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/lit/ - Literature

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5445392 No.5445392 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone keeping up with alt-lit?

What I'm referring to specifically is the face book group alt lit gossip. I'd link it but I cant.

What the fuck is going on in there? There is so much in-fighting. Nearly everyone generalizes each other but claims otherwise. Everyone apologizes for everything they say before they even say it. They dont even talk about writing that much anymore.

Is there anyway to help them out? I mean, are they just taking identity politics way too far or what?

>> No.5445407

I'm not too familiar with the alt-lit scene, what are some major alt-lit authors?

>> No.5445440
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I dont know if you could say they have any major authors besides Tao. Its a pretty small thing. I mean the facebook group im referencing seems to be one of the big places for them to talk.

>> No.5445499
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Actually now that I think about it I dont know if the facebook group is where they usually talk among themselves.

Anyone know of another place?

>> No.5445525



I don't know shit about the alt lit scene. Interested though. They are our generation, anyways.

>> No.5445545
File: 37 KB, 510x251, akashi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could just do what I do and look at the facebook group.

Though...its pretty shitty right now. People used to actually talk about their writing.

>> No.5445548


I can't see any discussion unless I get invited into the group :/

>> No.5445555
File: 1.21 MB, 3900x2872, 1365842932436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh thats right they closed the group. I completely forgot about that.

That is how bad it is in there. If I remember correctly, there were a bunch of sex scandals about a guy making a book about a fuck list, and then people started talking about, I dont know what you would call it besides SJW topics, and shit just hit the fan. Everyone guilt tripped everyone and ever since then its just been like that.

>> No.5445557
File: 46 KB, 600x589, VICE kill all men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the alt lit scene is just a bunch of dick sucking and circle jerking among editors.

>> No.5445563

Screencaps. Screencaps now.

>> No.5445583
File: 54 KB, 1000x1000, 1384073349991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold on a sec

>> No.5445597
File: 201 KB, 1366x768, altlitestuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically this is the latest happening.

A guy (who I think considers herself a girl) Kyra, made some mspaint posts, that, I think were just troll stuff, called it art, posted it up, and people flipped. They flipped because they attached what he was talking about to the book scandal I told you about, "We're Fucked". She/he later said that they did this because they wanted to point out how out of control the situation had gotten.

Then this guy, Stephen, made a video discussing how white feminists in this alt lit group were being far too aggressive to anyone who didnt agree with them, or something, and then said this was a white fem vs. PoC thing.

Shit then, once again, hit the fan. News at 11

>> No.5445599

What is Alt lit and how the fuck do I read the Tatami Galaxy?

Please tell me,

>> No.5445602
File: 116 KB, 1366x768, morestuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is Kyra's original post. Apparently this is the "tame" version, they were going to post something else instead of this.

I dont know what alt lit is.

If you want to read Tatami youll have to learn Japanese. Or watch the anime

>> No.5445607

its never been translated?
Thank you based anon

>> No.5445612
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The novel, sadly no, the anime does have English subs.

>> No.5445616

>I'm not sorry I don't care about your triggers
>Your emotions are nobody else's responsibility

Kyra seems pretty based

>> No.5445619
File: 766 KB, 920x1270, 1366722875713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh it gets worse. She/he is a PoC mixed sex/gender something, so when people started slamming on them, it became a privilege war.

If you want I can keep taking screens. It only takes me a few seconds and im not doing anything right now, just want to be sure someone is enjoying it.

>> No.5445638

Pls do so, I'd enjoy it

>> No.5445667

This made me go and read the essay he linked to

>In my experience working with a multitude of anti-racist organizing projects over the years, I frequently found myself participating in various workshops in which participants were asked to reflect on their gender/race/sexuality/class/etc. privilege. These workshops had a bit of a self-help orientation to them: “I am so and so, and I have x privilege.” It was never quite clear what the point of these confessions were. It was not as if other participants did not know the confessor in question had her/his proclaimed privilege. It did not appear that these individual confessions actually led to any political projects to dismantle the structures of domination that enabled their privilege. Rather, the confessions became the political project themselves. The benefits of these confessions seemed to be ephemeral. For the instant the confession took place, those who do not have that privilege in daily life would have a temporary position of power as the hearer of the confession who could grant absolution and forgiveness. The sayer of the confession could then be granted temporary forgiveness for her/his abuses of power and relief from white/male/heterosexual/etc guilt. Because of the perceived benefits of this ritual, there was generally little critique of the fact that in the end, it primarily served to reinstantiate the structures of domination it was supposed to resist. One of the reasons there was little critique of this practice is that it bestowed cultural capital to those who seemed to be the “most oppressed.” Those who had little privilege did not have to confess and were in the position to be the judge of those who did have privilege. Consequently, people aspired to be oppressed. Inevitably, those with more privilege would develop new heretofore unknown forms of oppression from which they suffered. “I may be white, but my best friend was a person of color, which caused me to be oppressed when we played together.” Consequently, the goal became not to actually end oppression but to be as oppressed as possible. These rituals often substituted confession for political movement-building. And despite the cultural capital that was, at least temporarily, bestowed to those who seemed to be the most oppressed, these rituals ultimately reinstantiated the white majority subject as the subject capable of self-reflexivity and the colonized/racialized subject as the occasion for self-reflexivity.

>Consequently, the goal became not to actually end oppression but to be as oppressed as possible.


>> No.5445669

what a cancerous little community

>> No.5445672
File: 867 KB, 1366x3414, TheRealFeelsVolumeOne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for shit editing. The post had 108 comments, so here is just the first section

>> No.5445675

damn. it's like we're watching the reactions of the debut of duchamp's fountain.

except on a much smaller, much less consequential scale

>> No.5445683
File: 889 KB, 1366x3414, TheRealFeelsVolumeTwoTheRektoning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It honestly is very bizarre to watch in real time

>> No.5445688

>omg, sry ur hurt by my creativ
>rape culture is the new cats
>im so progressive rn

This looks like satire, seems to be making the point that if you absolutely can't be creative without deliberately antagonizing people then your creations probably aren't very good.

>> No.5445691
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Anyway, thats what its like. Pretty weird. Stephen then joins in with his own video that I cant share, and then it starts a whole other thread like this.

>> No.5445696

it's like watching a rehearsal for a play about a 4chan thread, but the script is shit and the actors have no experience.

their attempts at being dismissive are so obvious. "lol we're not offended ur just boring."

>> No.5445700

yeah the rest of the world really needs to catch up at telling people they are shit

>> No.5445706

I think everyone should be forced to spend two weeks on 4chan upon gaining internet access
>ur so boring and shit but i'll keep replying
baby's first encounter with a troll

>> No.5445713
File: 29 KB, 224x353, 1405574256956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still though
So as a member of this group I can post.

Maybe I could help them out. I dont know, they are people who give a shit about writing, hopefully, and might represent us in some way. It would be nice if they were more coherent and critical.

What the hell do you say to things like this
To get them to be critical? It seems this
Is spot on

>> No.5445734
File: 187 KB, 400x750, 1387851636553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this just happened

>Sponsored by CalArts

I fucking hate this city

>> No.5445737

>the firm solid backhand of rape culture


>> No.5445745
File: 330 KB, 632x810, ayyhaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is alt lit.
>tfw i thought this was ironic when i first saw it

>> No.5445746

your best bet is leaving the fb group and never looking back. maybe add the people you like and start a new group.

>> No.5445750

she has amusing hair
why do one need to list their disease though, because otherwise people may suspect that you are healthy and being healthy is not very tolerant?

>> No.5445759

she's cute tho

>> No.5445760
File: 127 KB, 313x481, 1377767374438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make a new group? This is like their main place for the movement/whatever I think.

I should just start a new alt lit that doesnt suck?

>> No.5445763

Carlton Mellick? the phrase "alt lit" always seems to appear whenever his name is mentioned

i am not sure whether he would be considered "major" though. or even "good"

>> No.5445764

Have you read /lit/ lately?

>> No.5445776

You guys who care about this Facebook gossip shit flinging are disgraceful. The whole "alt-lit" scene is a bunch of passive-aggressive fags who think they're hot shit. They've ruined the New York City literary scene.

>> No.5445777


Here it is:


Tao Lin and Marie Calloway are the only authors to really receive any significant attentions, and Calloway partly for her media stunt involving, who was it, Ben Marcus and Momus? Tao Lin is also partly famous for media stunts of all sorts, but his writing, particularly his last novel, has been improving, and he got picked up by a major publishing house. The rest have a certain amount of fame within the internet publishing community or in their own circle of little magazines.

It's like the beatnik or early modernist movement because the principles of composition they embrace, "direct speech, expressions of aching desire, and wide-eyed sincerity...usually written in the Internet vernacular of lowercase letters, inverted punctuation, abundant typos, and bad grammar," are easy to apply but very hard to make good poetry out of, so the result is a TON of people calling themselves alt lit even if what they're doing is barely even literature or related at all to the originators. Think spontaneous verse, free-verse, imagism, etc.

>> No.5445798

alt lit is dead, brah.

>> No.5446209

I want to expose my penis to her in a lonely hallway, with no one in shouting distance, so I can "trigger" her.

I wonder if she gets wet like some rape victims do... maybe she might beg me to do dirty things to her while debasing me with filthy adjectives.

Boner activated

>> No.5446410

Seriously though guys is there "trigger porn"?? I'm not talking about some chick masturbating with a gun or some foolishness.

I would like to watch it just to educate myself, do they go into shocks? Seizures? shouting fits? What happens when someone is "triggered"

I never used tumbgay or redshit, I only experienced the bleed over in /lit/ and the few times I peeked in on /co/ for old times sake.

>> No.5446480

We know who Tao lin is, oh we do.

>> No.5446912

What does Tatami Galaxy have to do with anything?

>> No.5446915

It has everything to do with everything

>> No.5447026

Tatami Galaxy is a book

>> No.5447063

at least someone is more pretentious talentless than me
I feel good

>> No.5447151

Okay, USA, I want to know: how do these kids get away with still calling people coloreds? I thought civil rights was in part about ending that two generations ago.

>> No.5447184

Anime is post-ironic.