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File: 78 KB, 837x657, monty-python-black-knight-with-one-arm-off-794357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
539237 No.539237 [Reply] [Original]

So, as big readers, what is your opinion of Obamacare? How has the literature you have read influenced this opinion?

Me I support it because Charles Dickens made me pity the working poor.

>> No.539238

I'm against it because of Ayn Rand.

>> No.539242

there's no public option so it's shit

>> No.539245

I'm for it because spoilers are cool

>> No.539249

i'm against it because of camus.

also, i'm a samefag trying to stirr controversy

>> No.539251

I don't understand how people with no knowledge of economics are supposed to have an opinion on this.

>> No.539252


Oh screw you. Do you realize this is the biggest step towards political enlightenment that's been made in a good 50 years? But no you're just going to bitch out the president because he's not Liberal enough.

It's a step in the right direction you whiny cunt.

>> No.539256


Yeah it's better to just let the technocratic elite run things for us. They know more, right?

>> No.539257

I'm a Canadian. We've already got healthcare. It's pretty cool. Although taxes do suck a little more, at least I have the peace of mind that if I accidentally chop off my finger I won't have to pay 40,000 dollars that I don't have to get it reattached.

>> No.539260


Actually they do know more, a lot more, so why not?

It's not like we don't still live in a democracy. If the "technocratic elite" (read: smart people in government) screw things up we can boot them out. Up to that point I'm willing to trust them. What's so wrong with that?

You're one of those 14-year-old libertarians.

>> No.539261
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>> No.539264

reported for not /lit/-related

>> No.539265


Actually I'm 25 and I'm OP. I support the health care bill.

Your sheepish trust in the bureaucracy disturbs me.

>> No.539271

I'm against it in its current form and timing. This is a bandaid over the large issue which is the rapidly increasing cost of health care. Unless something is implemented that helps stem the rising costs, the US cannot afford this for a long-term solution.

A solution, of course, is capping medical procedure costs, but then this has adverse effects, such as fewer people willing to enter the medical profession, and in turn, driving up medical costs due to a decrease in supply.

Now, I don't want to go on a rant here, but...


>> No.539276


Um if you'd read the OP I asked how your reading has affected your opinion. This is most definitely /lit/-related.

Fuck off.

>> No.539279

i'd be willing to help cure everyone if only i'd had the money to go through medical school

>you will never be an md

>> No.539281

Do well in university, you will get loans or scholarships. It's not that hard if you actually want to be an MD, and don't just want it for the cool title.

>> No.539282

I was suggesting people should do some research into the effects of this kind of legislation before making a decision based on some emotive bullcrap fed to them by the media.

>> No.539284


Before Medicare it was actually really common for doctors to do free under-the-table work for poor people in their communities. Really common.

It wasn't an airtight system but people are more charitable than you'd think =)

>> No.539285

I don't care for it. I wanted at least a public option(and ideally I wanted state-run health care, but that's a pipe dream in this country), and instead I got this corporatist mess.

>> No.539288


OP here


>> No.539289


The problem is, which you've so clearly pointed out, not everyone can afford medical school.

However, not everyone does things for the benefit of others. Actually, most people don't. It is part of our survival instinct and it has passed on to economics as well. We look to take care of ourselves and family first.

>> No.539291


Except it's not a 'step in the right direction'. It's the final solution. We won't get anything better for a long time. If at all.

>> No.539294

i do well in university
got an A on two courses of anatomy and physiology (A&P I and A&P II) it's my favorite subject but med school is really really expensive, don't know why they would do this to a country that would need its doctors

>> No.539297

I'm for it because I've read Gone with the Wind. Negroes are like children, they need a guiding hand.
At the same time I'm against it after having seen The Good Person of Sezuan by Brecht. Now I prioritise economy over charity.
Help me out!

>> No.539300

Obama's plan is half-assed. It will fail because of its useless concessions to the conservatives and everybody will take it as evidence that liberalism failed.

I hate this country so much.

>> No.539305

i agree
along with the water distribution system, health care is one of those systems whose purpose gets hindered by a profit motive

>> No.539310


But if it wasn't for the profit motive nobody would do it!

Nah but seriously though can you outline what you mean? How is the desire for Profit! good everywhere except medicine?

>> No.539323

to go back to my earlier post, if the water system were profit oriented. people would die of thirst just because they can't afford to buy water. in the us, people (not only the old ones but even the young ones who are unlucky and get serious diseases at an early age) will have no money to afford long term health care

>> No.539330
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>> No.539331

Well I read Fight Club so I really hate the goverment

>> No.539344

I support it simply because it will piss off the Right.
And because even a crippled form of healthcare will take us one more step towards the exit of the stone age.

>> No.539346

I think it's crap and it's hilarious how Obama is acting like Dennis Kucinich is some sort of Judas for not supporting this garbage. It's easy to say it's a step in the right direction when you're a fucktarded college baby that's still on the parent's health care plan, but for the rest of us that aren't still in mommy's warm womb it's apparent that we're about to get our asses fucked in all directions. If we aren't getting REAL UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE, I don't want anybody fucking with what I've got now.

>> No.539352


I hate the government because of the two hypocritical parties in power. They bitch at each other and divide this country. One side wants to spread equality at the expense of the wealthy, and the other side wants to cut spending by limiting social programs.

But like liars that politicians are, how do they get elected? By promising to spend money on something.

They care about their futures and not us.

>> No.539358


Great argument there!

Just kidding, you fail.

>> No.539363

Eurofag here. (yes I know we don't really identify as such)
You're getting shafted either way but at least you won't be considered quite as much of a third world country (common parlance not Soviet faggotry) if this gets through.

>> No.539367


Why should we care what Europeans think of us?

You realize we could turn your entire continent into a smoking crater at the push of a button, right?

>> No.539370


The problem, especially for the younger folks, is that they've only seen a piss-poor example of the Right, i.e. a war-mongering, Christian-preaching group.

That isn't the real Right I once knew. The real Right believes in less government assistance that maintains the status quo and less people telling us how to live our lives. A truly smaller government.

>> No.539371


It's also not really good for police or fire departments. If my shit is on fire, I don't want to be checking my wallet to see if I can afford to put it out.

>> No.539382

>You realize we could turn your entire continent into a smoking crater at the push of a button, right?
Americans actually believe this?
That's hilarious. :D

>> No.539389


we have thousands of nukes and we're not afraid to use them

Your armies are small as all fuck because you rely on us to defend you.

We really could obliterate you at the push of a button if we wanted to.

You don't believe me? Just try us. I fucking dare you.

>> No.539390

no true Scotsman, etc ...

>> No.539392


Are you aware that the US controls the nukes in Europe? Yep, your nuclear launch capabilities are under the jurisdiction of the SACEUR (Supreme Allied Commander Europe), who, by the way, has always been an American who answers to the US President.

>> No.539398


Give me an example from a country with Big Government UHS of Big Government telling people how to live that actually isn't an example of Big Government doing it's job by telling criminals not to do bad things.

>> No.539399


>we're not afraid to use them

Then why have we only used them that one time? And just two little ones at that.

It seems to me we're pretty fucking terrified of using them.

>> No.539400

oh hai, please take boring Europenor vs Americunt arguments to /b/ pls ...

>> No.539404

>Small armies
>Nukes all in control of the US

>> No.539407

>implying the US have dared to fuck with anyone but backwards sandniggers and azn countries since WW2.

>> No.539411

ahaha, you said 'just try us'.

Imagine if America nuked a whole continent because one Americunt got butthurt on 4chan.

>> No.539412


Typical eurofag is typical.

Americans provide facts backed with bullets.
Europeans scoff and sip their lattes.

I don't know why I care, you're contracepting and aborting yourselves out of existence. I can't wait for a day when I don't have to talk to you faggots and 4chan will finally be free.

>> No.539419



And that's where I stopped reading.

>> No.539423



Idiot. Maybe you should trust native English speakers to know their language better than you.

>> No.539425

Because your delusions truly counts as such.
>contracepting and aborting yourselves
As opposed to killing the one reason you've held any power over other first world countries all by yourselves?
Bye bye backup currency, we won't miss you.

>> No.539426


Big words scare you that much? GTFO /lit/.

>> No.539428

America, I dare you to try and nuke Russia. I'm sure you'd love that mutually assured destruction that is promised by the Dead Hand System.

>> No.539429


>> No.539437

I feel like you must be a troll, but I really hope not because if you truly took what you said seriously, your penis must be minuscule.

>> No.539438


Considering that Russia's nuclear strategy is to destroy US nuclear capabilities, the first ICBM's will land in Europe.


>> No.539441
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>you're contracepting and aborting yourselves out of existence.
>nukes and armies hurrdurr
>exaggerates and takes his own shit as fact
Stop. Posting. Republicunt.

>> No.539443



Go die in a hole, people like you are ruining 4chan. People try to have a fucking decent argument and faggots like you come in all like


Seriously go die in a hole.

>> No.539446

>America destroys any first world predominantly white country
>Gets destroyed economically and resource-wise

>> No.539448

I don't believe you know how Dead Hand works. Enjoy your salted cobalt bomb fallout. :)

>> No.539450



Stop mutilating my mother tongue please.

>> No.539451

I don't trust it. I don't trust anyone with power trying to gain more power. Thanks to novels like 1984, I am always suspicious of things done for "our own good" especially when politicians are at the helm. A lot of reading has taught me that no one with power makes a positive change for the people unless it's self-serving and riddled with deception.

>> No.539455

Meh, there's enough armies and bombs to get fucked right back.
This is all beside the point since the American politicians need somewhere to run after they've gutted their homelands economy.

>> No.539459
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>People try to have a fucking decent argument

>> No.539465


Uh, I was talking about after the launch.

>> No.539469
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>People try to have a fucking decent argument

>> No.539471
File: 77 KB, 300x309, ren-or-stimpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread

It's like I'm actually on /v/ without Pokemon.

>> No.539472

you are now aware the orwell was a member of the labour party and 1984 wasn't intended as an attack on socialism but on power and greed

>> No.539476

>Cold War


>> No.539478
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>Go die in a hole, people like you are ruining 4chan.

>> No.539484

Russia is asiatic.

>> No.539487
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>he thinks he's not being trolled

>> No.539489
File: 16 KB, 255x320, aaaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

I thought we could have a good conversation. I really did.

In fact I think we were doing alright there for the first 15 posts.

Then the faggots showed up.

Never change /lit/, never change . . .

>> No.539490
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this, this, this, and this

it sucks. it's just more corporatism and bureaucracy. why not end the AMA limits of # of med schools and students? why not get rid of the undergrad requirement? why not allow more immigrant doctors? why not end the mass subsidization of the insurance industry government created? why not just have a universal basic health coverage a la Denmark, NZ, etc. and just phase out the fucktarded, inefficient, and unsustainable medicare, medicaid, and VA system? why not significant tort reform?

didn't anyone who wrote this bill understand that SUPPLY fucking matters?

>> No.539500

because it's a cop out to the corporations

>> No.539503

I am quite aware that Orwell was a democratic socialist. But back then, it was pretty obvious who the totalitarians were. These days most governments are far better at being deceptive and becoming more and more like what he and Bradbury imagined.

>> No.539505
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>> No.539507

You're the twat for posting a /new/ thread in /lit/.

>> No.539511

>Orwell was a democratic socialist.
With good reason. Most of the reforms, universal suffrage healthcare unemployment benefits 8-hour working days, in countries like Britain tended to be pushed through by them. Often only supported by them too.

>> No.539512


I asked you to use literature you stupid fuck. How is this not /lit/-related?

>> No.539523


I'm not the guy you're responding to but you are the cancer killing /lit/.

And you damn well knew this would happen. Don't try to pretend this was an "accident".

You're not even a troll, just a dick and a shit-poster.

>> No.539536


"this bill sucks, it needs to be MORE socialist"

^ that's you

>> No.539542


>You're not even a troll, just a dick and a shit-poster.

inb4 shitting dick nipples

>> No.539551


>This is all beside the point since the American politicians need somewhere to run after they've gutted their homelands economy.

What does this even mean?

>> No.539555
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>> No.539561

Hayek himself, in The Road to Serfdom, conceded that state-provided healthcare was compatible with economic liberalism:

Nor is there any reason why the state should not assist individuals in providing for those common hazards of life against which, because of their uncertainty, few individuals can make adequate provision. Where, as in the case of sickness and accident, neither the desire to avoid such calamities nor the efforts to overcome their consequences are as a rule weakened by the provision of assistance, where, in short, we deal with genuinely insurable risks, the case for the state helping to organise a comprehensive system of social insurance is very strong. There are many points of detail where those wishing to preserve the competitive system and those wishing to supersede it by something different will disagree on the details of such schemes; and it is possible under the name of social insurance to introduce measures which tend to make competition more or less ineffective. But there is no incompatibility in principle between the state providing greater security in this way and the preservation of individual freedom.

>> No.539564


Love how the nipples are blurred, but the shit is in full details.

Fucking commie Japs.

>> No.539568
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Not /lit/-related, but still...

Everybody knows it, but nobody really wants to admit it. Especially not eurofags. The USA is the force behind human progress as a whole these days. Progress comes from conflict. If America wasn't the unbalanced, superliberalistic, corporate-run shithole it is today and always has been, the world wouldn't be going anywhere. That's why I'm against Obamacare. Because Europe and their welfare systems are for insignificant, nanny-states. Never change, America.

Pic related.

>> No.539571

Yeah, better health care would be great... I wish everyone could have some form of health care, but the glaring problems that should be solved first aren't being touched with the plan. Our entire medical/health insurance system in the US is a piece of garbage and much of this plan is only making those same problems worse. If they reformed the system properly and quit allowing robbery and payoffs going on from within we'd probably be able to help a lot more people with no more expense to the taxpayers. BUT, that will never happen because practically everyone on Capital Hill is corrupt. So there you have it.

>> No.539599


Holy shit. Fuck you, Obama.

>> No.539670


If Hayek said it it must be true!

>> No.539686

America is doomed either way.

>> No.539689

The Swiss did not invent the cuckoo clock.

>> No.539699



Fucking dumbass.

>> No.539728


>> No.541680

ITT: people not old enough to remember that healthcare was dirt cheap before malpractice suits and ambulance-chasing lawyers drove it up skyhigh. Look up what a general surgeon has to pay in malpractice each year, out of his own income. Shit will blow your mind.

>> No.541690
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>> No.541702

yes we know these things because most of us are intelligent, news watching (or npr listening) people... the fact that you are that old and on 4chan, however, does nothing good for your case, you filthy pedo whore

>> No.541728

I'm sure it sucks like the systems of Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland.

>> No.541729

So I'm a britfag, and I almost got some american health insurance. Cancled at the last minute to troll the insurance company. Anyway, what I don't understand is why the excess is so high. With the best insurance I could find I would still have to pay a few hundred, and with some others I would have to pay thousands. The insurance was essentially paying thousands per year so that I would still have to pay the normal rate for practically every problem.

>> No.541827
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You are a tremendous faggot. I'm sure you're already aware of this fact.

>> No.541863

Obamacare is pure shit in its basic form. It offered no real help toward anyone. If you made enough money to not be on medicaid but couldn't afford a medical bill, you simply tell the hospital there is no way you can pay that bill and they write it off. BAM! done. Now you will basically HAVE to have insurance and hospitals will simply fleece insurance companies of more cash. People who already had insurance will experience a large increase to premiums (already had it happen at my job as a result) but there is no added benefit to the extra cost for most people.

If Obama would have simply made it a single payer system, I would have supported the fuck out of it. The way it is now, it is expensive and simply doesn't do dick except cost the average person more money and causes more headaches.


>Implying the people will ever kick someone out of office.

Fuck, Bush only had something like 8% of the nation not hating his ass, and he stayed firmly planted in office. The American people wouldn't kick someone out of office if they ate a live baby on TV while fucking a dog in the ass followed by wiping his dick off on the Constitution.

>> No.541867

>implying listening to npr makes you automatically intelligent

>> No.541879


And the collective cost of those write-offs is beans compared to what surgeons have to pay in malpractice. Fuck obamacare.

>> No.541887


>Fuck, Bush only had something like 8% of the nation not hating his ass

What? No president has ever come close to that. He had ~30% approval when he left office.

>> No.541923


You are right. I was pulling a number out of my ass. He had the second lowest approval rating and one of the highest disapproval ratings ever though. He still stuck through fine across 2 terms though, so I stand by my point that American citizens pretty much will never kick someone out of office.

>> No.541930

Britfag here, sure my country may be full of chavs and idiots, but goddamn, I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.
If I'm ill, I get treatment, absolutely free of charge. Say I wake up one morning with a bad cough, I can go to the doctor and get checked out, and if I need them, a prescription for antibiotics on the same day (which are also free because I'm in full-time education). No bullshit "let's make you pay for a bacteria culture to test what it is", and when I'm better, no "let's make you pay for another bacteria culture to see if it's still there or not."

Also, Univertisty courses here are capped at just over £3000 a year, with grants and zero-interest loans available so even people from the poorest families can go to university, become doctors or whatever.

>> No.541945


HEY! Listen up faggot people claiming the US is the greatest nation to live on the typically have never been outside of the nation. I thought Germany was a fucking blast, Ireland was great, and the women in Romania and Sweden were fucking phenomenal. Romania was a shithole though. Hell, China and Japan were even a nice change of pace and at least my cash went stupid far in the Philippines.


>> No.541946


The American medical industry is lawsuit-paranoid, and rightly so. That's why all the tests and stupid shit to save money.

>> No.541954

Should be

>on the planet


>> No.541955
File: 72 KB, 476x356, bert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nobody cares about your faggy hipster international barhopping. Go write in your livejournal about it.

>> No.541956


>Univertisty courses here are capped at just over £3000 a year, with grants and zero-interest loans available so even people from the poorest families can go to university, become doctors or whatever.

God damnit America. What the fuck.

I still wouldn't want to live in England though. Nothing personal, but the cameras and the lack of free speech freak me out.

>> No.541966

It saves money for the medical companies, but just wastes money and time for the patients.
Perhaps a private system would work if Americans were able to actually fend for themselves rather than running back to their lawyer screaming "BAWWWW MY RIGHTS!"

>> No.541969

It's not free you fucking idiot, people pay for it in taxes, half of which are stolen by bureaucrats and politics.

>> No.541975


If you don't care, then why did you respond to the post?

>> No.541986


what you said was superficial shit.

>> No.541991


You still cared enough to post, thereby making your statement that 'nobody cares' false.

Thanks for caring, bro. Makes my heart feel warm.

>> No.541992

>Nothing personal, but the cameras and the lack of free speech freak me out.
Cameras in public places in the public where any member of the public can walk by and watch your public activities. Really invades your privacy, doesn't it?
Also, most of the cameras are just on shop fronts pointing at their doors or whatever, set to record in case there's a crime. Very few are actually monitored.

>lack of free speech
I'd say we have just as much free speech as in America, and over here, not everyone in politics needs to be conservative, straight, upper-middle-class God-fearing obessively-patriotic citizen.

>> No.541995
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guess u have nothing 2 refute lol

>> No.542010


>I'd say we have just as much free speech as in America

Don't you guys have anti-hate speech laws? I'm sorry, but that just crosses a line I'm not comfortable crossing.

>> No.542013



I am fine if someone disagrees with me. Don't need to make every stance a debate, but I would just like a little bit of understanding.

Now give me a goodnight kiss.

>> No.542029
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>> No.542033

we've got anti-phelps laws but don't mind the nazi party piqueteering during shabbat right in front of the synagogue. being a WASP i am fairly content with this.

>> No.542034
File: 34 KB, 480x404, kiss_lips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks, bro.

>> No.542047


trolling is a art

>> No.542058


>implying that drinking and whoring aren't the same everywhere

>> No.542072


>Implying I mentioned drinking and whoring at all.

The women in Romania and Sweden were really attractive, true, but believe it or not their mannerisms and traditional roles were what really impressed me with them. They loved attention, but also didn't mind doing the right things to earn said attention and treated men with respect instead of like god damn pigs or walking dicks. I loved that.


I don't drink.