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File: 59 KB, 1000x1527, Page_004_(Faust,_1925).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5433300 No.5433300 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the greatest play ever written?

>> No.5433380

If not, it's at least in the top 5. On this topic, I read it a while ago in English and forgot the translation. Because I still don't know German, any translation/edition recommendations are appreciated.

>> No.5433412

no. poorly constructed and barely a coherent plot. even shakespeare's worst outclasses that

>> No.5433424

You know for Shakespeare didn't write a lot of the plots for his plays either? It's all about the language.

>> No.5433436

did I say shakespeare was original you fuckwit?

>It's all about the language.
fuck off you prose pleb retard

>> No.5433620
File: 338 KB, 381x359, 1372136641947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just hoping we could get an actual discussion of Faust.


>> No.5433628

>fuck off you prose pleb retard

Shakespeare wrote mostly verse, not prose.

>> No.5433644

Don't worry, it's easier for him to just insult Faust and pretend he's insightful instead of actually having read the play.

>> No.5433683

No, Faust is.

>> No.5433835

it's easier to be a pedantic retard instead of being able to say anything insightful too.
>shakespeare didn't write his plots!
>it's in verse!

>> No.5433876

Well then, explain what makes Faust so 'poorly constructed.'

>> No.5433904

I don't see much of a point in trying to compare Shakespeare's plots to that of any other play, even if you're using it to demean works by other playwrites, because his plots are so secondary to what makes his work worth reading. How you thought that made any commentary on the quality of Faust is beyond me, and that's why I think you're just trying to rile people up.

>> No.5433913
File: 7 KB, 200x200, toshiro-mifune-throne-of-blood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's not Macbeth you nigger.

>> No.5434054
File: 151 KB, 584x791, 1396065196832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not King Lear

>> No.5434101

Faust is pretty overrated. Giethe clearly had no idea what he wanted it to be about. Is it a drama about a child murderess? Is it some metaphysical drama? It tries to be both and fails at being either. Its also pretty idiotic considering that Goethe had a hard on for the Aristotelian conception of drama, i.e., unity of place, time and plot. He also couldn't stop himself from including a piece of narrative prose. in a drama. how are you supposed to play that on a stage? And don't get me started on Faust II, it's even worse, it's like Johann Wolfgang von Blithering Idiot wanted to put everything he ever read into one big drama that's about everything and, in the end, nothing. I fucking hate this guy so much, his novels and ballads are shit, too. He's only considered Germany's national poet because Germans thought they were in need of one to unify their fucking country.

>> No.5434321



>> No.5434358

musical 'cats'

>> No.5434373

cats are lame, they don't even do anything.

>> No.5434385

they wrote a musical. what have you done?

>> No.5434387

Is this troll copypasta?

>> No.5434401

they sing

>> No.5434406

manfred is better

>> No.5434410

It's a parlour play, it's not designed to be staged.
Having said that, I do prefer Marlowe's Dr Faustus.

>> No.5434425

The only time my cat sings is when I scratch that point between his ass-bone and tail.

>> No.5436183

>I fail to understand it
>he must be trolling

>> No.5436188

my hate for Goethe makes me go into a blind rage sometimes

>> No.5436201

>It's a parlour play, it's not designed to be staged
How does that work? Just read out by typical Germans in their typical German parlour?

>> No.5436204

>He's only considered Germany's national poet because Germans thought they were in need of one to unify their fucking country
That's true of every national literary figure, though. It's just something romantic nationalists liked to do. Doesn't mean the writers aren't good.

>> No.5436234

>Doesn't mean the writers aren't good.

That's true, it's not really Goethes fault. On the other hand, he thought he was the bee's knees and succeeded in making other people think that, too. So that's perhaps one reason why they picked him and not someone else.
Anyway, he was a shit, national poet or not.

>> No.5436258

Closet or Parlor plays are meant to be read or spoken aloud in small groups, so yes. I don't see how it being harder to perform makes it less of a literary work.

>> No.5436263

No, i don't think so. The subject is greater than what he makes of it.