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5407982 No.5407982 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there something rather than nothing?

>> No.5407985

because god say so.

>> No.5407988

Anthropic Principle.

>> No.5407992

Why are you entitled to a parsable "why"?

>> No.5407997

dunno lol

>> No.5408005

Completely moronic.

>> No.5408013

Because if there were nothing you wouldn't be there to remark on it or basically just this post >>5407988

>> No.5408015
File: 36 KB, 267x345, Nietzsche-Family-Circus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something has always been and always will be.
Why would the void of space, "nothing" be all by itself? That's like asking why water is wet

>> No.5408022

>Why is all this stuff here?
>>Somebody put it here
>>It's always been here
>>It put itself here
Explain to me how any of these explanations is better than the others.

>> No.5408037

space is not nothing
the inside of an empty vessel is still different than the outside

>> No.5408066

Imagining "nothing" is a queer enough concept. Glad you agree in a way.
There is no such thing as "nothing" if you accept 0 to be a something.

It's just the way it is. It's bigger than us (and obviously demands no worship anymore than the rocks we call Earth or the little star we call the sun)

>> No.5408068

Why not?

>> No.5408071

It's all WYSIWYG.

>> No.5408089

If we go back in time enough we know there's still a cause for events, but we can't really prove it.

I suspect Gödel's incompleteness theorems may also have something to do with this, but I don't know I'm just some NEET high school dropout.

>> No.5408189

What's wrong with worshiping the Earth? It provides everything I need to survive.

>> No.5408219
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How feminine of you.

>> No.5408237 [DELETED] 

How come?

Did I come off as compliment-fishing?

>> No.5408246
File: 61 KB, 640x360, FEATURE-Wendell-Berry-Credit-Guy-Mendes[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They won't understand...

>> No.5408248

It's feminine to worship? I don't see how
You're goddamn right they won't

>> No.5408275


The sun is a real man's god. Worshiping the earth is to worship the medium of life rather than the source of it, the womb and not the procreator.

>> No.5408296

I sometimes want to worship the moon, I feel like I'll get more attention from it because everyone else is sleeping

>> No.5408302
File: 18 KB, 459x376, family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To worship the mother Earth instead of the sky-god. The return to chaotic nature instead of orderly tools that tame these beasts.

I wouldn't worship it, but to be more worshipful of it is certainly something we need right about now.

>> No.5408311

>Worshiping the earth is to worship the medium of life rather than the source of it
The sunlight is necessary but not the source of life.

>> No.5408316

The sun is the source, it grew the algae we evolved from

>> No.5408322

I respect the mother, she nurtured me

>> No.5408324
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Speaking in poetic vagueness is nice.

I recommend something a bit more earthly though.

>> No.5408360

>Something has always been and always will be.
Try again

>> No.5408364
File: 132 KB, 611x1024, William-Adolphe_Bouguereau_(1825-1905)_-_The_Motherland_(1883).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the ancients didn't know the planets came from rocks swirling out of the sun, if they had, they'd know the sun was mother superior too

Will look into

>> No.5408367


The sun is the source of the earth and life is inconceivable without the energy that it provides every day.

>> No.5408374


Daddy superior, you mean. "Know the male,
yet keep to the female." It's not exactly a controversial attitude, one sees it manifested every day even in liberal-capitalist-materialist society. One situates oneself in the familiar so as to find power in the strange.

>> No.5408375

The mass of the universe has always existed in the vast space, just how much of it goes on, we can probably never know. Our existence will be a blink of an eye even if we live another twenty millennia to explore a portion.

Why is a rock hard? Why does gravity work? Why isn't there a Santa Clause?

>> No.5408378

because if there was nothing, then there would be nothing stopping there from being something

>> No.5408381
File: 22 KB, 800x800, 10513538_625962950852885_7943148672501308326_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that there's something implies that there is/was nothing
and even in the nothing/something dichotomy is a product of flawed human thought, does that matter?
metaphysically, something exists because i exist, and without me, nothing exists.

but thats just like, my opinion bro

>> No.5408384

Daddies don't give birth.

-> >>5408364

>> No.5408397
File: 24 KB, 294x314, nietzschefamilycircus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fact that there's something implies that there is/was nothing
Only in a verbal game of categorization. "A product of flawed humans" So correct.

Philosophers (anonymous armchair-philosophers now) fuss over the silliest things sometimes.

>> No.5408462
File: 17 KB, 640x482, alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ever feel overcome by a brief but highly acute feeling of helpless perplexity towards the fact that anything, especially yourself, exists? It hasn't happened to me in a very long time but for some strange reason this thread just triggered a wave of it, my heart was just racing.

>> No.5408479

yeah man it's pretty random too

>> No.5408497

Modern physics can't answer your question at the moment, OP. But don't make any silly conclusions. "Hurr durr physics can't explain it right now, therefore God must've done it, therefore science is WRONG"

>> No.5408503

I felt that often as a child, as if my mind was struggling to surpass the frontiers of the universe, of being itself. It was a strange and wonderful feeling. I haven't felt it in years.

>> No.5408504
File: 998 KB, 466x351, A smile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it tickles.

>> No.5408526

The sun does all the work.

>> No.5408539

I've been getting those moments lately where I become really self aware, sort of a "my god, I'm me!" feeling.

>> No.5408540

>But don't make any silly conclusions.

>> No.5408551

freshman phil class as always lowering the perspective of this esteemed court of child molesters to the same vicious cycles of wikipedia snippet regurgitation, get mauled by grizzly bears you overweight lesbians

why is it that you're all so.. hopelessly basic
speaking of overweight lesbians, how you doin bae

>> No.5408593
File: 2.98 MB, 1280x720, Honey Bees.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea, the ancients idea, was to look for the father in the sky realm. The actual male deity is metallurgy and tools that tame the beastly chaos of nature. Including the grandmother sun, as a modern polytheism would have it.
Yes, science, along with writing, is the male god's territory.

>> No.5408849

1 - If there were nothing, could you sit there and wonder why there was nothing rather than something?

2 - /sci/ here. Given how the laws of physics are, the universe had to happen sooner or later. (Sean Carroll's lecture condensed into one sentence.) Don't buy into the bullshit - what made god?

>> No.5408858

>what made god?
the laws of physics

>> No.5408869

Kitty, Higgs boson isn't really god.

>> No.5408870

1 - You don't understand the anthropic principle.
2 - This is nonsense. The laws of physics describe the universe.

>> No.5408878

but who made higgs boson, spun electrons and painted quarks?

>> No.5408879

No one makes these things. There is something rather than nothing and there always has been.

>> No.5408886

Why is Nickleback still making music? The answers are all there.

>> No.5408960

because you aren't dead

>> No.5408964

We have no concept of "nothing", we have no concept of "everything". We can only know something.

>> No.5408983


No, Being and Nothing are the same.

>> No.5409018

maybe this isn't true. maybe there is, in fact, nothing.

>> No.5409030


>> No.5409035
File: 37 KB, 500x333, mfw3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's like asking why water is wet


>> No.5409059

Everything is nothing. We know this because the universe is so perfectly balanced, it's obvious. Impeccable balance and nothingness are essentially identical.

>> No.5409125
File: 7 KB, 198x254, download (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't know, therefore furry Jesus made it so

>> No.5409256

Why would there be nothing instead of something?

The laws are a something. You're positing there's something because of a something else.
If there was truly nothing at any point, one of the things that wouldn't exist would any rule against ex nihilo creation.

>> No.5409258

who knows, but i'm not going to follow your religion because you asked that so fuck off

>> No.5409387
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, x1+Kagome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing does not prohibit the coming of something from nothing as there are no physical laws in nothing, e.g. the conservation of mass/energy (which is something). How many times do I need to repeat myself before people stop asking this question?

>> No.5409405

"something rather than nothing" implies that the two states cannot coexist. I think there can be something and nothing, though i have to admit that "nothing" has never been observed and is sort of a meaningless abstraction. It's like saying something cannot come from nothing, Kant said that "nothing" could be generated by "nothing". Which is logical since we can observe that something can produce something, but without nothing to test or observe, we really don't know if nothing can really produce nothing, or something or anything. or not.

>> No.5409454

>Kant said that "nothing" could be generated by "nothing". Which is logical since we can observe that something can produce something
There is some kind of logical fallacy here

>> No.5409937

I was recently walking in a mall by myself, looking at everything and suddenly I felt really disconnected. I was almost observing myself experience this moment, it was really weird.

>> No.5410162

something is a state of existence nothing is merely a state of not being something and is only quantifiable, in comparison to something. even if the something is the awareness of observation the lack of more than that awareness is nothing and to say that you directly observe nothing is to imply that it is in fact something

>> No.5410219


The laws are just relationships.

>> No.5410246

Both terms are meaningless when opposed to each other with no mediator.

>> No.5410296

Something and nothing are human concepts that might not make sense in the big picture

>> No.5410299

The universe is eternal and it was bound to happen at some point

>> No.5410311

>implying theres something

>> No.5410356

But something is what created the humans who thought up the concepts.

>> No.5410357


>> No.5410378

Well yeah, if there was nothing there would be no humans

>> No.5410385


Why would there be nothing rather than something?

>> No.5410393

Its simpler, a canvas starts empty rather then with a painting on it.

>> No.5410397

Do you think our universe has unique physics or has it existed before the universe and will after? Also the same question with time.

>> No.5410405

>Its simpler

Why would something simple exist rather than something more complex?

>> No.5410407

But there is still a canvas

>> No.5410424

I guess its just human logic that the simplest option is the most likely one.

>> No.5410435

>the simplest option is the most likely one.

That generally (though not universally) holds true within a naive framework, sure.

My point is that if "nothing" truly existed, then there would be nothing to militate against the existence of "something". Even the maxim "Simple = likely true" is excluded from "nothing". You know?

>> No.5410487

maybe nothingness just allows for something to be created just like an empty canvas does

>> No.5410520

'nothing' is a philosophical concept that our current understanding of the universe does not corroborate

eg quantum vacuum fluctuations

>> No.5410528


Yeah, this, too. Just going empirically, "nothing" seems to be a rather fantastically improbable state of affairs.

>> No.5410736


Honest answear: nobody knows.

>> No.5411230

That doesn't answer the question of why? though, it's just an interesting observation.

>> No.5411282

Does it matter?

>> No.5413104

Depersonalization and derealization are a hell of a thing

>> No.5413382
File: 57 KB, 522x766, sofia-vergara4012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like everything else, the answer lies in statistics: the is only ONE way for there to 'be nothing'
There are (near) infinite ways for there to 'be something'

>> No.5413419

I have no fucking idea, but how crazy is it that we exist?
Think about it for a second.


>> No.5413421

The old ones spawned in the nothing, the chaos of the absence of order. Then Gann spun his mighty finger and created time, and with all his might created the Dark Tower.

>> No.5413423

We are all some greater somethings nothing is my guess

>> No.5413425

Because nothing can't be

>> No.5413428

Existing exists because it is. Asking why we exist is a question within existence. Existence does not need to justify it's existence. It's quality is just that, existing. That is existence. It exists because it does not not exist. All the things that will never exist don't exist already. Therefore, what exists, does not have room in what is not existent.

There is no justification other than it does what it is, exists. The quality of existence instead of the quality of not existing.

>> No.5413437

>spun those electrons


pseudo-youtube physicist in the house

>> No.5413452
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>> No.5413478

there are near infinite ways for their to be something, but really only one way for their to be mothong.

>> No.5413513
File: 164 KB, 1600x900, grossly incandescent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get this. I'm not really religious, but I feel if you're going to worship something, you might as well worship something like Earth or the Sun or water, tangible entities that actually provide and sustain you, rather than the Sky King up in the clouds who has never once shown his face or helped his subjects.

>> No.5413527

Statistics is a something. You're saying there's something because there's a something else. Ways of being are things too.

>> No.5413528

>I'm not really religious, but I feel if you're going to worship something, you might as well worship something like Earth or the Sun or water

have you read the story how abraham realized how stupid it was to worship sun, moon or stars?

>> No.5413535

>written by a guy who worships aforementioned Sky King in a book trying to sell the product of Sky King worship
Yeah, okay, that's not really biased at all.

>> No.5414045

Because nothing can't be.

>> No.5414046

Ah, fuck, beat me to it. I'll have to try my shitty profoundness some other day.