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/lit/ - Literature

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5395796 No.5395796[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ listen to music while reading?

If so, what:

>> No.5395818

IAetheric music like William Basinski helps, but in general I try to not use music as background noise.

>> No.5395819

Mostly classical music turned down to like 30% volume. It removes background noises but doesn't interfere with concentration. Plus since I'm a pseudo-intellectual I get a serious boner to the idea that I'm enlightening myself with literature and classy music.

>> No.5395821

No, because i cant listen and read something at the same time. Unless the music dont have beat like ambient

>> No.5395824

God please, I hope I never have to sit next to this douche on public transport.

>> No.5395825
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>Plus since I'm a pseudo-intellectual I get a serious boner to the idea that I'm enlightening myself with literature and classy music.

Are you me?

>> No.5395835

No because I can't multitask because my parents allowed me to eat processed foods with every meal which gave me serious developmental issues throughout my teenage years.

>> No.5395849


>"I like Nietzsche and Ayn Rand"

>> No.5395858

>I'm a weird spergie who blames it all on my ungovernable urge to eat Twinkies

>> No.5395866

I was fed MacDonalds every day after school from age 5 to age 10. I was put on Topomax for headaches (never worked, my headaches are due to increased size in blood vessels near my temple) when I was 15, and I was put on Zoloft from 15-18. Most days I ate one meal a day because poor and no food in the house. At school it was those dry thin chicken paddies that I covered in hot sauce every day. I was pretty much fed soda's while at home and .....yeah. Not to mention the loads of drugs I started doing in my early teens to suppress the emotions of emotional and mental abuse by my family and also as a way to destroy all possibilities of being successful so my avarice driven parents will get to rot alone in the worst nursing homes instead of fulfilling their plan to only support me in a future that they have chosen that includes making a lot of money.

I am the opposite of what they wanted. And I see the hatred in their eyes every day. And I can't wait...cannot wait until the day they die.

>> No.5395874

fucking lel

>> No.5395891

Don't do that. It adds nothings, rather distracts you from literature and you end up appreciating none of the two. Why not reading solitary, without any music deterring your mood into exactly what wasn't what author intended(although you can't know for sure)? You will only gain from this. It halts your contemplation process, since whenever you are trying to think about the characters, themes, you end up misguided by the music and the feelings it provokes. You hamstring your thoughts, intentionally attenuate them with an excuse that they help your concentration.

>> No.5395893

>while reading?
Absolutely haram.jpg heavily compressed

>> No.5395903

>ambient black metal, isolationist ambient, drone doom
>deafest, lull, sunn o))

>> No.5395937

but i used to, and as such certain books have the flavour of certain music in my mind

for example, immortality by milan kundera is inextricably bound up with the solti recording of mahler 8 and the argerich and rabonivitch recording of messiaen's visions de l'amen in my memory

which is kinda neat i guess, but i'm not sure if i should be imposing those kind of relationships on books that are possibly entirely unrelated to what the author is trying to convey

>> No.5395951

only when I need to block out other distracting noises


>> No.5396023
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>Reading on the bare ground
>Fire ants
>Sand beetles

>> No.5396298

Steve Reich - Music For 18 Musicians is my favourite album to read to, but really anything mellow and instrumental will do

>> No.5396337

John Cage - 4'33


>> No.5396363

I could leave it on, but I'll tune everything out once I get really into the book I'm reading.

>> No.5396436

I wish I had the LP, the CD version is just too bright.

>> No.5396482

Mostly Dark Ambient (usually Lustmord&Cryo Chamber), Classical Minimalist, Psychedelic Drone, Jam Rock, Jazz (Ornette Coleman ftw) and chillwave (or whatever it is Sun Araw does). When I'm in the mood, epic Black metal (Summoning) and Martila Industrial (Triarii, mostly).

>> No.5396892

Recently I've been listening to a lot of Vaporwave while reading, more specifically mallsoft. It's relaxing and helps remove distracting silence while not being an attention sink.
Currently been using this.
>Listening to single songs and not albums
>Shiggy Diggy Doo, Where are you?

>> No.5396895

Texas Bro?

>> No.5396971

If it helps it helps, but I absolutely hate this. Classical music cannot be enjoyed without full attention and it's just annoying people listen to it without it. At least you self-deprecated though.

>> No.5396975

>epic black metal

Try again, anon.

>> No.5396996

Mozart and Bach
for Mozart the piano concertos and string quartets mostly
for Bach the cantatas, goldberg variations, well tempered clavier, and various partitas, airs, and other things

Thats basically the only music i can listen to while reading

>> No.5397001

Tiny Tim
Les Baxter
Smooth Buckethead albums
smooth jazz
unalterbach soundtrack

>> No.5397010


dad pls get off 4chan you're embarrassing me

>> No.5397023

What? you like all that shit, everybody does.

>> No.5397036

Charlie Parker's sax tunes. Accept no substitutes.


>> No.5397053

is this pasta?

>> No.5397075

i would shit myself if i listened to this when I was reading

>> No.5397094


In a good way or a bad way? I find it really relaxing. Then again, I've played the sax for many years, so it doesn't distract me in the slightest. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

>> No.5398519

fugg no

>> No.5398560

Bill Evans, while drinking a bottle of Cutty Sark

>> No.5398562

I feel so pretentious just listening to this.

>> No.5398573

Jewels Of The Sea - Les Baxter, it makes everything feel so magical.

>> No.5398576

It's not music all the time but I enjoy Mr Rogers.
Maybe it's because I didn't grow up with it, I find it incredibly soothing.

>> No.5398617

Got my genres all mixed up: black metal, electronic, industrial, classical, sometimes even pop. When I'm reading though, I prefer instrumentals. This has been on repeat lately:

>> No.5398649


Also like romantic piano sonata like ravel or satie.

>> No.5398695


>feels pretentious just listening to something

PROTIP: That's because you're intellectually insecure.

>> No.5399980


>> No.5400075

>listening to music while reading

What? Do people do this? I literally can't retain anything if I listen to music while reading.

>> No.5400086

It works if you are trying to read in a noisy place

>> No.5400115

I can read with background noise in a public place but I can't read if I'm listening to music.

>> No.5400121

I'm one of those faggets about art, but I genuinely think that listening to most kinds of music while reading isn't good. I'm sure there are actual pieces designed to be background noise (maybe some ambient) but people that listen to jazz or classical just shouldn't. Those are two of the most complex kinds out there, and they sort of need your full attention.

>> No.5400239

fuck off you dumb pleb

>> No.5400258

I have have have to listen to some album I have heard a million times otherwise I get distracted and interested in the music
>Violent Femmes-Violent Femmes
>Mischief Brew-Songs from under the Sink
>Link Wray-Let the Good Times roll
I know very /mu/ of me
fuck u

>> No.5400266

Metal, symphonic and melodic metal. sometimes classical music too.

>> No.5400281

Mostly Harsh Noise Wall

>> No.5400282
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>all these plebs who think they can digest a classical piece while reading

>> No.5400296

rainymood.mp3 if I'm in a noisy environment.

>> No.5400345

>thinks classical music is difficult to listen to
it's easy listening music designed to entertain the bourgeois masses m8

>> No.5400412

Some of it is, some of it isn't. It's as if you were trying to define the sum of a country's production in one category!

>> No.5400413
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>bourgeois masses

>> No.5400426


For any horror, Quake's soundtrack by Trent Reznor. It's perfect. It's not elaborate enough to divert attention, yet it's moody enough to immerse you fully.

>> No.5400431

Speaking of which, are there any other music genres that are aimed at the upper classes?

>> No.5400450
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You'd ideally digest them beforehand. Using them as background while digesting a book is, how you say, patric?


>> No.5400464

You are back. We've missed you.

>> No.5400474 [DELETED] 

Oh thank you. The mod just got tired of all the butterflies I guess.
I should head to read soon though.

>> No.5400487

There was a ton of porn edits of your pics this last couple of days. The one with the tangerine skins went in really kinky ways,

>> No.5400496

Oh thank you. The mod just got tired of all the butterflies I guess.
I should head out to read soon though.


>> No.5400508


We have not.

>> No.5400516

Glancing at the surface of an ocean, only to see his own reflection, he thinks he has seen the true depth.

>> No.5400531

>Posts Pepe frog threads everyday
>Posts the fedora defense everyday
>Asks what the Neon Genesis Evangelion of literature is everyday.

>> No.5400607

Carbon Based Lifeforms. This is the only music to listen to

>> No.5400704

>wah wah 2deep4u
great post m8

>> No.5400737
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More ambient stuff (mostly without lyrics) I've heard a million times, so it just becomes background noise: Andreas Vollenweider, This Mortal Coil, Cocteau Twins, Yusef Lateef, Miles Davis, Dead Can Dance, Enigma, Delerium, Dave Brubeck, etc.

>> No.5400775

>Listening to german pedo music

>> No.5401986
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Listening to anything other than ASMR, white noise, and binaural beats is absolutely degenerate.

>> No.5402002

>not listening to Mozart

fucking plebs

>> No.5402011

my tinnitus

>> No.5402095


>niggers don't know about baroque
Charmed? I'm sure.

>> No.5402134

ASMR is god tier for reading

>> No.5402879
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“I don't like people. I don't like any kind of people. When you get them together in a big lump they all get nasty and dirty and full of trouble. So I don't like people including you. That's what a misanthropist is.”

>> No.5402889

calm down

>> No.5402998

>listen to rap while reading
>get distracted by the lyrics
>brain basically resets itself every sentence i read


>> No.5403033

It depends, you got to match the moods.


>> No.5403040


! love Super Furry Animals


>> No.5403050

I try to listen to music that fits what I'm reading. For example, I just read a high-fantasy novel and so I turned on the Trine OST track.

>> No.5403802

because you're stupid.

>> No.5403808

Ambient stuff, usually the less sonically diverse type like Eno and Aphex Twin that focuses more on melody driving the atmosphere.

>> No.5404704

Depends entirely on my mood.

If I'm in a snooty classical mood I tend to go for Vaughan Williams or Debussy.

If I'm in the mood for a sonic barrage it's Merzbow, clipping., Katzumoto Endo or Death Grips.

If I'm in an ambient frame of mind it's either Lustmord, Atrium Carceri or Aphex Twin's "Selected Ambient Works Volume II".

If I fancy jazz I tend to go for anything with Eric Dolphy in. If it's a collab with Mingus then that's a bonus. Snarky Puppy are cool if I want something fusion-y.

For a sort of indie vibe I go for SDRE (pink album mainly) or Elliott Smith.

And for metal moods I go for Bloodbath, Blind Guardian and Whitechapel.

>> No.5404742

What is your favorite Elliott Smith album for reading? Not for general feels listening, but for reading in particular.
I don't think I would be able to read while listening to e_dawg.

>> No.5404759
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Mendelssohn, Bach, waltz mixes, Rachmaninov, Shostakovich

Bit of Artzie Music or post-disco here and there, maybe some britpop or indie.

For bandnames I especially like Vampy Weeks, Swan Lake/Wolf Parade, Suede, Chapterhouse, Slowdive, Young Marble Giants.

Ambient is Hecker/Eno/BoC/Aphex

Quite vanilla.

>> No.5404791

Either/Or. It's the most straight forward. There's nothing too distracting in the musicality of it. Simple acoustic guitar and soft vocals all the way through.

>> No.5404799

>Drone, minimalism, or post-rock
>Natural Snow Buildings, Steve Reich, Godspeed You! Black Emporer, This Will Destroy You

>> No.5404881

Whatever I'm doing I'm probably listening to trance or related genres.
While reading I can't listen to music with lyrics because it distracts me.