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/lit/ - Literature

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5404217 No.5404217 [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ have a chart like this for authors?

please supply

>> No.5404225


>> No.5404226

please supply

>> No.5404229


>> No.5404233


>Nolan that high
>not in mid-tier at best
>Ozu, Peter jackson and Spielberg in the same category
>Ozu under Nolan
>Sofia Coppola in the list at all
>Peter Jackson not in mid tier
>Eastwood not in mid tier
>Hitchcock not in high tier
>Tarantino not in pro tier
>Coen Brothers not in mid tier
>Coppola, and Welles in the highest position

Horrible, horrible ranking.

>> No.5404235


>> No.5404237


>David Lynch top tier, Tim Burton low tier

That's what i like to see.

>> No.5404238
File: 54 KB, 323x454, 1409292754631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quentin Tarantino and P.T Anderson
>Better than Werner Herzog


>> No.5404244

Holy fuck what's not to like with Noe?

>> No.5404250

Pretty everyting.

>> No.5404254


He's a technically brilliant filmmaker, but his films are nothing more than finely executed cheap shock tactics.

They're trash.

>> No.5404259

That pic is some serious fucken b8

>> No.5404270


Yeah, I see what you mean. I always sort of give him a pass for that, though.

I guess the way I think of it is, yeah, his themes are 'edgy'; violence, death, drugs, perversity etc, but I find that kind of maxim to be constrictive to the arts.

Also I had really liked Seul contre tous.

>> No.5404274

It's about directage you autistic fucker, not anything else

>> No.5404292

We don't have a /lit/ guide because /lit/ is not a single person and each poster might have a different opinion.

>> No.5404295
File: 829 KB, 565x764, 1402069218124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he complains about how the directors are ranked because there are better directors below worse ones


>> No.5404296

no Murnau or Chaplin or Lang?

>> No.5404298

Reminding that charts should be banned on /lit/

>> No.5404305

>no Kurosawa
>no Antonioni
>no Godard
>no Bresson
>no Pasolini

>> No.5404308

>i don't understand what consensus is
I bet you don't even read classics then

>> No.5404316
File: 64 KB, 500x408, mlapecaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People never pay attention to sticky


>> No.5404365
File: 3 KB, 126x123, 1288926833296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's a technically brilliant filmmaker
>They're trash.

>> No.5404383


>> No.5404398

> steven spielberg
> not shit tier

>> No.5404402

>edgy millennial
disregarded, enjoy your short stay on this earth and only useful contribution will be becoming biomass.

>> No.5404433

not fassbinder

>> No.5404436

a shit chart like that you mean?
>Carpenter, Herzog and Van Sant that low

>> No.5404442

How many films have you seen of his? He's a-fucking-mazing.

>> No.5404447

What a shit chart.

>> No.5404457

charts are shit, especially this one

>> No.5404463


I honestly don't understand how you've managed to misread a post that straight forward.

It isn't hard to work out. Try thinking it through.

>> No.5404474

>John Waters
die of aids faggot

>> No.5404475
File: 17 KB, 351x450, dumb_dwarve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like prechewed opinions,
I like my opinions prechewed
Thinking for myself?
oh my!
I think I can't do it
that's right!
Please give me your opinion stew

>> No.5404476

Here op read this poem instead:

Charts are shit
Not used in /lit/
/tv/ are fags

>> No.5404516

Kurosawa is on the list though.

>no Fellini
>even considering Herzog that low

>> No.5404547

PROTIP: Dreyer is the greatest director.

Yes, even greater than that name you're about to suggest. Dreyer is GOAT.

>> No.5404636

That's not what directage mean you doorknob

>> No.5404638


This is a troll list, surely.

>> No.5404639

>one japanese
>one russian
>one korean
>no eastern europe
yeah, it's as if they were a board focused on current tv shows and rarely had the chance for serious discussion.

>> No.5404642

>spike lee
>mid tier
afro centric films are like a genre of their own and to disregard them as a lesser quality is just plain racist, fucking white ass jews making you think otherwise

>> No.5404658

i'm pretty sure that's not a word


if i'm wrong, please explain what it means

>> No.5405644


you sound like quite the patrician

>> No.5405670

dreyer is pleb shit. god damn was ordet shit.