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/lit/ - Literature

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5427352 No.5427352 [Reply] [Original]

Is literature finished?

I mean, has it all been done now? What themes and ideas are there left to be explored that haven't already been done so perfectly?

>> No.5427368

>themes and ideas are there left to be explored
You should read more. Literature isn't just about new stuff, and if you think so you just haven't read enough takes on the same stuff.
And even if there were a limited number of things contemporary literature will always be responding to the context, gaining new meaning as it is produced.

>> No.5427388

>What themes and ideas are there left to be explored
Probably new technology stuff as it progresses.

>> No.5427415

They have not been done perfectly. Perfection by definition is impossible. Someone at some point will do it again and then do it better than those that did so before.

>> No.5427423

Litterature can't be done. The themes are often the same, yes. But how you talk about it, the angle you take, the characters you put within the story won't ever be the same.

>> No.5427425

Are you saying that people from this new technological age will be able to even write anything close to Shakespeare?

>> No.5427434

People with different worldviews have unique insights in already heavily explored themes.

>> No.5427476

>What themes and ideas are there left to be explored that haven't already been done so perfectly?
i bet that's what everyone thought during the end of every artistic and literary movements, we'll find new things as we always do, and then we'll complain about how shitty new artistic and literary movements are and how every other movements were better than the new ones.

>> No.5427480

You should read a bit about structuralism. One of their thesis was that we haven't done any new story since ever, it's all superficial changes over a set number of possible interactions.

>> No.5427483

It is totally hypothetically possible.

>> No.5427581
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Literature, should by define not by content but by form, then, the form its what poses the quality of Literacy, form in relation with content and time. Actual time literature is found in Film and Video Games, Not just shit Video Games, But VideoGames that permit the exploration of narration, Narrator, autor, etc, in more ways that just a book (form) permits. Like Stanley Parable and Gone Home.

>> No.5428390

I think its not about how much fresh is the idea, the important thing its how much goof its your point of view and your abillity to transmit that to the readers

>> No.5428408

Hey friend, looks like your opinion, much like the rest of your perspective, was social constructed. Funny thing about literature is that people will always come up with new ways of looking at things because perspective is infinite, hence literature too is infinite.

>> No.5428409


Irony can't finish OP, so write something ironically about the irony of the irony

>> No.5428534

You simply need enough monkeys.

>> No.5430146


We haven't had the great post-post-modern War on Terror novel yet.

We have that to look forward to.

>> No.5430164
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>> No.5430168

Christ. We need a better name.

>> No.5430181
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Everything went to shit when someone decided to call something Modernism.
>mfw modern philosophy was several centuries ago

>> No.5430188

It's metamodern. Pay attention.

>> No.5430193

>What themes and ideas are there left to be explored that haven't already been done so perfectly?

Social media
Modern NEETism
The Islamic conquest of Europe

>> No.5430209
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x544, GOD WILLS IT.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Islamic conquest of Europe
Followed by the resurgence of Crusading culture.

>> No.5430215

Any difference between Post-postmodernism and metamodernism or is it all just a clusterfuck of the same thing?

>> No.5430229

One's not a thing.

>> No.5430239

Ridley Scott can fucking suck my dick for making the Bishop of Jerusalem an asshole in this movie. In REAL LIFE he was actually pretty decent, and was instrumental in negotiating a safe evacuation of the city with Saladin.

>> No.5430248
File: 2.74 MB, 939x400, jerusalem has come.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the movie for it's butchering of the historical events. But some scenes were perfect.

>> No.5430251

>centuries ago
>not right now
If you define yourself as "post something" you're still tied to that something. We will only pass modernism when we look backwards and rename our past. That's how it works.

>> No.5430253

>by Shia LaBeouf

>> No.5430259

By your logic there is no difference between Medieval Philosophy and the classics given that they almost always derived their ideas from Plato or Aristotle (Looking at you Aquinas). The era of Modern philosophy was a 17th century event and has long since passed.

>> No.5430269

Christ, just what this world needs, another pseudo-intellectual "movement" that means absolutely nothing. That manifesto was a bunch of big words that said absolutely nothing, the manifesto itself is nothing. I can't wait to see all the hip kids talking about "oscillating" and shit in coffee houses. Disgusting.

>> No.5430275

Nah. Islam is the panacea Europe wants and needs. The dominance of (actually) Communist China, who will patronize the reflowering of the Middle-east and Africa, as well as development of socialist South America, there will be only the ashes of North America and the last whimper of the disenfranchised Euro White supremacists.

>> No.5430310
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>All this heresy

>> No.5430332

Christianity will still exist, but it'll be the Oriental and Eastern churches that will rise. The Roman Catholic heresy was damned to fail once the word got out about the child molestation ring. Never mind all of the greed, war-crimes, other despicable sins the organization is guilty of.

>> No.5430343
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Keep speaking heretic that you might be rooted out like the foul weed you are.

>> No.5430362

That you had to preface with "Genuine Question" shows that you understand how retarded you sound.

>> No.5430372

>Perfection by definition is impossible.
Er, no, but it is impossible for literature (or any art) to be "perfect."

>> No.5430380

actually even that phrasing bothers me
"perfection" is inapplicable to art and has no place in any discussion of art