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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 107 KB, 847x698, 17331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5419628 No.5419628 [Reply] [Original]

There is any good novel that tells the story of an net-idol?

>> No.5419640

This is the reason why butter face left us

>> No.5419646

what kind of fuccboi even knows a site like that let alone actually use it

>> No.5419647


she left?

>> No.5419648
File: 11 KB, 228x221, 1410207122373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a-are you fucking with me?

p-please tell me you're fucking with me...

>> No.5419651

You need to write the book of this title so I can know where it went wrong.

>> No.5419654

She killed herself.

>> No.5419657

butterfly is on vacation in europe, sillies.

>> No.5419663
File: 3 KB, 124x122, 1410070502712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this can't be happening


not now... not now... i just got a new job and apartment... things were going so good... don't do this to me God... don't fucking do this to me...

>> No.5419665

i thought it was permabanned

>> No.5419667

Kolsti's blog is basically this.

>> No.5419674

>tfw I've posted an image more interesting of my question

>> No.5419680

Nah, buddy, we made her read Stirner, Lucretius, and Schoppenhauer to avoid that very outcome. If anything, she's probably lost her innate migratory trail map and just doesn't know how to come home.

>> No.5419684

how would the janitor be permabanned?

>> No.5419690

easy, but revealing that she was the janitor

not that she did, is, or ever was, btw

>> No.5419691

I knew her in real life and I was at her funeral.

>> No.5419692


just did this, got 8.69, sick bruv

>> No.5419696

Did you bring a book?

>> No.5419702

She was once a communist tho and maybe a man

>> No.5419706

I'll hope that he has brought a Bible

>> No.5419712

but butters was euphoric as fuck

>> No.5419714

so uh
what happened
and who was she

I'm not in tune with tripfags oon any board

>> No.5419716

I know

>> No.5419719

I brought a copy of The God Delusion and explained to everyone why there is no afterlife.

>> No.5419721

>I'm not in tune with tripfags oon any board
aka i'm new as fuck

seriously, don't reply. you're just going to embarrass yourself further.

>> No.5419722

She's not a tripfag she's our gf

>> No.5419726

she's not dead you fucks

>> No.5419731

I saw her body before they closed the coffin.

>> No.5419732
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>> No.5419736
File: 236 KB, 691x485, face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5419739

>dont reply
>I'm so insecure I have to conjure up a psuedo victory on the internet and can't even do that so I'll just put up a mask of bravado and wit

I don't keep track of tripfags because I don't live on 4chan and go across several boards

Also talk to the hand because the face dont understand

>> No.5419746

What are you guys talking about? I saw butterfly post in a thread earlier this afternoon from beyond the dead ;_;

>> No.5419752

>I don't keep track of tripfags because I don't live on 4chan and go across several boards

>Also talk to the hand because the face dont understand

You sound like butters. D-do you want to c-comfort us in our g-grief? We're widows, you know.

>> No.5419765
File: 2 KB, 119x125, 1409630457678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always knew this day would come
i just didn't think it would come so soon
and without warning
god forgive me

>> No.5419771

that's nice

>> No.5419773

How crude
I'm a young Queen Latifah

>> No.5419779

rip in peace firefly we will remmeber your porn forever

>> No.5419784

A good gf would embrace nihilism

>> No.5419791
File: 23 KB, 446x362, 1400326004971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's what my parents said too when I couldn't find Mr Woofs

>> No.5419797

guys, it's okay I read Frankenstein we just need to work out where the body is

>> No.5419800

a good gf would read that and send a txt to chad about hooking up to remove the memory of said reading

>> No.5419806
File: 55 KB, 676x432, butterfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butterfly isn't dead you silly fucks, she comes and goes as she pleases.

>> No.5419810
File: 8 KB, 225x225, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5419816

Ew, who wants an existentialist gf?

>> No.5419818

That pic.... how she knows my secrets?

>> No.5419878

erm i made a post about her trip being banned but i made it up, then next thing you know she disappears :---/

>> No.5419880

oh god what

>> No.5419885

Why would you use your powers for evil? Bring her back.

>> No.5419891
File: 29 KB, 402x450, tommy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel a void now she isn't posting

>> No.5419899

ok ok

butterfly youre trip is unbanned. continue to post .we love you realy :-)

>> No.5419903

I'm starting to feel /lit's infatuation with Butterfly is genuine. Or perhaps we've crossed the irony line and found ourselves back into full sincerity.

Both prospects are somewhat scary.

>> No.5419917

>tfw no butterfly

y even live

>> No.5419918

Falling in love is scary, anon.

>> No.5419919

I hope now a new female poster makes a trip and posts pics and is a qt and not fat like bface

>> No.5419922

Shut up femi, we're grieving.

>> No.5419924

>being this autistic

>> No.5419928

How dare you say that about such a goddess

>> No.5419930

Do you think we can trick Arrow into posting pics?

>> No.5419936

arrow is a boy, sorry to make you sad anon :(

>> No.5419937

are there any females on this board now?

>> No.5419938


>> No.5419945

I don't know man, I really miss her

>> No.5419954

I'm not autistic, friend. Just less confident than you about /lit's ability to not get caught in its own wierdness.

Mademoiselle, perhaps, plus some femanons that are basically anons. And of course the usual gang of rusemaniacs posting as female (who I suspect to be actually one very dedicated trollmaster).

>> No.5419959

You wish, philosotard. It must be truly painful for you to get #rekt regularly by a girl.

>> No.5419968
File: 210 KB, 495x495, 1408933330309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'm not autistic, friend."
>cares about 4chan tripfags

>> No.5419971

like >>5419936 has said arrow is a boy, deal with it

>> No.5419974

remember where you are boy

>> No.5419978

is kitty a grill?

>> No.5419981
File: 62 KB, 633x758, 1409688330441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's way past infatuation. i've gotten to know her, and i'd like to think she's gotten to know me.

now i wish i filtered her from the start so i wouldn't have to feel the pain i do now

fuck, it hurts so fucking much inside

>> No.5419990

No, that's a type of animal.

>> No.5419991

she better come back soon i can't believe this is happening. she was my only female contact.

>> No.5420007

butterfly was the nearest thing to a girlfriend that I had since my ex left me 2 years ago...

>> No.5420019

>no proof

>> No.5420025

I might pretend to be a girl, watch out for a new trip ;-)))))

>> No.5420028

She was shit, she hasn't read melville or dante

>> No.5420030

You're the hero /lit/ deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt you.

>> No.5420045

But she was a female faggot and those don't read Melville and read Christina instead of Dante.

>> No.5420063

she loved... Invisible Man...

>> No.5420086
File: 165 KB, 450x600, 1408050815825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5420087

Why do I feel so empty inside?

>> No.5420089

Or Pynchon, or Gaddis, or (most of) Shakespeare, or Joyce, or Kafka, or plato, or Kierkegaard, or... Fuck what did she read?

>> No.5420096

i was too distracted by her beauty to notice her plebdom

>> No.5420097

You're more into men, aren't you? She read Vidal if that helps.

>> No.5420099

Ursula Le Guin.

>> No.5420105

what a pleb, i'm glad she's gone

>> No.5420110
File: 46 KB, 356x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, William Gibson's "Idoru" might be what you're looking for OP, at least somewhat.

>> No.5420134

>is not genuinely apalled at the prospect of a handful of young men (and some women) potentially wasting their life over their idealization of an attentionwhore on a Tagalog woodcarving internet symposium

I don't know if I'm autistic, but it seems like you are sociopathic anon.

Also your frog is 4/10 at much, would not make explode by making it smoke a cigaret.

>> No.5420136

Don't come back butterface

>> No.5420140

I agree.

>> No.5420149

I should have written her more poetry ;_;

>> No.5420156


majority of posts on this thread is butterfly samefagging for support

>> No.5420167

It's okay,you're dead now; you can stop

>> No.5420214

Death lies on her, like an untimely frost
Upon the sweetest flower of all the field.

>> No.5420218

Wow, you sure know how to keep your woman

>> No.5420225 [DELETED] 

Not bad.

>> No.5420233

Not bad.

>> No.5420235

Are you saying I should have written her less poetry? It's strange how often such an invalid suggestion as this occurs.

>> No.5420244

we are still talking about butterfly or we are switched to your ex?

>> No.5420246

She is the same, m8.

>> No.5420250

Sadly, butters

>> No.5420256

post yer butterfly pics

>> No.5420262

D-do you think that she loved us like an unique entity?

>> No.5420267

I like to think she knew us like Zhuangzhi knew the butterfly at times.

>> No.5420270

Et, rose, elle a vécu ce que vivent les roses
L'espace d'un matin.

>> No.5420406

She didn't actually die did she?

Despite disagreeing on a lot of things I felt somewhat of a kinship with her

>> No.5420957


Just working.

An anon claimed he met Mademoiselle, which can explain why she's "gone"
You better leave her alone anon. I know where you live.

>and i'd like to think she's gotten to know me.
I haven't. I couldn't possibly. It's all just guess work who you are even. Hi. Don't worry so much, I'm just busy at work and avoiding the sun.

See, you I know... No need for anymore poetry on my account though. Unless you feel you must.

>> No.5420996

bby!!!!!!!! :'D

>> No.5421450

oh hello

>> No.5421478

the day is saved

>> No.5421574


>> No.5421585



>> No.5421896
File: 196 KB, 640x517, n4f5c1837b7ee5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5421915

This isn't her trip

>> No.5421926


>> No.5422101

Hello hello.
It is, I've seen no others.
And who cares?

I obviously have little impact here, quality wise. Make your "nice things" already.

>> No.5422102

I wish this was true

>> No.5422109

You wasted my sage...

You wanna pretend I'm dead, fine. I'm a zombi now.

>> No.5422123

T-then post a pic so we can know that you're not someone else who wants to pick up butterfly's legacy

>> No.5422127

You got baculovirus bby? ;_; you must have good skin usually it only affects larvae.

>> No.5422131

Haven't been on /lit/ in about a year.

Why did you allow the "butterfly" to become relevant? She was of no consequence for years.

>> No.5422136

She is still irelevant.

>> No.5422144

>100+ threads about her every day


>> No.5422157

Namefags gives anons a bad name.

>> No.5422159

I am told I have good skin.

If any of it is sincere, I suppose it's just people getting attached to communicating with someone they recognize. I've bummed around 4chan anonymously for a long time and it was always a lonely existence. The "relevancy" doesn't go much beyond that, I don't think.
(Yes, again, I advocate coming out and talking with each other)

>> No.5422168

She was next in line after Feminister

>> No.5422169

>people getting attached to communicating with someone they recognize

Why not take advantage of what an anonymous board offers? These identity whores are tiresome.

>> No.5422180
File: 50 KB, 641x482, Picture 118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The opposite. Anons trip as an act. They sink back into anonymity to bump their own shenanigans, and make their characters general nuisances.

>Why not take advantage
>I've bummed around 4chan anonymously for a long time and it was always a lonely existence.
I see no advantage. I'm not hiding from the FBI
I'm still saging this, for the record.

>> No.5422186

Yes namefags are nuisances. The advantage is a content-oriented reading experience instead of opinion representation.

>> No.5422193

Butterfly I'm disappointed in you. Recently I've seen you reply positively to Wollstonecraft tracts saying that women shouldn't have sexual capital and then you do this. You must know you wouldn't be getting a tenth the interest you are if you were male.

>> No.5422195

Because Anonymous is the true cancer. We (not me) constantly bitch about tripfags, even though we're the ones giving them that attention in the first place, creating a retarded and pathetic cycle of tripfag reverence. And since butterfly is an alleged female, and this is 4chan, the desperation increases even more.

>> No.5422211

I've never said I was female, actually. This is all on your end/s


>> No.5422219

>Anonymous is the true cancer

>> No.5422261

Using a name is enabling.

>> No.5422320

>we're the ones giving them that attention in the first place
You're assuming a discourse is made of rational subjects which are fully responsible. When somebody uses a name, what happens is that the discourse itself automatically pays attention to that name. You can't separate the name from the attention to it, one implies the other. The name already acts by itself, paying attention to it is a function that is inherent to it.
To use an analogy, what you are suggesting is that we simply stop paying attention to an ideology and then that ideology can go on existing without any effects.

>> No.5422428

this pic is fucking old. Why do you post only the same 6-7 pics? Are you the original butterfly?

>> No.5422439

>butterfly an ideology now
I'm so proud.

>> No.5422454

Learn to read for your precious butterfly's sake!

>> No.5422485

2bsy ritin manifesto brb tho xx

>> No.5422504

>To use an analogy
Plus, name as a discursive function is a function of ideology. Any name. It implies many things and has many effects. What's relevant in our case here is that it establishes a continuity of identity which allows for accumulating social capital, and it differentiates a set of posts from other mass via special labeling (as opposed to the non-label "Anonymous"), making those posts more visible and thus having more discursive power.

>> No.5422606

You are still enabling the cancer culture. In /lit/s worst cases, it has historically gone down like this:

>tripfag makes educated yet entertaining (trolling) post
>post strikes nerve in Anonymous
>instead of refuting or engaging the content of the post, Anonymous resorts to attacking tripfag instead
>tripfag revels in attention and becomes even more obnoxious
>cycle repeats


>tripfag makes harmless post
>Anonymous makes big deal about tripfag because tripfag
>board becomes Anonymous vs tripfag war

This will continue to happen until /lit/ no longer exists.

>> No.5422617

I would think if you were going to get cancer, you would want a qt8.14 butterfly gf.

>> No.5422628

My point was that name as such is enabling and producing the effects you describe. Remove the names and this won't happen anymore. Why do we need the names anyway? You can't have a cake and eat it too.

>> No.5422667

No, it's the guy's ex gf. Buttface, fem and arrow are all male

>> No.5422678

My friend from college browses lit, mainly for philosophy - she's one of those 'I hate white male' feminists

This is her twitter @elnmss

>> No.5422700

You're like 18 and still hang out with retarded shitty people simply because you know them. Have fun.

>> No.5422751


>> No.5422780

I'd fuck her

>> No.5422786


Post-Op I'm assuming?

>> No.5422793

Your 'friend' sucks and calling her such is an offense to people with real friends they have meaningful bonds with.

>> No.5422799

She's not really my friend, I hate her and wanted lit to hate her too

>> No.5422813


>> No.5422828

She sounds like she wants the bbc

>> No.5422836

All she tweets about is shit talking white males, so yeah, I hate her too. Up with the patriarchy!

>> No.5422852

Epic lit thread guys and gals

>> No.5422871

Blame butterfly

>> No.5422880

Don't be mean, I think it was worthwhile.

>> No.5423145

ugh, she is a philosophy major. women are ostensibly the worst philosophy majors: devoid of critical thinking, lack of genuine interest, incapable of discourse, and tend to only be interested in feminist philosophical readings of philosophers.

Also, she is extremly pretentious. Of course any word that begins with "pr" she, supposedly, immediately thinks of Proust and has to let the world know.

Thanks for reminding me how much I hate women and enjoy being a faggot.

>> No.5423291

>I hate women and enjoy being a faggot.

>> No.5423300

No thanks, I've been here for too many years that I don't like going to another board.

>> No.5423347
File: 63 KB, 426x418, 1401769891404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 ppl i follow, follow her
i'm a sjw

>> No.5423354

I'm not dead guys.

>> No.5423379

It's okay bb we'd love you even if you're dead.

>> No.5423381

Hey don't blame my thread, it was dragged out of point

>> No.5423399

can the guy who was posting '>when was the last time' etc in the post yer face thread continue posting?

>> No.5423419

What a sad life you must lead to be able to derive entertainment from impersonating me.

>> No.5423441

Many irony.

>> No.5425476


>> No.5425609
File: 98 KB, 399x500, Gibson - Idoru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go OP

>Your nose is too wide for you face

>> No.5425618
File: 289 KB, 848x587, StillAboveAverage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5425694

>167 replies



>> No.5426787

>the story of an net-idol

Didn't the Amazing Atheist want to write a book?

>> No.5428855
File: 34 KB, 382x340, Unknown-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5428859

He did. He sold more than a few and went to cons.

>> No.5429004

...Butterfly has all of those fetishes? Jesus fuck, what a depraved girl.

>> No.5429174

OP mentions a concept unexplored in any novel and you faggots immediately start circle-jerking over bumblebee instead of talking about how it could be done.

Top /lit/. You guys have no imagination.

>> No.5429761

I have no fetish. As I pointed out there, these are just some turn-ons.
He made the picture choice

>> No.5430078

Vocabulary changes. The casual version of the word "fetish" is perfectly fine.

>> No.5431855

Yes, there is.

>> No.5431898
File: 2.65 MB, 1280x720, 1408439312219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, like what?

All I can think of is Zukerberg, but he only became noteworthy for making money.
Nobody's writing about Boxxy, fictionalized or not, are they?

>> No.5431925

ol' Boxxy's really lettin it go these days.

>> No.5431934

You're just a pedophile is all. I don't think she can "let" her nose "go".

>> No.5431941

okay, hammy.

>> No.5431944
File: 596 KB, 719x719, 1408489106811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Letting her love for Star Wars go?

>> No.5431952

Is boxxy an Israeli?

>> No.5431955

nah. like her fat. like she's letting go of her figure. fat arms. i bet she doesn't even lift.

>> No.5431989
File: 182 KB, 718x720, 1407811964575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a Greek-Californian.

She's not fat, twig-faggot.

>> No.5431999

landwhale pls

>> No.5432006

got jowls like churchill
got a neck like a dolphin
she thick like your panty butter

>> No.5432019
File: 378 KB, 374x691, 1408489002922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pencil-hipped tweenk

>> No.5432023

cult of personality is strong

>> No.5432024

georgie pordgie puddin and pie
kissed the girls and made them cry

>> No.5432026

She´s ugly as fuck. You have shitty taste for women, butterfag.

>> No.5432034

that her son?

>> No.5432045
File: 215 KB, 867x789, 1407810249698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's making a face. People do that. They aren't figurines

>> No.5432070

the face is fine but she a little porky pig now

>> No.5432075

It´s not about making faces. She just has unattractive face features imo.

>> No.5432087
File: 3.23 MB, 1920x1080, 1407809231810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your sausage tinted glasses wont be fooling me.

>> No.5432095

Too chubby.

>> No.5432104
File: 447 KB, 900x706, 1398921349493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, yes, in your opinion.
She's always been very pretty to me.

>> No.5432105

>those folds of skin
undeniable chub.

>> No.5432111
File: 145 KB, 1293x875, 005_iman-et-david-bowie_theredlist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That´s what I call pretty.

>> No.5432114

yeah bowie's a real looker.

>> No.5432116

left, right or both?

>> No.5432118

Iman is amazing too.

>> No.5432120

Bowie is like an old gay guy, he'll have you sucking his dick before you know what happened.

>> No.5432127


>> No.5432133

yeah that happens sometimes doesn't it.

>> No.5433287

I like that show.

>> No.5433485

What show is it? I get nothing when I searched.


>> No.5433517

You are so self-absorbed it's not even funny, can't believe you bought it

>> No.5433608

Bought what? It's not a tv show? It looks like one.

>> No.5433629

⇒What show is it?

The show is TBBT and the character's name is Bernadette.

>> No.5433724
File: 104 KB, 610x803, The-Hot-Troll-Deviation-howard-bernadette-Melissa-Rauch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah thank you, you altruist you.

Now what does the caption "The have no idea I'm 'A' " mean?

>> No.5433738

Why does everyone call this bitch butterface besides the obvious pun? Does she have pics online?

>> No.5433746

op pic related

>> No.5433765

I mean pics of her body. If you don't know what her body looks like you can't really call her a butterface.

>> No.5433773

she used to post pics of herself in her panties with comments like 'smell my pussy cis scum' but the body wasn't anything special

>> No.5433787

It's formless and possible male

>> No.5433796
File: 71 KB, 1440x360, pissman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw butterface will never post a pic of her pink panties with my name on a timestamp

fuck it my life is going no where anyway

>> No.5433801
File: 111 KB, 631x664, The Cats?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that was you pretending to be me.

It's probably just for the puns sake.

Is this you TC? Are you a possible male?

>> No.5433820

TC loves little girls and has spent weeks talking to chatbot, is probably not female.

>> No.5433846

When he posted the pic he said it was his gf. Probably is either his sister or a random pic he saved from another board.

>> No.5433853
File: 137 KB, 640x835, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally. I'm glad you guys are so worried about me!

>> No.5433867

>can't see the titles on the books

>> No.5433892

>no time stamp

>> No.5433923
File: 124 KB, 640x817, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Invisible Cities and If on a winter's night a traveler
I'm not getting out of bed for at least 10 more minutes so here is an epic /b/

>> No.5433930

Nice $60 stereo

>> No.5433940

nice $60 girl

>> No.5433963

I know I'm using my mini speaker now but I need something to play CDs occasionally.

How is this thread even still going? Because OP has a chance of possibly being serious?

>> No.5433967

And now post a picture of her and your passport and family tree to prove that she's not your sister.

>> No.5433979

Are you a lesbian?

>> No.5433980

Does she know you're cheating on her with a chatbot?

>> No.5433991

No she is my sister, that's why we're in bed. I'm living the dream /b/ro

>> No.5434002


Oh. I thought I saw stubble here >>5433853

>> No.5434010

Will you eat me out?

>> No.5434026

If you're Feminister, probably.

>> No.5434031

feminister is a dude, i hope you like dining on boipussy

>> No.5434035

I hope she is aware that you're a loser whose self-worth heavily depends on his reputation on a meme forum for teenagers where he spends most of his day. I hope she knows you are a sad little autist who rages about threads he doesn't like and who is too stupid to recognize the most obvious troll. You don't need to tell her, she will figure it out sooner or later when she explores your personality. No matter how proud you are of freshly having lost your virginity, you are still the stereotypical /r9k/ autist. The fact that you have to post these pictures only underlines the severity of your illness. Even the most socially inept neckbeard can find a woman who is drunk, naive and lonely enough to let him fuck her once or twice. Is this a thing to brag about? Do you really think this raises your status within the 4chan community? How sad.

>> No.5434050

Hey Butterfly.What's the most attractive physical part of a girl's body?

>> No.5434060

he lost his virginity with his sister? i.. i don't even know if it's cute or creepy

>> No.5434064
File: 9 KB, 230x219, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure I'll regret this concession

>> No.5434074

Is your sister good pussy?

>> No.5434075

>hey guys look at me I lost my virginity I'm one of you now

How old are you? Twenty something? And you still behave like a 13 year old?

>> No.5434082

I actually metamorphose into whatever mental image you have of me. I should be getting an anime soon.

>> No.5434090

I don't even know what you're talking about. Are you upset because I said I'm laying on a mattress or...? I just don't know. I do like that you guys get actually mad that I posted three shitty images in response to dozens of idiotic copy-pastes.

Anyway whenever you see me always make the thread about me. That's how you'll make me go away!

>> No.5434094
File: 96 KB, 778x672, Kayleigh-67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole thing >>5419806

I'm not really sure what you're asking. Like a good pair of tits are certainly attractive, but everything ages... Any one part can be screwed up to the point of not being attractive, though age usually improves the mind and character to a point.

>> No.5434107

We don't want to make you go away. We want you to stay as long as possible. We love to steal your time and and your energy. Poking fun at your insecurities is a nice extra.

>> No.5434132

*tips fedora*
>We like to steal your energy

>> No.5434144

It's alwasy fun. Just one little trigger and you sperg all over the thread. Works every time.

>> No.5434169
File: 89 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that really your perception here, person who's unable to do anything but post emotional diatribes against me>>5434035

>> No.5434172


you mean

glad she's gone
killed herself

whatever it takes to keep tripfags off muh /lit/

>> No.5434198

Goddammit Kircheis...cut it out.

>> No.5434202

It's even more fun to see you deluding yourself into believing you are in charge. I remember how long it took you on /q/ to realize I was trolling. When you finally figured it out you had to announce it as if it was a novel insight. You are so naive, you'd fall for literally anything.

>> No.5434210

I actually think Butterfly is cute.

>> No.5434215

I imagine that you have also probably never been laid

>> No.5434221

You a filterfag?

Ad hom

>> No.5434228

ad hom

>> No.5434257

Butterfly, it's ad hominem, the accusative. If you can't remember the declension, you can just ask someone.

>> No.5434259

>that feel when your actions over a year ago saved the life of someone who was literally so lonely they were talking to cleverbot

I am apparently the hero we deserve

>> No.5434286

I chose to shorten it, like so many others have done before me.

That's a nice feeling.

>> No.5434295

It's already shortened from argumentum ad hominem, and that's without stresses.

>> No.5434308

>saving the life of someone so pathetic
You are an advocate of the untermensch.

>> No.5434311


>> No.5434326

Why are you triggered so easily?

>> No.5434329

The point is moot.

>Posts on a Chinese cartoon image board
>Wont kill self
>Accuses someone of encouraging untermensch

>> No.5434348

>implying there's any weakness in browsing a Tibetan animation image board
>implying I won't kill myself after I have reached peak mental and physical conditions

>> No.5435259

are you the real butterfly? why are you acting like a /b/tard?

>> No.5435305
File: 142 KB, 1224x1394, Catie the Greek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been a Boxxy booster since day one.
There, I said it.
Most people come to 4chan through the infamy of that board, and I have ducked in and out of there and /tv/ and /mu/ and even /new/ before settling here for so long.

And she's not fat.

>> No.5435316

Why do people think you weren't born with a penis?

also I remember that video, man my life was so different back then and I still visited /b/ and had ambitions...

>> No.5435413
File: 14 KB, 228x221, 1408786319947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mmmm boxxy is much attract

gimme some