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5427915 No.5427915 [Reply] [Original]

>Kierkegaard is like Nietzsche for pansy boys
Prove me wrong

Pro tip:
you might be able to

>> No.5427919

Except for both of them being existentialists, I don't see any similarity.

>> No.5427920

well have you read his books

>> No.5427923


>> No.5427927

What can you get from pansy boy kierkegaard that isn't obvious after Neitzsche?

>> No.5427930

Leap of faith for starters

>> No.5427931

Actual meaning in your life? Understanding of your own spirituality? Knowing the self?

>> No.5427936

Kierkegaard offers an entirely different theory of melancholy, his theory of everything is different. Nietzsche notion of melancholy is that it's caused by some problem in bloodflow or whatever, and we blame the outside world.

>> No.5427961

Define spirituality.

>> No.5427967

Neitzsche's explanation sounds like bullshit but I remember reading a neurology study (at at least the abstract) explain that there might be causal connection between depression and dying neurons.

Maybe the old fella was rightish.

>> No.5427970

I'm typing on a shitty phone keyboard.

>> No.5427982
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Just out of curiosity
has Kierkegaard ever converted anyone here? What can a non-religious reader gain by reading him?

>> No.5427988


Well, probably not. He says so himself in Fear and Trembling, anyway, about the 'movements of faith'.

>> No.5427990

You've got it the wrong way around. Nietzsche is Kierkegaard for pansy try-hards with no personal courage and a chip on their shoulder.

>> No.5427993

All I know is a knight of faith is nothing resembling a protestant Christian worldview.

I went to a private Christian school in the bible belt k-12 and according to my "theology" classes (protestant theology in southern America is really primitive) kierkegaard probably wouldn't be considered a "Christian".

He offers a spevific versio of Christianity are for people who like to intellectual one religion.

>> No.5427999

Kierkegaard explicitly isn't concerned with converting non-believers. If anything, his job is to make Christianity seem a far more difficult and demanding proposition than it is normally taken to be. His target is other so-called Christians.

>> No.5428001

Holy shit I'm drunk

>> No.5428026

The term "existentialism" is way over-used. And Nietzsche didn't really think that you can get out of meaning, you're always caught in an interpretation. If anything there's too much meaning to get a hold of something stable which you could call "truth".
Nietzsche also didn't believe in individuals but in cultures, so this is another thing that doesn't make him an "existentialist" - as the term is commonly used.

>> No.5428030

>Actual meaning in your life?
Nietzsche gives meaning to life as much as Kierkegaard does: vaguely but still. Which is how it should be.

>> No.5428032

>If anything, his job is to make Christianity seem a far more difficult and demanding proposition than it is normally taken to be

I'm sure he was very intelligent but wow does this come across as retarded

>> No.5428035

How? He criticizes the hypocrisy of common Christian.

>> No.5428036

Why? He hated sheep who went to church every Sunday and thought they would be saved just like that, same way Nietzsche hated Christianity but respected Jesus.

>> No.5428043

Oh okay I thought you meant he took the way I perceive the unsurmountable burden faith requires and then distorted it to seem even more of a stretch. When you put it this way it makes much more sense.

>> No.5428045

>respected Jesus
I'm not so sure. Nietzsche separates Jesus from Christianity but still sees him as something that is close to Buddhism - will to non-desire and thus to non-suffering and thus to nothing. Supposedly Jesus didn't really preach good and evil, yet he preached peace and harmony, to put it very simply.

>> No.5428055

Nietzsche very much respected Jesus. He didn't agree with what Jesus said at all, but he didn't think Jesus was filled with ressentiment (unlike Paul).

>> No.5428067

>he didn't think Jesus was filled with ressentiment (unlike Paul)
Yeah, that is what I had in mind. He sees Jesus more close to Buddha if I'm not mistaken.
In which work does he talk more explicitly about Jesus separated from Christianity, btw? I haven't read all of Nietzsche's works yet, I'm relying here on other interpretations.

>> No.5428173

Twilight of the Idols, for one, but that's just what leaps most readily to my mind. Iirc, he talks about it in several works.

>> No.5428229

He can initially convert you. Practicing the religion needs more theology.

>> No.5428242
File: 31 KB, 1228x211, Nietzsche the pussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related.

>> No.5428244

well see the problem is that I do not have to prove you are wrong (what I say is true until disproved, you are guilty until dis proved), but rather you have to prove what you say is right ( what I say isn't true until proven, you are innocent until proven guilty)

>> No.5428254

Spirituality is by definition undefinable

>> No.5428295

Nietzsche was someone who was weak but honest about his weakness. That is what I really respect in him. He didn't want to run away from his weakness but analyze it more, really confront it to the end. Although he didn't overcome it fully, this confrontation itself is in the end a respectable strength and a sign of some powerful will, at least. And it is wrong to conclude from this that his philosophy was *only* personal, that is was only some psychosis turned into philosophy. What he talked about is a general phenomenon that is perhaps even more relevant today than it was in his time.

>> No.5428422
File: 132 KB, 310x459, kierkegaard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5428424

Actual quality bait. I'm surprised.

>> No.5428431
File: 51 KB, 396x385, 1409970188426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nietzsche was such a bro, thousands of feels

>> No.5428433
File: 353 KB, 500x357, 1372640301347.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a beta bitch
I can read you like a book.

>> No.5428439

Relation with the devine.

>> No.5428446


>> No.5428453

>misunderstanding both of them
>still wanting to post about them
god damn

>> No.5428457
File: 95 KB, 625x389, enhanced-buzz-654-1369006893-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HeHeeey man, you called?

>> No.5428474

Well obviously. I wouldn't be reading Nietzsche if I were a Napoleon-level Übermensch. Everyone here is a beta bitch, what did you think?

>> No.5428483


top lel

>> No.5428504
File: 10 KB, 200x200, 1386452644974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I make myself believe everyone is a beta bitch then I won't feel so bad about being one, right?
Just don't respond, pal. I know beta bitches are notorious for wanting to save face on Japanese anonymous image board, but it's not worth it if you're retarded.

>> No.5428517

>What can a non-religious reader gain by reading him?


>> No.5428554

lack of pussy which can be essentially boiled down to existentialism.

>> No.5428646
File: 75 KB, 498x510, 1369197364285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I made it so responding to me would prove you're a beta bitch
>mfw I made it so not responding to me would imply you're retarded
I'm becoming a professional shitposter. How do I stop doing this for free?

>> No.5428689

More like NEETche

>> No.5429511

>implying you even read books

>> No.5429553

Daily reminder that Nietzsche believed everything he wrote until he observed his philosophy in practice on the Turin horse, which is why he went completely silent and depressed until his death.

>> No.5429555

Are people on lit really this stupid?

>> No.5429562

You mean stupid enough to be baited by what is essentially just a chuckle and an elbow nudge à la "titles in the text" threads? Yes, people on /lit/ can occasionally be more pathos than logos.

>> No.5429570

Ponies are love.

>> No.5429583

Prove it wrong

>> No.5429589

>more pathos than logos.
oh god that was so ridiculous

>> No.5430317
File: 48 KB, 468x528, 1402645218675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are now aware that Nietzsche was a beta orbiter around some ugly dyke who chose his Jewish best friend over him
>you are now aware that Kierkegaard broke off engagement with his smoking hot fiance to focus on his philosophy
Bietzsche nerds getting BTFO

>> No.5431255

daily reminder that almost all philosophers were stupid fuckheads who didn't follow their own philosophies and had shitty lives, except Marcus Aurelius, Diogenes, Jesus, and Buddha (of which they're all pretty damn hard to follow anyway).

>> No.5431261

Spinoza was, from all biographies I've read, a very calm and collected person. He sounds like a total bro.

>> No.5431264


Buddhism isn't too hard to follow though it'd be hard to be a monk. Original non-hierarchical christianity and classical cynicism would be a bit more difficult.

>> No.5432854

your statement isn't wrong nor right because it is cognitively meaningless

>> No.5432940

Is there a specific order I should follow to read Kierkegaard or can I just start with any book?

>> No.5433087

> Nietzsche is like Nietzsche for pansy boys

Prove me wrong
Pro tip:
you might not be able to