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5417771 No.5417771 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who thinks there should be more insight into this?

>> No.5418881

>muh Beatrice

>> No.5418912

>tryhard novelist tries so hard it breaks the speed of tryhard

>> No.5418921

Well, the general idea Handler was going for included mysteries without answers, loads of obscured connections, unresolved plot lines... The idea that a story can never truly having an ending. Although I think the thematic experiment was lost on the target audience.

What was the sugar bowl?

>> No.5418936

>mysteries without answers, loads of obscured connections, unresolved plot lines
In other words, he was trying to copy Kafka.

Spoiler: Kafka did it better

>> No.5418945

Read the serie when I was 8, really loved it, I read the twelth book and never read the end, I'm 21 and still don't know why. Should I pick it up? I have such a good memory of it, I'm afraid to be disappointed now that I'm older.

>> No.5418977

Kafka? You chose Kafka over Pynchon in the mysteries without answers/obscured connections/unresolved plot lines categories?

>> No.5419128
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It has a different feel then the other books, kind of a fatalistic and actually depressing element to it. I thought it was interesting and vaguely satisfying of an ending, but that's a hotly contested question.

>> No.5419303


You mean he made a 13 book series out of The Crying of Lot 49?

>> No.5419358

Insight in what way?

Overall, I thought The End was satisfying: similar to >>5418945, I had access to it early on but didn't get to it until much later. It ramps up the symbolic nature of the series to a high degree, while still giving us a look at the central four characters (the children and Olaf).

Speaking of this series, this is yet another personal reminder to check out All The Wrong Questions.

>> No.5419424
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>"Oh yes we can!" Shirley said, in her silly high voice, and grabbed Violet's arm. Foreman Flacutono quickly grabbed her other arm, and the eldest Baudelaire found herself trapped.
>"Klaus!" Violet cried, struggling in the grips of Shirley and Foreman Flacutono. "Do something!"
>"Your brother can't do anything!" Shirley said, giggling in a most annoying way. "He's just been unhypnotized—he's too dazed to do anything. Foreman Flacutono, let's both pull! We can make Violet's armpits sore that way!"
>Shirley was right about Violet's sore armpits,

>> No.5419453


In context that scene was hype as fuck, get out of here with that bad writing towelman maymay

>> No.5419477

I had some sort of Don Quixote complex and used to be convinced that these books were true when I was little.

>> No.5419570

>bad writing towelman maymay

what the fuck are you even talking about

towelman has nothing to do with bad writing you autist

>> No.5419602


Just how new are you?

Go to any GoT thread and he's invariably posted to spam the diarrhea focused "GoT a shit" copypasta.

>> No.5419615

>calls others new
>thinks the towelman meme has anything to do with Game of Shits or bad writing

cannot stop laughing

>> No.5419631


>Implying towelman meme can be used unironically

War has changed, anon.

>> No.5419842
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>been on 4chan for several years
>just now realize it's a towel and not a ribbon

I always thought it was a guy who just ran a marathon and was dabbing at his sweat with a fucking award.

>> No.5419846

great exchange here

top notch banter

>> No.5419860



you seriously thought "le_sweating_man.jpg" was using anything other than a towel?

>> No.5419865
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>> No.5419875
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invest in some corrective eyewear

>> No.5419889


I wish the problem were shitty eyes rather than a shitty brain m8.

Welp, I'm off to contemplate suicide. Cya!

>> No.5419901


eh, I r8 7/8.

>> No.5419957

Good children series. I learned words like "xenophobic" and "penultimate" by reading these books.

>> No.5419996

>mfw people think penultimate means 'very ultimate'
jesus christ

>> No.5420064

reminder that you will never know the true meaning of the great unknown

>> No.5420237
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>implying that wasn't aSoUE's green light

>> No.5420305
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>Believing in symbolism

Why can't an author just put in a nice piece of imagery without everyone sperging out and claiming it represents money, fear, or the negative impacts of colonialism with respect to the Panama canal?

>> No.5420347

How's that second series that focuses on Snicket's role in VFD? I read the first one back when it came out and while it wasn't terrible, I felt like he was trying to cash back in on the series for a quick buck.

>tfw this could make a god-tier movie series but it is forever ruined by that dogshit film with Jim fucking Carey and Olaf.
Fuck it all.

>> No.5420386
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Fuck no it couldn't be a good series for film.

Film audiences demand closure and a clean and simple plot structure which can carry a story for an hour and a half without narration or background exposition. Unfortunate Events offers none of the above.

It's also wholly unfit for production. Most of the humor you enjoy from the series is from a sardonic third party playing with words and the narrative; the actual action is rather simple and unfit for actual film production.

It's stupid to try, too. Historically, except maybe for "The Grapes of Wrath" there has never been a "sad and cynical story forced into the happy ending box where the movie came out watchable.

Prove me wrong, il/lit/erates.

>> No.5420409

As a popular series, sure it'd be terrible. As evidenced by the attempt starring Jim Carey. I could (and probably most of lit) handle a story without closure, maybe even a popular audience could since the books were pretty fucking popular. I will concede the fact that a lot of the humor and plot is driven by a narrator who both took part in the backstory and adds to the present story through his sarcastic remarks.

I dunno, I guess I'm venting frustration over the blue-balls the actual film gave me since it was so shitty and I was hyped as fuck for it when it came out.

>> No.5420444
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>Watched film on payperview with parents because I was hyped as fuck and we couldn't make it in theaters.
>Somewhat disappointed but hopeful they could turn it around
>Dad's first comment after forcing him to watch the whole thing because of my hype:
>Okay film. It's never getting a sequel though."
>"Sorry little man."

>> No.5420448

>am i the only one

why do people start threads this way

i hate it

>> No.5420450

TCoL49 for kiddies

tell me otherwise

>> No.5420453


Sans that the title's

>There should be more insight into this

As originally posted, it encourages responses beyond "yeah."

>> No.5420519

>mfw I had an argument with someone about this and they kept insisting they were right even after I explained the etymology to them and showed them a dictionary definition

>> No.5420524

I thought the movie was alright even though it didn't follow the plot of the books that closely.

>> No.5420527

The End was so sad :(

>> No.5420539
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>"I see what you're doing, sign it in your OTHER hand, please."

>> No.5420546

That was a curveball for people who had read the books and thought they knew what was gonna happen.

>> No.5420586

it's better than TCoL49

>> No.5420678


>> No.5420900

yes, in an extremely complimentary way

>> No.5420917
