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/lit/ - Literature

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543170 No.543170 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for fantasy books that aren't Tolkien ripoffs.

Pic related, even though not everyone likes him.

>> No.543179


>> No.543176

is that peewee herman in biker gear?

>> No.543182 [DELETED] 

You now realize that Neil Gaiman is Bob Dylan.

>> No.543191
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You now realize that Neil Gaiman is Bob Dylan.

>> No.543192
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It's fantasy

And a book

>> No.543199
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..and that he is also Dylan (hint hint) Moran.

>> No.543200

His Dark Materials

Dark Tower

Perdido Street Station

Night Watch

Book Of The New Sun

>> No.543204


>> No.543206

Reading Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norrell atm. Decent and no Tolkien aftertaste so far.

>> No.543213

M. John Harrison's Viriconium sequence
Gene Wolfe
China Mievillé
Jay Lake's Trial of Flowers
Charles de Lint
Clive Barker
Michael Moorcock

>> No.543223

The best part about Bone is that it's as epic and sweeping as Lord of the Rings while not ripping off the things that most authors do.

While most people copy elves, dwarves, rings of power, orcs, etc., Bone emulates the epic feel of the story without the same tired plot cliches in an original fantasy world.

But it is a graphic novel so I don't know if it's too plebeian for you e/lit/ists.

>> No.543229

Listen samefag, this is not a comics thread. Bone's great and all, but we really don't care.

>> No.543235

AMERICAN GODS is in my top 10 favorite books of all time. read it!

but it could be compared to Tolkien =/

still good tho.

Gaiman is awesome.

>> No.543245

How could American Gods be compared to Tolkien at all?

Neverwhere is also a good Gaiman book to read, as is Good Omens.

>> No.543246
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>> No.543263

I read Bone in Disney Adventures Magazine as a kid and thought it was the shit.

And just to make some rage, for more good comic fantasy that is quite far from Tolkien (There's a prophesy in one but that's about it) http://www.rice-boy.com/

Bazil Broketail is a decent fantasy series. Lot darker than Tolkein, but conceivably more derivative than you're looking for. And then there's the MYTH Inc. books, which are comedy.

>> No.543264
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Dunsany up in this bitch

>> No.543267

Flann O Brien, The 3rd Policeman
Ursuala K LeGuin - A Wizard of Earthsea
Poul Anderson - The Broken Sword

>> No.543274

Oh man, I loved Asprin's Myth books.

When I was ten.

>> No.543279
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>> No.543285

Read old testament. story of job section is particularly hilarious fantasy. guy gets pwned by both god and satan over a bet.

>> No.543295

they're completely different, but you could compare Shadow's journey to Frodo's.

i have NEVERWHERE on my bookshelf and have yet to read it :-x

>> No.543300
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Eddison - can't rip off Tolkien when you inspired him in the first place

>> No.543311
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>Poul Anderson - The Broken Sword

Also, this. Goddamn, this book is amazing

>> No.543325

Fuck, what's that one that takes a few riffs off asian mythology? I can't fucking remember the name...

>> No.543327
File: 54 KB, 614x475, Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.543337

>Ursuala K LeGuin - A Wizard of Earthsea

I'm just going to add to this anon and say that A Wizard of Earthsea trilogy is in my top 5 best fantasy series of all time.

It's fucking amazing, the character design, society, and the rock-solid geography gives the tale of one goatheard boy's journey to the elevated status of Wizard gravity and merit.

Read it.

>> No.543347

Garth Nix

>> No.543928


could you be any less specific?

anyway while you're remembering more details go check out Years of Rice and Salt, by Kim Stanley Robinson... it's an alternate history of the world as if the europeans had all been wiped out by the black plauge

>> No.544265

I only remember what the cover looked like.

I made this thread for that purpose >>543409

>> No.544278

Clive Barker's Imajica is a great fantasy.

>> No.544400


Oh jesus, how can you say that? Of every piece of literature Gaiman has written, that one was probably the worst. Neverwhere, on the other hand, is perfectly fine.

>> No.544427

Hijacking this into a Gaiman thread:

I read American Gods and it was shit. How are his other books? Are they worth my time?

Sandman is awesome of course, but that's /co/ business.

>> No.545978
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Try one of his short story books

>> No.545992
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>> No.546013
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>> No.546025
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>> No.546035 [DELETED] 

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>> No.546057

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell is very good.

>> No.546066

I love him.

>> No.546092

Robert E. Howard
Clark Ashton Smith

>> No.546120

A Dance With Dragons

>> No.546127

Michael Swanwick:
The Iron Dragon's Daughter
Dragons of Babel

>> No.546149

>not a Tolkien ripoff

Yeah sure.