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/lit/ - Literature

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5383286 No.5383286[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any recs for this? I don't really read at all, and this is probably the best book series I've read. It combines so many different genres into one, so much so that in my opinion it kind of fucks with your head. I also like it's short length, and it's writing style, compared to books written by western authors.

Does anyone know of anything like this that they would recommend, especially if I wanted to step up my game as far as reading goes?

>> No.5383299
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>> No.5383310

If you don't read much why don't you pick up a collection of short stories, easier to get through, just as edifying.
My personal bias implores you start with raymond carver or checkov

>> No.5383326
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>> No.5383332

I only read the first one and love, though I found the anime boring to death.

How good are the next novels in the series?, is at leat any as good as the first one?.

>> No.5383343

Er, I guess I retract upon how it's the best series I've read. I've only read the first two if I remember correctly, I'm a poorfag so I get books from local libraries and I'm limited to what they can provide.

>> No.5383357

Buy an ereader and get any book you want for free.

>> No.5383364

Funny how the average light-novel reader is...

>> No.5383368

Disappearance of Haruhi is the best novel and the best part of the anime.

>> No.5383371

Haruhi sucks. I liked it when I was a teenager, but I think it's stupid now.

>> No.5383382

>I only watch mature cartoons for sophisticated gentlemen such as myself

>> No.5383383

you suck too.

>> No.5383389

Yes, I do.

>> No.5383391

No, I don't.

>> No.5383430
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OP here.

Has anyone here had experience with this, I just searched up Japanese authors and this seemed of interest to me.

Anyone recommend it?

>> No.5383435

Looks nice to go, is the good murakami.

Also, what exactly are you looking for, op? maybe that way we can recommend more things.

>> No.5383452

Supernatural romantic comedy

>> No.5383456


>> No.5383457

Anime is Twilight for boys (and also girls, there's lots of girl anime too)

>> No.5383461

Play Key's visual novels.

More specifically play Clannad, Little Busters, and Rewrite.

>> No.5383481

They're fucking intolerable

>> No.5383492

Then find some Young Adult comedy or other translated VNs to read or just watch anime, cause that's all you're gonna get.

>> No.5383494

Clannad >>>>>> Haruhi

>> No.5383499

God no, all of the characters were horrible and deserved to be killed

>> No.5383526

Cmon bro...

I read the whole thing. It's bretty good for a light novel.

OP if you want to get into /lit/ I would start with Vonnegut. Start with Slaughterhouse-5.

>> No.5383538
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They're better than Haruhi for the most part to be honest.

>> No.5384039

I want to note that this was not me (OP).

>> No.5384288

>I would start with Vonnegut. Start with Slaughterhouse-5.


>> No.5384518

Oooh I have ordered this book, looking forward to it.

On to your question.
Writing style, length have a certain standard because it's a Light novel.

Seems like quite a few Animes and Mangas are Light novels from the beginning , so look around in that area.

They have recommendations for other Light novels similar to Haruhi.

>> No.5384595


As an old fan, I felt compelled to buy the whole series, but in all honesty, the Haruhi novels were a disappointment in English. They localized the series for children and it shows. The language doesn't flow well, sentences are clunky, there are misspellings, translation errors, and various other fuck-ups. Even fan translations did a better job with it, really.

>> No.5384824

Do you have a source for any good fan translations for that I can compare it for myself ? ( not OP )

>> No.5384830

How is the Hagakure not there? Does it not meet some criteria for literature, or some technical requirement? It should be.

>> No.5384905


>I only read the first one and love, though I found the anime boring to death.

How? It's exactly the same story.

>> No.5385002


They were taken down from most sites after the publisher C&D'd, but there should be private packages floating around. Try google.

>> No.5386065
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>> No.5386610
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Not him but...

>> No.5386625

It's on the regular Japanese literature rec list.

I made that one a long time ago and it was extremely arbitrary.

>> No.5386955

Yoshimoto banana might be to your taste.