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/lit/ - Literature

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5420624 No.5420624[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So do you guys read any right wing literature or philosophy, or is this just a cultural marxist circle jerk?

>> No.5420643

Well, would you be so kind as to name any worthwhile right-wing theory, besides economics, written within the last one-hundred years, and not relying on appeals to metaphysical chakras?

>> No.5420648

Leo Strauss

Would you name any worthwhile left wing theory, not relying on any appeals to muh feelings?

>> No.5420650

Comrades, we has a cis scum here! Sent him to the diversity gulags, ofcourse *grins devilishly* not until I disprove god and gender constructs to this nazi *tips fedora*

>> No.5420653

>political philosophy
I may be ill

>> No.5420668

Fucking ableist shitlord

>> No.5420674

Like 19th century fags who say video games have literary value, expect they say politics has philosophy value

Nothing makes a field more silly than requiring another one's validation, even standard of analysis

>> No.5420684

I knew the jews had a tight hold on this islamic communist den of homosexuality, I'll be back on god's board, /pol/, discussing colors pill

>> No.5420707

I've read him, I'm sure plenty of posters have.

All political theory relies on feels, lolly pop

>> No.5420712

>cultural marxist

back to /pol/ with you

>> No.5420717

just a bunch of good cultural capitalists in here

nothing to see, move along

>> No.5420727

Burke and Schumpeter are decent. Schumpeter in particular seems like he has very quietly inspired most of today's high-profile conservative centrists (like David Brooks, who is not worth reading).

Like everyone here, I'm a post-Marxist-Keynesian post-colonialist feminist genderqueer transdonkey, though, so I only read conservatives to understand how to kill them better.

>> No.5420738
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Read the second row of nonfiction and you ought to be just about the smartest kiddie in /pol/

Now please leave and take your misunderstood buzzwords with you

>> No.5420844

This board is /pol/ but here we blame capitalism for everything wrong with the world instead of the Jews.