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5391713 No.5391713 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw going to a community college

>> No.5391729

Transfer to a real university after completing your gen eds. Nobody's going to respect your degree from Turnpike Tech, and I'm dead serious when I say that.

You may know I'm serious, because even degrees from good schools are currently being jeered at and ignored.

>> No.5391734

>tfw realized I don't want to go to grad school even though I could get into a top5 program
>tfw my STEM degree from a state university isn't worth the paper it'll be printed on

>> No.5391736

I went for 2 years, got a 3.6, and transferred to a top 40 liberal arts college on scholarship. Its a good tactic and will save you money.

>> No.5391804
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>implying that matters as long as you choose a proper degree

I haven't even been to a community college but it's not like science or engineering suddenly work differently there.
The only difference is the big equipment but honestly: You're not going to use that unless you enter some PhD program.

As long as the profs don't slack off it doesn't matter. I mean the fucking Ukraine has math courses you could only dream of in the US. Holy shit, I know Doctors in western europe who graduated in maths and worked in machine learning for years and who are awestruck when it comes to eastern european publications.

Same goes for Computer Sciences. Fucking Budapest is like a stronghold of that field, but has anyone ever fucking mentioned that university?

If you enrolled in some shitty degree though... welp.

>> No.5391873

>tfw two years of college finished with no debt
You have nothing to complain about OP. All the introductory courses that you could be taking at a university cost 3x as much and are no better quality wise.

>> No.5391893

sophomore at a top 20 here, i can verify this

>> No.5391920

>I haven't even been to a community college

Clearly. The quality is far lower. Which you would know if you bothered to research and find out about stuff rather than just mindlessly blather on 4chan about shit you don't know.

>> No.5391931


It's nothing like Community.

>> No.5391951

>went for two years
>got a full ride at a university
it's the smart thing to do unless you wipe your ass with benjamins

>> No.5391964


Community is utter bullshit in its representation of community college, which is actually quite dreary and dull. There's no fun to be had, really. There's no sense of school spirit or unity, and no one's really looking to make friends. I would know this because I'm currently going to one in Texas.

>> No.5391971

There's a movie about community colleges? Hah. Are there a lot of black people complaining about how they couldn't do even simple assignments on time because bullshit reason here?

>> No.5391974


>> No.5391979
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>tfw richfag

I can't imagine what it must be like to have to worry about money. What a shitty life poorfags must lead.

>> No.5391986

If it's a good community college it is a great starting place.
You save a tremendous amount of money.
All you have to do is do well and you'll easily get into a really good school with a scholarship.
Had a friend who went to Harvard from a CC

>> No.5391991

Can't be much different considering we all spend most of our time posting on a chinese cartoon imageboard.

>> No.5391996

>Nobody's going to respect your degree from Turnpike Tech, and I'm dead serious when I say that.

And it doesn't matter how serious you are because you're talking out of your ass. A friend of mine is making more than me because of his Associate's degree (in Engineering Tech).

>> No.5391999

college (or american community college) is really only good for getting the skills you need for a job. you go to university to 'expand your horizons' and explore or get the cultural capital necessary for high paying jobs

>> No.5392015

>Which you would know if you bothered to research

How the fuck could "research" tell him the difference between two types of schools on a qualitative level? I've been to two community colleges (summer classes) and two universities and they all had tons of variation and couldn't possibly be represented in any kind of comparative "research."

>> No.5392035

>no one's really looking to make friends

Keep telling yourself that. Classes full of people from 18-30, with the odd 40 year old, and magically nobody wants friendship or sex. I see this complaint on /r9k/ all of time and it's fucking laughable. Excuse after excuse to avoid putting in the effort of starting a conversation or getting a fucking phone number.

>> No.5392045

>outside of wedlock


>> No.5392085
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>tfw NEET

>> No.5392089

yeah what other ppl said. its cheap and you can just transfer later, i go to one and its a lame place to be but i feel like i'm barely ever there anyway

>> No.5392099
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tfw eet

>> No.5392107

do you fear wage slavery?

>> No.5392142

>Had a friend who went to Harvard from a CC
really? jesus christ, I've only ever heard of transfers going to state schools

>> No.5392173

both live & fear it, working sucks, being neet is my dream

>> No.5392182

unfortunately i want to not work or go to school or live with my parents and live comfortably so whatever

>> No.5392183

>tfw extreme fear of failure and rejection lead to development of defense mechanisms that killed all ambition and desire you have

>> No.5392207

someone paypal me a few thousand

>> No.5392212

maybe if you're a good lad you'll reincarnate european in your next life

>> No.5392320

I used to go to a community college but I transferred after I got my associate's to William and Mary.

All in all, I'd say that the experience was a positive one. The tuition was incredibly cheap; I stood out in all of my courses because I turned in my assignments on time, paid attention in class, and occasionally talked to the professors; and my GPA had never been higher (3.9 when I left). It was an extremely low-stress environment where teachers would think highly of you just for showing up, all the classes were simple, and there was plenty of time to volunteer or pursue extracurricular activities. It goes without saying that most of the other students were idiots who thought they were in the thirteenth grade of high school, but there were at least a couple of intelligent and ambitious people in most of my classes and I made some friends.

Community college is just what you make of it. I'm glad I got the fuck out of there while I could and am now attending a "real school", but the low prices and easy classes made it worth my time. I'll say this much: walk around for fifteen minutes on a community college campus and you'll leave feeling like a genius with his shit together.

>> No.5392334


You've clearly never attended a community college. I'm not an autistic /r9k/ user. This is simply the truth.

>> No.5392335
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>tfw went to a community college

>> No.5392348

kay, there you have, mate.

>> No.5392370

>You've clearly never attended a community college.

You wish I hadn't, because then you could keep this little secret fantasy land where nobody wants to make friends all to yourself. Stop being a fucking pussy. Did you grow up without a father figure or something?

>> No.5392412

thank you

>> No.5392472

>tfw going to the highest ranked school for natural resources in the south east
>tfw it's a community college
>tfw $1000 a semester rather than $20k
Feels so damn good.

>> No.5392477

Don't worry, hope things work out.