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File: 533 KB, 612x612, zizek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5382379 No.5382379 [Reply] [Original]

What are his thoughts?

>> No.5382384

Who is the androgynous girl?

>> No.5382390

>"Damn, I'm so happy that I got an entire 4chan board to suck my dick on psuedo-intellectual ideas alone"

>> No.5382398

>psuedo-intellectual ideas
Can you state, then tear them down for us?

>> No.5382403

>I wish I wash at home play Black Opsh


>> No.5382414

Who is that small boy?

>> No.5382427
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Richard Gere. Also know as the femagon.

>> No.5382435

plashtic penishes

>> No.5382437

Penny Flame

>> No.5382459

Nah, p sure it's Lauren Perry. Zizek's new girlfriend.

>> No.5382461

>consumerism is destructive

>> No.5382465

lol no

>> No.5382466

And this is wrong because

>> No.5382470

Slavoj Žižek

>> No.5382472
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>> No.5382490

Something's telling me if they actually had a discussion they'd probably hate each others guts.
Penny is pretty much the typical leftist zizek tends to criticize.

>not adding unnecessary sniffing and sh-sounds to the copypasta

You could do better than that.

>> No.5382512

Why do people still take Zizek seriously? His ideas are so pretentious and impractical that he himself doesn't adhere to them.

>> No.5382519

OP asked you what his ideas were, not if he lived by them.

>> No.5382526

Zizek is a perfect little consumer. He advertises for Coke in all of his films. Why do we continue to say that buying shit is bad?

>> No.5382532

>And this is wrong because
>Zizek is a perfect little consumer. He advertises for Coke in all of his films.
Weak trolling, Anon.

>> No.5382547

I admit that made me laugh.

>> No.5382549

Then his thoughts are irrelevant, because if someone as educated as himself is practicing the very methods he claims to be imperfect, destructive, etc etc, it must show that that system is better than his own.

>> No.5382560
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>> No.5382561

Why is Laurie Penny famous?

>> No.5382564


>> No.5382574

Capeetaleesm and sho on.

He doesn't propose his own system - he just points out that the one we currently have will likely struggle to deal with the problems of the future.

>> No.5382577

I met Zizek and Rushdie at a festival a while ago, I went with my girlfriend. When we approached them Zizek looked at me then at my girlfriend and said "The fuck you doing with this stupid cunt? Get with this dick or get raped you whore". I was completely shocked and didn't know if he was joking so I stood in silence just not sure of what to say. Then a voice was heard from behind him "Oh Zizek you found another goofball?", "Yeah Rushdie, this one looks like a complete dick head, his girlfriend is pretty banging though, I'd fuck her asshole", "Oh yeah, maybe we should fill his girlfriend ass with goofballs so she'd know how much of a goofball he is". Right at that moment Zizek jumped on my girlfriend and pulled her pants down, I tried to stop him but Rushdie jumped on me and held me down he started whispering in my ear "She's going to get the goofballs and you aint going to do nothing about it!", I watched on in horror as my girlfriend stared at me in the eyes as Zizek undressed her and rammed his fingers up her ass, she was trying to scream but Zizek just kept pushing her head down. Zizek looked at me and mouthed the word "Ideology". It was like a silent movie, I watched as Zizek then proceeded to pull out his testicles and forcibly push them into her anus with his hands. Rushdie who was still holding me down started to squeal into my ear "She's getting the goofballs", he started to twist my nipple as far as it could go and I could feel blood trickling from it onto my shirt, I felt what I can assume was Rushdie’s boner pushing into my back... I blacked out and sho on.

>> No.5382580

Doesn't it only show that a system he criticises is dominant?

>> No.5382593

Because she is the true voice of a generation. She truly came to understand the poor and disadvantaged by going to private school, Oxford, and then straight into a media career

>> No.5382611

She isn't. She made some viral marketing attempts on this boards and some fat and lonely il/lit/erates like to masturbate at her, that's all.

>> No.5382624

So if I tell you cocaine is a dangerous and addictive drug while I snort a line, does this invalidate my point?

>> No.5382636

I saw Slavoj Žižekat a grocery store in Ljubljana yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, in other words *sniff like you are doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? sniff huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him sniff as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen copies of In Defense of Lost Causes in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent, how should I say, any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each book and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by sniffing really loudly.

>> No.5382645

Funny, a similar thing happened to me in Antwerp.

>> No.5382666

I once had a similar encounter with Ryan Gosling.

>> No.5382689 [DELETED] 
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lauriefags need to accept that this is a will self board now.

>> No.5382690

Lemme fix that for you

>I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh? and so on” and thumbing his nose in front of my face.

>> No.5382694
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>Damn, I'm so happy that I got an entire 4chan board to suck my dick on psuedo-intellectual ideas alone

>not wanting to choke on slavoj's big other

>> No.5382695

Haha! joke's on you, there's only Zizekfags in this thread.

>> No.5382711
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Her title is Queen of /lit/, peasants.

>> No.5382717
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>studying at harvard

so fucking radical

>> No.5382723


Harvard is real. They got tha homie bhabha.

>> No.5382725

>my god, this ish such tiny tiny girl. i whant to penetrate her legsh with my iron Stalinisht deeldo and so on and so on...

>> No.5382735
File: 13 KB, 589x90, muh squash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's in our country at this very moment, whining about our food.

>> No.5382740

I didn't know anyone liked squash.

>> No.5382742
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What does it taste like? It looks like urine.

>> No.5382753
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I didn't know she'd left England, we're finally free

>> No.5382754

Sweetened, watered down fruit juice.

>> No.5382759
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>> No.5382766

"Squash" isn't a brand name, it is a description.

Lemon Squash is a sweet lemon flavoured fizzy drink with strong elements of sour lemon. It should taste like lemons and sugar.

>> No.5382772


>> No.5382775
File: 450 KB, 470x640, slavoj zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reformed Eurocommunist post-Marxist New Leftist Frankfurt School professor and social democrat was teaching a class on Nikita Khrushchev, known revisionist.

"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Leon Trotsky as the most class conscious revolutionary of all time and accept the Fourth International as the only legitimate representative of the interests of the workers of the world!"

At this moment a brave, revolutionary, unreformed Stalinist NKVD veteran who had an appreciation for socialist realist art and read a chapter of Capital every night before going to sleep stood up and waved the red flag.

"If Trotsky was so great, why wasn't the revolution permanent?"

The arrogant professor smirked quite bourgeoisly and smugly replied, "Because the Soviet Union was a deformed workers state, you idiot gerontocrat!"

"Wrong. Comrade Stalin purged Russia of the kulaks and all enemies of the workers. If your theory of revolution was correct, we would have achieved communism by now."

The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of A People's History of the United States. He stormed out of the room crying those social-fascist crocodile tears. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, Noam Chomsky, wished he had adopted the policies of the Third Period and become more than an infantile leftist bourgeois stooge. He wished so much that he had not betrayed the revolution, but he himself had sold it out!

The students applauded and all sang the State Anthem of the USSR and accepted Socialism in One Country as the best path forward for proletarian cause. An eagle named "Slavoj Zizek" flew into the room and perched atop a copy of "Pravda" and sniffed snot onto its print. The last sentence of the "The Communist Manifesto" was read several times, and Sergei Eisenstein himself showed up and demonstrated how to roll a baby down the Odessa steps.

The professor lost his tenure and was taken out back and shot the next day. He loved Big Brother.

The student's name? Lavrentiy Beria.

>> No.5382778

>Im rich how dare you question my ethics

in a culture of nonstop privilege checking how the fuck does she get away with this stuff.

>> No.5382788


Should have been last thesis on Feuerbach.

>> No.5382790

what was it about, the press ethics/scandal?

>> No.5382793

>tfw you will never see Zizek and Penny debate

>> No.5382794

"Classism" is a form of "oppression"

>> No.5382795

you're a bit confused there, read more

>> No.5382798 [DELETED] 

She is jewish

>> No.5382804

It's a joke, straightface. If you read more, you'd realize it's the sort Zizek indulges in

>> No.5382819

I wish I had more orifi that I could vomit from

>> No.5383088

I saw Slavoj Žižek at a grocery store in Ljubljana yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “pure ideology”. I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and wiping his nose When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen regular apples with preservatives and so on in his hands. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “We would like to buying encourage apples. They are good for you and so on”. At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her "this is ideology at it's finesht; if shychoanalysis has taught us anything, it ishz that we do not really want what we think we want *sniff*. These organic applsh, they are half rotten and dishgusting. We only buy them for this false shense of 'oh, I am helping mother nature and ecology' and so on. It is indeed hypocritical, ashz this shystem, that ishz to say capitaleesm is the forsh destroying ecology and so on” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s what ideology means. After she scanned each apple and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by sniffing really loudly.

>> No.5383665

If you're not lying, that's kinda cool.

>> No.5383679

I think that story is fake.

>> No.5383683

We might.

>> No.5383704

>Something's telling me if they actually had a discussion they'd probably hate each others guts.

Don't let your sex fantasies get carried away, Zizi writes columns in the New Statesmen, which is Penny's rag.

>> No.5383709

I saw Zizek in a Denny's outside U.C Irvine at around 3am. I didn't approach him because I was with a group of local open-mic poets. I tried to eavesdrop, but I couldn't understand through his accent.

>> No.5383718
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This is how.

Think about all the premises that the parliamentary left would have to scrap before they could challenge this.

>> No.5383725

>not recognising that epic copymeme

>> No.5383744





>> No.5383836

The extraparliamentary left is not so constrained, yet so many buy into non-proletarian feminism.

>> No.5383863

did you''ll homothugs read zizek's new editorial in the ny times? triumphalist crapola attacking ISIS. zizek is a lightweight and a pawn of imperialism, but he does name drop foucault and yeats so he sounds smart to general bourgeois audience aka the fags that take the ny times seriously

>> No.5383948

>In October 2001, Slavoj Žižek met with the families of 9/11 victims. After a brief interview in which he expressed his condolences and hope for closure, he reportedly burst out sniffing and made airplane noises and mimicked two planes crashing. He then picked up the child of a deceased victim and whispered into her ear "Your dad's dead, bish", and proceeded to put on a pair of sunglasses and unleash a barrage of martial arts attack on the small child. She was rushed to the hospital where she was pronounced dead due to extreme trauma. When asked later about the incident, Žižek became visibly sexually aroused and repeated the same attack on the reporter.

>> No.5383977

Motherfucker did you just go full edgemaster and express support for fucking ISIS/ISIL/whateverthefuck? What's your angle then, you a muslim who enjoys seeing other muslims get fucking executed because those neckbeards think soccer is haram?

>> No.5383988

>implying ISIS isn't just a CIA operation to build support for a new invasion of Iraq

doh hoho, looks like you're another left leaning liberal on board for iraq war 3! don't forget to vote for hillary!

>> No.5383997

You got it all figured out alright, only the CIA could destabilize the moderate and peaceful regions of Iraq and Syria.

>> No.5384009

wait, are you saying the CIA hasn't been actively destabilizing Syria and Iraq? It's well documented in both cases. Damn, is it pleb hour or are people always this dumb around here?

>> No.5384015

hey my liberal friend, the mexican cartels on the border cut people's heads off all the time, where is the outrage? or you don't want the military to bomb your supply of maids? face it you are racist against muslims

>> No.5384044


>> No.5384045

And so on and so on

>> No.5384050


>> No.5384207


>Apparently America doesn't have squash

Well it's not native to the coasts, you British prick cunt

>> No.5384219


>> No.5384228
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>I've spent years being told I'm a stupid little bitch who shouldn't be a journalist

who the fuck ACTUALLY says this to people? when feminists say stuff like this it just astounds me and i can hardly believe it. it just makes me think that whoever "told" her was all made up in her head, like how /r9k/ believes in the fictitious Chad.

if she's referring to the people on twitter then she needs to realize that those who attack her don't have a real agenda against women but just want to be mean for mean's sake. i think it's ridiculous especially when people say they receive "death threats" when really it was just some troll saying "kill urself fegot". why do people a few shitty coments and blow it up and say OMG THA WORLD KEEPIN ME DOWN

of course, i could be completely wrong on both points, but this is just what i've experienced.

>> No.5384257


>who the fuck ACTUALLY says this to people?

Of all the things she'd said this line I can actually believe.

Go and lurk the comment section on a couple of random YouTube videos where women are expressing ideas about anything political. People can be assholes, bro.

>> No.5384261

go watch a youtube video about anyone expressing anything about anything, someone will be an asshole, but of course women have to make it all about themselves

>> No.5384267

also, ever notice the people most likely to be nasty to women are other women? men want that pussy so they have an incentive to be nice, women don't have anything to lose by calling a bitch out

>> No.5384278

Maybe you came from some over suportive background or something, people have told me all my life that anything I want to do is shit. As an adult I just assume they are projecting their insecurities and fears on me, but as a child it can get pretty rough hearing from your parents that you suck at stuff. Even more when everyone sucks at everything if they don't spend copious amounts of time doing it, and it's weird to be able to do stuff like drawing or writing if people around you pressure you into "what's best for you". It's not the same as dead threats and you don't need to have your life challenged to make it hard to do what you want.
Complaining in tweeter is stupid as fuck, but doing anything in tweeter is equally dumb.

>> No.5384280

My chub titties beat this flat whore's any day

>> No.5384283

No, you are doing so. It's a bad thing making it hard for other people to do their thing. Whether they are male or female, being an asshole is shitty. I don't see why you prefer to stop protecting your male children just so you can complain about your female chldren.

>> No.5384303

damn zizek got sum moobs

>> No.5384305

Well we got her to take a twitter break b/c of that harvard quote. a lot of journalists were slagging her, was fun. Then fucking joss whedon comes on her feed to cheer her up. I didnt knwo who that was, but apparently laurie likes her and she's famous

>> No.5384362

you just made me realize all of my procrastination and paralysis in regards to what to do with myself stems from my guilt of not heeding the advice and wishes of my parents. jesus

>> No.5384365


So people can be assholes in general, does it make her point any less viable?

>but of course women have to make it all about themselves

Fuck off you biased retard.

>> No.5384375

there's a great book on viral marketing where the guy talks about using sexism as a great way to sell product and develop a fanbase

>> No.5384420

Regardless of anyone who tried to tell her she couldn't be a journalist, using your fellowship as a credential to support your work or your point of view, is obnoxious.

>> No.5384511

Penny is famous and hated, because everyone thinks they are not average, but a bit above average in intelligence. Then we see someone like Penny going to oxford/harvard/published. Nothing too amazing, but still. then it is this 'if someone that retarded goes to oxford/harvard, then i must be a lot dumber than I thought'

>> No.5384796

Class itself is the oppressive thing (loosely speaking)
"Classism" is liberal identity politics

>> No.5384826

Leftism is identity politics, it's completely about identifying with the proletariat being "class conscious".

>> No.5384838

Not exactly, but nice projecting.

>> No.5384844


Or Oxford has become a pantheon of center-leftist masturbatory identity politics (see: Q&A part of George Galloway's talk at Oxford University).

>> No.5384852

>Penny is famous
Where is that woman famous outside of the 5 people constantly posting her crap on /lit/?

>> No.5384860

>Where is that woman famous outside of the 5 people constantly posting her crap on /lit/?

I browse /lit/ all the time and I still don't know who the fuck she is.

>> No.5384886

..what? top kek

>> No.5384904

I saw Zizek in Minneapolis once. He was driving a cabriolet with seven bare-titted chicks. I was sitting on the pavement reading the Essential Essays of Milton Friedman. I guess he spotted me.

He kicked the brakes, causing one of the girls to fall out of the car. Then he put on the reverse gear and rode backwards, accidently (really?) running the girl over. Riding backwards 80 mph isn't that much of a good idea, but he didn't care. He didn't even mind the road, as he was in the middle of a sneezing fit. After crashing into some lamppost he got out of his car, nude girls behind him with minor to major injuries. Them he pulled a flask out of his pocket, uncorked it and threw at the car. A match followed. I guess the flask had kerosene in, because the car has burst in flames.

"WAT DE, sniff, FAK", he adressed me, "ARE YOU DOINK?"
"Reading Friedman, mister Zizek, sir."
"W-what do you mean"

Then he suckerpunched me, grabbed my book and defecated loudly, shouting in Slovenian as he was shitting. Then wiped his ass with Friedman's essays. Then sniffed and scoffed and suckedpunched me yet again. After this ordeal he just casually strolled away with his ass bare, as he didn't care to put his pants on.

>> No.5384965

People on the internet

>> No.5385004

When you try this hard it just ends up being embarrassing, not funny.

>> No.5385046

> anglos

Glad I'm not part of this culture.

>> No.5385060
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>Zizek looked at me and mouthed the word "Ideology"

>> No.5385072
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>> No.5385127


I've never read any Zizek before.
What's this thing about 'ideology' that everyone's satirizing?

>> No.5385133

"But there are alsho unknown unknownsh, the onesh we don't know we don't know."

-Doland Rumshfeld

>> No.5385135

i want to have sex with lana

>> No.5385139

fuck off newfag

>> No.5385149


>> No.5385152

he speaks a lot about ideology in the current world, as ideology is supposed to be dead but he highlights many of instances of it

he usually gets excited by his own voice an exclaims "my god! it's pure ideology!"

and so on and so on

>> No.5385161


>> No.5385191

>and so on

>> No.5385269

I chuckled lightly