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5432167 No.5432167 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: books that actually made you laugh (daily reminder that pure comedy books are almost never funny)

>> No.5432176

Pygmy by Chuck Palahniuk.

>le edgy meme author

Shut up, it was funny.

>> No.5432192

>le edgy meme author
It's not a meme, that's like saying dislike of 50 shades of grey is a meme.

>> No.5432217
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>> No.5432220

Don Quixote?

>> No.5432240

i don't know but I found Kafka's Metamorphosis hilarious for some reason. Mostly the beginning where Gregor is struggling to move with his new body. I chuckled a few times.

Am I the only one that found it mildly comical?

>> No.5432249

Kafka sure as fuck didn't.

>> No.5432256

Wrong, he stressed the humour when reading it to others

>> No.5432259

>authorial intent

>> No.5432263

Pretty sure that's a screenshot from Faust: the movie by Michael Bay

>> No.5432279

But -

It is.

>> No.5432280


>> No.5432282

Book of Laughter and Forgetting

>> No.5432289
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>> No.5432304
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dat ass

>> No.5432307

Crime and Punishment. When Rodya is looking for an axe or something, he sees it, it gets thouroughly described, and then it's something like:
'He took the weapon from under the wood (it was an axe by the way) when it was completely obvious to begin with. Made me laugh.

Also, Madame Bovary, when Charles' first wife dies, it's just:
'She got sick and she died. What a surprise!' made me laugh aswell.

>> No.5432319

[citation needed]

>> No.5432327

>unicode smilies
There is so much faggotry in the world, sometime I feel like I can't take it..

>> No.5432328

The Magic Mountain had plenty funny moments

>> No.5432331

There were parts in The Trial that were funny. Like when K's assuredness reaches idiotic levels, or the first chapter with the two police in his apartment.

>> No.5432405

GR was the funniest and most depressing book I've ever read

>> No.5432457

one of the funniest books ever written imo. also:

A Confederacy of Dunces
White Noise

>> No.5432461

I'd argue that all books have the potential to make someone laugh. Regardless, Pynchon and DFW's entire oeuvre have made me laugh at various points throughout. An example that comes to mind is when Pemulis selling urine to other students. "Urine trouble? Urine luck!"

>> No.5432499

>I love it when my literature has puns! :oD

>> No.5432509
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Did anyone read it all, its pretty funneh.

>> No.5432512

How is Catch 22 funny though? It's more irritating than anything.

>> No.5432521

Don't pretend that Joyce wasn't addicted to puns.

>> No.5432539

Dont be obtuse. Humour cant be explained or forced.

>> No.5432560

It's very funny in a dry way, which is humor i love

>> No.5432610


>> No.5432643

he did

>> No.5432668

Peter De Vries is the funniest author I've ever read.
Some of the funniest...
Slouching Towards Kalamazoo (1983)
Consenting Adults; or, The Duchess Will Be Furious (1980)
The Glory of the Hummingbird (1974)
Reuben, Reuben (1964)

>> No.5433530
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"Last week, in the British sector someplace, Slothrop, having been asshole enough to drink out of an ornamental pond in the Tiergarten, took sick."

My fucking sides.

>> No.5433874

Kafka is funny as fuck dude

>> No.5434550

I Claudius made me laugh a few times.

>> No.5434565

Infinite Jest got me quite often. The line about the Chinese translation of The Old One Two still gives me a sensible chuckle.

>> No.5434579

wilkie collins' 'moonstone' which i am reading right now. i wonder if they teach that book in school or it's too 'problematic' because it has a decent bit of satire of feminism

>> No.5434599

Just read Portnoy's Complaint, so fucking funny. Particularly the crybaby dad and all the fapping - sides destroyed

>> No.5434687
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The Good Soldier Švejk by Jaroslav Hašek.

This book is really getting to me. I'm only 1/3rd done or so and I already know this is going to be one of my all time favorites. I'm feeling a little bit of what Harold Bloom feels for Hamlet and Falstaff with this protagonist (on top of being really funny.)

That humor is the optimism that sits at the top of Švejk's moral outrage and deep fear of losing his life for a country that he doesn't give a damn about. The humor is courage, and it's tremendous. The humor is the "fuck you, you can't hit me where it counts."

>> No.5434704
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The Communist Manifesto.

>mfw someone told me it was not satire

>> No.5434706

great expectations
don quixote
tristram shandy
pynchon stuff
moby dick
as you like it

>> No.5434718

Hello, Švejk friend.

>> No.5434742

can you perhaps direct me to other awesome shit from eastern europe that the western world is missing out on right now?

>> No.5434769

Most fucking ignorant post I've ever seen! Well done, dickweed.

>> No.5434775

I laffed at Scheisskopf's parade, when he goes "look no hands".
even his name amuses me.
also >>5432217
when sancho shits himself and the don says that he's scared.

>> No.5434808

umad ivan?

>> No.5434809

Eastern Europeans hate communism.

>> No.5434822

You're right.

umad schlomo?

>> No.5434902

DFW go to dead

>> No.5434913

I was about to get mad at you but then I remembered this guy at my high school who complained about how it was "pornographic."

And then two years later this sheltered ex-homeschooler in my class got it banned from our school.

I went apeshit and wrote letters to the principal and superintendent but we never got back to studying it.

Sorry. I had to vent. I'm still bitter.

>> No.5434916

I wish I could. I learned about Švejk through Catch 22. Regardless, cheers!

>> No.5434930

Truly he is right. It is more Pathos than Logos and must be satire!

>> No.5434937

I'd be bitter too.

>> No.5434993

American Psycho
Knowing people like Bateman makes it even better

>> No.5435008

Moravagine was absolutely hilarious.

>> No.5435010

I found 'In the Penal Colony' funny as hell at some points despite the fact that's the most morbid Kafka I've read

>> No.5435012
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why rehash the same shit all the time

offer something new dweebs
>pic related

>> No.5435025

sweet jesus i had tears of mirth so many times during this masterwork

>> No.5435032

Delillo's White Noise was pretty damn funny despite how sad it was.

Speaking of Delillo what else should I read of his besides Underworld? I something shorter of his again before I dive into that.

>> No.5435043

Everybody needs to read more swartzwelder

>> No.5435052

>delillo is awful
2014 is the current year

>> No.5435061

this post makes no sense

>> No.5435082

it's a work of post-meta posting

>tfw you wouldn't understand

>> No.5435098

Delillo was a communications major. Maybe that's why there's nothing important or meaningful in his sound and fury. What a worthless hack.

>> No.5435108

Yup. He's kind of a shitty Roth. And I think Roth is kind of shitty.

>tfw dropped both Roth's Anatomy Lesson and DeLillo's White Noise.
feels good

>> No.5435152

I enjoyed White Noise up until the last few chapters. Throughout, I was considering recommending it to a relatively well read friend, only to have my appreciation entirely diminished by a wholly underwhelming ending.

>> No.5435231
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When Meursault makes it a point to identify Masson's habit of adding "and I'd even say" to sentences for no reason and then Masson testifies after the murder and says that Meursault is was honest "and I'd even say decent," it made me laugh.

>> No.5435241

Didn't Kafka used to get complaints from his neighbors because he'd laugh really loud at night when he was writing his stories?

>> No.5435255
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This book had a very strangely comedic tone to it.

>> No.5435263

Not at all.

>> No.5435271

Yes it did.

>> No.5435276


>> No.5435312


>> No.5435318


>> No.5435331

Actively following this enlightening debate. Please, please continue.

>> No.5435332


>> No.5435424
File: 23 KB, 313x500, 529646[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funniest book I've read in years.

>> No.5435528

Infinite Jest constantly had me ling ol

>> No.5437103

Švejk is boss

>> No.5437110

not really eastern Europe, but Momo Kapor.
His book, From 7 till 3, is like a mix of The Trial and Heller's Something Happened (but not so overly long)

>> No.5437832

how is Serbia not eastern Europe?

>> No.5437846

Have a banana

>> No.5437862


>judging people by their major

19 year old autism pls go

>> No.5437868

I think Infinite Jest is one of the more consistently funny books I've read.

I also nominate The Man Who Was Thursday

>> No.5437870
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>> No.5437885

Have you read any of DFW's nonfiction? I'm reading consider the lobster right now and it's pretty gr8

>> No.5437893

Not nonfiction but Brief Interviews is smirkworthy if you skip the one about muh depression

>> No.5437904
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I laughed at that same part.

>> No.5437924

Woody Allen's writings are hilarious. Well while talking at it, anybody knows books with similar humour?

>> No.5437937
File: 52 KB, 318x457, My_French_Whore[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is mandatory reading.

>> No.5437997

10/10 book. i read it a long time ago, but I remember something like "I am the dostoievski of jacking off" it was hilarious.

>> No.5438980

Bought A Supposedly Fun Thing a month ago, I've read the first essay and the David Lynch one.

>> No.5439189
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'Must get that scraper fixed.'

>> No.5439198 [DELETED] 

Hitchhikers guide was the most dissapointing trash I've ever read. It seemed like the Baby Boomer version of penguin of doom.

69 is the meaning of the university >______<, holds up spotlight lololol so random.

>> No.5439205

Hitchhikers guide was the most dissapointing trash I've ever read. It seemed like the Baby Boomer version of penguin of doom.

69 is the meaning of the universe >______<, holds up spork lololol so random.

>> No.5439209

Hitchhikers guide was the most dissapointing trash I've ever read. It seemed like the Baby Boomer version of penguin of doom.

69 is the meaning of the universe >______<, holds up spork lololol so random.

>> No.5439211
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I have to say i found pic related to be pretty funny at times, in a dark dry way. Like when a character gets stabbed in the back and exclaims "I'm killed!"

>> No.5439212

Catch-22 is obviously hilarous.
There are funny sections in Înfinite Jest, although it is a predominately sad book.
Pynchon is pretty funny if you understand some of his weirder jokes and/or references

>> No.5439225


a man wakes up as a beetle and his first thoughts, as his legs wiggle in front of him, are about how boring his job is. it's very funny.

>> No.5439230
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this shit right here

>> No.5439231

thought it was tedious and dumb
>muh bicycles

>> No.5439249


>> No.5439263

I had lots of kekz. Great ending too

>> No.5439268

Last Exit to Brooklyn instilled a real sense of melancholy in me. Melancholic episodes were juxtaposed with seconds of temporary yet frenzied madness and hatred. But, it did make me laugh, here and there.

>> No.5439399

reading this next, hope it's good and this guy >>5439231 is wrong

>> No.5439484

>"Not three weeks before this he was run out of Fort Smith Arkansas for having congress with a goat. Yes lady, that is what I said. Goat."

Added quotation marks for clarity's sake.
That book occasionally had wonderful strokes of comedy.

Then he starts describing the dessert some more.

>> No.5439487

I honestly thought it was a pretty funny book.

>> No.5439512

The Know-It-All
Waiting for Godot
Breakfast of Champions
Bartleby the Scribner

>> No.5439526

Scrivener. Shut up, I'm tired.

Also Mark Twain and the Principia Discordia

>> No.5439610
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Pic related. fucking hilarious. thought provoking.

>> No.5439810

>Like when a character gets stabbed in the back and exclaims "I'm killed!"
I don't remember this ever happening in Blood Meridian.

>> No.5439818
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>> No.5439837

Doesn't that happen in MacBeth? "Oh, mother, I am slain."

>> No.5439842

it happens in like every shakespeare play where someone dies

>> No.5439847

"John Dorsey and Henderson Smith, two boys from Missouri, were the first into the street. They were followed by Charlie Brown and the judge. The judge could see over their heads and he raised one hand to those behind him. The bier was just passing. The fiddler and the cornetist were making little bows to each other and their steps suggested the martial style of the air they played. It’s a funeral, said the judge. As he spoke the drunk with the knife now reeling in the doorway sank the blade deep into the back of a man named Grimley. None saw it but the judge. Grimley put a hand on the rough wood frame of the door. I’m killed, he said. The judge drew his belt pistol and leveled it above the heads of the men and shot the drunk through the middle of the forehead."

>> No.5439853


>he never read the essay about Kafka in Consider The Lobster

>> No.5439868

added spoiler for ambiguities sake

>> No.5439874
File: 227 KB, 640x360, HODGMAN_1.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Hodgmans books are the only wholly faux-almanac works I laughed aloud while reading.

I truly hope he writes more in the future.

>> No.5439875
File: 37 KB, 283x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys. Take my advise and read this, funniest shit I've read in a long time.

>> No.5439884
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>Will Laren collection soon

>> No.5439981
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Will Laren is amazing, I don't know how he comes up with this stuff.

>> No.5440007

Today I was reading Introduction to Psychoanalysis and it got some laughs out of me with some of the more elaborate interpretations.

>> No.5440364
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Oh, yeah, I remember now

>> No.5441205

Dude couldn't keep a straight face reading the trial to close friends

>> No.5441256

I found the depression one hilarious, as I read it before IJ, and all the (ie, the depressed person) got so absurd I couldn't help but chuckle for the last several pages.

>> No.5441272

I love how his works read like weird drawings that some kid scribbled retarded captions onto. For example, that birds one. It's just so bizarre that someone intentionally wrote that, and I fucking love it

>> No.5441733

That too, but still found it tedious

>> No.5441754

Portnoy's Complaint
Woody Allen's Complete Prose
parts of IJ
parts of The Corrections
The Most of SJ Perelman
The Areas of My Expertise
Don Quixote
The Sot-Weed Factor

>> No.5441938

Balkans is more its own thing

>> No.5441953
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>> No.5441995

I believe it was, "I am the Raskolnikov of masturbating." I too lost it at that quote.

I was reading in a silent classroom after an exam - people saw.

>> No.5442003

When Patrick Bateman got an erection at the U2 concert.

>> No.5442008


>> No.5442012

>126 posts and 24 image replies omitted
>no Three Men in a Boat

Filthy plebs.

>> No.5442069

definitely a funny novel

>> No.5442108

OP already proved that comedy book are boring, so there's no point.

>> No.5442115

i read that years ago. it was dry, did not laugh once. you are trying too hard. that or you have a old mans sense of humor, which is not a good thing

>> No.5442123

a great book, way funnier than most of listed in the thread (of which i read) , i didn't mention it because there were many books which made me laugh and i only mentioned the latest one

>> No.5442133

It's humorous, sure. But not the least bit funny.

>> No.5442167

>someone on 4chan proving anything

Maybe you're just not british enough?

>> No.5442758

DFW's parody version - "Girl With Curious Hair" - was way, way funnier. Really laughed out loud. You really had to know American Psycho to get it, though.

>> No.5442800
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>daily reminder that pure comedy books are almost never funny

>> No.5442804
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>> No.5442807

>Girl With Curious Hair

is this a troll post?

>> No.5442816

>>Girl With Curious Hair
>not a collection of parodies of various pomo styles

>> No.5443014

This looks pretty dope, thanks.

>> No.5443021

Yeah this is pretty good.
Montmorency confirmed for best character.

>> No.5443029

i didn't enjoy infinite jest at all but the "FUCK NIGERS" made me crack up.

>> No.5443134

>Slothrop sticks his head out in the long tunnel and hollers, in his most English accent, "Major Marvy sucks!" "Up this way!" Sounds of galloping GI boots, nailheads smacking the concrete and a lot of other ominous metal too going snick . . . snick . . . "Now," beams mischievous Glimpf, setting the hoist in motion. A fresh thought occurs to Slothrop. He puts his head back out and hollers "Major Marvy sucks NIGGERS!"

>> No.5443143

The whole "path to hell paved with stuffed animals," bit from The Sun Also Rises made me make a fool of myself on a place once.

>> No.5444693

>major major

>> No.5444952

120 Days of Sodom