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/lit/ - Literature

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5418342 No.5418342[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

W-what is it guys

>> No.5418346

I'm h-here for t-the party

>> No.5418347

i am so excited to find out, you have no idea

>> No.5418349


hey zeeburg it's nice to see ya man,
h-hopefuly some more people show up haha

i invited the whole board..

>> No.5418351

pppappwr wight

>> No.5418355


you know im sort of a lit noob so it's probably just gonna disappoint you guys anyway

you know maybe this wasn't such a good idea

>> No.5418356

Can I guess what's in the box?

>> No.5418361


Please do!

like if you actually guessed it
that'd be pretty cool

>> No.5418362

coloring book

>> No.5418363

The suspense is killing me

>> No.5418364

All you anons lurking remember, if you take the 10 seconds to report both OP and the first shitpost response, both of these retarded underage b& posters will be banned. You just have to let the mods know.

>> No.5418366
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>> No.5418367

plashtic peenush

>> No.5418372

what emotion is this?

>> No.5418374

It's a framed picture of harold bloom

>> No.5418379


truthfully i've just been wanting to use that image and i just did, didn't really think about it

>> No.5418380

so was I right?

>> No.5418383


not quite

>> No.5418386
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Well, can I have a hint?

>> No.5418391

So excited.

>> No.5418394


no one cares about your paperback Totalitarian in a shit posting "i'm giong to be famous"


>> No.5418404

Fuck off.Get raped. Then kill yourself, you retarded faggot.

>> No.5418407
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>> No.5418410

I'll bite.

It's a book written post 1960.

>> No.5418415

it's that shitty /lit/ book they've been writting.

>> No.5418417
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If you don't show it in the next 2 minutes i'm going to wring your neck

>> No.5418418


well there's 5 books in this shipment, i'll just post them don't worry

i'm really new to literature so i'm excited, these books were a gift from someone I just recently met. trying to figure out a way to return the favor to her.


hey guys come on, this is supposed to be a part

>> No.5418422

Grapes of Wrath
The Bleeding Edge
100 Years of Solitude/Love in the Time of Cholera
American Psycho

>> No.5418425

well that escalated quickly

>> No.5418428
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h-heres the box opened

>> No.5418435


That really wasn't a bad guess at all. i have grapes of wrath on my dresser and it's in my backlog for now

>> No.5418437
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>> No.5418438

Fuck you.

I was about to get information for Fedex package SD1gXLt8wN_001_v

>> No.5418440

dude i think that's supposed to be a frog not a penguin

>> No.5418441

>ordering books offline

It's like you actively attempt to avoid leaving the house for anything at all.

>> No.5418443

is it a god damn "add on item"? I just experienced that for the first time.
OP, it's great to get books, isn't it? So many to get and read!

>> No.5418445


Are you a grill?

>> No.5418446
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Sorry, i'm blind brah

>> No.5418448

Why are you hi-jacking this guy's thread? Are you really that desperate?

>> No.5418449

pleb as fuck

>> No.5418451

He asked me-- or her, i hope it's a grill-- to join it, m80

>> No.5418458
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i invited zeeburg here specifically because i saw him posting yesterday and thought he was a really nice guy

and nah, not a grill </3

>> No.5418460

srsly no one cares

>> No.5418463
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>> No.5418464
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>you browse the same board as plebs like this

>> No.5418465

s-sorry to dissapoint


yeah dude it's badass to receive books, whenever i saw them in my front door this morning i was excited as fuck.

>> No.5418466

Any recommendations, Ghostface?

You seem to have an interesting taste in literature.

>> No.5418469

Nah, I think it's pretty funny that the mega-tryhard attention whore who is sucking the other newfags dick is a uber pleb. So I also care.

>> No.5418470

This is the fastest moving thread I've ever seen on /lit/.

What the fuck is wrong with all of you?

>> No.5418474
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you guys are so critical

>> No.5418475


>> No.5418476

We like shitposting ;^)

>> No.5418477
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>> No.5418479
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Welcome to patricianhood brag

>> No.5418480
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c-can I have the e-empy box?

>> No.5418481

/lit/ died ~four months ago when the speed increased and people started coming here just to shitpost ebin memz. I know some idiot is about to shit their pants about how it was always this way but it definitely got much worse very recently.

>> No.5418482

Were you masturbating when you took this pic?

>> No.5418483


hahaha, i appreciate that dude. and nah, anything I've ever read I know for a fact you have, too.

unboxing threads tend to do that

i'm workin on it dude


the negativity man, sheesh

>> No.5418484

getting boxes full of books is exciting, even if it is a vicarious thrill

we are all just happy for the recipient

can't you be happy too, anon? just for once?

>> No.5418485


>> No.5418487

>Mass quoting, milquetoast snarkiness

This is fucking hilarious. Are you being sincere? Is this you?

>> No.5418491


but my cat loves empty boxes!


truthfully, no


thanks man, i actually really appreciative that

>> No.5418492
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>> No.5418493

Take your name off, then maybe you wouldn't receive so much vitriol.

>> No.5418495



>> No.5418501
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Ghostface, wanna be /lit/ buddies?

>> No.5418505


yeah I know. thanks for the tip though.

>> No.5418510


Holy shit Zeeburg, absolutely! Thank you for the offer friend. /lit/ buddies it is.

>> No.5418511

I ordered one today on Amazon and found it ten minutes later at a used bookstore. OK, so now I'll have two, one as a gift, I guess.
It's like having an adventure arrive on your doorstep, like tickets to somewhere, tickets you bought and don't know if you're going to like the journey or not, but onto the train you go for unknown lands.

>> No.5418514




>> No.5418515
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>> No.5418527

/lit/ was only alive for about six months between the time when we got rid of the tripfag epidemic and when a huge batch of newfags from /mu/, /tv/ and /v/ joined one summer. Think it was late 2011-summer 2012, but may be wrong.

t. posted on this shitty board since the start

>> No.5418530

The samefagging in this thread is annoying.