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/lit/ - Literature

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5373756 No.5373756[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Literary confession thread:

>> No.5373758

I refuse to read anything written by a woman.

>> No.5373760

Modernism is High School Lit: The College Years.

Postmodernism is Murakami.

>> No.5373768

Thomas Pynchon is overrated on this board and in general.

>> No.5374419
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I am a well known author... but I don't write my own books.

captcha: albert eldtaff

>> No.5374431

I refuse to let myself continue reading until I finish Nine Stories by J D Salinger and I am stuck after reading the first two. I do not appear to be able to bring myself to read the rest. I am without the motivation or desire to do so. I have been stuck like this since last December.

>> No.5374435
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i respect people who say "i don't read lol" more than people who say their favorite authors are kafka, vonnegut and salinger

>> No.5374440

I'll never give Mademoiselle a poem and creampie.

>> No.5374448

In other news, the rest of Salinger's unpublished works are going to be published by his estate between 2015-2020.

>> No.5374454

This comment makes me want to write Mademoiselle a suicide note and see how she likes it.

>> No.5374461

Postmodernism is the abortion of this era. Anyone who defends it is retarded.

>> No.5374474
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When I meet people who read "proper literature" I usually can't stand them.

( Yes I read the same kind of books )

>> No.5374498

It's been months since I've last done coke, but I crave it so bad.

>> No.5374535

I find a lot of modernism and postmodernism dated

>> No.5374536
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I only exclusively read non-fiction until about a year ago
I am only just starting to read Tolkien for the first time
I own a copy of The God Delusion

>> No.5374539

I have not read any fiction from start to finish since leaving school

>> No.5374549

I love the Thorn Birds and I'm male.

>> No.5374551

I think fanficition is a valid form of literature.

>> No.5374600

I've never read the bible
I've never read Homer
I've never read Plato or Socrates
I've only read 3 Shakespeare plays
My first philosophical text was Beyond Good and Evil
I've been posting here since 2010

>> No.5374609
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A cute girl recommended me Steinbeck. I went to a local library and picked up East of Eden. After reading three pages, I put it back. I had no taste for it.

>> No.5374615

I can't let go of my spooks.

>> No.5374622

I've been 100 pages into the Brothers Karamazov for the past year and a half.

>> No.5374624

I think that the simpler, even stupider the prose, the better at affecting a reader. The more verbose and harmonic, the more it feels like forgery.

>> No.5374625

i've read 4 murakami novels

>> No.5374629

I agree with this entirely. Prose is essentially written-down story telling, therefore you should write it the way you would tell a story, not the way that has the most synonyms and metaphors.

>> No.5374630 [DELETED] 

I don't agree with anything the Bible says, though I haven't really read much of it.

Check yourself

>> No.5374644

I don't agree with anything the Bible says, though I haven't really read much of it.

Check yourself

>> No.5374647

>deleting your post and removing your "username"

>> No.5374652

He was a fake anyway


>> No.5374653

>I was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.5374666

I am illiterate

>> No.5374671

>In other news, the rest of Salinger's unpublished works are going to be published by his estate between 2015-2020.

praise god

>> No.5374701

I constantly rail against post-modern meganovels, but I haven't read a single one. I tried, but I couldn't get past the first paragraph of The Corrections.

>> No.5374710

I don't read, I just come here to argue because i'm lazy and have convinced myself that (minus /sci/) this is the smartest board. So when i win it feels like a slightly bigger victory

>> No.5374736


>I don't understand the difference between an opinion and a confession

I've seen a bunch of your posts around here lately and judging by them you come across like kind of a dullard.

>> No.5374745

I can't read the Russians

get to the fucking point already

>> No.5374803

start with Crime and Punishment

>> No.5374841

I think the distinction between "genre fiction" and "serious literature" is bullshit and the people who dislike all genre fiction are usually pretentious unsufferable hipsters.

I like Stephen King.

>> No.5374847

Hipsters sicken me but I consciously attempt to have a different opinion than everyone else I encounter, purely for the sake of it being different.

>> No.5374866

I enjoyed Twilight

>> No.5374871

>I like Stephen King
writer with the most range I've ever seen. Several masterpieces, several fanfiction-tier garbage dumps. I think he needs to regress to being a fucked up alcoholic again

>> No.5374879
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I skipped the Greeks.

>> No.5374894
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- Only maybe 4-5 books out of how many I've read this year I've actually enjoyed.

3 of them are Salinger's

- I forgot almost everything pretty much as soon as I finish a book, and I don't have the motivation or interest to reread

- I bought The Iliad but have no intention of reading it

- Any book over 500 pages turns me away

- Used to enjoy books more as a kid

- Hate books with complicated prose

- Enjoy music and film 10x more

>> No.5374902

I don't know if this is a 'confession' type, but I tend to be a 'binge reader'.

I'll read voraciously for a week or two, going through 2-3 books in that time.

Then for a month after I read nothing.

>> No.5374903

I only read books with at least 400 pages.
Anything less isn't worth my time.

>> No.5374905


Serious question: Why are you even here?

Is it because you feel smarter lurking on this board as opposed to the pleb ones?

>> No.5374908

Most books for me range from artificial to idiotic. Seems like the more "critically acclaimed" a book is, the faker it is. Pop schlock like George R. R. Martin feels like brain cells are dying when I read it.

Every book I ever read is seriously either fake or stupid.

>> No.5374909

The books I do enjoy I really do feel a passion for. I don't know if I have very specific tastes or it's something else.
It's not like I don't 'get' the books I don't like, I just feel nothing when I read them. Sort of how I feel nothing when I watch a film I don't like or listen to some music I don't like.

>> No.5374915

That's the dumbest thing I've ever read on /lit/.

>> No.5374916

>- Only maybe 4-5 books out of how many I've read this year I've actually enjoyed.
what were they

>> No.5374919

I only read political philosophy, political history and politics.

>> No.5374920


You must be fun at parties.

>> No.5374925

Well 3 of them were Salinger's: 'Nine Stories', 'The Catcher in the Rye', 'Franny and Zooey'.
Thomas De Quincey's 'Confessions of an English Opium-Eater'.
Arthur Rimbaud's complete works.

I've read 44 books this year so far and those are the only ones I can say I genuinely enjoyed.

Jorge Luis Borges' 'Ficciones', Gustave Flaubert's 'Madame Bovary' and Leo Tolstoy's 'Anna Karenina' came close, but I still got bored.

2013 seemed a better year for me reading wise.

>> No.5374927


autists lack understanding of creative abstraction, it intimidates them

don't be too mean tae da bai, he doo traiii

>> No.5374929

I used to be but I turned into an angry drunk

>> No.5374934

I've been too busy whipping those conspiracy guys on /v/ into a frenzy over and over again for the past two weeks to read anything.

>> No.5374940


>he thought that he would come across as anything but a loser when he hit post on this


>> No.5374981


I don't like reading fiction but I still force myself to read a "must-read" book every month.

>> No.5374985

top irony detection

>> No.5375148

Dumbest post I've seen so far

>> No.5375159

Instead of reading any literature I just shitpost here or jack off.

>> No.5375164

I can't remember the last 5 books I've read beyond a hazy summary of the plot. What's the point of even reading ; ;

>> No.5375256
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I dumped a girl I had recently entered into a relationship with because she didn't know what Les Miserables was.

I thoroughly enjoyed most of the books I was assigned in high school, and have read many of them again since then.

Most of my good friends are fairly well-read; I find that as time goes on people who don't read become less and less bearable.

The few times I've smoked weed it did absolutely nothing for me. Not even a slight buzz, let alone a high.

I know I won't be considered a successful member of society until I have a degree, a well-paying job, a house with a mortgage and 2.4 kids, but secretly nothing would make me happier than a studio apartment in a big east coast city with a job that doesn't require much mental exertion but pays the rent and gives me plenty of time to write books.

I smoke on a fairly regular basis; my family thinks I've quit.

There are days when I feel like the people on /lit/ are the only people I can talk to, my only friends.

I did not enjoy Lolita in the slightest.

I do not understand the appeal of e-readers at all.

I am appalled by the direction poetry has taken since the 1980s.

I believe that people who categorically avoid fiction have sticks up their asses, people who categorically avoid poetry are fearful of things they cannot understand in concrete terms, and people who categorically avoid nonfiction are willfully ignorant of the world around them.

>> No.5375264

I only read literature written by women.

>> No.5375275


That's sort of how I roll, although usually it's:

>prose voraciously for a few weeks
>poetry for the 1-3 month periods between

>> No.5375283

left DFW infinite jest by 84 page..

I only read like 1 hour and sometimes because i enjoy much playing games while i listen music.

I Can´t talk with me friends about books because they don´t read or only read fantasy and GOT.

I hate GOT thanks to this board. And i don´t even read it.

I only read books on my language but self-help books on others languages.

>> No.5375289

I hate post-apocalyptic literature with a passion that burns with the intensity of a thousand nuclear firestorms.

>> No.5375290

cant remember a novel unless im actively highlighting/writing in it

>> No.5375298

I started writing my second novel last November. I got stuck about a third of the way through and haven't touched it since then.

Everyone who knows about it expects it to be done by the end of the year and I'm freaking the fuck out.

>> No.5375308

I gave up reading Thérèse Raquin right before the end because I found it too depressing.

>> No.5375312

Everytime I try to read Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, I fall asleep at page 34.
I remember reading that page plenty of times; yet, I can't go further.

>> No.5375314

/lit/ peer-pressured me into reading Blood Meridian. I'm now about halfway through it and so far I'm not impressed.

>prose is abysmal and terribly unclear as to what the fuck is actually going on

>Judge Holden is unrealistic, overpowered and edgy to the max


>> No.5375333


You shut your whore mouth!

>> No.5375338

I cried when I finished The Metamorphosis..

>> No.5375339

Every time I go to a bookstore I find myself picking up less and less fiction and more poetry and philosophy.

I read faster and retain more of what I read when there is background noise, be it music, cars, conversation, etc.

I have a job that pays well but I am constantly borderline broke because I spend my spare money on books, cigars, and liquor.

I hate most books that have come out in the past 10 years or so, but I thoroughly enjoy magical realism as a genre.

I live a town away from a best selling author and I bump into him all the time in stores, at the movies, etc. I am always very polite to him but I think he's an insufferable prick and his books are all rehashes of the same depressing premise.

I live across the street from a record store and I have a recurring fantasy about hunting the hipsters who congregate there with a crossbow. I've even designed a point system much like deer hunting, but based instead on the size/style of their beards and mustaches.

I write better when I am slightly drunk.

>> No.5375345

at least our dear beloved Pinecone doesn't post under a dumbass name on an anonymous Eritrean cartoon chatroom

>> No.5375350

>he's an insufferable prick and his books are all rehashes of the same depressing premise.

How's dear Bret doing, by the way?

>> No.5375355


Hahaha that's not the one

>> No.5375360

I'm too afraid to post in poetry critique threads

>> No.5375373

Don't worry, mate. All the poems in those threads are abysmal anyway.
You'll fit right in

>> No.5375385

>There are days when I feel like the people on /lit/ are the only people I can talk to, my only friends.


>> No.5375388
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Good one.

>> No.5375394

I can't bear any female writers but Virginia Woolf. But I read them anyway for appearance's/PC's sake.

>> No.5375398

You and me both. You and me both.

>> No.5375401

>I find that as time goes on people who don't read become less and less bearable.

>> No.5375403

I think that blank/free verse is lazy man's poetry.

I teach calligraphy at a college and routinely fuck my students. I have no remorse about it, even when they do.

I've gotten in a fistfight over a literary debate.

I troll older women on ChristianMingle.

My favorite author is Evola and I genuinely believe the world would be better if more people read him.

I like wine more than beer.

I teach an art elective and I have failed students before.

I am not a terribly religious person, but I find that most atheists I have met are incredibly full of themselves (and generally woefully uneducated about religion).

The only other board on here I enjoy visiting is /k/.

I have no respect for anyone who takes Freud seriously.

>> No.5375420

>I think that blank/free verse is lazy man's poetry
This, this, this and this.

>> No.5375422

Just skip ahead to Book II. Everything before they get to Rivendell is useless padding.

>> No.5375428

>Tom Bombadillo, Tom Bombadillo,
>Blue is his jacket, And his boots are yellow

>useless paddling

>> No.5375432

that's cool

>> No.5375436
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good one

>> No.5375440

i really enjoy old genre fiction like agatha christie, ian fleming, p.g. wodehouse, evelyn waugh, but i don't tell anyone because it makes me seem pleb.

>> No.5375441

The idyllic english part is the best bit

>> No.5375443

Postmodernism is just the next generation of modernists realizing that modernism doesn't bring happiness or understanding. We are greeted Walmart-style by some adolescent authors like Salinger then dive head first into the meat grinder.

>> No.5375445

>I've gotten in a fistfight over a literary debate.

must have been the gayest fight ever. what was the dispute?

>> No.5375448

I am Irish and I can't stand the vast majority of Irish lit since there is a vast amount of just naming locations, streets etc without ever really saying anything about them. I also think there's too much nostalgia for simpler times in them.

>> No.5375449

When I was drunk I nearly twatted an english undergrad who said bukowski was the best poet to have ever lived and shakespeare was shit. I got into a pretty heated argument, but luckily 6 months later we're actually on good terms and he realises what an edgy teen he was

>> No.5375451

>I live a town away from a best selling author and I bump into him all the time in stores, at the movies, etc. I am always very polite to him but I think he's an insufferable prick and his books are all rehashes of the same depressing premise.

Is it J-Franz?

>> No.5375452


I was drunk, I don't really remember. I remember loudly denouncing postmodernism though.

I also remember sobering up and realizing I'd need a new coffee table.

>> No.5375453

i cried at the last chapter of don quixote

>> No.5375454


No it's Chris Bohjalian.

He's really only famous in New England but he acts like he's mayor of the fuckin universe.

>> No.5375457

I'd fight you too.

>> No.5375465

>I have no respect for anyone who takes Freud seriously.
I have no respect for anyone who denounces Freud based on reading "the interpretation of dreams" and thinks he's just some wacko with no proof who came up with loads of shit

>> No.5375466
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Come get me m8

>> No.5375467

I didn't finish any of the books I was assigned to read in college. I have an English degree.

>> No.5375470

h-how? at my university i read 100 compulsory books a year plus another 20 or so supplements each term

>> No.5375475

This is my first time visiting /lit
I think I'll stay

>> No.5375483


I've read almost all of his major works and I still think he's just some wacko with no proof who came up with loads of shit.

He's the /b/ of psychology.

>> No.5375491

Holden, pls go

>> No.5375494

you and every other english grad

>> No.5375499

I have tried to read Sartre's Nausea twice. Now I am reading it again now for the third time, but it's slow going. Each time I get to about the middle of it I get really anxious and I don't even want to look at the damn thing.

>> No.5375500

I only read for one hour a day.

>> No.5375506


>> No.5375518

Read Dostoevsky first: Notes from the Underground particularly.

>> No.5375522

I read for much less.

>> No.5375526

How much do you read per day?

>> No.5375532

i make a point to read 300 pages a day, so in many cases a whole novel
maybe 4-5 hours? usually late, like 8pm-1pm

>> No.5375538


that's dedication

>> No.5375541

I googled it and now I see your point. Head off the idea from when it started and see how it developed. It's funny though because I started reading Nausea after reading about it on /lit/.

>> No.5375544

Wow, and what do you read?
Did you read Hegel or Kant with such rhythm or only novels?

>> No.5375550

only novels, occasionally art history books or treatise on art/literature like aristotle

>> No.5375551
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Me too. I've told my sister and mom this in conversation and they tend to avoid male authors. I don't see the problem.

>> No.5375554

I have school, exercise, gaming with friends and 4chan browsing to schedule in. I can't read all day.

>> No.5375555


>> No.5375558
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>> No.5375560


at least eliminate this one

i would say 4chan too but we all know that's impossible

>> No.5375561

And what do you do when you're not reading? Aren't video games or internet (4chan) disturbing you?

>> No.5375567

I only do it to keep in touch with old friends, plus I have this whole theory about how games improve problem solving and micro managing I use to bullshit myself into not feeling guilty.

>> No.5375570

i used to play video games all the time from like 9-16 years old but now i occasionally go back to morrowind and that's it

i play a lot of sports, swim and run a lot, go see films with my friends etc.

4chan doesn't disturb me because i'm a sociopath

>> No.5375576

>my friends
B-But a true patrician have no friends

>> No.5375581

Oh fuck me

>> No.5375583

I think that about 80% of undergrads in college/heading to college next year would be better off getting work experience or traveling. There are far too many kids going to college for the "experience" and signing up for a bullshit major to justify 4 years of drunken partying and driving their family into debt. Unless your field actually requires a high level of specialized education, college is unnecessary.

I genuinely believe our materialistic culture is the #1 enemy of literature.

I go to writers conferences for two reasons: to meet writers I admire and to get laid. There isn't a single conference I've attended where I haven't accomplished both goals.

I'm one of those faggots who listens to vinyl because you get a better "feel" for a song than you do with digital media.

My favorite classical writer is Pliny.

I disliked the Seamus Heaney translation of Beowulf and I think the only reason it got so much hype was because it was the newest, freshest translation and Heaney is relatively well-known.

I can't remember shit about any book I've read on an e-reader.

>> No.5375586

sorry anon
i have about 10 good friends who i play football (soccer) with about 5 times a week

>> No.5375587
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>I'm a sociopath

>> No.5375591

i have no empathy
i manipulate people with my hollow charm to do things for me
i string along girls so they'll buy me stuff then ditch them

>> No.5375592

>my fedora is tipping on its own

>> No.5375595

That's not a sociopath, that's a dick.

>> No.5375598

it's too early for this bullshit, john green

>> No.5375599



>> No.5375604


>college is (mostly) unnecessary

Probably so, yeah. I wish my parents hadn't told me, despite not having any idea what to major in, "Just go! You'll figure it out as you go along!" 3 years later, I still haven't, with the added benefit of literally 0 work experience.

>materialist culture

In what way? Because of the influx of commercially driven novels?


Heh, same. Not sure why that is.

>> No.5375617
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>majoring in liberal art/literature
good god, some children never grow up. that's why so many graduate whine after college. who would want to hire a fucking lit major? what purpose do they add? really, there's only so many ways you can make an analysis of canon pieces of writing.
>glorious business/math major reporting in
i got hired while i was completing my last semester in college.

>> No.5375620

>Liberal art degree.
My sides. Wow, cmon step it up, hard sciences is where it's at.

>> No.5375625


>Because of the influx of commercially driven novels?

Yeah in part. Also people are just so focused on getting a better car/TV/house/vacation they don't make room for art or literature

>> No.5375631

you'd think 4chan of all people would know that social disorders exist
i guess you can't sympathise if it's not the fear of speaking on the telephone or making small talk with strangers

>> No.5375637
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>all the GOT hate up in here

I agree it's not exactly stellar literature but it sounds like some of you need to get the metal rods out of your asses

>> No.5375642


Most people who claim to be sociopaths/psychopaths on here are edgy underageb& trying to impress/intimidate others.

>further reading: Navy SEAL copypasta

>> No.5375645

how is it intimidating or impressive, it's a mental deficiency
i was just trying to paint a picture of my life

>> No.5375655

Look on the bright side dude, you'd make a killer politician.

>> No.5375671


I can't decide whether you are an awesome or disgusting person


C-can we be range buddies senpai?

>> No.5375678

Evelyn Waugh is genre fiction? That's the first I've heard of that. Don't be ashamed though, his books are included in the western canon by disgustedpatrician.jpg

>> No.5375680

Wine over bear.
*tips ferdora.

>> No.5375684

fucking auto correct.

>> No.5375687

I honestly don't remember the last time I finished a book. It's like my attention span is shot

>> No.5375695


...I'm not sure you guys belong here, judging from your abysmal reading comprehension. Where the shit did I say I was majoring in LA? If anything I'm gonna try and get into acoustical engineering or microbio.


Oh, I feel you. I don't know, it seems like the kinds of people who focus on those things wouldn't be the type to get involved in the arts, even without rampant consumerism. It probably hasn't helped, but I don't know how much difference it makes in the big picture.

>> No.5375696


I like beer ok, it's just not my thing.

It has nothing to do with beer being less "civilized" or any of that shit.

It's just that aside from Guinness and Sam Adams most beer tastes like carbonated piss to me, and even the beers I like make me feel bloated and gross.

Gotta stay in shape for those QT freshmen ;)

>> No.5375703

i wasn't necessarily saying YOU were a liberal arts major, but a lot of people on the board, hell just in general usually go for that degree. then they end up wondering why they can't find work

>> No.5375742

Lol, don't read that fucking shit then, forced reading is the worst. Not worth ruining reading for yourself over dat plan.

>> No.5375745


>implying reading is fun

>> No.5375766

I think the most feels-giving book for me was Carl Sagan's Contact.

>> No.5375802

I didn't cry when I read where the red fern grows when I was a kid.

>> No.5375814

>>implying reading is fun
This is mine. I don't find books that great or reading fun. Music is much better (don't give a shit about lyrics).
I still read like a 100+ books at least per year just because I have nothing better to do and it's easier to write than compose. I haven't listened to music or gone to clubs/shows in a while because it became too obsessive.

>> No.5375823

I cried when I finished reading Of Mice and Men
I was 20 (not American) but I'm a grrrl, so I could blame the emotional rollercoaster before period

>> No.5375837

I like reading books by women (although there are only a few good women writers) because it makes me feel like I have a gf ;_;

>> No.5375845

You're everything I aspire to be

>> No.5375848

>I like wine more than beer.
>I teach an art elective and I have failed students before.
But those two are perfectly correct and nothing to be ashamed of.
The majority isn't too mature, but you can do whatever you want.

>> No.5375851

I skim just about EVERYTHING, then I read analysis' online to explain the book's key points and then I go back and fill in the blanks. If I really like the book by that point I go back and read it all, but that's rare

>> No.5375857

Not really any confessions but some unpopular opinions:

>there hasn't been a truly great American novel since Gatsby
>most American poets since 1960 have been shit
>Tao Lin is overrated
>George RR Martin is a pretty good writer
>postmodernism is just the latest fad in a series of trends created by pseudo-intellectuals in their attempts to feel validated/useful/unique
>there hasn't been a truly great slam/beat poet since Kerouac
>literary critics, especially academics, are compensating for their lack of ability with the written word by beating other people's works to death in a flurry of overanalysis

>> No.5375860

Ich auch
My teacher thought I was inhuman

>> No.5375861

Your three last points would hold better if you pointed what authors have you read that fave you that impression.

>> No.5375875

My favorite SF book is Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

>> No.5375879

I've lied about having finished War and Peace (though I'll totally read the rest of it soon).

I also skipped the last two books of Paradise Lost, but I don't feel guilty about that because the first ten books form a cohesive whole. I still list it as a book I've read though.

>> No.5375888
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I have no one else to talk to about literature or more realistically, watch people talk about books I've read and enjoyed.

>> No.5375895

it's funny because I'm really into literature but I rarely browse /lit/. I'm here mostly for /mu/ and /sp/.

>> No.5375932

I enjoy the Dresden files

>> No.5375946

I devote an hour or two every day to "serious" reading and another hour or two to "light" reading. Right now for serious stuff I'm juggling Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals, some Billy Collins, and Two Years Before the Mast.

For "light" reading I'm juggling the Hornblower series and the Guardians of the Galaxy comics.

I strongly believe that taking reading too seriously is just as poisonous to the mind as not reading at all. Sure, reading is a serious intellectual pursuit, but there must be balance. Being a purist will not serve you well unless you are surrounded by like-minded purists.

Oh yeah and this one time in high school I stuck a banana up my ass on a dare. I was promised $10 for every inch I stuck in and I made $90.

>> No.5375954

The audio books make them sound like a pretty good radio theatre (that's what you call The Shadow and that sutff, right?). I checked a book and it was way too expensive for what it was.

>> No.5375958


Hey, me too, I especially enjoy the bits where he just kidding pleb kill yourself

>> No.5375962

I only got into literature recently and I'm a huge pleb who's favorite book is Naked Lunch

>> No.5375964


>Naked Lunch

7/10 good place to start, welcome to /lit/ btw

>> No.5375984

I don't know why but I really liked it, it was hilarious disgusting and smart at the same time, but I haven't read that much, in fact I can basically list all the books I've read because of how small the list is

>> No.5375994

My favorite song is Read a Book by D'Mite and it's all /lit/s fault.

>> No.5376055


>> No.5376122
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>> No.5376124

James Patterson

>> No.5376125

I read Tolkien so long ago that I remember basically nothing.

>> No.5376137

Don't worry too much about it. If you liked that you can keep reading him or switch to his contemporaries. Kerouac is pretty fun, you can read On The Road or Dharma Bums to get his good side just to catch the full blown depression of Big Sur which is usually considered his best work.
After that you may want to go back to their influences, Hemingway is pretty cool and has so much work I'm guiessing there's a rec list only for him. After that you may want to try your luck with some Joyce since they were close authors, and it's okay if you dislike him or find him tedious to understand and want to go back later at him. After a quick american introduction you can freely jump to modern authors like Franzen or Wallace and see if you like them, or you can start a couple decades before with Corman McCarthy and the likes.
Otherwise you cna try some russian stuff, it tends to seem harder to read than it really is. You'll notice that a lot of posters mention Nabokov or Dostoievsky, if people from 4chan can read them anyone can.

>> No.5376203
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>go to bargain section of used bookstore
>see Dresden Files book
>oh cool I can finally read the series /lit/ gets into huge shit-flinging matches over
>check the price tag
>in the bargain section
>of a used bookstore

>> No.5376232

I can only read in total silence

>> No.5376323

>I teach calligraphy at a college and routinely fuck my students. I have no remorse about it, even when they do.
>I've gotten in a fistfight over a literary debate.
lol sure sure 4chan posting chad thundercock.

>> No.5376457


>> No.5376462

hey guys, this writer does skype conferences for reading groups. What if a few of us asked him for one?


>> No.5376489



>> No.5376504

I've only read cookbooks for the last 2 years, and never used a single recipe

>> No.5376507

I actually started with the greeks on the suggestion of /lit/, t-thanks

>> No.5376519

I ended with the Greeks, started with Joyce

>> No.5376523



m-me too

>> No.5376526

I've only read Japanese for the last 2 years, and never used a single dictionary

I have no idea what any of these moon-squiggles mean

>> No.5376530



>> No.5376557


I am reading a Portuguese translation of Ulysses, and not the original in English.

>> No.5376576



>> No.5376580


>I don't like having fun

>> No.5376589


>has been on since June

>> No.5376596
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>> No.5376602

>there hasn't been a truly great American novel since Gatsby
>pale fire
>the sound and the fury
>blood meridian

>> No.5376606

I was peer pressured by my mom to read the Outlander series because "it's in Scotland and your dad's family is Scottish omg so historically accurate XD".

I suffered through two whole books of what amounts to time traveling cuckold erotica before realizing it was never going to get better and quit.

>> No.5376610


>Blood Meridian
>great novel

R u havin a laff

>> No.5376612

r u

>> No.5376616


Don't get cheeki wit me m8 I'll hook u in the gabba

>> No.5376622

i doubt your banana facts
having had many a cock inside my rump, i doubt the consistency of a banana is solid enough in order to force it inside yourself, especially such a distance. the banana would lose all of its form and be utterly crushed by the rectal walls. additionally, which end? both are very rough, not the sort of the thing you want going into your chocolate drain pipe. further, where can you find a banana that is 11+ inches in length? i'm adding the extra couple of inches because i assume it would be impossible to retrieve the banana without some slack. as i said before, i speak with firsthand knowledge due to countless miles of dick that have penetrated me.

>> No.5376627


It was frozen first

The bottom end

Bananas grow really well here, 10 inches is pretty normal

>> No.5376640

You should read Time Traveler's Wife. the superior time traveling selfcuckold erotica.

>> No.5376648

>frozen first
so this wasn't some drunken dare? you had the foresight to pre-plan your self-rape by musa acuminata and later eagerly phone your friends
"quick quick, it's frozen! come see my squat on my kitchen floor and force a frozen banana up my arse"
and try to hide your semi behind your thigh as you realised you enjoy the prostate stimulation

>> No.5376660

>tfw you aren't surrounded by like-minded purists but plebs
>tfw I'll never be able to fuck you with my perfect 9" dick

>> No.5376667

>9 inch dick
how big flaccid, anon?

>> No.5376676

/lit/: Where we call each other plebs and shove frozen bananas up our bums

>> No.5376696

I samefag threads about my favorite authors to make it look like a lot of people agree with me

>> No.5376702


>> No.5376739
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can't read a word in the original language of any of my doctoral dissertation's major authors

>> No.5376764

>not being a shower

>> No.5376767

i'm neither
i'm like 4 inches then 6 inches :(

>> No.5376792


>not grower master race

The look on her face every time is priceless

>> No.5376797

Most of the books I read are audiobooks.
I sometimes dream of meeting Gene Wolfe.
I did not start with the Greeks, but with Kierkegaard instead.
I haven't read most of the Bible.
I have 10 pages of The Idiot left but I don't want to finish it because I know it will ruin my day.
I like Orwell.

>> No.5376809
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Im a spiteful contrarian who will not read a book on principle if more than 20 people have recommended it to me. I was like this long before I discovered /lit/ or indeed 4chan in general.

Also I think Tao Lin is cut way too much slack on this board.

>> No.5376812

>Most of the books I read are audiobooks.
most of the books you listen to, you mean
also audiobooks are shit for literary fiction, they don't allow you to think about certain lines

>> No.5376822

I've never read Harry Potter

>> No.5376823
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>I get really anxious and I don't even want to look at the damn thing.
you'd almost say you felt....... nauseous

>> No.5376855

They work for some and not for others. I have no problems pondering on said lines. You can just pause you know.

>> No.5376882
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me neither

>> No.5377171

I'm contrarian about a lot of /lit/core authors that I don't mind just because I can't stand uncritical adulation.

>> No.5377184


>> No.5377193

I read Portrait of the Artist and liked it
Read Ulysses and thought it was alright
Tried Finnegans Wake and couldn't do it for it was too much for me
so now I just shitpost every Joyce thread ever

>> No.5377208

damn i haven't thought about cutting pink with knives for years

>> No.5377226

1.I think ASOIAF is good
2.Faulkner is the most overrated author in my opinion
3. /lit/ is the most pretentious board there is
4. Infinite Jest is the best book in the last 20 years

>> No.5377253

Was assigned Beowulf in class. SparkNotes'd it.

>> No.5377296

I desperately try to get rid of my fantaisies of becoming a writer while just as desperately clinging to them because of my love of books and the praise I received for my writings in highschool.

I have barely written 1500 over the past five years and every single line of it is not only bad, but a particularly uninteresting and dull kind of bad.

Being a "closted writer" still makes up the biggest part of my self-esteem.

>> No.5377386
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not the most overrated (see Joyce), but still agree
>liking reputable and popular authors such plebs XD
get over it

average /lit/ user

try Master and Margarita

agreed, couldn't stand Blood Meridian, interminable ramblings about the desert and m-muh so evil judge, bleh

finish Shadow and Claw a few days ago, and it was alright, but don't know if i'll continue

isn't this what everyone does?

/lit/ doesn't like ASOIAF because it can't stand anything that isn't "intellectual literature"
faulker is good bro calm down
/mu/ is far more pretentious
IJ is bretty gud

>> No.5377396

I enjoy reading literary criticism even if I haven't read the work it comments on.

>> No.5377401

"stream of consciousness" is the biggest load of shit ever and was just an excuse for joyce to not have to edit so he could right more scat erotica

>> No.5377410
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>> No.5377430


>predicts 3
>it's a 6

>> No.5377448

I do too a lot more than the work itself more often than not. Especially for poetry since I never 'get' poetry until I read an interpretation of it.
I'm pretty autistic though so I try and read the works that it references before the criticism, which means I haven't read a lot of good criticism I want to like Forster, Auerbach etc

>> No.5377460

there's nothing to be ashamed of, although you'd really enjoy it more if you knew the subject of analysis.

>> No.5377542

I can't read

>> No.5377545

Only books I've ever read from beginning to end are Holes, Of Mice and Men (both in English Lit. at school) and a shitty teen fantasy trilogy about vampires or some shit, I don't even remember.

Only started coming here a few hours ago after I saw a literature thread on /pol/, do spoilers even work here about third position, reactionism, nationalism and traditionalism and it interested me.

Can't really find any political threads in the catalogue or much at all in the sticky's wiki.

>> No.5377549

How did you chose what thread to post that?

>> No.5377566
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>there are only a few good women writers
>makes me feel like I have a gf ;_;
you need to eviscerate yourself ASAP
>it takes me days longer to write a free verse poem than a structured one
nice projection there, bucko
you literally just described Freud. even people who agree with him wouldn't disagree.
if you spend more time consuming than you do producing, you're disgusting.

>> No.5377572

He pays a Nigerian man five dollars a day to shitpost on /lit for him.

>> No.5377612

Flannery O'Connor is the only female writer I have ever been able to read without having 'This is a woman' constantly in the back of my mind

>> No.5377620

Did you guess it was because politics aren't exactly popular here?

>> No.5377621


>that pic
>posted by a tripfag

you keep clinging to that denial breh

>> No.5377661

Nah, I assumed it was because you were busy circlejerking over that Will guy who called Orwell/1984 mediocre to get some attention. Dozens of threads about it.

>> No.5377673

Half the people on this board are complete faggots.

>> No.5377677
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>> No.5377719


>> No.5377723
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>pretty much everyone, myself included

>> No.5377753
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i love kafka, like vonnegut and am okay with salinger. steinbeck is one of my favorite authors.

but i know many people rattle these three off as their absolute, all-time favorites, and the only thing they have in common is that they are often required reading, are very quotable, and can be read in careless jots without sacrificing much in terms of quality.
>couldn't stand Blood Meridian
guess that's why you're so defensive of pablum lit :^)

>> No.5377766

Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut is your trigger, huh.

>> No.5377810


>> No.5378027




>> No.5378047
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I spend more time researching books so I can lie about having read them than it would take to read the actual book.

>> No.5378128

I want communism despite what shit will happen.

>> No.5378137

I'm afraid to post on /lit/ because most of you faggots actually read unlike me who reads like one book a month.

>> No.5378149

ar u me?

>> No.5378159

the devil is autistic

>> No.5378166

It's still fine to post. In fact, I suspect you read than alot of /lit/ posters. Just know the book well and be sincere and honest in your analysis. You may have someone argue with you, but it's not like they read some special notes version of the book. They read the same book you did. Not to mention you will help dilute the portion of /lit/ that just looks at the wikipedia page.

>> No.5378177

I shelved Moby-Dick and The Sound and the Fury this summer

I just wasn't going fast enough to keep up with my backlog, I get to them eventually.

>> No.5378217

>Not to mention you will help dilute the portion of /lit/ that just looks at the wikipedia page.

Chuckled. Well, guess I'll post.

>> No.5378222

I like the feel of having read the book than actually reading it.

>> No.5378242

I've gotten to the point where I'm more interested in Wittgenstein than I am in philosophy in general and don't care if any post-Witt philosopher makes good points countering his views

I also can't bare that there are people in the world who know more about him than I do

>> No.5378300

I only read the classics.

>> No.5378343

A girl at University today was asking me if I wanted to be a "slave" and help her out with a party she's sorting out.

I told her "I would never work under a woman" and the bitch felt right to be mad at me.

>> No.5378359

I doubt this is an unpopular opinion among well read people, but definitely among plebs:

Wuthering Heights has got to be one of the most godawful pieces of shit ever written.

>> No.5378378

I probably haven't read a quarter of the authors /lit/ recommends.

I just read "The Library of Babel," though. Loved it to death, ordering a collection of Borges' work off of Amazon with my next paycheck.

>> No.5378381

You're both idiots.

>> No.5378392

I just read books, currently Women and Men, a little bit to inspire my thinking. Like a couple pages at a time then I go and do something else.

>> No.5378402

What an idiot. I read at least a book once a week or once every two weeks and have been doing so for many years but I do not consider myself higher than other people simply because they do not read.

Could you even tell me why you read? You think you're more intelligent simply because you have a vaster vocabulary? Why should someone who does not require to read or does not enjoy doing so, read?

>> No.5378414

>Eritrean cartoon chatroom

This might be the most obscure variation of that phrase I've ever seen

>> No.5378415


Ohh which one? I just got Labyrinths today, and I love the first two stories already. His command of language (at least as the translators present it) is amazing to me. He throws out some pretty difficult ideas, but they're communicated in a way that's really easily understandable.

thanks /lit/ for turning me on to him this shit's great

>> No.5378429
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>The few times I've smoked weed it did absolutely nothing for me. Not even a slight buzz, let alone a high.
why is this a confession? you smoked wrong, not really a transgression

>> No.5378431

While I detest YA, I like to read YA fantasy sometimes as a refresher from "heavy" books.

>> No.5378437


How the fuck can you call yourself a human being if you've gotten to age 20 without even hearing about Les Miserables

>> No.5378448

I'm actually getting Collected Fictions, which from what I can tell if everything of his. If the rest of Borges anywhere near as awesome as "Babel" was for me, then he just may become one of my new favorite authors.

>> No.5378450

Man, so I take it I wasn't the only one?

Really glad I decided to stick with it though, it picks back up for anyone who's been sitting at page 200 for a while.

>> No.5378466

I used to like Butterfly and then that post was made of the YouTube clip of the girl taking the piss out of war writers and making fun of war deaths and circumcision and she defended the video so fuck her.

Fuck you, Butterfly

>> No.5378471

How are you even sure that it's a HER? It's probably some tumblr browsing faggot.

>> No.5378472

you enjoy that usa kills innocent people all around the world?

>> No.5378480

No. Do not assume I am American.

Please, never assume I'm American

>> No.5378482

>i used to be a terrible judge of character, till that one thing happened. oh, i'm still a terrible judge of character, just not about this particular person anymore

Not really something to shout to the stars, bro.

>> No.5378485

>people cant change their opinions of someone or think less of them based on one event

Stay pleb and stay weak.

>> No.5378489

He didn't assume you're American, and you didn't answer his question.

Many Americans don't like the reputation the USA has abroad, and many Europeans love the reputation the USA has abroad. Being a native has nothing to do with it.

>> No.5378492

The warning signs were there from her first post. Shame on you if you didn't pick up on it.

>> No.5378493

>literary critics, especially academics, are compensating for their lack of ability with the written word by beating other people's works to death in a flurry of overanalysis

Thank you

>> No.5378499

I did answer his question. I said no.

>> No.5378501

Have you seen the movie of Alice's Restaurant?

>> No.5378507

I mean, that was the obvious conclusion from the plagiarism scandal, right? He phones his work in to his underlings.

>> No.5378565

Before I read Joyce, I made fun of Joyce, I no longer make fun of Joyce. I finished reading Ulysses a few months ago. Everyday I still open it and reread through all my favorite passages. I thought the world was joking when they said he was good.

>> No.5378614

>I hate GOT thanks to this board. And i don´t even read it.
/lit/ in a nutshell.

>> No.5378627

I have started and stopped reading close to 30 books over the course of a year. I've finished 1. It was pleb tier. I am a mountain of shame.

>> No.5378668

I have one faggot friend that I did coke and other drugs with throughout the course of a weekend at a music festival in arknsas. just so you know, i'm not a faggot. but he kept trying to hook up with me, like, give me a blow job or get me to fuck him. ugh, fucking disgusting. but he's like really feminine, almost like a girl. he's just an utter faggot. I'm not gay, but since I was doing so much coke, i wasn't thinking straight, and go turned on by him. we never hooked up, but i've masturbated to the thought of fucking him. it's weird, but I can't help it. it's like a dominance thing. also, i'm convinced that since i crave coke so bad, i'm always reminded of that faggot, hence why i still masturbate to him sometimes. like, seriously, what the fuck is wrong with me. i'm not fucking gay. i just need to do some more coke.

>> No.5378696

i also don't know why i'm so obssessed with this girl from argentna. were fucking thousands of miles away, yet i find myself writing fucking poems about her during my lectures. i don't think it's love. i think that since we've never fucked, that my ego can't handle that and I think about her as the one that got away. i sent her an email more than a fucking week ago! she even gave me her email to email her. why hasn't she wrote me back yet? god dman, the suspense is tearing me apart. she said i could crash at her place in buenos aires and santiago next summer. but will it work out? hopefully everythng falls into place. she said i was a good kisser. fuck. fuck, it's so stupid. she probably thinks that i'm a fucking loser.

>> No.5378702

i'm also convinced that that butterfly tripfag is legitimately a faggot.

>> No.5378709

Think you mean nauseated, there.


>> No.5378711

i miss the club/rave scene. i've gone fucking cold turkey. and for what? just so i can do well in school and live my cookie-cutter life? fuck the status-quo. i miss being fucking belligerent and having unprotected sex with whomever. college is so overrated. i'm always fucking stressed out. i've become an introvert. ME, i still can't believe it. the last fucking girl i slept with was a prostitute. god damnit. what have i become? I just want to do some coke and have unprotected sex with some tall, pale brunette who has short hair.

>> No.5378741


I spent like 6 hours watching youtube videos of how to gut and butcher every kind of animal I could think of one night last week.

I'm a vegetarian...

>> No.5378936


>> No.5378958

I am a woman and I do this.

>> No.5379389


>> No.5379562

>eliminate this one
God, tell me how please

>> No.5379716


>physical books

It's your own fault for still clinging to a centuries old technology. Get with the times.

>> No.5380422


Enjoy your malware and shitty attention span faggot.