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5386139 No.5386139 [Reply] [Original]

>be internet user, obviously
>see all this feminist rubbish like "yes means yes"
>see trendy news website make generalisations about "millenials"
>read a nonfiction book which mentions the authors short time at Harvard at about 1990
>he mentions stuff similar to yes means yes

And obviously they talked about generation x before millennials.

So does this shit just repeat itself?

>> No.5386149


>> No.5386151

ive never actually encountered a feminist irl

>> No.5386179

One of the girls I know is a crazy feminist. I actually listened to her confess to a group that she felt bad because she got angry at someone and called him a misogynist prick because he was annoying her, and he ran away in shame, and she didn't actually think he'd done anything sexist in the first place, it just popped out of her.

Then all her girlfriends told her "He probably deserved it anyway"

>> No.5386189

i've met more women who claimed to be against feminism than for it. i think feminism is generally symptomatic of certain personality disorders

>> No.5386198

Feminism is an expression of pride given historical context. That anybody would tell them what to do, or question their ability, must be a product of their sexism and not an accurate assessment of their ability.

>> No.5386222

Fuck off.


>> No.5386226

>So does this shit just repeat itself?

Yes. And the internet is full of bullshit trends like the current SJW stuff. I suggest you limit your time on it.

>> No.5386229

No, it just got strawmanned to death

>> No.5386454


>> No.5386461

i'm thomas pynchon and i dont give a fuck, faggot

>> No.5386466
File: 187 KB, 500x375, uuuuuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see all this feminist rubbish like "yes means yes"
how is this feminist, yes usually means yes.

>> No.5386471

Would you send me an annotated version of Gravity's Rainbow for the Autumnal Equinox?

>> No.5386477

Most so-called feminism is simply veiled misandry.

True feminism is simply an opposition to sexism (toward women and men)

>> No.5386480


>> No.5386484
File: 39 KB, 197x323, THINK ABOUT IT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure wish the masculine ego was not so fragile and did not lash out at anything that questions it, and I sure wish that the feminine one was not made so bitter by that same masculine fragility.

People who look down upon others due to their gender are the lowest form of life. The proliferation of these ideals befoul discourse and reason.

>> No.5386499

Joke's on you, dishit-I can't even read:^d

>> No.5386508

lol i just wrote gravitys rainbow to get my rocks off at all the weird sex scenes anyways so your not missin much!!

>> No.5386527

what a fag

>> No.5386721

>being this mad about your virginity

>> No.5386788

I used to consider myself a feminist until I found out how tumblr had ruined it. Damn you tumblr, I just wanted legitimate equalityyyyyy!!!!1!111qqw11q

>> No.5386862

Great post.
Feminism is very misunderstood, as well as misrepresented by those who think they understand it but don't.

>> No.5386879

The difference is that if you went to university 20, 30, or 40 years ago, batshit feminist ALL MEN ARE RAPIST stuff was a subculture that you might encounter. Now if you go to the University of Toronto you're pretty much going to see a mildly sanitized form of it everywhere you go. Every woman now thinks she is the ur-victim of all discrimination and persecution and patriarchy so they are giant whiny entitled pseudo-activists about it, combining never shutting the fuck up with expecting endless praise and admiration for it.

At least back then you could just laugh at the lesbian girl and go away. Now I have to eat my lunch in LGBT Safe Zones and get berated for calling something "stupid" by a fat chick.

>> No.5387065

i feel like just about everything that can be said about this has been said.

at this point its about as pointless as tumblr's constant bitching about patriarchy, though im inclined to think that if they just stopped, all this rage would stop too

>> No.5387088

They can't stop.
Tumblr's community is now as defined by this shit as 4chan's is defined by the skiddies that used to hang out on /b/ 8 years ago. It won't end, and if it does it'll only be by way of assimilation into the greater hacktivist sphere.

>> No.5387096

dude, people don't even go to tumblr. it's just a buzzword for silly guys to complain for being opressed by something because they also want to whine. it's all about whining all the time for some people, it doesn't really matter their gender or what they're whining about.

>> No.5387114

I used to go on tumblr pretty regularly about 3-4 years ago.

I started to dimly realize what was wrong with that site when I saw someone arguing with someone I followed about how that pixar short about the cloud and the stork was triggering people who have been in abusive relationships

>> No.5387118

Tumblr didn't ruin it, it just turned into an epik may may xD that everyone who posts there takes seriously. To use Tumblr as a good indicator of feminism in rl, is like using "tits or GTFO" on /b/ as a good indicator of rl misogyny.

>> No.5387122

You don't have to go to Tumblr. Tumblr comes to you.


>> No.5387123

I have a bunch of Tumblr-browsing friends.
They're all the stereotype. I want to stop caring about human rights just so I can get away from these people.

>> No.5387126
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That site has always been cancer because the people who administrate it are cancer.

>> No.5387137

It's time to Max Stirner.

Also, there is alternate queer-feminist movement built around Stirner, it's breddy gud.


>> No.5387169

I went full Stirner on them last time. I think I'm going to go full Wittgenstein next time.

>> No.5387243

Here's what it be:

It's just kids rebelling against their parents, and it's all stupid.

Punks rebelled against their stodgy parents in the 70's, and the upshot was they just supported a mufti-million dollar industry of nihilism. In other words, anti-corporate retards supporting corporatism and being too stupid to realize it. Gen X was the same.

Then you have groups like the millennials who are stuck with having to rebel against their anti-corporate Gen X parents, and the only way they can do this is by pretending to like pop music and sucking corporate cock. Which is also retarded.

tl;dr every generation is retard and corporations always bank on it either way.

>> No.5387273

I still go to tumblr for porn gifs.

>> No.5387277

>fapping to gifs

Too dumb to download videos?

>> No.5387285

Femanon detected

Please date me

>> No.5387297

Some people don't really care about the same thing for enough time as to make a whole video about it worthy. It's not a good thing at all but that's how it is.

>> No.5387304

I got you

>> No.5387305

If they don't care enough to make a video, then their porn is shit tier. Bro, do you even fap?

>> No.5387351

I meant that some people like to see something for a limited amount of time, a certain position or rhythm or body type, before switching to the next thing. Of course most gif come from videos anyway.

>> No.5387373

I checked a couple of songs and he seems like a japanese bob dylan

>> No.5387641


Gen X here. It’s not so much that history is repeating, it’s just that it doesn’t actually move as quickly as it feels like when you’re young. Styles change but the underlying demographic factors move a lot more slowly.

If you time traveled back to college in 1955 and hung out with the campus beatnik (not the actual creative minority of Ginsberg/Kerouac/etc., but the average 20-year-old student who’s really into the idea of the ~beatnik scene~), you’d probably discover that in terms of personality and lifestyle he was pretty much the same as the hipster you know today, just replace Zizek and vaporwave with Sartre and cool jazz. Same with a hippie in ‘67, a post-punk in ‘81, an indie rocker in ‘95 (me), etc. etc. etc.

In the specific case of SJW stuff, absurd left-wing politics have been a permanent feature of campus life since at least the Baby Boom generation if not before (this gets forgotten in all the Woodstock Generation hype, but there was a whole campus radical subculture in the 30s and 40s as well.)

>> No.5387642


>implying ideological buzzwords or any words at all have "true" meanings

>> No.5387667

>any negative female behavior can be blamed on the invisible "masculine ego"

>> No.5387679

>universities are full of libs
>libs brainwash young open minds
>libs perpetuate

>> No.5388157

>Someone mentioned a particular kind of [X] behavior and attributed it to [Y]; therefore, that person attributes all [X] behaviors to [Y]
I hope you realize you sound like an idiot.

>> No.5388163


>> No.5388178
File: 86 KB, 778x1318, Screen Shot 2014-08-07 at 3.38.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this feminist rubbish like "yes means yes"
>feminist rubbish like "yes means yes"
>rubbish like "yes means yes"
are you actually retarded, or do you just try incredibly hard to act exactly like a retarded person

>> No.5388214

why is most of this thread about bashing feminism when the op is just using it as an example of recurring cultural tropes

>> No.5388244

ive always secretly suspected that the people who are into tumblr now would have been crazy christians in the 1800s

>> No.5388265

because 4chan
the op should had known his audience and chosen better examples considering everything in society could be taken for it

>> No.5388268

truth. feminism at its core was simply the notion that women are equally entitled to the same privileges given men.

few sane people still disagree with this

>> No.5388277

the people against the status quo would be supporting the status quo 200 years earlier?

lol anon please

>> No.5388422

he should have slapped her instead of being a little bitch

>> No.5388428


Dont talk shit about my home, normie.

>> No.5388509

It's not a repeat. There's a cultural hierarchy and Harvard is at the top. You see a lot of Harvard stuff on the internet because during the intervening 30 years it's been seeping down the hierarchy. If you go back 80 years and look at Harvard it will look like the general culture 40 years ago.

>> No.5388533

What does it feel that /lit/ is rejected for insisting on their superior knowledge while you guys are rejected for insisting that you are alone?

>> No.5388551
File: 236 KB, 501x431, Screen-shot-2013-01-16-at-22.47.59[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of this thread

>> No.5388559

>one of the girls I know
I have this growing suspicion that there's not many you know.