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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 25 KB, 266x300, maya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
542041 No.542041 [Reply] [Original]

I know this is the internet and I know this is 4chan but I'm getting tired of all the misogyny on /lit/. Usually more than half of every thread about a writer who happens to be a woman are half-assed sexist jokes and a "discussion" on why women can't write. I am disappoint, /lit/.
The pic is Maya Angelou, a badass woman.

>> No.542043

Where the fuck are my pancakes?

>> No.542046

I've honestly never read a book by a female author that I really enjoyed.

>> No.542052


neither have i :(

>> No.542059

I enjoyed the first two or three Harry Potter books before they went to shit.

I can only figure it would have been much better without teenagers as characters.

>> No.542062
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>> No.542061

You need to read more cookbooks

>> No.542064

Tracy Morgan does a funny Maya Angelou.
Tracy Morgan does a pretty funny woman in general.
Sadly, that is about it for his funny.

>> No.542067

Maybe you haven't read enough, or just got discouraged from women writers. It's fine by me as long as you discuss books and not jack off to >implying women can write hurr

>> No.542070


srsly guys, try Shirley Hazzard. I used to be like you - female writers wrote some nice stuff, but it pales compared to, say, Fitzgerald.

Hunt down The Transit of Venus, or even The Great Fire. Stands out as some of the best fiction I've read, comparable in lyric quality to Tender Is The Night

>> No.542094

Women don't deserve respect for anything.

Why? Because when the do accomplish something they make a big deal out accomplishing it because they ARE a woman. I can't feel respectful toward a group of people that have to point out their sex as a bigger mark of achievement for doing something great. It is no different than being proud of a retard having some great musical talent.

Are we supposed to feel like women just simply can't accomplish a god damned thing by default and have our minds blown when they accomplish something? Most women think we should feel that way, and that is why they are dumb cunts.

And don't even get me started on the stay at home moms who sprout off the line 'being a full time mother is the most challenging job in the world!" Is it? HAve you mined coal for 12 hour days 7 days a week before?

>> No.542114

I don't know how many women you've talked to in your life but I'm pretty sure the number is well below 1.

>> No.542126

Why can't women write novels? Because I cut off all their fingers.

>> No.542139

Maya Angelou is a shit writer, try some Ann Radcliffe or Mary Shelley, maybe Jane Austen.

>> No.542150
File: 114 KB, 365x272, giggle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jane Austen? Why I go so far as to say that any library is a good library that does not contain a volume by Jane Austen. Even if it contains no other book.

Mark Twain

>> No.542156

Why do you think so? I find her language simply brilliant. As well as the humor in her autobiographies.

>> No.542157
File: 233 KB, 500x498, batmanhaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I take up "Pride and Prejudice" or "Sense and Sensibility," I feel like a barkeeper entering the Kingdom of Heaven. I mean, I feel as he would probably feel, would almost certainly feel. I am quite sure I know what his sensations would be -- and his private comments. He would be certain to curl his lip, as those ultra-good Presbyterians went filing self-complacently along.

>> No.542167
File: 19 KB, 100x100, Batman____laughing__by_e_giggle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jane is entirely impossible. It seems a great pity that they allowed her to die a natural death.

>> No.542168

It is not woman's destiny to write books. Death to feminists.

>> No.542173

I didn't appreciate Jane Austen until I read the criticism by Tony Tanner.

>> No.542174

Woman has no will to write.

>> No.542175
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I haven't any right to criticise books, and I don't do it except when I hate them. I often want to criticise Jane Austen, but her books madden me so that I can't conceal my frenzy from the reader; and therefore I have to stop every time I begin. Everytime I read 'Pride and Prejudice' I want to dig her up and beat her over the skull with her own shin-bone.

>> No.542176

The only female writer I can consciously remember enjoying is Lorrie Moore.

Fucking Toni Morrison cunt, her style drives me up a wall.

>> No.542178

People, by nature, are just smug as all hell (I say this as someone who actually likes the human race quite a lot and thinks we generally need to be less hard on ourselves. This smugness isn't a bad thing, it's just THERE.) If they can find something to exalt in or feel special about they will. Since Western society (actually most society in general) has this latent tendency to view being a woman as being part of a special group, just as being part of a minority, the whole idea of female writers as a group gets all smugged up too, and saying "oooh how do you feel about women writers" now carries all the headachey implications of "oooh how do you feel about black writers?"

Without getting all Harold Bloom-y and stuff and trying to claim that this is somehow a good thing for female and minority writers (because it's not), or BAAAWWWWW-ing about political correctness the way he does, I'll say this: it would be a lot better for everyone involved if we just judged works by ladies independently of who wrote them. Taking the author's life and identity into account may help someone to determine the meaning of or intent behind a work, but its relative merits? Nnnno. Partly because it impairs our ability to see "a shitty book by a girl" as "a shitty book" as opposed to "a book by a girl", but mostly because it does the same damn thing with "a good book by a girl".

>> No.542183

Mary Shelley

>> No.542190

This. When I see a pic of, say, Toni Morrison on this board, I want to hear serious arguments on why her books are good/shitty. Not "not bad for a woman"/"women can't write"/"where are my pancakes".

>> No.542196

Goddamnit OP, way to use a shitty example and obliterate any semblance of a point you might have had. Maya Angelou is complete and utter crap.

>> No.542205

Ursula LeGuin? I liked Earthsea, and Changing Planes.

Yeah, I dunno. All of my favorite books and stories are written by men.

>> No.542219

My point was not that all women writers are good writers but that too many litfags are sexist faggots.
Also, my point was not that Maya Angelou is the best writer ever but that she is a badass woman. Because she is.

>> No.542235
File: 73 KB, 600x454, 1471-2482-7-20-11[1]-736858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


boo hoo

pic related its a bad ass

>> No.542252

Scorning women who went astray is a part of respecting real women. And such having respect for women is called "sexism" only by feminist scum like you.

>> No.542253

Earthsea was boring and had nothing of interest. The premise lures people in with LOL WIZARDS AN MAGIC N SWORDS and then it's a hundred pages of travelogue through a fantasy version of the Pacific islands and the wizards aren't allowed to use any magic EVER. Bullshit.

>> No.542258
File: 11 KB, 274x312, flanneryoconnor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, it's a real badass woman. Maya Angelou sucks shit.

>> No.542259

Toni Morrison is a woman? WUT???

>> No.542264
File: 20 KB, 225x284, Toni-Morrison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah bro

>> No.542269

I thought this board was for discussing writing, not judging people on moral terms. And how is "this shit sucks because it was written by a woman" a way of respecting women?

>> No.542272

Discouraging women from writing is a noble thing to do.

>> No.542276


i enjoyed them quite a bit. fuck yourself pal.

>> No.542281

Why has no one mentioned Nicholas Sparks yet?

>> No.542285


Why has no one mentioned anal reaming, too? Well, probably because it's irrelevant.

>> No.542299

>implying this thread is not full of faggots who pound butt

>> No.542312


Is that an invitation? ;3

>> No.542316

Any time ;)

>> No.542319


location and nudez plz

>> No.542327

This thread is starting to get interesting.

>> No.542330
File: 19 KB, 288x358, ayn_rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is the internet and I know this is 4chan but I'm getting tired of all the misogyny on /lit/. Usually more than half of every thread about a writer who happens to be a woman are half-assed sexist jokes and a "discussion" on why women can't write. I am disappoint, /lit/.
The pic is Ayn Rand, a badass woman.

>> No.542333
File: 78 KB, 416x505, strawrand1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.542336

t-t-t-t-t-t-trollercoaster initiated

>> No.542357

I second that.

>> No.542377


>> No.542385

I can haz nudes?

>> No.542387

Vaguely disturbing, isn't it? Like, when /b/ is on about tits and niggers nobody really gives a shit, but when I see /lit/ and /sci/ and other omg smart ppl boards sitting around sipping tea with their pinkies out and calmly discussing the inferiority of females it's just a little worrying.

>> No.542394

>Ayn Rand
Fucking shit I just got trolled.

>> No.542397
File: 12 KB, 354x233, emma goldman 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is what I thought ,but then I found out most of the people here are from /b/ . Also badass woman

>> No.542404

Protip: the same people who post on /b/ post on /lit/ and /sci/. If you're on 4chan you are an immature child. Most don't have girlfriends or any other sort of meaningful interaction with women, and never have. Misogyny blossoms under such conditions.

>> No.542417

Then you are an immature child who is very conscious about being one :)

>> No.542420

Women are inferior in some aspects but superior in others. People who don't understand this are more than little worrying.

>> No.542428


>implying you aren't here

>> No.542441

Because OP, /lit/ has a large amount of partial trolls from /b/ who also fall under the hipster category mind you, that few woman as BITCH IN THE KITCHEN.You know, 21 year olds who still act like they are in middle school and didnt go to school events because they were "too cool" for that shit.

>> No.542443

>too cool for that shit
Code for: not invited

>> No.542450

You sir are correct.

>> No.542452

I'm annoyed by all the people that post stupid oven comments in Sylvia Plath threads. Asshats all of them.

>> No.542463

Fuck, that almost sounds like me. Partial troll from /b/, 22, didn't go to school events because most of them involved dressing up and I don't like that. Except I'm a woman.

>> No.542464

Yeah, I can't wait till we evolve to level of tripfag attention whores.

>> No.542476

Then you might be exception.
Oh you

>> No.542514

So, what would we consider the best of Toni Morrison's work? I'm looking to broaden my horizons and she seems well liked.

>> No.542535

I believe the common consensus is Beloved. Also know that she writes in a kind of slang language through her characters.

>> No.542547

I actually enjoyed The Bluest Eye most. Beloved is great but some of the chapters towards the end can seem like pretentious bullshit.

>> No.542570


That style is what drives me insane. I can't read the slang for long enough to tell if its good or not, end up just spark noting everything.

>> No.542574

What if your meaningful interactions involved your sister waking you up in the middle of the night and sticking needles in your dick?

>> No.542592

That's not meaningful.

>> No.542598

Pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.543135
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>> No.543138
File: 94 KB, 532x488, Picture 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was what I tried to poast

>> No.543154

nobody? little help?

>> No.543161


u werent allowed, lol dude wat moar do u want

>> No.543261

which part of my post was disagreeable?

>> No.543271

Zora Neale Hurston is one fantastic writer. It's a pity what happened to her :(

>> No.543534

Women seem to write about relationships, and only relationships. They write about family, and if not that, they write about boyfriends and gossip and shit. They never write about being independent, or philosophy, or criticizing society/mankind (except for maybe the ocassional why are men so mean to me?)

Every woman writer, for some god damn reason, thinks I care about what kind of clothes their characters are wearing.

>> No.544622



>> No.544631

Maya Angelou is a racist bitch. Also, a shitty writer.

>> No.544643

I think I got a 10/10 if you would bump this thread almost four hours later just to respond to me.