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5407589 No.5407589 [Reply] [Original]


Why do you let your little girl be this ill-informed /lit/?

>> No.5407605

The SJW thing is just capitalist subversion of the energy of would-be left wing youth.

>> No.5407610

yeah there are so many people making so much money off the social justice warriors. because of all the social justice warrior t-shirts they sell, or something.

>> No.5407618

Isn't Laurie Pennie the girl who went to a party, got drunk, stayed the night at a friend's place, fucked him, and then cried rape when she regretted it later?

>> No.5407619

In the long run, it's better to have left wingers fight the people, rather than the system.

Having to reduce cup sizes on comicbook heroes is preferable to having your financial practices scrutinized, or having people protesting your new pipe line.

>> No.5407621

Not like that, more like:
>How dare you complain? You're white and male, you've won the privilege jackpot.

>> No.5407623

yeah I agree, that's what capitalism is

>> No.5407628

ill informed?

i want the culture war to literally start

>> No.5407638

>implying you need a third force to make idiots waste their time on bullshit

>> No.5407645


This guy gets it.

Let the children play. They are a small number anyways, do you think anyone in the real world takes them seriously?

>> No.5407662

Literally who cares.

"SJWS" and feminists are filthy little nothings who thrive on vitriol and negative attention. Go ahead and give it to them.

>> No.5407682
File: 103 KB, 439x471, anita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They can’t understand why the new reaction to nude selfie leaks isn’t ‘you asked for it, you whore’, but ‘everyone does it, stop slut shaming.’

Really? I thought the reaction was "get the lawyers, get the FBI, threaten moot with legal action, and try to hide everything."

>We're winning! We're winning! We're winning!
>The misogynists are losing!
>Gender is not a game, there are no winners
>But we, the SJWs, are still winning!
I've never seen such a blatant piece of propaganda before. Rand would be proud.

>> No.5407683

this is literally a post on 4chan

>> No.5407705

Not really, more like SJW's are this generations of True Believers, but there isn't much left to believe in and they call got fucked into the SJW cause because its the only one recruiting. What, are you still going to be a Marxist in 2014? Just look at Zizek and academia in general, its already become an institution.

>> No.5407718

Are all those tumblerites and bloggers just the trails of a bigger - more intellectual - movement, or is the whole thing just that: Obese women with dyed hair who took a few classes on gender equality or women's studies in college?

>> No.5407720


>Really? I thought the reaction was "get the lawyers, get the FBI, threaten moot with legal action, and try to hide everything."

this. Fucking lmao that anyone who professes to be a feminist would choose to ignore all the furore from middlebrow prude girls whining about how filthy men have raped those innocent photographs, destroying their photographic lives and wreaking irreparable damage on their photographic psyches. When did feminism stop being about encouraging women to be comfortable with and imperturbable in their existence as women, and start being about telling men that they are literally rapists for jacking off?

>> No.5407734
File: 224 KB, 760x572, chewyouhave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The problem is that women are creating culture

SJWs are unfortunately winning in the short term, but they don't have much longer and are very aware; hence the push. You have UKIP in Britain, Golden Dawn in Greece, Identitarians in Germany, everything in Russia, La Pene in France, Right Sector in Ukraine, everything's swinging back and they're fixing to get shut down hard.

People are getting sick of uncontained, radical feminism. Obama was a pretty harsh shake awake.

>> No.5407738

Why left-wing people care so much about being on the "right side of history". The worst of it is that more often than not they are not. I remember reading a text by Simone de Beauvoir, at the aftermath of the Czechoslovak coup of 1948 where she basically celebrates the coming victory of socialism everywhere and threaten the reactionaries with firing squad, with the same hubris, "We are winning!"

Look where the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic is now, Simone.

>> No.5407743

It reminds me of the "On Human Dignity" essay, by Isaiah Berlin.

For Hegel and for Marx (and possibly for Bentham, although he would have been horrified by the juxtaposition) Don Quixote is not merely absurd but immoral. Morality consists in doing what is good. Goodness is that which will satisfy one's nature. Only that will satisfy one's nature which is part of the historical stream along which one is carried willy-nilly, i.e. that which "the future" in any case holds in store. In some ultimate sense, failure is proof of a misunderstanding of history, of having chosen what is doomed to destruction, in preference to that which is destined to succeed. But to choose the former is "irrational," and since morality is rational choice, to seek that which will not come off is immoral. This doctrine that the moral and the good is the successful, and that failure is not only unfortunate but wicked, is at the heart of all that is most horrifying both in utilitarianism and in "historicism" of the Hegelian, Marxist type. For if only that were best which made one happiest in the long run, or that which accorded with some mysterious plan of history, there really would be no reason to "return the ticket." Provided that there was a reasonable probability that the new Soviet man might either be happier, even in some very long run, than his predecessors, or that history would be bound sooner or later to produce someone like him whether we liked it or not, to protest against him would be mere silly romanticism, "subjective," "idealistic," ultimately irresponsible. At most we would argue that the Russians were factually wrong and the Soviet method not the best for producing this desirable or inevitable type of man. But of course what we violently reject is not these questions of fact, but the very idea that there are any circumstances in which one has a right to get at, and shape, the characters and souls of other men for purposes which these men, if they realised what we were doing, might reject.


>> No.5407754

We distinguish to this extent between factual and value judgement--that we deny the right to tamper with human beings to an unlimited extent, whatever the truth about the laws of history; we might go further and deny the notion that "history" in some mysterious way "confers" upon us "rights" to do this or that; that some men or bodies of men can morally claim a right to our obedience because they, in some sense, carry out the behests of "history," are its chosen instrument, its medicine or scourge or in some important sense "Welthistorisch"- -great, irresistible, riding the waves of the future, beyond our petty, subjective, not rationally bolsterable ideas of right and wrong. Many a German and I daresay many a Russian or Mongol or Chinese today feels that it is more adult to recognise the sheer immensity of the great events that shake the world, and play a part in history worthy of men by abandoning themselves to them, than by praising or damning and indulging in bourgeois moralisings: the notion that history must be applauded as such is the horrible German way out of the burden of moral choice.


Basically, Laurie Penny and her ilk feel excused for being a shitty human being because she is on the "winning side of history".

>> No.5407762

>The gamersphere then collectively wet its knickers over not being allowed to mercilessly slut-shame their chosen target without being called out, because freedom of speech.

Because freedom of speech what? Good thing she has editors for the articles she publishes elsewhere.

>> No.5407774

Breddy gud


>> No.5407806

You're either a shill or a retard for not putting the article on pastebin right off the bat.

Here, don't give someone traffic for writing clickbait:


>> No.5407810

"Responsibility towards History releases one from responsibility towards human beings."

Albert Camus

But of course, when he spoke that, the left was grinning with hubris at the prospect of a coming socialist revolution that would wipe away existing social structures and build a new world according to the image of the Soviet Union and it's leader, the leader of progressive mankind, Uncle Joe Stalin.

How far the left has fallen. Now they proclaim they are winning and on the right side of history because of something irrelevant about women and videogames.

>> No.5407820

Since the internet started pretending feminists are like what you see on tumblr

>> No.5407855


Oh, shut the fuck up. Tumblr bullshit came from legitimate Gender Studies majors and academia. It's not as though they pulled all of it out of their ass, nobody on tumblr is clever enough; they just extrapolate ideas to the absurd.

>> No.5407873

>Tumblr bullshit came from legitimate Gender Studies majors and academia
And is therefore an accurate representation of feminist theory.

>> No.5407875


I'm glad we agree.

>> No.5407880


that's every SJW ever anon

>> No.5407893
File: 43 KB, 800x600, 800px-Rebecca_Watson5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of them skip the fucking step.

>> No.5407904

Sure anon, we agree. Let's just leave it there, with you admitting you know nothing about feminist theory

>> No.5407906

>recreational misogynists
Oh boy there's a new buzzword.
What is this supposed to mean?

>> No.5407920

I thought you were above this, /lit/

>> No.5407928

Yeah, in my spare time I like to hate women, you know, as a hobby.

>> No.5407940

>Tumblr bullshit came from legitimate Gender Studies majors and academia
>Tumblr ... academia

You do realize that the average Tumblrererer is in High School, right? They're not being poisoned by the academy, they're stupid teenagers doing stupid teenager bullshit. Same with the kids on /pol/ and face/b/ook and reddit who keep antagonizing them.
This is just High School drama (complete with cliques and melodramatic angst) but now we have the internet, so these cliques can number into the thousands or millions and so get into the news.

>> No.5407955

I'm still learning, so I bought Misogysimulator on Steam.
bretty gud so far.

>> No.5407972

>Misogysimulator on Steam.
Sounds like the nex big indie art-game hit.

>> No.5407978

Aren't those closer to reaction against the EU than reaction against feminism?

>> No.5407986

time 4 cultural jihad

>> No.5408025


Can't believe I looked this up.

>> No.5408033

God she's so hot in an ugly way. I want to hate fuck her

>> No.5408050

What pisses me off is that there is growing reactionary uprising in Europe and South America (I have no idea about the US, sorry) and yet these fucking cunts are worried about videogame characters boob sizes, and any attempt to talk about any discourse a little more complicated and serious is immediately shot down as "male appropriation" or whatever.

Fucking hell, really, I can do nothing but loathe a society that fights for the "right" to consume, Debord was right.

>> No.5408075

Feminism is just a red herring, it's another one of those things you get thrown at just so you don't really think.
Why else would it be that vidya titties and pronouns seem to be more important than actual women having zero rights in third world countries?
it's like when the news shows talk about one particular kind of news for a long time. We used to get "vicious dog attacks" paranoia every now and then around here. It's the same shit.

>> No.5408099

Or whole towns full of teenage girls being ruthlessly exploited by Muslism men in the UK?

>> No.5408107

best take i've heard on it yet