding
>The United States is still engaged in its global war against "terrorism," which anyone with half a brain (excluding 90% of all Americans and at least 70% of all Europeans) can see as a war against Islam and merely part of their goal of world hegemony

It's not surprising the Muslims in the third world would find new meaning in the ramblings of Hitler, given their material conditions.

>> No.5447298

>ASSK and Hitler on the same table

Fitting, actually.

>> No.5447307

>Anyone with half a brain exluding the vast majority of the populations that create and maintain modern global society

Top top top kek, Raoul

>> No.5447335

So you willingly lump yourself in with both the bible thumpers AND the SJWs in the US?

>> No.5447374

you keep insinuating garbage. By your own words, if the US is pursuing global hegemony then why would it not be in my interest to see that end met? Get fucked, Pablo.

>> No.5447376

What's your name/title anon, I want to read your Napoleon one day.

>> No.5447423

>the middle east
>region hasn't even gotten to enlightenment-era thought

>> No.5447450

>Being in the Middle-East sets you back hundreds of years

>> No.5447497

>pretty much hehehehehehe

>> No.5447735

Where do pics like that come from?