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/lit/ - Literature

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5415467 No.5415467 [Reply] [Original]

I started lurking /lit/ a while ago, seeing it as the 4chan final boss.
I remember coming here 3 years ago, being awestruck by the profound gibberish.
Returning here after some time and actually trying to make sense of it all, I sort of adopted the /lit/ lifestyle (tons of ebooks, writing poems, plan for novella) and I find that it's pretty depressing.
I mean, when I started living the /fit/ life, my routine was full of meaning and goals and small achievements. Now my thoughts feel sort of fluid, uncertain, self-contradicting, somewhat angsty and proud of it

Is this the norm here? Don't you try to construct meaning, to row instead of rocking the boat?
>inb4 libarts v stem

>> No.5415479

That's nice.

>> No.5415480

You tried the /fit/ "lifestyle" before? What's your next move, /k/? Why don't you have a multitude of interests in life instead of basing it around strict 4chan-based genres?

>> No.5415499

I spend a lot of time here in summer so the peer mentality grows on me.

>> No.5415507

Try the /b/ mentality next and go fuck a goat.

>> No.5415509

You need to get out more. Don't take that as an insult, I do too. But this isn't healthy.

>> No.5415521

I forced myself to do this but my friends bore me.
the internet is full of colorful info and pics and mindless trivia, I get caught up in it

>> No.5415535
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its time for you to try the /d/ lifestlye and get tentacleraped while a muscular shemale fox unloads a giant dump in your mouth.

you sound like this is your true destination.

>> No.5415544

Don't worry about your friends, just go outside and keep walking. Get a bus somewhere you've never been before and explore it. Join a knitting club. Learn to use a bow and arrow. Whatever. Keep doing new things until you find some that don't bore you. Get over your addiction to colourful info, pics and mindless trivia.

>> No.5415601

Read DFW, get sad, read Wittgenstein, realize DFW was a pussy, and move on with your life.

>> No.5415641

Hmm...I think I was where you were at circa 1 year ago. It's a place you visit, but then you have to leave. Why not both? You go to the gym and work out and see your progress and work on your novella. I know for me small victories and the hope of large victories are both important. I do fencing and see my personal progress in seeing my self get better and stay /fit/ (not the kind of /fit/ that means I'll never stop being a scrawny manlet, but still fit) and hope for the publication of my writing. Balance is important. You want to live full life. Don't sacrifice everything for books. Arrange your life in such a way that it remains varied and yet everything seems to hang on certain values and goals.

>> No.5415759

i like the idea of /lit/ being the final boss of 4Chan.
to me /mu/ is harder to deal with.
I often had a thread or two going on /lit/ and /fa/ without much trouble, but /mu/ is just a fucking maze where I still can't tell if anyone is even saying anything at all.

>> No.5415762

is that the parka Houellebecq says is one of the couple perfect consumer products?

>> No.5415805

>Now my thoughts feel sort of fluid, uncertain, self-contradicting, somewhat angsty and proud of it
Fuck you postmodernist scum. Class praxis uncovers the meaning inherent in our reproductive experience.

>> No.5415981

>Class praxis
elaborate on this if you will
It's like stockholm syndrome, like huxley's dystopia.
I want to succeed but I don't really want to try
yeah, he loves that thing
DFW feels dated, thing have sped up chaotically with internet

>> No.5416006

I really like that parka. I don't even live somewhere cold enough to make good use of it and I want one.

>> No.5416029

>elaborate on this if you will

Stable readings from a collective working class subjectivity are possible. This is because stable readings are tested practically, and arise from collective cognition in action.

Its basic hermeneutics really, if you consider hermeneutics to be an action, and textuality to be social reality.

And the "reading stance" is that of collective economic alienation, of course, nothing to sell but our sons.

>> No.5416031


>I want to succeed but I don't really want to try

self-fulfilling prophecy of doom

you want to fail so you can be proven right in your secret condemnation of yourself that you've always held that you were a failure

at least that's what it sounds like

there is probably an aesthetic aspect about self-rejection that appeals to you as well

i could be wrong but it's pretty common amongst the /lit/ set

>> No.5416081

/lit/ is 4chan's second-to-last boss

Final four are /r9k/ -> /pol/ -> /lit/ -> /x/

>> No.5416084

>aesthetic aspect about self-rejection that appeals to you as well
spot on. I don't know about the first one, I always held myself up high but got really paranoid about failure

how do i get over this?

>> No.5416095

where do the 'elves' who've seen it all and just drop out of the war go to?

>> No.5416105


>> No.5416156

/jp/, the only non-subhuman board on the site.

>> No.5416164

Leaving your house costs money.

>> No.5416168

Look to your childhood and find the time you internalized being judged as a failure. This book helps if you're a narcissistic shithead and call yourself an asshole, SOB, or think of yourself as a nice guy. Otherwise, I don't know, maybe someone else will.


>> No.5416175

>/jp/, the only non-subhuman board on the site.
No, friend, /jp/ is shit. You need to ghostboard /jp/ to be with the elves.

>> No.5416292 [DELETED] 

I used to think /jp/ was the ``final boss''.

>> No.5416301

NSJ/Meido /jp/ had an impenetrability, but then they discovered the pleasure of being cummed inside.

>> No.5416444


>The final boss of anything.

Just about every board on 4chan that is related to media, and many that aren't, have the same attributes, sensitivities, and preferences, adjusted to their medium. The general attitude skews towards some kind of holier-than-thou hipsterism that becomes self-reflective to the point of mockery. Hell, just about every board in the prior category has one work that "defines" a lot of their beliefs, regardless of the consensus or evolving opinions.

/v/ has Deus Ex.
/mu/ has IAOTS.
/tv/ has Drive.
/g/ had Arch/Gentoo/DotM.
/new/ and /pol/ had Ron Paul until he retired.
/lit/ has Infinite Jest and Gravity's Raibow.

And so on and so forth. The most popular items for discussion and parody embody the same aspects and qualities, regardless of the medium of discussion. They are all fairly above-average, relatively obtuse (by 'public' standards), and overrated within the community. It goes to show to show that the vast majority of boards on this website are more alike than anyone would care to admit. Once you come here long enough, you find out that every board (outside of the obviously infected/'shit' boards) is the same, just with a different paint job.

Didn't the first meido ragequit in a thread due to all the shitposting and his tireless/thankless job? It's been a long time since I browsed /jp/.


/vr/'s a nice refuge these days if you enjoy video games, otherwise you're shit outta luck.

>> No.5416526
File: 30 KB, 600x439, houellebecq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will he die, bros?

>> No.5416821


>> No.5416834

If you've spent time at /lit/, /x/ will be a joke

>> No.5416891

is he very severely drunk? it looks like he can barely find his mouth with the cigarette. Or is that how frenchmen smoke?

>> No.5416901

read this OP its everyones friend trashing the thing we all love the internet. Might give you some insight on your life and why you have this problem.


>> No.5417006

brb /mu/ /fit/ and /lit/ ubersmench

hasn't read nietzche/spoiler

>> No.5417128

I have read some in my neckbeard years but I didn't get him.
Currently reading >>5416168, maybe I should start therapy, I tend to do a lot of these things he describes

>> No.5417207

What is the /k/ lifestyle? Doomsday prepping?

>> No.5417214

Yeah. I enjoy these elements of 4chan's media boards, but they have to be kept in mind while surfing 4chan, lest you become an irredeemable asshole.

I think it is useful, only because it is reactionary to modern philosophies of total relativism. Not even because relativism is wrong, but because relativism is useless. And 4chan, though certainly overcompensating, can show what is lost.

>> No.5417218 [DELETED] 


>> No.5417230

Wow you're a fag

>> No.5417256

Thanks for the compliment.

>> No.5417261

Kind of. Not really. I don't know.
I have periods like that, but for the most part I am someone who lives a happy life, tries to succeed and stay social (that's how I avoid getting too far down that hole), etc...
I love my life. It means a lot to me. It's not like I can construct meaning anyway. I just look at the meaning my mind has had projected on it and that's enough.

>> No.5417902

Why wouldn't he be drunk, considering his persona?