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File: 1.86 MB, 4000x3549, Right wing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5396608 No.5396608[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ have a left-wing reading chart similar to the attached pic?

>> No.5396616

can you fuck off

>> No.5396642

lolwhat, since when blake is a right wing poet

>> No.5396672

The list is stupid and was always stupid. A lot of it is either not right wing or not worth reading, and if such a list was required it could be a whole lot shorter.

>> No.5397294

I don't believe there's much of a literary tradition to the conservative stance or to populism. Sometimes you will see an American commie eater regurgitate a Burke or a Montesquieu but for the most part they are doing so without intent or notice. They only books remotely related to philosophy that all the staunch conservatives have read are Plato, Clausewitz, Liddell-Hart and Edward Luttwak. I'm talking from my real life experience. The /pol/ lads are all abject lumpens who do not possess the patience to read anything. Take Anders Breivik: you had his fabulous conservative literature listed on facebook because he likes "conservative philosophy". But in court he was forced to reveal he's never read any of the books he has listed. The only thing he has read is wikipedia and the paranoid bigotry blogosphere.

>> No.5397360

That image has unintentionally done a remarkably good job as bait for pretentious underread retards like >>5397294 to make fools of themselves

Yes OP, there are one or two floating around of fairly high quality. Might be on the wiki.

>> No.5397462

There's "underbread" and "underthread" but "underread" is not a word.
>high quality
Extrapolate on this. That you have Saul Alinsky, Che Guevara and Amy Goodman on it, is it good or is it bad? What's your criterion for good? Good literature or representative of what all your "leftists" read? Right they're reading Piketty. I've seen people shoving around a fairly decent story by Pelevin on this American pro-democratic party blog. It's from the Ananas Water collection. Go into the people that you're calling "leftists", make list and do with it is whatever it is that you autists do with your lists.

>> No.5397469

>Ernst Junger
>right wing
No one who has read The Forrest Passage can sincerely believe that

>> No.5397483

The left has about a hundred good books for every one the right has, and even still the right has to appropriate a bunch of shit that's hardly "right wing". A left wing reading list would either so fucking large as you be ridiculous, or something leftists could never agree on due to their being too many excellent books to choose from and selection coming down to taste.

>> No.5397493

This depends entirely on your definition of left and right.

>> No.5397496

please stop


>> No.5397498

Or take Marmorklippen. As I said, the conservative party people don't need to read. They're bureaucrats. They aren't intellectual. /pol/ muppets don't read for a different reason. They are getting high on attention and you're not getting any shouting insults into a book.

>> No.5397518

What is it that pains you? If you are not articulate enough to explain it try a different board.
you have the wisdom of falcon

>> No.5397520

He was a conservative, as was the secret germany circle. I think right wing and left wing are poor terms to categorize people by.

>> No.5397529

What do you mean by "left"?

>> No.5397530

No, because "left-wing" is an incoherent category and charts are faeces.

Theses Feuerbach, Gotha Programme, Socialism Utopian and Scientific.

>> No.5397537

It's horrible to see that. Please delete that awful post.

>> No.5397540

you're both retards who don't know anything about junger if you think he wasn't 'conservative' in at least some important senses, or politics if you either think conservative intellectuals are rare or frankly if you even care about such asinine divisions

you criticise /pol/ for being juvenile and you're both fucking high schoolers or undergrads who want to have big hot shit opinions before having read anything

this though

>> No.5397553

Conservative is a very poor term to categorize people by as well.

>> No.5397556

No, the whole reason that chart exists is Ecuador of how saturated academia is with left-wing works. When everything from Livy to Clifford the Big Red Dog is analyzed from a Marxist perspective and the far left is the favored topic of the university forum, that's when a list encompassing right wing intellectual works is created.

>> No.5397601

By the sound you do have the very best credentials to speak about high schoolers.
>you either think conservative intellectuals are rare
How's Stahlgewitter different from, say, the Volakolamsk Highway? How is the one more conservative than the other? Without a context none of these descriptive terms make sense.

>> No.5397609

Livy was quite the historical materialist. And he described class wars, too. He was a Marxist, alright.

>> No.5397621
File: 123 KB, 480x277, breivik[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seemed to work for Anders Breivik.

>> No.5397629

He was a Stirnerist. Eumeswil sums up what politics meant to him.

>> No.5397630

>By the sound you do have the very best credentials to speak about high schoolers.
yea verily, quite whilst rather, please exposit further on thine opinions mine gentlesir

you type like a faggot and you're also a retard

>How's Stahlgewitter different from, say, the Volakolamsk Highway?
i dunno, how about the fact that when he wrote it he was part of the CONSERVATIVE REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENT, a group of prussian CONSERVATIVE nationalists directly opposed to leftist political movements in postwar germany

durrrrrrr maybe try reading more than his two most popular works, the only two ever mentioned on /lit/, before pontificating like a fag

>> No.5397656

In favor of dismantling hierarchy.

>> No.5397685

>yea verily, quite whilst rather, please exposit further on thine opinions mine gentlesir
>you type like a faggot and you're also a retard
>i dunno, how about the fact that when he wrote it he was part of the CONSERVATIVE REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENT, a group of prussian CONSERVATIVE nationalists directly opposed to leftist political movements in postwar germany
And that way you are trying to prove me how you are not a high schooler?

>> No.5397707
File: 24 KB, 240x248, img[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dismantling the estates of the realm? How completely preposterous!

>> No.5397739

Heinlein is right wing and listed as a fascist when he's a individualist, self-deterministic, free-love, anti-racist, small gov hippy?

>> No.5397743

>be in right-wing paramilitary freikorps organisation postwar, with the guy who wrote 'The Third Reich' and the guy who legally justified Hitler's absolute dictatorial power
>be darling of conservatives and benign reactionaries for over 60 years
>be suspected of fascist sentiments by extremely prominent leftist intellectuals despite opposition to populism
>within fifteen years, retarded people are claiming my war memoir was some kind of dispassionate realist tale of resignation and i might have been a leftist
>the one i wrote while i was in a freikorps organisation with 3/4s of the far right-wing nationalists in germany
>begin spinning around in circles

>> No.5397867 [DELETED] 

>be in right-wing paramilitary freikorps organisation postwar
Well, there you go: You do yourself allow for non-paramilitary left-wing freikorps, as well. I would call Sturmabteilung Roßbach "para" military. They military leftists and his involvement there was pretty short.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels also published a nationalist newspaper demanding, amongst other things, a Ständestaat and a genocide for all of the Slavs. Stalin was involved in the church and, perhaps, in the okhranka. The Polish trade unions of the communist era were christian and national. There are a plenty of christian trade unions in America, as well. So: You're not getting us anywhere.
>who legally justified Hitler's absolute dictatorial power
Hitler... that does ring a bell. Ah. I know it: It's the socialist tyrant of Germany! It is their Caesar; One of their Populares. Anyhow, the Ermächtigungsgesetz was pushed without the involvement of Ernst Jünger. So: go read a book on history and a manual on style. Dictatorial power is unlimited by definition.

>> No.5397885

>be in right-wing paramilitary freikorps organisation postwar
Well, there you go: You do yourself allow for non-paramilitary left-wing freikorps. I wouldn't call Sturmabteilung Roßbach "para" military. They were military leftists and Jünger's involvement there was, anyhow, pronouncedly short.
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels also published a nationalist newspaper demanding, amongst other things, a Ständestaat and a genocide for all of the Slavs. Are they right or left? What about Stalin? He was involved in the church at first and he was a nationalist through and through. Just read his early poetry! He plans for the minorities of every kinds have not been exactly rosy either. We aren't getting anywhere.
>who legally justified Hitler's absolute dictatorial power
Hitler... that does ring a bell. Ah. I know it: It's the socialist tyrant of Germany! It is their Caesar; One of their Populares. Anyhow, the Ermächtigungsgesetz was pushed without the involvement of Ernst Jünger. So: go read a book on history and a manual on style. Dictatorial power is unlimited by definition.

>> No.5397938

>still unfamiliar with Conservative Revolutionaries
>arguing against the person who has been saying from his very first post that left and right are stupid categories, by saying that left and right are stupid categories
>using tenuous connection between socialism and.. populism? to meaninglessly namedrop the roman populares (si artem lingua ostentare inaniter volabis, te gratificabo)
>completely non sequitur mentioning the nazis' rise to power, in german
>non sequitur responding to hitler's dictatorial power, presumably missing the reference to schmitt


>> No.5397969

If you'd call Caesar a "conservative" go find yourself a thread on /b/!

>> No.5397984

parenti pls go

>> No.5397986

>Heinlein is right wing
>individualist, self-deterministic, free-love, small gov
Yes. These are all textbook libertarianism.
>pic related

>> No.5397988

meant for >>5397969

that's why it's so fucking stupid

cortes is on there and he's a classical liberal, even libertarian, who is droning on about murdering all the leftists who would dare be revolutionary against the state

>> No.5397998


Read this: http://www.counter-currents.com/2012/05/credo-a-nietzschean-testament/

Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noM_3mVdf8M

>> No.5398013

have you even read starship troopers?

>> No.5398019
File: 17 KB, 243x333, Heinlein-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>a classical liberal, even libertarian
You don't understand libertarianism.

>> No.5398025

>belief in semicompulsory military service automatically makes one fascist regardless of any other opinions

>> No.5398037

>starship troopers is about free love, tolerance, small government and is for hippies

>> No.5398049

I've actually only read ST but I keep hearing everywhere that his works tend farther to the left.

>> No.5398063

>>still unfamiliar with Conservative Revolutionaries
do explain
>>arguing against the person who has been saying from his very first post that left and right are stupid categories, by saying that left and right are stupid categories
No. You're saying Jünger is a "conservative" "rightist" opposed to "leftwing" political movements. Which is nonsense. It was a small national antiimp liberation movement like those that would appear in the entire third world.
>>using tenuous connection between socialism and.. populism? to meaninglessly namedrop the roman populares (si artem lingua ostentare inaniter volabis, te gratificabo)
Lingua should be in the genitive. Are you, perchance, American?
>>completely non sequitur mentioning the nazis' rise to power, in german
This is getting silly now. The Ermächtigungsgesetzt is what gave Hitler dictatorial powers and it is in no way related to Ernst Jünger. There was no reference to Carl Schmitt. Den kenne ich sehr gut, du kommunistisches Schwein.

>> No.5398072

Of course it's for hippies, alias the völkisch movement.

>> No.5398085

junger was in a conservative palingenetic nationalist movement, the hallmark of weimar (and interwar, and to some extent just prewar) right wing philosophy, with comparatively little explicit support on the left

i'm saying that it's not a grand affront to say "junger was conservative", at least with proper qualifications, and that such qualifications aren't even necessary if you just take a flexible stance to the right/left dichotomy and interpret OP's chart as "people interested in works vaguely considered 'right' might be interested in these works or works by these authors'

lingua is an ablative of respect

>and it is in no way related to Ernst Jünger.
hence 'non sequitur', more latin 4 u

>There was no reference to Carl Schmitt
>the guy who legally justified Hitler's absolute dictatorial power
In July 1934, [Schmitt published] "The Leader Protects the Law (Der Führer schützt das Recht)", a justification of the political murders of the Night of the Long Knives with the authority of Hitler as the "highest form of administrative justice (höchste Form administrativer Justiz)".


>> No.5398153
File: 164 KB, 600x457, times_to_stop_posting____by_zinthose-d53zfuy[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>junger was in a conservative palingenetic nationalist movement, the hallmark of weimar (and interwar, and to some extent just prewar) right wing philosophy, with comparatively little explicit support on the left
But he was the left.
Who else? What? Stalin?
Of course he was a leftist if he got involved with the national socialist movement and all his philosophy is therefore leftist philosophy.
>i'm saying that it's not a grand affront to say "junger was conservative", at least with proper qualifications, and that such qualifications aren't even necessary if you just take a flexible stance to the right/left dichotomy and interpret OP's chart as "people interested in works vaguely considered 'right' might be interested in these works or works by these authors'
Since the term is meaningless it's not a grand affrondtto say the same thing about every other author in existance - Lunacharskiy, for example. Or Alexander Bek.
>In July 1934, [Schmitt published] "The Leader Protects the Law (Der Führer schützt das Recht)", a justification of the political murders of the Night of the Long Knives with the authority of Hitler as the "highest form of administrative justice (höchste Form administrativer Justiz)".
And where is Jünger?
Are you trying to appear smarter than you are to an internet stranger right now? Your real life must be a terrible mess. Lest you rethink it nobody's gonna ever lick your balls, expect, maybe, for your dog. Go get a dog.

>> No.5398165

> Of course he was a leftist if he got involved with the national socialist movement and all his philosophy is therefore leftist philosophy.
Hey everyone, Hitler and the Nazis were leftists. Now you know.

>> No.5398169

sure if you want to be like a radical contrarian or something (which seems to be what you're going for, so i can't even tell if we're fake-arguing at cross purposes anymore) but my original point was simply against people who were shallowly interpreting e.g. marble cliffs as blanket anti-authoritarianism

regarding the final quote/response, i am too lazy to reconstruct the exchange, but i mentioned that junger was in a group with several people including schmitt ("crown juror of the third reich" etc.).

>> No.5398198

Question: Why is T.S. Eliot's poetry labelled as anti-semetic/racist. Was there something I missed?

>> No.5398202
File: 74 KB, 500x375, Luftaufnahme-Prora[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crown juror
Stop trying, kraut. You cannot into English. It didn't take a Schmitt for a Louis Napoleon so it's more than silly to place him as some kind of a big bad father of all things that are somehow wrong with Germany.
I know this kind of inquisitorial thinking was popular amongst post-war krauts because they had to blame something irrelevant. So they went for the evil ideas of evil people like schmitt.
by whom? go and look it up. I have never heard of that.

>> No.5398208

Of course they were leftists. They're best described as the European offshot of the Progressivism of Teddy Roosevelt. Now tell me how the Roosevelts are not leftists, bro.

>> No.5398214

again i think you think i'm arguing something that i'm not because your reply (like several others, and like i imagine mine are appearing to you) seems non sequitur, since i'm literally a nazi myself

same as many other things on the chart, he was mentioned in the thread and presumably OP selected his most famous work or something? either way, he did have some fairly extreme views in his private correspondence

>> No.5398225

You are a nazi who also wants to be conservative? Tough luck.
>extreme views in his private correspondence
like what?

>> No.5398251

>I haven’t read “The Waste Land” for a year, and I never did bother to check all the footnotes. But I will hazard these statements — Eliot contains the same ecstatic vision which runs from Münzer to Yeats. However, he retains a grounding in the social reality/order of his time. Facing what he perceives as a choice between ecstatic chaos and lifeless mechanistic order, he accedes to maintaining a separation of asexual purity and brutal sexual reality. And he wears a stoical face before this. Read his essay on Tradition and the Individual Talent, as well as Four Quartets, when he’s less concerned with depicting moribund Europe, to catch a sense of what I speak. Remember how I said there’s a certain kind of conservatism which I respect more than bourgeois liberalism — Eliot is of this type. Of course, the dichotomy he maintains is reactionary, but it’s due to a deep fatalism, not ignorance. (Counter him with Yeats or Pound, who, arising from the same milieu, opted to support Hitler and Mussolini.) And this fatalism is born out of the relation between fertility and death, which I touched on in my last letter — life feeds on itself. A fatalism I share with the western tradition at times. You seem surprised at Eliot’s irreconcilable ambivalence; don’t you share this ambivalence yourself, Alex?

>> No.5398261

Good quote. Doesn't answer why Eliot is apparently racist. I knew he was reactionary, but reactionary and racist are not the same thing.

>> No.5398283


>> No.5398333

Alright, thanks.

>> No.5398482

So many of these opinions are retarded. Claiming that there is no "right wing" literature and only those who wrote on the total of being "against hierarchy" are intelligent or worth reading is ignorant.
People implying Junger wasn't conservative, that tells me they haven't read anything by him and just go off of blog posts or project the shit out of his work

>> No.5398534

You don't dismantle the estates. You just change their members.

The aristocracy becomes organized crime, the clergy and the Church becomes the bureaucracy and the State and everything goes on as always.