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/lit/ - Literature

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5410510 No.5410510[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can anybody recommend me some good books about right wing political philosophy from right wing intellectuals? I've gone through all of these I can get my hands on and I am craving more.

>> No.5410529

read left wing to compare and contrast

>> No.5410541

Which of these have you read, OP? and of those you've read, which you consider right-wing intellectuals?

>> No.5410551

theres no way youve read your way through that entire chart since it was first made

if you really want more just get more books from the same authors

>> No.5410556


I did that for years, I want to delve deeper into the right since I neglected that for so long.


I've read every one of the nonfiction except The Closing of The American Mind, which I am currently reading, and The Decline of The West which I cannot find anywhere - which is a shame because that was one of the ones that originally caught my attention.


I haven't, and will not read the fiction and poetry, and I had read a fair number of the nonfiction works before I even came across this chart.

I would like to sample many disparate voices within the same movement rather than read books by more of the same. The list is fantastic, maybe this thread can expand it.

>> No.5410557

Karl Marx - On the Jewish Question
Oscar Wilde - The Soul of Man under Socialism
Sigmund Freud - Totem and Taboo
Max Horkheimer/Theodor W. Adorno - Dialectics of Enlightenment
Albert Camus - The Rebel
>reclaiming the likes of Conrad, Mann and Plato for your cause
absolutely disgusting.

>> No.5410568
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>Oscar Wilde on libertarian socialism (kek)

>> No.5410687

What's the matter, having a stroke?

>> No.5410698


Plato is perhaps most right wing philosopher ever born. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.5410709

He's right. Plato was an authoritarian. He even tried to help some Greek tyrant establish a government in hopes that he'd be able to engineer a society run by philosopher kings. Obviously it didn't work out.

>> No.5410729


Michael Oakeshott

Leo Strauss

Roger Scruton


Eric Voegelin

There are many intellectuals who fit in in vague definition of "right-wing" mindset. Perhaps as >>5410698 writes Plato and Aristotle to lesser extent are also in range of something that would be called now heavy traditionalist thought.

>> No.5410732

>Plato is perhaps most right wing philosopher ever born.
How much of a pleb can you be? The greeks were neither left nor right, those concepts didn't even make any sense back then. Plato has influenced every single philosopher after him, no matter their political affiliations.

>> No.5410733

Hegel and Hobbes.

>> No.5410735


Thanks for proving my point, duh? Authoritarian is one of traits that right-wing position can hold. First of all even disagreeing with Plato I can't reject his philosophy is absolutely right-wing authoritarian.

>> No.5410742


You don't understand. Even though the concept of left vs right appeard 2 millenias after Plato it doesn't change that his position would be considered right-wing nowadays.

>> No.5410749


I don't know really about Hegel, but I feel like Hobbes is far on the right in modern-day terms. He nailed it on social contract (contrary to Rousseau).

>> No.5410751
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Well, Spengler's book can easily be found online.
It appears that the geheimrat isn't on there which is odd since he's a one of the biggest names, so if you haven't already his '75 collaborative work on the crisis of democracy might interest you (& of course his stupid clash of civs). Sowell is a big name too.

Of course, we should perhaps ask if there really are any note worthy right-wing political philosophers beyond those handful of guys.

>> No.5410752


he would also be considered a member of lgbt culture

giving him these modern labels hardly shows how he really thought

>> No.5410758

It really is just an expression of the ancient greek zeitgeist. If you're reading old philosophers for confirming your own views, which you hold for completely unrelated reasons, you're doing it wrong. Like /pol/lacks that read Voltaire for the anti-semitism, or Hegel for the prussian stuff.

>> No.5410764

>but I feel like Hobbes is far on the right in modern-day terms.
try telling that to your everyday lolbertarian.

>> No.5410778

he wouldnt mix with the "might is right" crowd at all, so he's already not "the most rightwing philosopher ever born". countless other examples.

also OP should prove that he has read them all by pointing out the items that were placed in the image for trolling purposes.

>> No.5410783


>In the Laws, Plato applies the idea of a fixed, natural law to sex, and takes a much harsher line than he does in the Symposium or the Phraedrus. In Book One he writes about how opposite-sex sex acts cause pleasure by nature, while same-sex sexuality is “unnatural” (636c). In Book Eight, the Athenian speaker considers how to have legislation banning homosexual acts, masturbation, and illegitimate procreative sex widely accepted. He then states that this law is according to nature (838-839d).

Plato rejected faggotry with power of the reason.

>> No.5410797


No, a person in a dialogue by Plato rejected it with faulty reason.

Plato isn't a great philosopher because he presented good ideas. He's a great philosopher because he presented a multitude of arguments that make one think. Reactionaries seeking to include his writings within their hugbox are sadly mistaken.

>> No.5410802


Yeah, that was an exaggeration. However the traditionalist hierarchical model of society and moral imperative of natural law permeating his philosophy screams "right-wing".


>expression of ancient greek zeitgeist

It depends. If Plato describes something that in his view is an objective condition of the universe, society or human psyche then this very view is applicable anywhere throughout time. I agree though that few points Plato believe have no relation to our days.

>> No.5410817

>right wing

>> No.5410831

>If Plato describes something that in his view is an objective condition of the universe, society or human psyche then this very view is applicable anywhere throughout time
nope, almost every philosopher considered his own zeitgeist to be the dawn of reason, and all its values to be universal and objective.

>> No.5410856

I'm not gonna give you any recommendations OP, because you are part of the herd, of the stupid, sheep masses. You don't deserve, you have no right nor do you have the power in any sense to read books which are there to inform the elite of the humans, the strong men, those who lead, not consume mindlessly or strive to gain more knowledge as if their inferior genetics could ever bring them up to par with the aristocrats of the world.

Does your inferior thinking lead you to believe that some-one part of the elite would go to 4chan to ask for recommendations? Hah!
How are you attempting to inform yourself? By means of consuming that which belongs properly to aristocrats only: Great literature. But you are using that which filthy egalitarian thinking produced! You are using that which degenerate mass culture created! And you go on to think that you are set apart from the rest of the rabble.

What you are trying to achieve, what you are wanting to believe in, only makes you a hypocrite: You are not part of the elite, your genes are inferior, your mind is weak. You will only get fed that which the elite will want to feed you, and you will be happy with it!

What does your feeble mind conjure up in trying to attain this knowledge you seek after? To become an aristocrat? To move up the social ladder, in contradiction to the insight of the natural power of the elites of men; all the while squirting out in vulgar ways that which makes the elite great?! And you think that sets you above the rabble! My dear lord! You, anon, are a nobody, it says so right there: 'anonymous'. You are but one puny, indistinguishable part of a filthy heap of flesh and bones which exist merely to serve the upper classes. You do not belong in those upper parts. That is not your destiny. Go on, plough the fields, work those machines, go serve some coffee, for crying out loud even go solve some math equations. You will never be part of the elites, you will always be a slave. Your attempts here are just a denial of that, trying to become part of that little club, but you never will! Go consume some more mindless media, or go cry about mindless media. Haha! It makes no difference, kid. You are no different, you are nothing.

>> No.5410863


And it doesn't mean anything, really? Ideas, values and concepts or truths are independent from thinkers and intellectuals who pursue them throughout time. They don't change upon zeitgeist of new era emerging incarnated into a bunch of new philosophers.

If Plato was right on "X" 2000 years ago then he still is right on it today. Same happens if he was wrong. Your idea of zeitgeist is one of giving validation to one set of beliefs and taking it away from the other.

>> No.5410869
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>> No.5410883
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>> No.5410892

Please name some right wing intellectuals. Julius Ebola is not an intellectual, intellectuals do not talk about Atlantis or Hyperboreans.

>> No.5410921




and countless others

>> No.5410927
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>> No.5410931

>tfw my library just got a copy of the brand new 2014 translation of Schmitt's Die Diktatur



>> No.5410940

haha wow /lit/ it just filled with failed writers

>> No.5410972

Hobbes, Plato, Aquinas should be a good start.

>> No.5410977

Nah, most of us are cool guys.

>> No.5411021

I'm not saying he couldn't have been right. All I'm saying is the appropriation of arguments by people who have completely different, modern reason for believing them is farcical.

>> No.5411031

Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn, Roger Scruton, Edmund Burke, Thomas Sowell, P. J. O'Rourke, Mário Ferreira dos Santos, Ludwig von Mises, Michael Oakeshott, Willmoore Kendall, Eric Voegelin, Nikolai Berdyaev, Richard M. Weaver, George Grant, Vladimir Nabokov, Lew Rockwell, Alain Peyrefitte, Václav Havel, Alexis de Tocqueville, Vladimir Solovyov, Olavo de Carvalho, Roger Kimball, Xavier Zubiri, Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy, Constantin Noica, Lucian Blaga, T. S. Eliot, Ayn Rand, Franz Rosenzweig, William F. Buckley Jr., G. K. Chesterton, Malcolm Muggeridge, Louis Lavelle, H. L. Mencken, , Paul Johnson, Russell Kirk, Miguel Reale, René Girard, Mortimer J. Adler, Marshall McLuhan, C. S. Lewis, Bernard Lonergan, Frédéric Bastiat, Jorge Luis Borges, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Orlando Figes, Gertrude Himmelfarb, Benedetto Croce, Viktor Frankl, Judith Reisman, Vilém Flusser, Hossein Nasr, George Santayana, Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, Bertrand de Jouvenel, José Ortega y Gasset, Jesús Huerta de Soto, Andrzej Łobaczewski, Leo Strauss, Mircea Eliade, Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung, Carl Schmitt, Thomas Woods, Carl Menger, Jean-Baptiste Say, Nicolás Gómez Dávila, David Horowitz, Murray Rothbard, Peter Hitchens, Henry Hazlitt, Vladimir Bukovsky, René Guénon, Frithjof Schuon, Friedrich Hayek, Mario Vargas Llosa, Vladimir Tismăneanu, Irving Babbitt, Charles E. Lindblom, Irving Kristol, Daniel Bell, Robert Michels, Mikhail Sholokhov, Gaetano Mosca, David Hume, Adam Smith, José Guilherme Merquior, Isaiah Berlin, Arnold Toynbee, Johan Huizinga, Christopher Dawson, Modris Ekstein, John Lukacs, Jacques Barzun, Niall Ferguson, Bernard Lewis, David Stove, Theodore Dalrymple, Leopold von Ranke, François de Chateaubriand, Robert Nisbet, John Henry Newman, Werner Sombart, F. W. Maitland, Raymond Aron, Karl Popper, Julien Benda, Leszek Kołakowski, Alexander Solzhenítsyn, Arthur Koestler, Joseph de Maistre, Rivarol, Pat Buchanan, Samuel P. Huntington, Konstantin Leontiev, Vilfredo Pareto, Edmund Husserl, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Martin Heidegger, Giuliano Gentile, Willard Van Orman Quine, François Mauriac, Robert Brasillach, Pierre Drieu La Rochelle, François Furet, Czesław Miłosz, Hillaire Belloc, Henri Massis, Ivan Ilyin, Edgar Julius Jung, Juan Vázquez de Mella, Juan Donoso Cortés, Masahiro Morioka, Ananda Coomaraswamy, Jacob Burckhardt, Christopher Lasch, Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, Richard Pipes, Hans Trevor Roper, Petre Țuțea, Paul Gottfried, T. E. Hulme, Ernst Jünger, John Kekes, Arnold Lunn, Alasdair MacIntyre, Gabriel Marcel, Julio Meinvielle, E. F. Schumacher, Igor Shafarevich, Karl Ludwig von Haller, Evelyn Waugh, Thomas Fleming, Karl Jaspers, Jean-François Revel, Philip Rieff, Oswald Spengler, Gustav Le Bon, Peter Kreeft, Alain de Benoist, Víctor Pradera, Francisco Elías de Tejada y Spínola, Jaime Guzmán...

And Julius Evola. Fuck you.

>> No.5411051
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>all those random liberal-conservatives and pure historians to make the list look bigger

>> No.5411056


>b-b-but he opposed colonialism and imperialism

So does Pat Buchanan. For the same reasons.

>> No.5411058

>all there right wing individuals to make a list of right wing individuals look bigger
>I don't know what right wing means but i'm going to pretend I do to impress my internet friends
Come on man, we're all anons here, there's no need

>> No.5411061

>Ayn Rand
>David Horowitz
>Julius Evola

>> No.5411067

>liberal conservatism
>not a right-wing ideology

Ok, Raymond Aron, Isaiah Berlin and Jean-François Revel probably self-identified themselves on the left. But they wouldn't survive a true communist revolution.

>Leopold von Ranke, Chateaubriand and Johan Huizinga
>not right-wing historians

>> No.5411082

>make the list look bigger

Actually, i deleted a lot of irrelevant brazilian guys and some neocons from the original list i copy-pasted from some brazilian guy.

Some ended up there anyway >>5411061

>> No.5411112
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>Kurt Vonnegut's ridiculous parody of Ayn Rand

Whoever came up with this chart is illiterate.

>> No.5411121

/lit/ came up with it so you're probably right

>> No.5411357


How typically ignorant of you.

>> No.5411361
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is this like a pasta or something

>> No.5411366

Wrong, chuckle-head. /lit/ ridiculed this monstrosity in its cradle and we're still laughing at you for trying. No points for perseverance, you should have just stopped. Back to your board.

>> No.5411375

It's a fact that rightism is fervently, proudly anti-intellectual.

>> No.5411379
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No it's not.

>"b-but my professor said so"

>> No.5411403

>right wing
>left wing

blegh. a progressive 200 years ago is a conservative today on many cases.

>> No.5411407
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>this nigga is serious

>> No.5411414

>The /lit/ guide to Right-wing literature
>not created by /lit/

OMG this chart was made that evil raiding /pol/!

>> No.5411416

For fiction, read some Evelyn Waugh. He had that whole 'return to the Europe's Christian roots' thing going on the T.S. Eliot did.

>> No.5411418
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>tfw huge increase in number of right wingers who have read books on 4chan recently
>tfw actual discussion sometimes

Feels good.

>> No.5411425

>The greeks were neither left nor right,
Are you retarded? Left and right just refer to progressive/conservative tendencies. Plato was famously conservative (aristocratic really).

>> No.5411427

It was. You guys came here weeks ago asking for right wing /lit/ to make this graphic. You kept doing so. Over. And over. And over. Ebolakid was still using his trip at this time.

>> No.5411430
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Have you even read a single book posted in OP's pic? Do you even understand the worldview surrounding rightism, or understand it's rich history and evolution over time? Or do you have a propagandistic, cardboard-cutout view of the right wing in which Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh are the very best that varied philosophy has to offer?

>> No.5411434


>inb4 the single spelling error is harped on

>> No.5411454

It was quite a while back. It was one OP saying he wanted to make something to get more people reading about the subject. It was a fairly good thread.

It was also during the time when the left wing cunt retard janitor was deleting anything that triggered her clit, so it was at least benign enough to slip the radar.

Internet leftist roleplayers would have a lot more fun if they'd relax and stop trying to take internet fascist roleplayers so seriously.

>> No.5411462

>being this new

>> No.5411572
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Not really anti-intellectual, just distrustful of the intelligentsia, which can be a good thing when you consider that the intelligentsia has a knack for supporting terrible things based just on their own theories (and hubris).

I mean, if it depended on the Students for a Democratic Society the Western world would turn Maoist in the 1960s.

>> No.5411613


Do you have any recommendations for where one would start reading left-wing literature?

>> No.5411633


Have you read The Republic? It's the bible of old conservative wisdom.

>> No.5411660


>I haven't, and will not read the fiction and poetry...

At least read Storm of Steel.



I'm assuming you're talking about the Thirty Tyrants? If so, Plato ardently opposed that regime as it killed 2% of the population of Athens as well as almost killed Socrates.

>> No.5411684

these here>>5410557
particularly wilde.

>> No.5411689

>progressive/conservative tendencies
which where meaningless non-concepts to plato and his contemporaries.

>> No.5411717

Why do newfags always accuse others of being newfags when they're caught being newfags?

>> No.5411724

One of my friends is an ardent fascist who reveres Mussolini and Mosley (which in my opinion is a nice way of sweeping all of the atrocities commited by the Nazi regime under the rug but whatever). Just from looking at some books of his I'd suggest Mosleys leaflets he published. You can buy any of them online. Another good read to inform you on the political right would be "God and Man at Yale". I'd consider myself Left of the political spectrum but I've watched some of his interviews of Firing Line (one with Huey Newton Lewis comes to mind) and I think the man is pure class in his ability to have cogent discussions with people on the other side of the spectrum without it descending into ad hominem insults.

>> No.5411731

>I mean, if it depended on the Students for a Democratic Society the Western world would turn Maoist in the 1960s.
If only.

>> No.5411772

Because we all keep projecting all the time. You do it too and I'm obviously doing it too since I'm a piece of shit (like all of you)

>> No.5411800


"God and Man at Yale" by William F. Buckley*

>> No.5411812

You did actually make yourself look like a newfag tho, if you were the originally person accused.

>> No.5411848


how did i end up here

>> No.5412389

>not a vicious reactionary with seething contempt for brown people

pick one and only one

>> No.5412410

Everything except esoteric right wing "intellectuals". You know, like Julius Evola.

I prefer that over WHO'S JOHN GALT

>> No.5412415

It is now.

>> No.5412418


I was one of the people on /lit/ who helped select the titles. You seem like one of those ass pained leftists who shouted and screamed and pissed yourself during the process.

but hey, if it makes you feel better, keep telling yourself it was all a big, conspiratorial raid by /pol/, done to fanny fluster fags like you and Butterfly.

>> No.5412419

Are you Ayn Rand? Or maybe JOHN GALT?

>> No.5412436


>weeks ago
>chart was made almost a year ago

What the fuck are you talking about?

Also, maybe it's time to consider that there might be right-leaning posters and lurkers who frequent /lit/. I know that idea frightens you -- but it's happening.

>> No.5412449

>I know that idea frightens you -- but it's happening.
Top kek. Do you think this is the real world or something?
This is just a board. You are acting like those /pol/acks who post every day about conquering 4chan (like if that was an achievement).

>> No.5412460 [DELETED] 
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b-b-b-but this can't be true! where else can i go to get reassurances from other SJWs on Liberal Arts Approved Literature™???

help me zizek! junot diaz, pls help! where are you toni morrison?

oh god someone save me from these shitlords!

>> No.5412466

Pls no samefagging and shitposting.

>> No.5412541

>It's a fact that rightism is fervently, proudly anti-intellectual.

1. Dismiss brilliant reactionaries and conservatives from past eras as "men biased by the political and social situation of their respective days."

2. Marginalize and ignore contemporary right-wing intellectuals. Do not publish their works in the best presses. Do not publish reviews of their books in the best journals and magazine.

3. If any contemporary right-wing intellectual experiences an unexpected grass-roots swell in popularity, print bad reviews of their books. Dismiss them as pseudo-intellectuals. Dismiss them as ignorant, foolish.

4. In the media, install the belief that previous right-wing governments hated ALL intellectuals and ALL intellectualism. Never hint that these governments may have been formed or supported by exceptionally intelligent people. They were all formed and supported by criminals and con men who hated books.

Repeat these steps for more than half a century.

Congratulations: you've secured the intellectual arena in America for the left. No one will ever believe that you can be smart, well-read, and right-wing. It's just impossible.

>> No.5412595

This is The Avant-Garde Reactionary Book Collection, someone posted it on lit a while ago, some of the books here will interest someone in this thread (although not all of them are actually avant-garde).

>> No.5412612

Wait, Totem and Taboo? But why? Wouldn't it be better to get Psychology of the Masses or the Unbenhagen?

>> No.5412621

There is authoritarian left and right. Also libertarian left and right

>> No.5412626

>Kurt Vonnegut

>> No.5412641

>some Brazilians
Olavo de Carvalho?

>> No.5412656

>Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn
>Roger Scruton
>Vladimir Solovyov
>G. K. Chesterton
>H. L. Mencken
>Mortimer Adler
>Hans-Hermann Hoppe
>Murray Rothbard
>Peter Hitchens
>Theodore Dalrymple
>Robert Nisbet
>John Henry Newman
>Joseph de Maistre
>Pat Buchanan
>François Mauriac
>Hilaire Belloc
>Juan Vásquez de Mella
>Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange
>Gabriel Marcel
>E. F. Schumacher
>Peter Kreeft

OP, here, I handpicked the most based ones. This is all you need.

>> No.5412664

Actually, I'd definitely add Albert Jay Nock as 10/10 right-wing intellectual.

>> No.5412906
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I haven't read Nicolás Gómez Dávila but some of his quotes are pretty ebin :DDD

>> No.5412975
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Pic related, OP.

What a good day to be Colombian.
>Ay qué orgulloso me siento de ser un buen colombiano

>> No.5414754
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So you actually managed to leave out biggest intellectual juggernauts (and actual philosophers contrary to majority) on the list such as Heidegger, Alexis Tocqueville, Carl Jung, Leo Strauss or Karl Jaspers. Good job.

>> No.5414821

Arnold Toynbee.
Nikolai Danilewski.
Konstantin Leontiev.

>> No.5414849

The right-wing favours intellectualism over "intellectuals" whom it has always found disgusting. Nicholas II even wanted to eradicate the word intelligensia from the russian language.

>> No.5414877

Peter Sloterdijk.

>> No.5415205

>dialectics of enlightenment

crit theory