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File: 11 KB, 290x160, trolley+problem1-290x160[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5429030 No.5429030 [Reply] [Original]

Have you guys figured it out yet?

>> No.5429034

Yes. In life you're guilty of all the good you didn't do. Flip the switch.

tfw when Catholicism solves this dilemma easily

>> No.5429045

Kill them all. No witnesses to tell on you. Don't throw the switch, make your job easy and only have to off one guy. He'll be like "Thanks for sparing me, I won't tell anyone you chose me." and then you pretend to untie him or whatever and you snap his fucking neck or blow him away or whatever.

>> No.5429047

There are people already in the line of the moving track.
to pull the lever is immoral and murder
to let what happen happen is simply life
they were destined to die by being placed in the path of the moving train
what if no one came by at all?
to pull the lever is evil
you are killing someone who is in literally zero danger

>> No.5429051


>> No.5429054


Moral samefag.

>> No.5429058


i kill whichever side has manletts

>> No.5429071

Whatever decision you make is right

it's a trick question

>> No.5429085

>they were destined to die
>what if no one came by at all

If we're going to pull this destiny bullshit, we can't pull this what if X happened instead of Y, because X always will happen and in this case, someone is fated to come by in order to make a decision.

fuck off

>> No.5429100

>the best way to act in a situation is to act as if you aren't there

>> No.5429105

plot twist the train isn't even there it's a metaphor for society

which is a spook

>> No.5429107
File: 1.08 MB, 276x260, 1358905231494.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't original. The picture clearly shows your hand is on the lever and you now are responsible. If you don't throw the switch, it was your choice and not "simply life".

And even if your hand wasn't already on the lever, you see it and do nothing you're still responsible for taking no action as an able-bodied human.

>> No.5429110

every answer is correct, that's what you don't get

>> No.5429116

No, it's to consider the alternatives. It's not your responsibility to save anyone. If someone is dying, it's ethical to save them, but you are not forced at moral gunpoint to save them. This is how law and moral philosophy generally view the issue. In this case, pulling the lever saves people (which you have no obligation to save) and kills a person (which you have an obligation not to kill).

>> No.5429123

Legally, you don't have to do shit. Morally, and I don't care what anyone else has to say about it, the obvious thing to do is to save as many people as possible. One man has to die for five people to live. You can say bullshit like "oh but you could just not do anything and be fine" and yeah, from a legal standpoint, you'd be correct, but morally, you're retarded, and what's legal isn't always moral.
Now, if the single man is a close friend and the five guys are strangers, it's still moral to save them, but I personally would save my friend.

>> No.5429129

so simple but i didn't even consider that

shit anon

>> No.5429140

My only gripe with this picture is someone has to live in the end

>> No.5429147
File: 51 KB, 723x369, trolleyproblem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but can you solve this one?

>> No.5429153

>you are not responsible
you are only responsible if you pull the lever
responsible for the death of a man not in danger

>> No.5429177 [SPOILER] 
File: 18 KB, 520x620, 1410653898622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5429178


>> No.5429181

>This is how law and moral philosophy generally view the issue


>> No.5429207

>all schools of thought in both moral theory and jurisprudence come to the same conclusions

>> No.5429308

You're hand is on the lever already. You are responsible if you pull the lever or not. You made the choice to pull it or not.

>> No.5429328

No more or less than those on the tracks are responsible and make choices.

>> No.5429352

I would kill myself with the train, so I can't deal with my own choices afterward

>> No.5429364

And declining to pull the lever kills more people than pulling the lever.

Oh, you're one of those morons who thinks declining to take a particular action removes any moral implications associated with the action.

>> No.5429373


>> No.5429387



Lever middle value, train miscarries, errbody gets saved, lever man is hero.

Party hard, medals, dance, saved world.


>> No.5429399

I'm sure they aren't on the tracks by choice.

If you mean their choices led them to being tied to the tracks: You can't also assume they made a conscious choice towards being tied to the tracks.
And by comparison by that logic, you made a choice leading yourself to making the current trolley choice.

>> No.5429419

>I'm sure they aren't on the tracks by choice.
Time for you to read about what "choice" is.

>> No.5429440
File: 44 KB, 450x524, flor20de20lis1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a flower dude.

>> No.5429460

How do we know the train is going for the 5 people, not the one?

>> No.5429490

The whole thought experiment is set in an utilitarian way. Which means it's totally isolated from any context, seeing actions simply as utility for some supposedly absolute/inherent values like happiness. By even acknowledging it as a valid experiment they already trapped you in their own perception of the world.

>> No.5429508

Plot twist, even if the man flicks the switch, the tracks change too slowly, thus resulting in 5 people dying regardless. You don't have a choice in the matter. You can flip the switch yes, but those people will die anyway. Now the question is are you morally responsible for their deaths?

Whose to say that your flipping the switch isn't simply just an example of a Frankfurt case, and that you would have done otherwise jsut the same. That the only variable in this equation was the givenness of your lived experiences up until this given point and time, and that because of your thrownness, you were , yet all the same that tram didn't stop. You could have just manned the fuck up like the guy from Richard McBeef and stopped the train with your bare hands. If you were alpha as fuark, that would be the natural course of aciton. Now are you morally responsible thereafter?

>> No.5429580

Who are the 5 people? Things like this matter.

>> No.5429585

>what are nazis being tried for watching and doing nothing

>> No.5429598
File: 495 KB, 755x435, 1407864480521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are the 5 people? Is the trolley full of people? Should these peope die? Why should you care if these people die? Would you let people die over ruining a pair of titties?


>> No.5429609
File: 428 KB, 1280x1032, 1407884577794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a postwar witch hunt built on the forced confessions and shattered testicles of the last vestiges of the german people at that point for one thousand, Alex?