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/lit/ - Literature

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5392517 No.5392517 [Reply] [Original]

So, /lit/, how did I do?

>> No.5392524

>the juliette society

just .... why?

>> No.5392529

Does Sasha do book signings? She is my whorefu

>> No.5392540

She probably just slaps the first page onto her dripping pussy, then tosses it back to you.

>> No.5392548

Thats much better.
>dfw cum on the page first

>> No.5392552
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At least you passed.

>> No.5392584
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>>dfw cum

>> No.5392587

>>the juliette society
>just .... why?

So /lit/ would have something to talk about?

But seriously, it was very much bargain bin, and it appears to have a place in the tradition of Sade, which is enough to make me at least want to skim, even if said skimming proves ultimately unrewarding.

>> No.5392665


>> No.5393605
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Bookstore in Copenhagen had a sale again.

It was only when I came home that I noticed that I had payed pretty much exactly the same if I had just ordered them on Amazon.

>> No.5393610


>> No.5393656

I liked Anathem.

>> No.5393774
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Here's mine.

The Myth of Sisyphus is by Vintage Books, am I right? I've been meaning to get that.

>> No.5393777
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And here's a couple of more.

>> No.5393787
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>> No.5393798

Truly pleb-tier.

>> No.5393801

Yeah, it's Vintage.

>> No.5393811

>sasha grey has been published and you havent

>> No.5393814

>Sasha Grey
Here we go

>> No.5393815

if you were as famous as she you would be published too
why don't you earn the fame her way yet

>> No.5393822

believe me nobody wants to see that

>> No.5393962

I have been wanting to get that jg ballard collection.
I need to read those Edward St Aubyn books. I love catty upper class white people.

>> No.5393988

What do you like to read? What is wrong with any of these books?

>> No.5393992

For me these are try hard window dressing tier.

>> No.5394012

That's fine because your opinion is shit.

>> No.5394016

So is yours. thanks for taking the bait bby.

>> No.5394021
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>> No.5394022

>posting an image macro maymay as a burn. SIR YOU HAVE WON THE INTERNET!

>> No.5394024


>> No.5394120

Speak the word, Brother!

All these pretencious faggots and their so called "littureature" Real books are written by Stephen King and Tom Clancy and Hadoku Morukami

f*cking posers

>> No.5394131

Its Hadoken Makimuki

>> No.5394159

That's not an image macro

>> No.5394256

Vintage are shit, right? I acquired a good few of their modern classics just because they're ubiquitous, but the paper and print quality sucks and red spines isn't very pretty on my shelf.

>> No.5394451

Still better than penguin in my opinion. The quality of Vintage varies quite a lot between books.

>> No.5394454

Vintage has some incredibly high quality books as well as some low quality ones.

I will usually always pick Vintage over Penguin because Penguins almost always feel cheap.

>> No.5394468
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You did fine. Just try and swallow next time.

>> No.5394835


The penis mightier than the sword?

>> No.5394898


For me, Penguin (and Oxford World's Classics in recent years) are usually preferable, because what I'm buying are mainly translations of ancient and early literature, and they are the series publishing new translations, and with significant ancillary material. Penguin are the more reliable there, since they publish paperback originals and they don't (and OUP does) relegate some new books to overpriced print-on-demand after only a few years.

>> No.5394922

Oxford does make some very nice prints I have to say. And yeah, for very old literature, Penguin is usually best.

>> No.5394946
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someone tell me about this Sasha Grey book... can she write as well as lick toilet seats?

>> No.5395018


OWC is still a long way behind Penguin in terms of range, but has published a lot of new translations in recent years. And both have seriously expanded the quantity of annotation, by experts, in recent times. Some other series are of course worthwhile, for individual translations, or for keeping important older ones in print (Everyman and even Wordsworth spring to mind), but Penguin and OWC remain preeminent.

>> No.5395063

>implying the act of licking a toilet is contrary to feminism

>> No.5395108

Funny when Random House bought out Penguin.

>> No.5395136

>Funny when Random House bought out Penguin.

More a merger than a buy-out: Bertelsmann (which owned Random House) owns 53% of Penguin Random House, and Pearson (which owned Penguin) 47%. That they didn't call the new entity Random Penguin shows that they have no soul.

>> No.5395268

TCoL49 is GOAT

>> No.5395405

What's a GOAT?

>> No.5395410

Greatest of all time. It's how the kiddos say something is good, nowadays.

Actually, not kiddos. Just fat, on-line spergers.

>> No.5395414

that's not what was being implied at all
are you femanon?

>> No.5395433


The prose is probably best described as functional.

>> No.5395484

I'm sort of surprised nobody has commented on the Bök: is /lit/ into Oulipo and its heirs and relatives? Does constrained writing have the potential to produce genuine innovation or insight; or does it in the end come across as merely a formal game for its own sake?

>> No.5395509

>Thomas More
>no Saint or even Sir

>> No.5395517

very secularized since a man for all seasons

>> No.5395549

OWC has some brilliant editions and is defnitely the top choice. Penguin are at least consistent.

Lot 49 is surely just a bluffer's guide to themes explored more fully elsewhere in Pynchon? I mean, I guess it's more formally virtuous than the rambling books, but dude will still break into impromptu comic setpieces just because. The doorstops play to his strengths.

>> No.5395617

Saved from mediocrity by Eunoia.

It's not just a brilliant stylistic exercise, but also a fast-moving erotic story. I felt nihilistic before reading it, but it made me enjoy life, language, philosophy and lust.

>> No.5395633

Stirner, Lot 49 and The Stranger are first-rate, the rest is OK canon fodder. No shame in reading these books when you're a freshman.

>> No.5395642

The Sun Also Rises is top tier comfy.

>> No.5395709


How are Tolstoy's other short stories? I have only read The Cossacks and War & Peace

Enjoy Rimbaud and The Count of Monte Cristo though, both of them are very good pieces of work.


The history of torture sounds interesting. Let me know how it goes.

Sorry that there's no picture but here's what i've got recently:

The Final Empire, Mistborn book one-Sanderson
Inherent Vice-Pynchon
Mason & Dixon-Pynchon
The Darkness that Comes Before-Bakker
The Warrior Prophet-Bakker
The Canterbury Tales-Chaucer
The Spanish Civil War-Hugh Thomas

Getting some extra money soon so strawpoll decides which book I buy next, I only plan on buying one since I need to save up.


>> No.5395771

From Goodreads, "Even more odd is a comparison made between William Blake and - believe it or not - ejaculation: “You know that line by William Blake about ‘the world in a grain of sand?’ Well, I can see the universe in a grain of Jack’s come.” That awkward analogy may just have ruined one of my favourite poems. "

>> No.5397344

>Still better than penguin in my opinion. The quality of Vintage varies quite a lot between books.

I've found much the same with Penguin: some of the older editions have been reprinted for decades, including being apparently photographically enlarged from the old smaller size, and look bad. Newer volumes, though, like Stallings' Lucretius (2007), Tottel's Miscellany (2001), and Rowe's Platos' Republic (2012), are crisp and clean.

>> No.5397384

>The history of torture sounds interesting.

Mannix's bibliography, and the appearance of that volume, suggest sensationalism to me.

>> No.5397897

fucking great. 8/10 easily for me. personally preferred Cryptonomicon a lot more, but this is def a good one.

Personally not a fan of Seamus Heaney's translation [insert old english whining here], but I thinmka lot of people prefer it. If you have time, Michael Swanton's version (accompanied by the original text) is also worth checking out.

>juliette society
been meaning to read this for shiggles. do let us know how you like it

>> No.5398329

I only bought it because Burroughs mentioned it in his novel Cities of the Red Night

>> No.5398400


I've bought books - especially used - for similar reasons. It just struck me as somewhat typical in appearance to a type of book that appeared quite regularly around the 1960s, professing some educational or social importance, but whose appeal really depended largely on (in some cases the appearance of) shock or prurient value. I may of course be wrong.

>> No.5398408

>a type of book that appeared quite regularly around the 1960s, professing some educational or social importance, but whose appeal really depended largely on (in some cases the appearance of) shock or prurient value

And, I should add, some books were simply marketed that way - several translations of Roman authors like Petronius, Apuleius, Ovid, and Juvenal were similarly presented.

>> No.5398650
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>trying this hard

>> No.5400227

That's exactly what you are doing.

>> No.5400812
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Has anybody read ficciones? Im not a huge readerbut its been one that has intrigued me for a while. Will I be in over my head?

>> No.5400818

Does anyone know where to find those leaked Sasha Grey nudes?

>> No.5400824
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I was probably asking for that

>> No.5400828

... what?

>> No.5400846

Not at all. The stories are fucking incredible and you surely will get something out of it.

>> No.5400854

i heard there's a sex tape floating around

>> No.5402433


I simply don't believe it.

>> No.5402461

Finally exhausted that amazon credit I got for selling used STEM books I found. Thank you based STEM.

>> No.5402468
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>> No.5402952

There better be red & white stripes on the sides of that bedspread.

>> No.5404683

No, there aren't.

>> No.5404691

why are you taking pictures of penguin classics?

>> No.5406759


That's an oddly specific objection.

>> No.5406893

Thanks for the little publishing history. Good post.

>> No.5406916

I don't own a camera or smartphone but my recent purchases are:
The Odyssey
Some french poetry from Andrée Chedid
Voyage au bout de la nuit (apologies, I do not know the translated title)

>> No.5408452

Tryhard here.

>> No.5408460

>Voyage au bout de la nuit (apologies, I do not know the translated title)
so you either don't know english or don't know french

>> No.5410175


Non sequitur: translated titles may be literal versions of the original, but in some cases the original title is retained (Les Miserables), and in others the translated title is less literal, or in fact quite different.

>> No.5411333
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Bought these today.


>> No.5411343

Which book store?

>> No.5412282
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My backlog grows exponentially. Jesus.

>> No.5412324

Hey I have ...isms

Not a bad little handbook

>> No.5412330
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>> No.5413201

Politikens Boghal

>> No.5414524

>college freshman

>> No.5414966
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My most recent.

>> No.5415378

Ballard isn't pleb you fucking child.

>> No.5415681

this is the worst thing i have ever seen

>> No.5415751
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Here you have. I'm pleb enough?

>> No.5415767
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Where do anons usually go for their dead tree books? New or used? Specialist or general booksellers, or general retailers (stationers, department stores, etc.)? How about discount / remainder booksellers? If used, commercial or charity?

Pic related: some recent charity sale buys. All but the MacIntyre show signs of use. Half (King, Forsyth, Fowles) cost the equivalent of about £0.30 / $0.50 / €0.35 each, and the rest were no more than about £1.20 / $2.00 / €1.40 each. The Fowles is in decent condition given its quality (mass market paperback) and age (1972 7th impression of an edition to coincide with the release of the 1965 film). I use these sales to buy mainly fiction I have a general interest in reading (while also donating).

>> No.5415779


Lolita. Alice. Is there something you would like to tell us, anon? ;)

>> No.5415787

Yes, but the last time I was banned, so...

>> No.5415792

>all dat Nabokov

[patrician intensifies]

>> No.5415798

>reading translated Carroll
You disgust me

>> No.5415816

That's why I said that I'm pleb.

>> No.5415820

Its bad form, though not unheard of, to use Sir in that way

>> No.5415828
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Here's some e books I got recently...

>> No.5415844
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and these came in the mail yesterday. along with a copy of True Detective my dad got me for my birthday.

>> No.5415877


Penguin house style seems to avoid titles on the covers for the most part, especially in modern and vernacular works, unless the author is typically known by the title. Augustine and Teresa of Avila are both called "Saint", but Aquinas is not. Arthur Conan Doyle is not "Sir". Byron and Tennyson do both, however, get their "Lord". Rochester gets name and full title, but he was not the only Earl of Rochester, and to call him simply John Wilmot would be positively obscurantist.

>> No.5416060
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these are the last books I've bought, for a class this semester. as for more /lit/ books, these are the last few I picked up:
books of blood
the terror
best of hp lovecraft
three men in a boat
the ruins
the book of the new sun
ghost story
the haunting of hill house

>> No.5416072

forgot to add Blood Meridian

>> No.5416112

How's "The Time Machine did it"?
I'm meaning to read something from Swartzwelder.

>> No.5416130

I haven't read that one, but I've read Earth Vs. Everybody and The Exploding Detective. They're super fun and you can blast through them in about an hour. Not much substance but who cares, they're hilarious. Only problem is getting ahold of them for cheap.

>> No.5416140

Sounds great. Didn't plan to read them for the substance.

>> No.5416183


Only read the first chapter so far but I'm really digging the humor. It's abuncha wacky fun.

>> No.5418431


Philosophy (and classics?) student?

>> No.5418755
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Latest buys. Black march was great but its authenticity seems to be on question :\

>> No.5418816


That's the Whiston version of the Josephus, right?

>> No.5419057

I've had some ridiculous buys recently from a library sale. Otherwise charity shops for bread and butter, chain bookshops for something I specifically want.

Dedicated remainder stores are mostly disappointing but an OK way to kill 15 minutes.

>> No.5419093
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>reading translated nabokov and caroll
>especially when you obviously know english

>> No.5419106

Someone I work with lent me Lost in the Funhouse and Coming Soon!!! by John Barth today.

>> No.5419125

> 2014
> Caring about authenticity

A great translator is an artist in their own right.

>> No.5419552


Aside from the truth spoken by >>5419125 being conversationally fluent doesn't mean one necessarily has a command of a language sufficient to read literary prose.

>> No.5419597

It's agreed they're the most patrician publisher, right?

>> No.5419681



b = book
k = kindle

I'm too lazy to post pictures. 99% of them are 2nd hand books.

>> No.5419682
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The two copies of One Hundred Years of Solitude are to help me become better at spanish.

>> No.5419853

not that it's a revelation to anyone who posts here but these are some insanely good books my friend. all three are some of my favorite things I've ever read (haven't read Marquez in Spanish though)

enjoy yourself anon

>> No.5420551

I'm a native Spanish speaker so I never read the Engliah translation, but I remember quoting Marquez saying the English translation was brilliant perhaps better than his own work. He was very likely being too nice about it but it still shows how good the translation must be if it got such praise from the writer himself.

>> No.5420556

>not having the latest masterpiece of pomo literature

>> No.5420952

I don't know the Spanish but I do genuinely think the English translation had really beautiful prose. I like the idea of translation as kind of bizarre collaboration for this reason.

I'm sure it's even better in Spanish, but I am happy calling the English translation a work of art in its own right, the way the KJV translation of the Gospels is.

>> No.5421243


might be overgenerous.

>> No.5421254

>I like the idea of translation as kind of bizarre collaboration for this reason.

Translation certainly has the potential to be literary art in its own right, and a good match of translator and author (William Weaver and Umberto Eco, for instance) can be crucial to reception. OTOH, authors' own opinions on what is and is not a good translation are not always trustworthy: there is one of Milan Kundera's novels that was published first in a translation made without the collaboration of MK himself, and later in a new one with his collaboration, and several competent critics thought the earlier translation the better.

>> No.5421271

>time of the assassins

my negro

>> No.5421275

I finished college last year, actually.
No, I'm an electrician.

>> No.5421303

What is the publisher of your copy of Notes from Underground?

>> No.5421307

>implying you aren't gonna be mindfucked after all that

>> No.5421314

vintage P&V translation

>> No.5422241

There's also the Transtromer controversy. This poet who collaborated on a detailed translation then got pissed off when some dude who didn't even speak the language got a student to do a rough translation then basically edited the result into poetry. Result - completely non-literal, arguably better than the official versions.

>> No.5422274
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>thomas more

>> No.5422290
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Got this bretty cheap, I can't help but laugh halfway through because I just realize every story is about Conan going and wrecking people's shit, slaying pussy and hightailing it out of there to plunder loot.

The Devil in Iron is my favourite atm

>> No.5423013
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how did i do

>> No.5423043
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>> No.5423122
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Second handing

>> No.5423397

So someone actually bought it.

>> No.5423415

I bought a full set of the Aubrey-Maturin series and a copy of the Secret History of the Mongols.

>> No.5423519

>Secret History of the Mongols

Is "Secret" the biggest lie possible in a book title?

>> No.5423535

Well the name is apparently because the book was originally intended only for the heirs of genghis but clearly that didn't happen

>> No.5423788
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Oh, there are obviously exceptions (including titles of fiction). It just set me to thinking of books (and articles) that claim to present "secrets" - conveniently packaged for mass market distribution, of course.

>> No.5424345

I have nothing to take pictures with besides my laptop's shitty built-in camera...

Stoner by John Williams
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
Richard Yates by Tao Lin

>> No.5424760
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Two newish versions of less widely translated works. Not that I have good memories of Thoukydides ...

>> No.5426640
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Just picked these up for £1 from oxfam, how'd I do?

>> No.5426645

Whoops, I mean £10

>> No.5426727

Those sci-fi masterpieces sometimes go for £2/3 new, but good conditions on the Kundera and Saramago make great deals - not the kind of thing you'll often see secondhand.

>> No.5426744

Based More.

>> No.5426745

they translated Memorial do Covento to Baltasar and Blimunda? fucking degenerates

>> No.5426788

Pft. Hurley translation of Ficciones.

>> No.5428252
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Vintage also do inexplicable stuff like this.

>> No.5428298


Who does the money go too if it's wrote by Anons?

Do you just have a paypal account set up where you give the people who wrote it the details to take money out or something like that?


Your Oxfam seems to have a good selection. Mine does from time to time but it's hard finding stuff that's not Dickens or Bronte novels along with anything from the romanticism period.

>> No.5428407


>> No.5428505
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4/10 made me smirk a few times

>> No.5428520

It just pays the cost of making the physical book itself