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/lit/ - Literature

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5433468 No.5433468 [Reply] [Original]

"Celine, whom I find unreadable, is a different phenomenon: he is in my garbage bin"

Does Harold Bloom browse /lit/?

>> No.5433478

I don't think harold knows how to operate a computer

>> No.5433487

>le generic maymays are only part of our sekret club

>> No.5433581

no fags allowed

>> No.5433598
File: 38 KB, 356x500, sinttulo1kpe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>a jew reviewing the literary merit of a red-pilled author

>> No.5433604


why is the term "red-pilled" used by reactionaries who support authoritarian philosophies? isn't that kind of a paradox?

>> No.5433606

>fat person

opinion discarded

>> No.5433615

To be red pilled on humanity makes you realise authoritarianism is not only justified but necessary.

>> No.5433617

It's quite funny because I have the book this quote comes from.

Here is the entirety:

>Celine, whom I find unreadable, is a different phenomenon: he is in my garbage bin, with Wyndham Lewis and all but a few fragments of Ezra Pound.

Celine, Pound and Lewis were all famous anti-semites.

>> No.5433621

>fat fuck who sweats more salt water than is held in the dead sea just trying to breathe and blink

and into the trash he goes

>> No.5433626
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>1950 plus 64
>hating on Céline

>> No.5433627

red-pill is a term used by pathetic NEETs who can't take care of themselves, therefore with the hope of a Nazi-esque authoritarian government there is hope for them that maybe they will be told what to do and pampered, also they are racist and socially inept and scared of minorities so in small print there is always that
"kill or imprison minorities" so they can walk on the street without the debilitating paranoia that some gangbanger or something stereotypical racist paranoid ideal is going to try and mug them.

Spent 5 minutes on /pol/ a couple weeks ago

That's pretty much what it's all about.

>> No.5433631
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Hilarious and not surprising at all.

>> No.5433632

Underrated post

>> No.5433634
File: 81 KB, 373x500, cel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I read that harold bloom died of a massive stroke on the shitter whilst rereading infinite jest

>> No.5433637


also they have this extreme hatred for women expressing themselves because without treating women like muslim extremists they have no chance on ever getting laid.

It's like r9k but more angry and less 'woe is me woe is me'

>> No.5433642

He's right -- for once.

>> No.5433646

Good goy, compare the people who disagree with you to the worst example of human nature, then you'll win the argument

>> No.5433650


You have the aura of an election about you.

>> No.5433651

>Having ideology this pure

>> No.5433657


>> No.5433658
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Instead of relying on ad hominems try discussing specific points instead.

>> No.5433662

you're just applying NEET to them like a Nazi would apply untermensch, so how do you think you're somehow morally superior? You're just an idiot like them. Send them to a workcamp you fascist fuck.

>> No.5433691

What, like that one guy in every thread who greentexts every single sentence and responds to them individually instead of in a concise paragraph?

>> No.5433708

>instead of telling the truth
>debat me faget


reported for offtopic

>> No.5433730
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I didn't like Celine at first, Journey was kind of dull and depressing. But then I heard he was an anti-semite so I decided to give his work another try and I was not disappointed.

Journey is really worth reading.

>> No.5433742

>implying promiscuous aren't the most misogynistic of all

>> No.5433829

>tfw you will never be famous enough to be bashed by Harold

>> No.5433831

The first time I read it I thought it was depressing.
The reread had me in a constant state of laughter.

>> No.5433838

>Implying there is any logic to fedora shaming

*tips cheetos*

>> No.5433852

those two lines are in meter

is that accidental?

>> No.5433859


Did her face accidentally get blended when she was younger?

>> No.5433860

>dogmatic, single sentence assertions
wrong board

>> No.5433884

why would anyone exert more than thirty percent of his mental capacity on you?

>> No.5433903
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No, she's just perfect like that.

>> No.5433969
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>> No.5433981


>> No.5433982

fuck off back to /tv/

>> No.5434073

Celine is good though
