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/lit/ - Literature

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5417298 No.5417298 [Reply] [Original]

How did you do academically in high school /lit/? Maybe you fit the stereotypical mould of the pseudo-intellectual teenager who never did that well, but that was the education system's fault. Maybe you coasted through on your ‘natural intelligence’. Or, like me, did you get bogged down in superficially angsty nihilism and not bother to study?

>> No.5417311
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>6th grade dropout
>3.95GPA at major university

>> No.5417313

All 3

>> No.5417327

yeah I guess they aren't really mutually exclusive

>> No.5417332

>but that was the education system's fault
It often probably is.
I've always wondered if a greater focus on students teaching themselves with teachers providing guidance would be better.

>> No.5417346

>Maybe you fit the stereotypical mould of the pseudo-intellectual teenager who never did that well, but that was the education system's fault.

It's because I was a lazy-ass nigger, although the school I went to was pretty bad and everybody I know who has gone into teaching has said as much after experiencing better schools. Of course we didn't know it back then so it's a hard excuse to offer in anything but retrospect. I guess that I coasted through on natural intelligence and the application was lacking and hence why I never got anything beyond average/slightly above-average grades. That I live in the UK where I could get into University very easily never propelled me to feel a need to study hard either. That's why I ended up at a Plate Glass, but I'm not aggrieved about that. It's just how it went. University was the period where I buckled down and considered what I wanted to get from my education.

However, my parents occasionally bring up University education as being a negative thing, which makes me consider that the idea of knowledge being something worth attaining for personal gain was never a dominant factor for me during childhood, and wasn't until mid-way through University at least. At school I studied what I found interesting but never saw the benefit of studying things that I didn't find interesting. I had a crisis-point where all of that changed and I struggled to adapt instantly and there's something tragic in that that I find hard to believe doesn't happen to a lot of people from working-class backgrounds.

The system and parenting does play a role so I'm confident saying that it's hardly an excuse but rather associative. I even think it has an effect on kids that I don't know so it's not merely an egotistical point, but as we move into a much more conservative-society post-2008 (from what I've experienced), it doesn't seem quite as problematic as it did under, say, under new-labour. What I do think is that people seem to be more clued up on the value of secondary-school education now that it's moved away from being the final point of education: as University has become an extension of secondary school education for a greater number of people in society. On that front, I think the UK has begun to replicate the US system of either having people work really hard for the sake of it or having them give up entirely in a kind of rebellious cycle. I'm not a fan of that and it worries me but we're in a state of flux and I don't know what the outcome will be (a greater divide in mentality?)

I wasn't nihilistic or angsty. I had more friends and a better social-life at school than I've had since, when I became more nihilistic and angsty. I miss those days.

>> No.5417351

I was angsty. And kind of dumb. Still kind of a slow learner. I'm paying for it now and I feel nothing but regret. I wish I could start over again.

>> No.5417356

I didn't give a shit about anything in high school.

>> No.5417378

I just did my work everything else was bullshit.

>> No.5417388

I done pretty poorly at school, though it was my own fault for being lazy. Done well in college (Britbong speak for last two years of high-school) and I'm doing preddy good at University

>> No.5417408

btw, why do you assume everyone on here is just some lazy nihilistic fuck up, OP.

>> No.5417417

I was only talking about in high school...

>> No.5417424

Yee, perhaps this thread doesn't apply to me

>> No.5417437


98/100 in year 12, valedictorian of my school.

>> No.5417455

I was a pretty stellar though still kinda relaxed student. I gradually became disenchanted with formal academics as university rolled on.

>> No.5417462

I was in the top 10-12% of highschool graduates, mostly humanities subjects

At university I've failed about almost a year's worth of STEM subjects from apathy

>> No.5417469

The trouble with a lot of humanities students, including myself way back when, is that you have a predisposition to be creative, and to appreciate creative achievements and values, but you lack a masculine side to your character which reinforces the desire to create with the self-discipline to strong will to facilitate your creativity. My no bullshit advice to you is to get into a routine of waking up early, reading, studying, completing your work, and writing. Organize your day and get all of the embarrasing writing out of your system as soon as possible.

Too many young beta white guys lacking a strong father figure allow their potential to be squandered by a casually nihilistic view of the world and a needy, self-pitying impatience because the fruits of their alleged genius isn't handed to them on a place the same way all their childhood rewards were

>> No.5417475

"Coasted through," I guess. Though I read a lot otherwise, and put a lot of effort into self-improvement outside of school.

I'm not a lazy type. I don't see how lazy people who don't like to study could really get into a reading habit.

>> No.5417489

> I don't see how lazy people who don't like to study could really get into a reading habit.

I find that these people (including my past self) choose to read - despite being lazy - because literature is very often about the negative aspects of society (see: Bukowski, Celine et al.) or promotes the value of "emotional" or even vaguely spiritual ideals over those of materialism, status and so on. Reading therefore becomes a means of reinforcing one's own laziness, identifying the quaint defeatism or bitter pessimism of an author with your own defeatist, bitter self. What follows is the conviction that you too are somehow either destined to be as successful as these authors (they're just like me!) or that despite your flaws these famous men value your existence (like they do their characters!) though nobody else does.

>> No.5417501

I got hooked on vidya games, thats why I didn't do good. It's not my fault man if I didn't get hooked I would be an actual intellectual.

>> No.5417514

I was a straight F student who dropped out in 11th grade and became a NEET shut-in for 7 years. Best years of my life.

>> No.5417522

I did fine, nothing special. Just as lazy now as I was then.

My only regret in high school was not getting laid because it's too late now to get some high school pussy.

>> No.5417523

iktf ;_;

>> No.5417535


I developed a huge crush on a girl, fucked up hard, became depressed, didn't eat, didn't sleep, attempted suicide, never did my homework, never studied for a test, yet still somehow managed to pass all the courses and graduate in time with average grades. High school is easy mode.

>> No.5417539

>high school is easy mode

Yeah, work-wise. That was the most social pressure I've had on me my entire life. Brought out the worst in my anxiety.

>> No.5417546

>ITT: people who just graduated from high school

>> No.5417549

I feel like /lit/ would have an older demographic than most of 4chan, but I don't know where or if I could find any statistics on the per-board demographics of its users.

>> No.5417563

>I developed a huge crush on a girl, fucked up hard, became depressed, didn't eat, didn't sleep, attempted suicide, never did my homework, never studied for a test


..I don't know the others though

>> No.5417565

The first year I was an idiot like I always was before 10th grade. 10th grade I did a total 180 and was top 2 in AP Euro, which for me was crazy. 11th and 12th grade I pretty much stayed at that place, and I laughed pretty hard when I found out that because I had below a 3.5 in 9th grade, even if I had a 3.85 or above ever since, I would never be considered honor material.

As far as stereotypes, I dont know what you would call me.

The guy who hung out with everyone, mainly hung out with the band geeks who did drugs, and I wasnt in band?

I didnt even read for fun back then besides philosophy and textbooks.

>> No.5417589

>Maybe you coasted through on your ‘natural intelligence’
I did this through GCSEs, which meant when I got to A-level and found I actually had to work it was a bit of a shock to the system.
Now I'm at uni and it's back to coasting.

>> No.5417597

Exactly me. Pulled my finger out very briefly at the end of high school, but now I'm back to just doing stuff last minute and getting average marks.

>> No.5417599

Nope. Majority is early high school graduates. It'd be nice if it weren't so young.

>> No.5417605

Yep. What's made it depressing is seeing my little sister coming through school getting far better grades than I did just because of her work ethic. She just got like 4 As at AS, who does that?

>> No.5417611

>coasted through on your ‘natural intelligence’
yup thats me, and it fucked me for when i went to college

>> No.5417614

Natural intelligence.
I didn't start to get math until very recently.

>> No.5417702

My freshman and sophomore years I coasted by on my "natural intelligence." My junior year this became more difficult, since I was being assigned at least 2 hours of homework each night, so I struggled with "superficially angsty nihilism" and got into a "hissy fit" about "how pointless" and "stupid" and "meaningless" this "busy work" was, and became an "edge-lord." Then my senior year I found the perfect excuse: depression! "I can't do my homework because I'm depressed," I would say to teachers, and instant sympathy points. "I have an excuse: I'm depressed. I'm seeing someone about it." And on and on and on. Prozac and Effexor "fucked me up" and made me into an even more "angsty kid." I can't think about high school without "cringing."

Then in university I became "more genuinely nihilistic" and started "bull-shitting" my way through classes, which is something I had lots of "trouble with" in high school ("maaan, that's so inauthentic. Inauthentic! Maaan, how do you live with yourself? You're bullshitting your way through school. Memorizing so you can past tests. But education is about self-enrichment! don't you get it, maan?"). In uni I "applied myself" only to math and CS courses and found ways to "cheat the system" for the rest. E.g., in physics, I just skimmed the textbook to find out what the equations and how to apply them, since using equations is "piss-easy."

>> No.5417793


who's that?

>> No.5417811

I dropped out

>> No.5417826

Hit a little close to home.

>> No.5417833
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>tfw brilliant but lazy

>> No.5417843

Coasted on natural ability. Had no sense of direction or any inkling of what I wanted to do with my life. Never studied. Often neglected homework. Aced tests. Ended up with the highest SAT in my graduating class but no honors or distinctions.

>> No.5417846

I did poorly in elementary and middle school due to bullying. I would skip school as often as I could, and it almost got me expelled. I did great on tests, but rarely did homework. I was only passed after a counselor advocated for me.

In high school, I did okay. I still didn't do much homework, but I rocked big projects, essays and tests, and my teachers loved me.

I was too lazy to apply myself and go to a real college, so I dicked around community college for a few years just taking classes that interested me.

Now I just read a lot and try not to get into intellectual discussions with people because I'll only embarrass myself. You'd think I'd be better at articulating myself seeing as I read so damned much, but that's not the case. Oh well.

>> No.5417875

I had pretty average grades in my classes but was able to complete 12 credits before i went to college with my high test scores.

Did real shitty in math on SAT but was in the like 10 percentile for reading and writing. Got accepted to a lot of good schools i never should have got into because i was good at wrestling.

Got accepted to princeton, went to a shitty private college instead.

>> No.5417876


>> No.5417883


>> No.5417941

did you wrestle with any hot guys?

>> No.5417958

You just described me.

>> No.5417972

not gay but yeah i would guess so. Wrestlers are more weight conscious than a bulimic with self esteem issues

>> No.5418085

I just hate the guys that say they are "brilliant" but are too lazy to do shit. It just sounds too pretentious, almost the same as a guy I knew that started four different humanities careers and not even ended one because he was too "brilliant" to study.

>> No.5418401


Straight "A" student; top of the class and all subjects final year of primary school; second or top of class every year of (much larger) high school, and in the final year top of class and winner of three subject prizes. None of that "naturally intelligent" shit: worked (and read) obsessively hard the whole time, to the extent that before final exams, it was suggested to me that the school would overlook any absences I chose to take. Never took them.

>> No.5418408

I'm a GIRL and I HATE this too!!

>> No.5418554

I dropped out.

I know I'm dumb and I actually don't mind working simple minimum wage jobs so its okay.

>> No.5418564

the third one.
i had a lot of existential pain and anxiety and i dropped out. mostly though i liked to smoke in the boys' room and dick around with my horrible girlfriend, so i got too far behind to graduate on time.

in a nutshell, i did so little work that i'm 20 now and if I would've stayed i'd still be in high school.

>> No.5418568

Did good in the classes I liked, didn't do good in the one's I didn't. Don't think I ever did a single piece of homework at home.

>> No.5418570


>> No.5418580

>tfw failed 8th grade twice because i skipped too much

>> No.5418614

Depends, bud. If you be reading non fiction all day then your description doesnt apply

>> No.5418644
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It's never too late.

>> No.5418653

A mashup of the last two.

>> No.5418669

i failed 10th grade twice. also because i skipped too much. i basically autofailed some classes because i had less than 50% attendance

>> No.5418756

how old are you?
age of consent is 16 in a lot of states.
tbh once you're like 20 if you're moderately attractive and mildly edgy getting hs pussy is just abt the easiest thing on earth

>> No.5418772

I have mediocre high 80s grades but my english teachers loved the fuck out of me and gave me god tier recs for college which I dropped out of anyway

>> No.5418822


never did any homework, aced every test

failed these online classes i took because i was an edgy atheist and the homeschool christian/creationist online "teacher" couldn't handle the truth.....and i didn't do any of the homework

other than that i mostly got B- to A- grades, depending on how important tests were to the class, and how much of the homework i was able to copy off others. in all my math classes, i had this arrangement with this qt who would let me copy all her homework so long as during classtime i was there to explain to her how to do all the homework (and to give her the d on the weekends)

>> No.5419848

near perfect scores in cs, math, physics, languages, economics. didn't need to study. failed university. should've just studied. I blame the school system. still have high marks in the system and might be able to finish my degrees (English, physics and philosophy) all in two years, however I'm a poorfag and need to work for food and a place to sleep, can't afford education. I blame society.

>> No.5419942

but really though, thank you for that

>> No.5420021
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i was a huge nerd and cared about my grade a lot got a "good" certificate for the year (we got those at the end of the year) a few times, was rude to teachers, than suddenly i became kinda popular and started to not give a shit, dicked around, smocked weed, spended the majority of the time chasing hipster chicks, put a lot of effort into hair and clothing, all this kinds of garbage in the end i graduated with a lot 3 or Cs this could be easily avoided if i had put like a month of work in the whole biz. but tis okay since my school grades dont influence my uni entrance possibilies

>> No.5420032

I just made sure I studied every day for a week before tests and I got 94 average at the end of grd 12 and good marks in the IB. I even stopped going to into class except for a bit of the afternoons or just didnt go at all and the teachers were like 'whatever, you're doing well so we don't care'. Was chill as fuck in retrospect, Im glad they didnt punish me academically for truancy

>> No.5420035

Too lazy to do any work, but always averaged out at b-d because of tests, got invitation to fancy boarding school for being x-man smart.

>> No.5420050

dropped out cause I never tried and school had no resources to counsel troublesme kids

finished 2 years of high school in 10 months adult school and got GED

curently a semester away from associates and CAD certificate 3.3 or some shit gpa never cared about gpa just try to understand classes

its a liberal arts associates and I aknowledge it holds little value by itself for employers

>> No.5420125
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> Final High school: 3.8
> Final Uni: 2.9

Currently work at IBM as a software engineer.

>> No.5420150

was it hard getting a job/possibly internships with a lower GPA?

>> No.5420154

Debate. That's all. Debate was love, debate was life.

>> No.5420155


top kek

>> No.5420177

none of that. I did shit in high school. I just didn't care

>> No.5420198


such a great book

>> No.5420200

>not working
>doing well in the ib
pick one

38 doesn't count as doing well

>> No.5420210

is this the thread where we pretend we could have changed the world if only we cared enough to do it?

>> No.5420224

You guys were in IB, too? Can we talk about how fucking easy the exit exams were?

Maybe my teachers were just really good, but the IB tests were fucking EASY. Like, I seriously felt disappointed because I had spent the last 3 months shitting my pants over literally nothing

>> No.5420253

Depression. Fucking depression and a couple suicide attempts. I pretty much flunked out. I finished but no college will accept me with the grades I got.

>> No.5420266

shit tier grades

entirely my fault. i just didnt care. i suspect it was due to my dad yelling at me so much about them in earlier years that i didnt do homework so i could spite him or something

fucking retarded

>> No.5420278

ah jesus i got a fucking 2.5 lmao

angsty depressed me really screwed the pooch on this one. although i gotta say i dont like how much your high school grades can affect you in the long run. we shouldn't be leaving the entire course a life can take in the hands of retarded teenagers

>> No.5420291

I worked plenty, I just didn't go into class much and the majority of my time was spent studying rather than doing exercises,etc. Every day when I got up I'd spend at least 3 hours working, just at my house. And then in the evening I'd study more.
A lot of the exam questions felt like IQ test questions I thought. Like you wouldn't even need to know anything prior to writing them, you just had to figure out the answer from the information giving.

>> No.5420298


>> No.5420313

I spent all of my highschool years pretending to do math and chemistry but cheating out of the answer books. But, reading through a stupid creationist history book did get me interested in philosophy because I assumed whatever writer the book was talking shit about must of been a decent guy. so I guess there's that.
I was homeschooled.

>> No.5420321

It was heavy doses of the three. A skateshop "Sponsored me," I learned three chords on guitar. I was too cool for school.

>> No.5420357

Nice one "Holden"

>> No.5420475

I only got a 32 in IB. But 7 in American History cuz Merica

>> No.5420498

Whats with all the "quotation marks?"

>> No.5420518

>Maybe you coasted through on your ‘natural intelligence’.
that one
I weren't special and still aint

>> No.5420533

>be angsty bored teenager
>spend all my time getting into as much trouble as I could find
>almost thrown out of school three times, had to go to a few meetings to defend myself
>saving grace was that my grades were good
>barely make it through high school
>didn't even bother with college because poorfag and didn't know there were options open to me

>> No.5420536

All 3

Still in HS, senior. I do good academically (not good enough, dont care really) but my disciplinary record is pretty bad. Ill probably just go to a top 50 uni

>> No.5420554

Terrible. I got mostly C's and some B's and A's here and there and was smack in the middle of my class ranking. I went to a shit high school though and my class in middle school had some of the worst scores from my school in like 10 years for a big standardized test called the MEAP. I liked playing video games and drumming and I earned a jazz band award from drums so that was cool.

When I was in the 7th grade I was testing at a 4th grade level for math and science but a 12th grade level for english. My dad thought I had ADD and put me on ritalin but that made me spastic and the other drugs made me a zombie so he gave up on meds.

In college I freaked out about possibly being a failure and ended up getting a Bachelor's of Science (Biomedical Diagnostic Therapeutic Science) with a 3.56 gpa and now I work in a hospital lab making about 50k a year. I'll probably go back to grad school eventually. I don't like my job and only find it mildly interesting but I don't know what the fuck I'd do with an English degree.