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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 106 KB, 643x636, goodreads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5428724 No.5428724 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we judge each other for our 5 stars

>go on My Books part of Goodreads
>order by your rating
>post your 5 stars

>> No.5428727

you have shit taste and you have goodreads


>> No.5428732

faggot detected

>> No.5428733

the books aren't the worst ever but you are probably a bore

>> No.5428742

>Rating philosophical texts
I seriously hope you don't do this. It's incredibly stupid.

>> No.5428745
File: 105 KB, 499x626, Goodreads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, I'll play along. Don't expect good taste, though.

>> No.5428765

Kill self

>> No.5428774
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I don't give a book 5 stars very lightly so it's a short list.

>> No.5428778
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>> No.5428820
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I never really understood this line of thinking. Each number (0-5) would be grouped into equally sized portions, so a 5/5 would only need to be in the top 16% of books to qualify. 5/5 doesn't mean perfect, imo.

>> No.5428830

I haven't read Tolstoy, (or any Russian lit for that matter) should I start with war and peace?

>> No.5428836


Why would you think that it should be an even distribution at all?

Do you think there should be the same number of A students, B students, C students, etc?

>> No.5428849

Yes, War and Peace, Anna Karenina. Those are the essential Tolstoy.

Then Resurrection, The Death of Ivan Ilyich

>> No.5428856
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Patrician coming through

>> No.5428861

not that there's a correct way to do this, but I've always thought it should be kind of bell-curved, about 40% 3a, 20% 4s, 20% 2s, 10% 5s, 10% 1s

>> No.5428870
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(1/2) too many to list, I guess I give 5 stars way too lightly

>> No.5428874

what if you don't use the ratings

>> No.5428875
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(2/2) not gonna bother screengrabbing more than 2 pages

>> No.5428884

>The God Delusion

Are you fucking serious?

>> No.5428885

>the republic
>5 stars
Why? It's practically
Strawman: the book

>> No.5428908


A cliched read no doubt but I thought it set it out to do what it intended.

If I was rating a minivan I wouldn't take off stars because it was not as fast as sporty cars.

If I was rating a roadster I wouldn't take off stars because it lacked trunk space.

>> No.5428916

i don't have an account

>> No.5428926


I don't think bell curves are accurate measurements of quality, especially in subjective mediums. Everything is a gray middle-ground, and everyone has a different method of grading (emotional reaction, intellectual analysis, etc). Having equally sized areas of quality makes it easier to assign a value to something.

10% of anything being excellent just seems to cynical to me (even with Sturgeon's law, etc).

>> No.5428931

Read some Kierkegaard you said fuck, and this is coming from a agnostic.

>> No.5428936

While I don't agree with all of Plato's views I found to book to be quite insightful. Also, the point kind of isn't to make you think exactly like Plato, but to think for yourself.

>> No.5428946

Wittgenstein is better for that purpose m8

>> No.5428963


> tfw you have a degree in philosophy and are told to read Kierkegaard

I've hardly added any philosophy texts to goodreads because I rarely read them cover-to-cover. I guess it's still fair to *rate* them, but I haven't.

my obsessive friend says I look like ole kierk.

>> No.5428968

But reading Wittgenstein without having any experience with philosophy would be dumb. Or would it?

>> No.5428972

>degree in philosophy
>god delusion 5 stars
You wat m8

>> No.5428979

Not really, he isn't responding to anyone in particular, (except Russell, but you don't have to read him)

>> No.5428989

I hardly doubt Dawkin's intention was to write some as insipid as it is controversial.

>> No.5428999

Huh, I always saw Wittgenstein as the final boss of philosophy, but I guess I was wrong.

>> No.5429028


I'd love to read a pointed critique instead of some beta whining about someone else's review number, but I guess this is all we can expect here.

>> No.5429049

Do you have to give books a rating on Goodreads? How do I avoid giving a rating?

>> No.5429070


A clinical faggot

>> No.5429086

no, i skip the ratings. when you mark a book as "read", a prompt will appear asking for a rating and review, you can just leave both blank and hit "save."

>> No.5429089
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oh wow nice babbys first literature OP

>> No.5429165
File: 461 KB, 832x1538, 5star-ratings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>5428724 Mostly I'm picking up books that I already know I'm gonna enjoy.

>> No.5429179

>We, the Drowned
That cover has made me stop and look at it every time I've been in the bookstore. I will trust you, Anon, and check it out.

>> No.5429230

Do you only read genre stuff, or do you read other stuff and not find it as enjoyable?

>> No.5429232
File: 291 KB, 924x439, god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck goodreads. From off the top.

>Nabokov - Ada
>Melville - Moby Dick
>Bolano - 2666
>Pynchon - Gravity's Rainbow
>Wolfe - The Book of the New Sun
>Gombrowicz - Kosmos
>Borges - Collected Fictions
>Gogol - Dead Souls
>DFW - Infinite Jest
>Junger - Eumeswil
>Dick - The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch
>Salinger - Franny & Zooey
>Moore - Watchmen / From Hell / Lost Girls
>Hines - Duncan the Wonder Dog

>> No.5429236
File: 18 KB, 680x138, 5stars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judge me. Or don't. It doesn't matter.

>> No.5429241

>not Heidegger

lol pleb

>> No.5429248


>I don't give a book 5 stars very lightly

like anyone actually cares you posturing wanker

>> No.5429257
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>> No.5429264

>>5429230 Well let's say it like that: I still have all sorts of books to read. I'm also relatively new to reading in general. And yet I don't really get the differentiation between genre fiction nd literary fiction. For example isn't all of Kafka's stuff literary fiction (gave his other novels 4*) ?
However for books I prefer either scientific ones (haven't read that many of that kind by now though) and Hard SciFi & Social SciFi that is relevant to our present situation and the future (especially socio-economic) development.

>> No.5429276
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>> No.5429283

>Anne Frank
oh god

>> No.5429291


Why do you say that?

>> No.5429321

>propaganda diary
>five stars
You must hate literature.

>> No.5429340


How does it feel being a total shitlord?

>> No.5429381
File: 571 KB, 1364x1639, five stars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a lot - more than this. Didn't even realize it until now.

I was far less picky in the past, but I doubt I'd disagree with many of them even now.

>> No.5429439

ITT: opinions are subjective; but all of yours are terrible.

>> No.5429453

What makes them terrible?

>> No.5429486

I have 31 books I've rated 5 stars but I've read 2500+ books

>> No.5429514

>>5429486 forgot the pic

>> No.5429535

Do people actually think rating a book 5 stars means it's perfect?

>> No.5430957

Pleaase do, it's an amazing book

>> No.5430968
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seriously now faggots

>> No.5430971
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>> No.5431063


>> No.5431070

I liked From Hell, but I'm put off by Watchmen's cape factor. Should I read it?

>> No.5431306
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>>5430968 What's your problem with it ? Are you too hipster to use it ?

>> No.5431407

This faggot I know has like 1000 books (everything by Kant, Kierkegaard, Goethe, Nietzsche, Marx, Heidegger, Hegel, Proust, etc.) rated on there in his read section. There is no way that idiot has read that many books, especially books like that. Is it common for people to go on there and lie or could this dude be a secret genius?

>> No.5431417

> Is it common for people to go on there and lie
you already know the answer to this

>> No.5432163
File: 151 KB, 759x931, it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i just rate everything 5 stars

>> No.5432435

It's incredible.

>> No.5432458

What did you like so much in Franny and Zooey?

>> No.5432473

because it's easier than taking like 3 screenshots:

A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again
The Crying of Lot 49
Pale Fire
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Midnight's Children
Debt: the First 5000 Years
A Confederacy of Dunces
The Sirens of Titan
Inherent Vice
Gravity's Rainbow
The Myth of Sisyphus
The Dispossessed
The Complete Stories of Franz Kafka
Crime and Punishment
Infinite Jest
The Odyssey
The Great Gatsby
The Remains of the Day
One Hundred Years of Solitude
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.5432477

That's a tough question. I love Salinger I guess. He captures a specific sort of adolescent breakdown in incredible detail.

I used to identify with Franny, but now I'm pretty much Zooey (having to constantly deal with Frannies who don't quite get it yet).

Gotta sing for the fat lady.

>> No.5434111
File: 33 KB, 779x217, 5 star books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have two books I rated 5 starts on Goodreads.

>> No.5434120


>> No.5434832
