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/lit/ - Literature

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5423849 No.5423849 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to Evolakid, Butterfly and feminister?

>> No.5423851

hopefully, self-awareness

>> No.5423859

Three successive car crashes on the same day on the same road.

>> No.5423865

Since they all disappeared within the span of one month, I'm inclined to think they were all played by one person.

>> No.5423881

I saw butterfly post a few hours ago.

>> No.5423882

Evola was Feminister and butterfly will never leave.

>> No.5423958
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>> No.5423968

Fem was caught out as a guy, butter face is still here - she has a trip now

>> No.5423979

What happened to anonymous

>> No.5423998

>they expect one of us in the wreckage, brother

>> No.5424053


>> No.5424076

Rei was incredibly intelligent and by far the best trip /lit/ ever had

>> No.5424091
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>literally nitpicked and spewed platitudes in all caps

>> No.5424112


still around, being qt, brightening up my day

subtly but damningly revealed to be a lecherous guy on /adv/ when he accidentally forgot to take off his trip on one of the final posts of the thread (probably because he was so caught up in debating someone about stirner on /lit/)

>> No.5424125

he's still around shitting up other boards with his inane dilettantism

>> No.5424129

Butterfly died

>> No.5424131

They didn't fly so good.

>> No.5424142

who cares

>> No.5424145

what happened to the tripfag, i've forgotten his name, was a bit of a christfag, but very intelligent, loved Kierkegaard and thought pretty much all literature from the last few centuries is crap.

>> No.5424160

Where? Show me

>> No.5424162
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All three are as one.

>> No.5424163

At least we still have Arrow Girl.

>> No.5424182

jude something?

i liked that guy a lot too (that is, if we're talking about the same person)

>> No.5424185
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>subtly but damningly revealed to be a lecherous guy on /adv/

will go down as greatest kek of the year

>> No.5424200
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This guy?

>> No.5424212

I wonder if that "revelation" was played out. Perhaps the guy posting as feminister was tired of playing with /lit's feels and wanted to show us how foolish we've been, before switching back to another internet persona.

Or perhaps, more simply, he wanted us to witness his success as a ruseman.
He could be arrow girl for what we know.

Sage because I'm reading this thread but don't think it deserves to be above a thread about books.

>> No.5424223

I heard the guy who created Jude also created Feminister, Evola kid, perhaps arrow girl, and who knows how many others.

It's jarring to think that someone not too stupid with a decent ability to create archetypes would spend his time devising elaborate trolls for /lit to marvel at.

>> No.5424236

yeah thats him.

i seem to remember he just posted under the name Jude, samefag or 2 different ppl?


where did you hear that?

>> No.5424246

idk why people are so quick to believe that so many vastly different people are actually one and the same simply because it is possible

has there ever been a well-known incident on 4chan where two trips were revealed to be the same?

of course all trips will go on anon every once in a while if they just want to say something innocuous

lastly, /lit/ has a relative deficit of trips and names as it is, so it's much more likely they are all separate people instead of mergining the few we have into an even smaller number (1).

>> No.5424259


plus they all act so differently, the charade would be exhausting to maintain and utterly pointless if they actually had a life outside of /lit/

>> No.5424661

Feminister is posting under the name Zeeburg now.

>> No.5424683
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I gave tripping a go on this board a while ago, like last year.

It was just boring. /lit/ isn't a particularly interesting board due to the fact the only threads which gain any traction quickly are troll threads for new posters.

Also i'm super famous on 4chan from years ago.

Just thought you should know.

Not that it matters.

I don't even care.

Just relevant to the conversation, ya know, son.

>> No.5424690

Feminister is a man.

>> No.5424694
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>There will always be people who pay attention to tripfags just because they pretend to be women.

Every tripfag is a male.

Every one.

>> No.5424713 [DELETED] 


>> No.5424726

I hereby sacrifice myself for the noble cause of tripfaggotry

>> No.5424732



>> No.5424733

2old 4 u m8.

Also no, never went to this board when i was using a trip.

>> No.5424738

Do tripfags usually buy the 4chan pass?
I have always wondered...

>> No.5424740

Butterfly is doing in a trip across the europe.
I hope that she visit my country too

>> No.5424743

Most tripfags are fervent 'trollers' and part of schizophrenic social retard communities, so they use a plethora of programs to proxy.

>> No.5424754

On /lit. Not the most reliable source but it's the best we have for those issues.

Because a dedicated and (un)popular trip who spent a lot of time talking about being a girl, her relationship, and her /lit-related interest was outed as a guy on /adv recently.

More precisely, someone on /adv made a thread about falling in love with a /literate woman who already had a boyfriend. Infos given seemed to coincide with those provided by Feminister about her personal live. Latter in the /adv thread, the OP (un)advertently posted with the Feminister trip.
This revealed:

1. That Feminister was a guy
2. That the (many) anecdotes about her and her boyfriend on /lit and /adv were fake.
3. That the guy had fabricated a thread to create the illusion of a growing relationship between her and one anon, harnessing rather cleverly the seed planted in the earlier threads about Feminister's "boyfriend", without making explicit mention of her trip, letting people coming to conclusion by themselves.

So that's a lot of effort, and a lot of commitment to subtelty, even by ruseman standards. Feminister was also a rather consistent well-read and sensible poster though sometimes annoying and egocentric. There's no reason that someone willing to go to such length to make fun of /lit wouldn't be able to maintain two or three persona at the same time. I mean, I've been on the internet before, you've been on the internet before, we both now than internet persona can be become sprawling and time-consuming, particularly when they demand good writing and prentending. If my hypotheses turn out to be true, that wouldn't be the surprise of the century.

See above. When I was in highschool, I've maintained three aliases in the same forum for months, all intensive posters, all with different styles. People couldn't always guess the three were related. And I'm nowhere as bright as the brightest people on /lit. All you need is a knack for writing, a good intuition of this board's mindset and a few hours of free time a day.

Anyway, if the guy exist, I tip my hat to him. He mostly wasted his time, but he did it quite gloriously.

>> No.5424755

I hope they're all dead. I also hope arrow girl is next.

These people (who are probably played by the same creepy fat American pedophile) are the worse posters we have, and they shouldn't be allowed here.

>> No.5424768

maybe is part of a study about loneliness on the net or gender-bender in the digital era

>> No.5424777

>he's working on his novel

>> No.5424789

Tao-lin new book?

>> No.5424796

While I'm at it: one or two years ago, a guy posted a thread starting by (in substance) "Brother's gone, wat do with his personal library ?". The thread then went on being a praisefest for OP's late brother, his intelligence, his culture, his mental balance, his recent tragic death, and so on.

Regular pics of "Brother"'s library and anecdotes ensured the guy was painted as /lit's wet dream of a young man. Then, out of nowhere, some anon angrily lashed at OP for creating a circlejerk hugbox of a thread.It was rather unsensitive and uncalled for, but the anon persisted until OP deleted his thread.

Said thread was later recreated, with the exact same beginning, seemingly by the offensive anon, who started attacking OP again, justifying himself with shoehorned Bretch quotes. Many people called the anon on his shit, until, in a rather dizzying twist, it appeared that the whole thing had been staged, from the beginning, by some tripfag (Blood Rainbow or Anal Crust, don't remember which).

So the trip had created a fake thread about his alledgedly dead brother to have trick anon into sucking his dick, before attacking himself, deleting the thread, reposting it under the guise of the attacker, and samefagging at insane speed to inflate the hate-and-drama bubble.

As a troll, it was a pretty wonderful stint. As a way of spending one's time, it was a rather pointless waste. As a document on the duplicity of anons and trips, it was invaluable.

I haven't understated the perversity of 4chan rusemanship ever since.

>> No.5424824

The amount of shitposting the presence of namefags generates is outragous. Think twice anons.

>> No.5424830

>thinking butterface is tripping
newfag pls go

>> No.5424835


>> No.5424836


>> No.5424858
File: 394 KB, 500x743, 1392201829392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to make sure you are aware that Butterfly is trans

>> No.5424864

She isn't. Please keep your infantile cartoons out of /lit/. They are inappropriate on a mature board.

>> No.5424870

The anime that image is from has more depth than any "live-action" series.

>> No.5424873

Cartoons for children have no depth.

>> No.5424890

you're overthinking it

>> No.5425517

I think Evola was a semi-serious right-winger from the UK, who just got tired of the gag. An obvious anon by heart, he probably still posts.

>butterfly will never leave.
I wonder what it will take sometimes.

Yes. Got sick of the fakes, got banned for it last weekend. This the trip.

I am not a trans nor a herme, that much I'll commit to.

Okay fine, I'll let this story spread unchallenged since you're probably her.

>> No.5425598

I'm not. But you seem to know more about this.
Pray, tell. I can pay with cookies and girls.

>> No.5425957

EvolaKid was a side project of Feminister. He stopped tripping under EvolaKid when his failure to lampoon reactionaries became increasingly obvious.

>> No.5425984

She does know more, but you probably wouldn't believe her. It doesn't matter anyway. Next year, everyone will know the full story.

>> No.5426000

>arrow girl

>> No.5426029

I'm glad they are gone. Fuck them. There is no reason to tripfag on /lit/ unless you are an attention whore.

>> No.5426036

You guys do realise that Rei is a public tripcode from /a/, right?
Rei#clones iirc.

>> No.5426038

>I've seen trips you guys wouldn't believe

Anyway, does it have any link with >>5424796 ?

>> No.5426039

Who the fuck cares?
They were nothing but shitposters

>> No.5426044

/sp/ has a guy with 3, potentially 4 trips. He's admitted he's a saddo, and he's also lied about supporting other teams and revealed this info about him being the creator of all these trips all with different personas in hopes that it is enough to make him stop posting. It hasn't.

>> No.5426068


>> No.5426077


>> No.5426083

No, that trip is permabanned, I'm pretty sure. #Clones results in the above trip.

>> No.5426120

there was an incident on /fa/ where a sockpuppet trip was discovered. i'm sure someone there could fill you in on the details. i didn't care enough about their drama to pay attention.

sockpuppeting is an old and common technique.

>> No.5426124
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>> No.5426128
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>tfw you're the best poster on this entire board and never use a trip

you fags will have no idea when next I strike

>> No.5426155

Reminder that the real Butterfly hasn't posted here years and two people on /lit/ have co-opted his trip.

>> No.5426169

I have no idea who the fuck Evolakid and feminister are.

Christ, I barely remember Brownbear and Sunbird or the rest of those faggots.



>> No.5426293

One of my greatest fears

>> No.5426349

butterfly, i'm really depressed. what should i do

>> No.5426368

You're that kid, no doubt.
Not true.
Don't sleep in late, (too often, though proper rest is important) jog or some other exercise, try to eat right. Know this life is all you have, so make the best of it. Make yourself happy.

>> No.5426681

What happened to "le trole faec"? His posts were always so delightfully cringeworthy, as if he was trying too hard to be the stereotypical fedora'd CS neckbeard. He was really doing his best to be that kid everyone remembers from their high school, that kid who had no friends and who was overly proud of spouting trivial opinions everyone else had already considered a long time ago, that kid who made everyone - including the teacher - cringe in anticipation when he raised his hand, that kid who kept talking irregardless of how many people gave him more or less subtle hints that he is annoying as fuck.

>> No.5426699

maybe they all just decided to stop being such disgusting tripfags...?

>> No.5427374

Well that's what I could come up with at 2 in the morning. Depression is a complex problem that could take a while to get your mind out of, but just changing your outlook and chemical balance is the best start. Good luck.

>> No.5427598

You came back recharged from the lonely place to give pop advice to your fanboys? You could actually post /lit/ content if you weren't so full of yourself and respected the board.

>> No.5427643

>(Blood Rainbow or Anal Crust, don't remember which)

it was rapture

>> No.5427647


Busy shagging mediocre nips in Japan.

>> No.5427650


>> No.5427651

False. I'm not a fucking feminazo

>> No.5427655

The guy behind Feminister must be genuinely gender dysphoric to put so much effort into sculpting and maintaining that persona.

>> No.5427658

>implying i'm not this boards most loved tripfag

>> No.5427678

The fire rises. The explosion follows.
>by crashing this car with no survivors

>> No.5427690

>hundreds of post saying female
>one chance saying male
>that chance could perfectly be a pretense of having a partner under any of those situations
>the one instance is more true than the many

I think it has something to do with people really wanting everyone else to be a man. So they chose the evidence that defends their already stablished idea instead of considering the most probable answer.

>> No.5427694

You're disputing that "she" was really a bloke? I'd say the fact that he was never seen again after his slip is all the evidence you need.

>> No.5427700

Ah, yes. Those three were the most vocal at the time, I had trouble telling them from one another.

It has more to do with the fact that everything was revealed to be fake. Since stating you're female helps in attracting attention, and since the whole Feminister stint relied on attracting attention, it made sense to assume that the gender had been put there to make /lit salivate.

>> No.5427704

It was obvious that Feminister was a man because she was too rational and intelligent to be a woman. Women post like Butterfly.

>> No.5427710

Why are you faggots still talking about this?

Have you never meet a female before?


>> No.5427711

Whatever happened to Heaven? I'm fed up with his faggot shit. The other day when he called me a newfag, yeah, haven't forgotten about that yet.
Fuck you I've been on here for months and probably get on here more than you anyways. Don't you know that you make yourself look like a newfag when you call others newfag?
Just because you learned how to hack your name and change it to "Heaven" does not give you the right to disrespect anyone at any time.

>> No.5427714
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c-chill out, m8

>> No.5427716

I haven't been here in a long time. What happened to Deep&Edgy?

>> No.5427728

She should of leaked her trip and pretend it was a butthurt anon who hacked it and impersonated her. At least that's one option I would of considered if I were a tripfag. But maybe she wanted to dump that troll persona of hers. Maybe her /adv/ post was only a test to see how much /lit/ cares about her persona.

>> No.5427732

1. Feminister was neither rational nor intelligent.
2. *tips fedora*

>> No.5427733

That's not evidence at all, that poster was already visiting /lit/ less than other boards acording to this or another equally useless thread and leaving 4chan is something that everyone must do at some point.
If anything, adding meaningless data to sustain the accusation hurts the argument more. It could be a dude, sure, there's still no reasson to care about bad posters. But the insistence that one chance is a slip that proves something shows a lot of worry about what happens with tripfags.
It could had perfectly been a girl pretending to be an anon to make the impression that she had a boyfriend. That would humiliating enough to leave a space. And it would also be way too much work for a website that can't remember it's own opinions for two years. The other day we had a thread in /co/ asking if anyone liked Homestuck while back in the day it was worse than mlp. 4chan doesn't remember shit.

>> No.5427737

>it made sense to assume that the gender had been put there to make /lit salivate.
If you think someone is so pathetic as to want to make /lit/ care about fictional boobs I don't see why you'd acknowledge that person. If someone did something like that irl it would be sad and pitied, while ignored and segregated.

>> No.5427771

topkek m8

But FYI heaven has been spotted on /b/ calling other people newfag. That guy is a problem.

>> No.5427776


>> No.5427777

If you didn't realize femitranny was a male just from talking to it then you're dumb.

>> No.5427778

>If someone did something like that irl it would be sad and pitied, while ignored and segregated.

but transgendered people are not ignored and segregated

>> No.5427781

You have never talked to a woman. Go back to >>>/r9k/ you pathetic permavirgin.

>> No.5427784

woman detected

>> No.5427785

he still posts as Calle Borjesson

Its mostly ironic tier charts though, he should really get back on /v/ and do something interesting

>> No.5427786

Yes anon I actually am posting this from my fortress of cheeto bags

>> No.5427787
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>basement dweller who literally spends all day letting 4chan know that he never had a gf
>thinks he can tell us how to converse with women

toppest kek, the delusions of /r9k/ weirdos never cease to entertain me

>> No.5427792
File: 1011 KB, 900x1000, 85937c8f1df9fe4b63dc5bb5847e51b8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh you!

>> No.5427795
File: 120 KB, 631x664, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retard who thinks cuntpasting something entirely meaningless will somehow prevent a shitposter from shitposting

You are seriously retarded.

>> No.5427801

Why would I want to stop you? You are here forever. I know you can't leave.

>> No.5427803


>> No.5427805

Nice to see you too angry lady

>> No.5427815

What have you been up to recently?

>> No.5427817

more like butterface am i right

>> No.5427822
File: 239 KB, 500x528, 1410378961895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost hard. I'ver never seen this original joke before. Anon, where did you find this? Top kek, you are hilarious. Mind if I save your comment for copypasta?

>> No.5427839


Saw my buddy slay it on keyboards last night. They did a cover of the youtube remix for They Rapin' Everybody Out Here. Uh... We might meet one of my IRC buddies for Umphrey's McGee halloween... Hopefully we'll go see moe. In two weeks. What about you darling, are you well?

>> No.5427843

It's banned, but there are ways to get around it.

>> No.5427846

I was admitted to Stanford University.

>> No.5427847
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>> No.5427848


>> No.5427855

Doesn't look like it, the Rei trip is gone forever.

>> No.5427866

Don't be an edgy little faggot, and just admit that it actually was funny. It's a zesty, playful little quip, characteristically acerbic without having that typical brutish hostility that the average poster is tempted to abuse under the cover of anonymity.

>> No.5427873


*tips thesaurus*