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5370807 No.5370807[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit/ i want an opinion on the diverse books hash-tag campaign.

>pic related

>> No.5370814

I'm white and happy. No fucks given about the "here we are now, entertain us" ethnicities.

>> No.5370819

Is there an embargo on books about diversity?

>> No.5370823

What are diverse books?

>> No.5370824

diverse books it's about queers of color or something? are they sure their child really needs that

>> No.5370825

They aren't banned. If those people want them written then they should write them. This exemplifies the entitlement of the internet generation.

>> No.5370830

>minority group wants to be included in traditionally white male medium
>instead of showing some initiative and actually participating, they nag white men into pandering to them

and this is why i ignore sjws. "bawww there should be more books about niggers - why won't the white man write them for me?"

>> No.5370834

>traditionally white male medium


>> No.5370837

that's one ugly nigress

>> No.5370845

granted asia has a rich literary tradition as well. which makes it even more puzzling that this gook would moan about a lack of "diverse books". but of course i guess he just wants more shitty young adult fiction featuring gook protags and saccharine feelgood themes about racial empowerment

>> No.5370848

that poster doesn't look like moaning at all

besides, who says he is speaking to white people with his poster? or that he expects them to write books about non-white protagonists? you're not quite on point

>> No.5370853

Why are gook books so incoherent?

Why are nigger books?

>> No.5370855

That's what I was thinking.

>> No.5370856

Cute kid, but this is the only answer here:


>> No.5370863

Nobody is asking for more Noh plays.
Or Chinese opera.

>> No.5370868

I'd love more Noh plays

>based Takasago

>> No.5370869

I think the good books campaign is more about getting authors from non-white races to publish more frequently. I haven't followed it too closely, but there MIGHT be a systematic bias against people of non-white racial groups. Therefore, the majority of books are published by white people, perhaps unjustly.

But I'm always very skeptical of such claims. Now that the large part of systematic racism has been conquered, I think the route of all potentially racist institutions is more like a witch hunt. It seems as though the SJWs are saying, "Oh boy, we found a pocket of potential racism after fifty years of searching! Female black-asian writers are few in number, so therefore they must be discriminated against!"

Perhaps that is a childish viewpoint, but I don't really care. I'm tired of caring about fixing every little tiny problem that might exist SOMEWHERE. I'm tired of always being the enemy, a straight white male, unconditionally. And most of all I'm tired of these people shoving race down my throat when I'd give all the world not to have any reason to even notice it,

>> No.5370871

>besides, who says he is speaking to white people with his poster?

oh come on, it's a uniting theme in all forms of new left activism, certainly of the internet variety anyway. no fat black transwoman stands up and says "hey, fellow fat black transwomen, let's write some books that sophisticatedly address issues pertinent to us from our uniquely informed perspective!" - instead they attempt to browbeat working artists (who we can assume are usually not fat black transwomen) into shoehorning fat black transwomen themes into their work. and the only kind of artists that would actually capitulate to this sort of pressure must inherently be creatively bankrupt anyway.

>> No.5370879

This same thread was on /pol/ last week. The reason there aren't more "diverse" books is because "diverse" people are writing them. Starting a campaign wanting more solves absolutely nothing but makes you look like an idiot.

Also, what even qualifies as diverse nowadays? Does someone have to be black or asian for them to be diverse? I can't be positive, but I'm pretty sure Asia and Africa aren't diverse at all, with the majority of their population being one race. Why the fuck does all this shit apply to America? Who's funding this?

>> No.5370884

An audience of one. Sounds lucrative.

>> No.5370886

>I can't be positive, but I'm pretty sure Asia and Africa aren't diverse at all, with the majority of their population being one race.

not really man, in the asiatic section of the former soviet union alone there are dozens of distinct ethnicities

>> No.5370897

African is the most genetically diverse continent on Earth.
But you're right, they are retarded. Internet posturing basically.

>> No.5370900

This. Why should I care about your ethical minority? It's your minority, you write shit for it. Seriously, today it's like you must devote every day to showing appreciation and concern for every conceivable minority out there or you're a white power rapist sexist transhomophobe. I don't give a shit.

>> No.5370905

>certainly of the internet variety anyway
pssss, anon, no one gives a fuck about internet activism. even less than regular activism, and that hasn't changed anything by itself, ever. internet activism is the same as nothing.

>> No.5370908

Americans want to read more books about americans who aren't white middle class sons of middle class workers, please check the next time you go to the library a rough estimate of how many books fit that absurdely general criteria.

>> No.5370913

If the need is so big, why aren't there more non middle class whites writing? I don't understand how it's anyone's fault but their own that this is even an issue.

You want something changed, you change it. You don't sit back and make an internet campaign with stupid fucking signs demanding someone else change it for you.

Is this what the left has truly devolved into?

>> No.5370916

>oh come on, it's a uniting theme in all forms of new left activism

and you assume he's a new left activist because, as a non-white, he is giving a reason why there should be more diversity in books?

i can't be bothered reading the rest of your post

>> No.5370918

thinking of it
rapists are minority by themselves
i wonder why their right aren't protected well enough and people don't have a positive view of them yet

>> No.5370925

>why aren't there more non middle class whites writing?

maybe they are but they're not getting published, sherlock

>You don't sit back and make an internet campaign with stupid fucking signs demanding someone else change it for you.

some people aren't writers but are calling out for diverse writers. diverse writers see the demand and take it upon themselves to 'answer the call' so to speak. it's not that hard to understand

>> No.5370940

well if they want to be published more frequently then more of them should write so that publishers have a larger talent pool to select from. and, hey, some entrepreneurial nig can even go and start his own publishing house if he's worried about racial bias among white publishers!

ugh, i just feel like this culture of mollycoddling minorities strips them of all motivation to actually take their lives into their own hands. to make real progress they need to stop defining themselves in terms of their ethnic or sexual traits and start thinking as individuals. as you said, legal and systemic racism/sexism has largely been eradicated (by the white man of course, after much badgering and bitching) and what problems remains are entirely cultural. the new left is the most counterproductive political movement ever conceived, all it does is systematically strip those affected of their will to actually roll up their sleeves and work their way into a more favourable position in society. abolish the nanny state and affirmative action and this "political correctness" nonsense and let them sink or swim; that will go further towards ending racism than reinforcing their otherness by handing things to them on a plate.

>> No.5370948

>Americans want to read more books about americans who aren't white middle class sons of middle class workers

There is plenty of money in writing about white people. It's very very lucrative.

>> No.5370951

>Americans want to read more books about americans who aren't white middle class sons of middle class workers

no, americans who aren't white middle class sons of middle class workers want to read more books about americans who aren't white middle class sons of middle class workers

americans who are white middle class sons of middle class workers couldn't give a fuck

>> No.5370968

there's only one thing in that circle

>> No.5370973

So these people essentially want to hire writers and give them themes/races to implement in their writings? That's pretty disgusting.

What ever happened to having a muse?

>> No.5370974

>couldn't give a fuck

clearly they do

>all these minorities demanding things of the white man! why don't they just do it themselves

>> No.5370978

'What is not supposed to be my concern!'
-Max Stirner, Ghostbuster, anticipating Tumblr activism 150 years before its time

>> No.5370979

>So these people essentially want to hire writers and give them themes/races to implement in their writings?

LOL what the hell are you talking about. hiring?

>> No.5370981

Because they only defining trait is grounded on physically harming people. That is a big no-no.

>> No.5370985

>publishers have no bias
>if any publisher gets your manuscript it's the same

>minorities used to be so good
>there are no more problems with race or gender
>and i'm not being retrograde by saying that things are already as good as possible so people should stop

>> No.5370986

Use of social media for awareness praising campaigns is an almost exclusively New Left thing.

It's bad. Look at the Arab Spring. The Syrian Civil War got to the point its gotten to because it started as a hash tag revolution.

>> No.5370994

Well then, one party wants something and the other one doesn't care. I don't see why there's any problem then.
I'd be happy if there were more jamaica kincaisd.

>> No.5370998
File: 302 KB, 1024x683, Diverse_Books 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5371001

>Use of social media for awareness praising campaigns is an almost exclusively New Left thing.


anyway he's still not explicitly talking to white people because he's using social media

>> No.5371006

I bet this plen watches Dr. Who or something

>> No.5371020

>most people interested in writing as a career are middle-class whites
>therefore, most authors are middle-class whites
>"Write about what you know!"
>is shocked when most books are about middle-class whites

>> No.5371025

may be she has worms

don't make me make bad jokes -_-

there are plenty of brown people in fantasy since tolkien, see haradrims

>> No.5371031

>So these people essentially want to hire writers

No. Nobody is offering money for commissions. White writers are expected to do it out of the goodness of their hearts. LOL!

>> No.5371038

>The Syrian Civil War got to the point its gotten to because it started as a hash tag revolution.
>twitter and facebook, who were also used in much less messy Tunisia, are the reason Syria is fucked up
>not the threat posed by Syrian military technology, including anti-air batteries, heavy artillery and chemical weapons
>not the infighting among rebel groups with various agenda
>not the unwillingness and/orr incapacity of western powers to intervene
>not the resulting isolation of the rebels leading to their radicalization
>not the russian power play of feeding arms to Assad in order to stay relevant in the Middle East
>not the sectarization of the conflict along religious and ethnic fault lines, fueled by decades of persecution and constant flowing of foreign clandestine fighters into the country
>not the clusterufck of decade and century old political rivalries and border issues

I don't think you could overstate the influence of muh web 2.0 anymore than that, or display more ignorance of the situation in Syria.

>> No.5371050

He's calling out the publishing industry, which is run primarily by white people.
Who do you think he's talking to? If it isn't publishers, why does this message matter at all? Anyone inspired to write a book about these people, by this campaign, will be whoring themselves out to strangers on the Internet and riding a wave of entitlement. Why doesn't the person who made that sign and/or took that picture write a book instead of doing that?
Social media is what you use when you're too lazy to send a message with a book or something that would require actual investment of time, energy, and thought. This is a social media campaign. If it isn't directed at white people (who won't hear it anyway because they don't need that market because these people probably won't buy be very schlocky book with a brown her on just because it has a brown hero, at least not after they've bought 12 already[this is a market of minorities, each minority within the non-white minority will want its own niche and cplain when it isn't catered to, which really isn't something you can expect publishers to bother to do, considering how many minorities that is and how easy it comparably is to just advertise to white people & make more money off of richer people]), it's directed at people whose books I won't want to read by virtue of their stupid, cliche inspiration.
Fuck this modern social justice. It's not justice, it's entitlement, and it's becoming more obvious all the time. When my 'open-minded' liberal friends refuse to talk to someone who identifies as a Republican, like they all do nowadays, I no longer want to associate with the causes they throw themselves behind unquestioningly. This is one of them. Fuck this cause and fuck your trolling.
8/10 because I typed this all out.

>> No.5371052

legally things are as good as possible for this particular issue, yes. i don't disagree that problems with race and gender remain, but as i said i feel they are cultural and largely in fact perpetuated by the 'victims' themselves due to the counter-productive nature of new left and socialist policies.

if publishers happen to be white males then an amount of bias, conscious or not, is probably inevitable (although generally speaking i would imagine people involved in the literature industry are far more likely to be socially liberal than the average person, so if a non-white/non-male's manuscript was really worth publishing i'm sure it would be). but this could potentially be resolved (or at the very least a more respectable attempt could be made) by instead of posting stupid pictures on twitter begging existing publishers to be more inclusive, gathering some like-minded people, raising some capital and attempting to establish a publishing house more ideologically palatable to you. but no. that would take hard work.

>> No.5371053

>white author doesn't include non-white characters
>white author includes non-white characters

You can't placate the social justice crowd because they don't actually have any coherent goals or demands. They're just looking for trivial stuff to complain about.

>> No.5371063

I was exaggerating on purpose there, I enjoy being Left ruse man on occasion. I'm conscious of the situation in Syria and the actual causes of the Arab Spring, but this isn't /pol/ so please forgive me if I don't elaborate. Sorry for being stupid on the Internet and undermining my own position with a consciously absurd claim.

>> No.5371064

>reading wank fantasies penned by white nerds with autistic obsessions for mediaeval europe
>surprised when niggers are at best marginal side characters

seriously these people are so fucking dumb

>> No.5371068


The main character of Infinite Jest was Mexican or Hispanic, God just let it rest, you people already ruined television for me, don't ruin books too.

>> No.5371075

At least you didn't use the ligature

>> No.5371076

>He's calling out the publishing industry, which is run primarily by white people.

the gymnastics

>be whoring themselves out to strangers on the Internet

no different from publishing now

>Why doesn't the person who made that sign and/or took that picture write a book instead of doing that?

i don't know what their life is like so i can't tell you

>too lazy


>time, energy, and thought.

they're not NEETs, anon

>that market


>just because it has a brown hero

interesting interpretation of 'diverse book'

>each minority within the non-white minority will want its own niche and cplain when it isn't catered to


>stupid, cliche inspiration.

i doubt you avoid books of cliche inspiration but whatever you want the excuse to be

>it's entitlement

i.e. "these minorities aren't entitled to anything! only white people are because WE EARNED IT"

>they throw themselves behind unquestioningly


>> No.5371080

¿How is it bad for a culture problem to be adressed in a purely human interaction as this instead of calling for legal action?
¿Is it really sound blaming the "victims" of not wanting to be better when there are people with better tools?
¿Would really the kind of person with enough money to manage a company do stuff that seems like wasting money just because he has a political responsibility?
¿Is it really that weird to try to gather attention to let publishers know there is an interest in the market?
¿Are you really in a position to critizise people who do the least amount of effort while doing even less (I don't see any sharpie on your posts)?
Do you like the latin question marks? it's the new stupid arrow meme

>> No.5371083

>that would take hard work.

it's also completely unnecessary

>> No.5371086

oh wait
actually since robert howard

>> No.5371087

Honestly I wouldn't really have minded if you had said that about, say, Egypt, but Syria is in a league of its own. It's like it the whole thing was staged to go horribly awry.

I agree that hashtag revolutions are pretty cringy, even if there is more to them than that.

>> No.5371093

what do you mean 'surprised'? she's explicitly stating she's tired of the wank fantasies

>> No.5371094

>Reading The Broken Empire
>Takes place in post Apocalypse and rebuilt Europe back in the iron age
>Main character literally goes to Africa and sees black people
>Black main character in the first book that was a slave
>Tons of arabs and blacks throughout the book

"I don't want to actually look into books, I want famous authors to cater to my needs. I am the 1%"

>> No.5371096

>>white author includes non-white characters in an offensive manner


>> No.5371099

>White author writing about black character in book
>Goes off personal experience
>Black person is an angry monster

>> No.5371100

The idea of this kind of silly campaing is to show there's a market in case anyone wants to grab it. She made a pretty uneducated point and that's why her picture was shown in the child porn picture forum hate machine.

>> No.5371101


>> No.5371103

yes, despite dfw having a reputation of being the middle-class straight white male author par excellence, he did actually attempt to examine a broad and diverse element of society, and even included that one hilarious chapter satirising his own limits as a middle-class white man portraying african american characters, issues and dialects.

>> No.5371106

>in an offensive manner
Not really that helpful.

>> No.5371107

>ruined television
>television was so goooood
>suddenly spanic characters everywhere
>no is bad

>> No.5371109

Black people want more black characters in books, okay fine I get it.
White authors write books and include black characters and personify them as black people in real life, most often the black character comes off as a monster to the reader, doing despicable things and being constantly angry - just like in real life. They then get mad that the character is acting the way they are and go on a rampage to stop it, repeating the cycle.

Literally the same fucking thing just happens last fucking week in Ferguson, MO

>> No.5371110


>> No.5371111

I'm horrified every time I think about it. The entire region is in the worst shape it's been in since before Sykes-Picot. It's fucked and it's definitely not contained. I honestly believe the situation in the Middle-East, along with all the other terrible things that have happened this year, is a sign that World War 3 is coming, or at least that a new world order is coming along.

>> No.5371112

because unlike 4chan she actually reads books before forming conclusions on them

>> No.5371114

ba dum tiss

Great joke, anon. People like her are just looking for reasons to be upset at something. I bet she hasn't read a single book in 10 years.

>> No.5371115

>White authors write books and include black characters and personify them as black people in real life

is this like actual irl things you're talking about or a hypothetical?

>> No.5371119
File: 29 KB, 500x375, Nani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>¿Is it really sound blaming the "victims" of not wanting to be better when there are people with better tools?

>> No.5371120

>People like her are just looking for reasons to be upset at something

yeah like the people in this thread getting angry at a social media campaign

>> No.5371123

indubitably. say, let us discuss the political situation in the middle east over some cocktails!

>> No.5371126

People do this shit for movies all the time, and it's better because they are doing free publicity for a private company's product?
They are just doing the cool thing to give the idea that there is a market for that content. I don't see what could be wrong about this.

>> No.5371132

There probably won't be a full-blown total war like before, but instability on large scale and lot of very painful and impossible to untangle situations are coming.

>> No.5371133

i wake up every day and pray for either world war 3 or the ignition of neocolonialism

>> No.5371135

I'll bring my Herodotus and we can discuss the East-West dialectic in terms of determininf factors like geography, ethnicity, and the development of new religious demographics within the region over the past 3,000 years.

>> No.5371136

Nice quads.

Wars like that would work now a days, you need banks tied to each country to have one and that's no longer an issue. The middle east has no real power to sustain an all out attack, and it pretty much is a proxy war with Russia. Just like the gulf war, just like the british "protection" of the arabic state.

>> No.5371137

Yes, I'm thinking Cold War Part II: Electric Boogaloo type shit.
I'm not looking forward to the cyberpunk century.

>> No.5371139

let's hope that won't happen and the world will be stable and eventually happy

>> No.5371140

But it already is happy for the people who want it the way it is.

>> No.5371142

That's a good idea. What kind of cocktail do you like

I'd guess you prefer to hold the tail

>> No.5371143

But I don't know foreign cultures as a white male, I'm only aware of my culture. And I thought SJWs threw shitfits about white people acting as if they know the struggles and oppression of minorities.

>> No.5371149

>¿How is it bad for a culture problem to be adressed in a purely human interaction as this instead of calling for legal action?

it's not and i never suggested anyone call for legal action. i simply think their attempts to address these problems are lazy and misdirected to the point of actually being counter-productive. all they do is reinforce notions of the inherent dominance of white males and the otherness of minority groups in western societies.

>¿Is it really sound blaming the "victims" of not wanting to be better when there are people with better tools?

so they should just resign themselves to never sharing the possession of these tools?

>¿Would really the kind of person with enough money to manage a company do stuff that seems like wasting money just because he has a political responsibility?

if the 'wrong' sort of people are more prone to professional/financial success then that's the failing of the 'right' sort of people. for example i bet most of these internet social activists opted to pursue humanities degrees. yeah that might help them become more eloquent in moaning about social injustice, but it's not going to help them effect any real change.

>¿Is it really that weird to try to gather attention to let publishers know there is an interest in the market?

i think book sales offer a more compelling argument to publishers than a few dumb twitter posts.

>¿Are you really in a position to critizise people who do the least amount of effort while doing even less (I don't see any sharpie on your posts)?

i'm rich and racist and don't give a fuck about the disenfranchisement of minorities. if anything i wish they were more oppressed.

>> No.5371151

lol white privilege: the thread

>> No.5371154

I know, but a place like that is too important for violence not to spill over. What if Iran gets nukes and blows up Israel? What if Israel gets scared Iran's about to nuke them and nukes Iran preemptively? Whatbif Al-Qaeda gains a foothold in Lybia? What if ISIS is right about which interpretation of the perennial philosophy is most pleasing to the Divine?
There's also Russia's current actions in Ukraine, and the precarious situation in the South China Sea, and Al-Shabab and Book Haram in Africa, and who knows what's going on in Latin America?
We're all fucked. Eternal proxy wars are no better than occasional WWII-styke wars. The geopolitical future Orwell described exists Noe, in a world where the military-industrial-banking-oil complex rules the world.
It's over.

>> No.5371167

Or learned helplessness the thread. Depends on perspective.

>> No.5371176

>all they do is reinforce notions of the inherent dominance of white males and the otherness of minority groups in western societies.
while i can fully accept the idea of victim complex, you can't really say that there's no white dominance when most people in power, through state or capital, are white. People who frequent circles based on their own culture get a better exposure to other ideas and i think that's a better aproach, but you can't really think that it's just as easy to know about other cultures as it is about white american middle and high class. People watch clueless all around the world, no one reads Jamaica Kincaid.

>resign to never sharing the tools
That's the idea behind the campaign, I guess. Even though asking for the tools is accepting dominance, but that's the kind of ideas dominated people will come up with.

>the wrong sort of people
You are being moralist and assuming somehow that big name publishers get their money through study or knowledge when it was probably based on previous capital and conections, both things minorities represented in this silly picture campaign won't be able to get no matter what title they go for.

>book sales
How do you meassure book sales of things that aren't sold? How do you compare sales without being affected by advertizement and movie adaptations?

>i don't give a fuck
You're wasting your time in the animu discussion meme fabric, so you care about this campaign. Sadly you are proof that it worked.

>> No.5371179

I'm going to drink this battery acid. I know I've done this before, and it always hurts like Hell, but maybe this battery acid will be different. You shouldn't judge battery acid before drinking it. This battery acid was made into a TV show. I've heard good things about George RR Martin's battery acid.

>> No.5371187

Latin american fag here.
If you don't know what's going on here it's because there is no propaganda right now to be sold. Back when the us was giving money and preparing our military for taking the power by force there was a constant influx of "oh, this silly mexican variants with their generalisimos".

>> No.5371191

The battleground of the future is shit-posting on imageboards.

>> No.5371192
File: 12 KB, 267x182, dynastyupsbat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This battery acid was made into a TV show.
What is Dynasty?

>> No.5371202
File: 1.89 MB, 1600x900, cyberpunk woman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This woman is smiling because she just posted an animated gif implying someone else was "mad."

>> No.5371211

>You are being moralist and assuming somehow that big name publishers get their money through study or knowledge when it was probably based on previous capital and conections
History is full of companies run into the ground by halfwit descendants. The companies that stick around usually hire a CEO who knows what the fuck he's doing and sit around the country club and collect dividend checks.

>> No.5371224

nope, I think your post just exemplifies that this is literally: white privilege the thread. thanks for playing though

>> No.5371230

>What if ISIS is right about which interpretation of the perennial philosophy is most pleasing to the Divine?

What the fuck

>> No.5371242

>you can't really say that there's no white dominance when most people in power, through state or capital, are white.

i can't and wouldn't say that. whites as a group are undoubtedly in a position of dominance in western society. however it's the idea that that dominance is inherent which i would imagine these people object to, yet paradoxically reinforce with their passive resignation to social immobility.

>People watch clueless all around the world, no one reads Jamaica Kincaid.

yet non-whites constitute a significant demographic in the western world now, so it follows that an audience exists for media aimed at them. even racist white publishers won't refuse money from minorities, and presumably a minority ran publishing house would be even more competent at catering towards that market. if minorities are under-represented in western letters it's simply because not enough of them are writing so the talent pool is too small. there's no conspiracy, just a lack of quality. jamaica kinkaid as i understand is a polarising figure, so it's not exclusively racial prejudice that limits her readership. apparently she was backed by the new yorker and has received a few awards, so the suggestion that she's being held back by the white owned literary industry doesn't stand up.

>You are being moralist

the scare quotes mean i don't actually hold that position. what i meant by the 'wrong sort of people' in this instance was people whose social conscience takes a back seat to personal gain.

>assuming somehow that big name publishers get their money through study or knowledge when it was probably based on previous capital and conections

of course old money props up old institutions, but new money is easily made by entrepreneurial people these days, especially in america. the mindset that they inherently can't, or that there's a conspiracy obstructing them from doing so is what i'm talking about when i say these people are trapped in mental prisons of their own design.

>How do you meassure book sales of things that aren't sold?


>You're wasting your time in the animu discussion meme fabric, so you care about this campaign. Sadly you are proof that it worked.

i'm a hungover neet who argues on the internet as hobby. managing to piss me off isn't proof of anything except that i've lost control of my life.

>> No.5371252

Lies, there are mud skinned people from Dune to Earthsea. "I love fantasy " indeed.

>> No.5371267

I took a class about the history of U.S.-L.A. relations at university last semester, sorry about the economoc exploitation & death squads.
Although I met a Brazilian guy this summer who said it was all worthwhile because it stopped communism. That being said I think the lesson I learned in school was that communism was overrated, and this guy is going for a citizenship and is kind of trying to become a white man, which is cool, because he's pretty open-minded about stuff, and he holds contrary views to what I've encountered st university generally.
What are your thoughts in communism and our actions? Was communism really a threat to you guys, or did you just not care about ideologies like intelligent people should?

>> No.5371277

Do you even current events plus /pol/'s latest recomended /lit/feature?
Read up on Evola and Huxley, it's more interesting than the Evola's relation to Italian fascism would lead yli to believe.

>> No.5371283

jewish immigrants in america were once confined to ghettos. jews have historically suffered just as much oppression as blacks, if not more.

today the jewish community is the most prosperous in the usa and they have significant political sway. today nigs as a whole are virtually no better off than they were in 1965 when the jim crow laws were repealed.

jews have an average iq one standard deviation above the norm, blacks have an average iq one standard deviation below the norm.

race is skin deep though.

>> No.5371286

The person you're arguing with doesn't exist.
They're an ideological construct that exists solely to respond to you.
Stop responding and it will go away.

>> No.5371294

What this ends up being is that people are so sensitive to race/gender/class/sexual orientation/etc. that it is nearly impossible to include these characters in any role other than protagonist. In supporting roles, they will be necessarily underdeveloped compared to the protagonist (which could be seen as discrimination, remember again the kind of people we're talking about) and heaven forbid you try to make them the antagonist.

It's a lose-lose-lose situation. A straight while middle-class male simply cannot portray a gay black lower-class female as the protagonist without coming off as superficial, and he cannot cast a character like that in any other roles without being accused of marginalization. And even more, if he does not include any characters of such description then he'll still be accused of discrimination.

Again, remember the audience we are speaking of, here. There is no satisfying them. To attempt to do so will simply bring you grief.

>> No.5371302

>but new money is easily made by entrepreneurial people these days, especially in america.
That's just not true and we've had this discussion way too many times. No one has a million dollars without their parents being rich.

>> No.5371308

phrases that immediately make you the laughing stock of any serious argument:
"____ privilege"

Anyone got any others?

>> No.5371332

you're deluded and i feel sorry for you. $1m is nothing these days. get a useful degree (i understand this is more difficult for poor people in usa but in europe you have no excuse) and a job in the financial district (easily accessible via internships if you have some acumen and work ethic) and you have a net worth of >$1m by the time you're thirty. people who get into business can potentially earn at an even faster rate.

it takes intelligence, hard work and talent, though, which clearly not everyone possesses. i'm sorry but if you can't make something of yourself it's because you've either made some bad decisions or you're just biologically mediocre.

>> No.5371333

White brazilian here, the thing is, communism right now is somewhat of a boogeyman for a rising new reaganite right, and people (specially middle-class delusioned youths who entered their teens - early adulthood in the last 14 years and haven't got their share of the pie yet) read on the reactionary media about how our country is turning to a communist dictatorship when, in fact, the government is just your typical late capitalism economically liberal with a hint of social democracy assistentialism to try and lift people who live beneath the misery line to a minumum of dignity.


>> No.5371335

Men's rights

>> No.5371337

>sorry about the economoc exploitation & death squads.
I imagined someone saying that in real life and loled. It's okay, people aren't responsible for what their government would had done anyway, even less if you weren't even alive to pretend to vote.
>it was all worthwhile because it stopped communism
Brasil had one of the worst purges in the contient and you can see to this day how easily they accept the idea of just killing the people born in the wrong place.
Communism was never a thing and there were no real meassures taken to affect it. Most military governments in the region stopped local production, made agriculture cheap as fuck as long as you already had lands, opened the the market to chinese and american products in a time when every single country was keeping a controlled market to a certain extent and in general gathered huge debts without any use for the money to create a debt buffer to validate the IMF. The communism scare was pretty much as real as any terrorism scare tactic, only a little bit validated by the existence of left wing groups supported buy the URSS (we had the CCC, clasist and combative current, and the ERP, revolutionary army of the people) but that were completely on their own trying to take down a real army. It's like taking the black panthers as an example of why every cop has to go around with an automatic rifle.
All in all it had economic intentions first and political only for propaganda.

As always this kind of subjects come, sorry for broken english and that kind of stuff, it's way easier to shitpost than to think what you're writing.

>> No.5371341

yeah, it has nothing to do with having first world countries backing one and third world countries backing the other. People aren't affected by their context or connections.

>> No.5371343

That's kind of the impression I got. I tried to explain dialectics and ideology to him and I think he might break out of the curse of the Actual Feminist Boogeyman.
Enjoy your Reaganism, though, that should be a blast. I'm joking, of course. Witch hunts are never fun.

>> No.5371346

So you need money for the degree and conections to be chosen for the internship out of hundreds of people?
None of that comes from mom and pop, not at all.

>> No.5371347

Nice, thanks for the insight.

>> No.5371350

Argentinian here.
I always find funny how people from the us call leftist stuff we would call center right at best, but then I see people doing the same here and it just sucks.
All in all at least dictatorships make you more appreciative of the governments you have, I guess.

>> No.5371351

The American dream is the real citizenship test. If you can't live it, its not your fault.

>> No.5371356

Recommend Chomsky to him, it's like america's frankfurt.

>> No.5371358

>So you need money for the degree

no, the state hands tuition loans to every student. you make connections with social skills.

anyway, that was just one random example that i brought because i have a friend who went that route. i have another friend who currently has almost £100k in the bank just got gambling. there are endless ways to make money if you really want it, you just need some acumen.

>> No.5371362

Going 250 years without a bloody transition of executive power gives people faith in their government, and when those people are as insular as Americans that leads to thinking everyone everywhere trusts their government. We've never had a coup because for some combination of reasons our democracy works, for us, anyway. Not for everyone. That should be obvious but we've learned it the hard way in Iraq and Afghanistan.

>> No.5371363

He already hates Choamsky and Zinn.
The first week of work I saw him reading Atlas Shrugged. I think he's an objectivist. I'm sure he'll grow out of it, though.
At least I hope he will.

>> No.5371372

Man, I don't even care anymore. People here are either that sort of classic liberal mouthbreather, typical kids fascinated with college who become human left wing strawmen, to the point they make me agree whenever some conservative says there is a marxist indocrination program in superior teaching or deluded, right or left extremists.

I'm on the left extremist spectre, and boy me and my friends are so fucking cynical at this point that most of the time we discuss politics, we do it for a laugh.

I know, american politics are fascinating to me thanks to how it's a closed, completely different world from the rest of humanity.

I feel I'm more well versed in american politics than actual brazilian politics

>> No.5371385

You have to understand that (ironically) that sort of information only started to get in to Brazil in the last 14 years.

Thanks to the (left-government induced) boom in income and assistential programs, most people got access to computers, paid TV and broadband internet, and a lot of these people (naturally) gravitated towards right wing stuff.

The modern left was somewhat better represented by printed media, thanks to some publishers, like Conrad, my favourite one in my early to mid teens, who published a reasonable amount of post-left anarchists, situationists and etc., and LP&M Pocket, who published cheap as fuck XIX and XX century stuff, and got really famous for putting out the Beats, classical marxist, anarchist and liberal authors out, amongst some other humanities favourites, like Bukowski, Hunter Thompson and Nietzsche

>> No.5371390

I wish I knew you IRL, I think wed get along just fine.
Where do you go to school? I'm assuming you do.

>> No.5371394

tumblr and /pol/ are just flip sides of the same coin

>> No.5371398

Its all

>> No.5371399

You never had a coup because you were helping coups to happen. There's no comparison between spanish or italian switch of power with latin american or african "coups", the whole concept depends on an external interest the same way Russia worked Cuba or Congo. Thinking that a switch from democracy to dictatorship can be natural has no base on history, even perpetual presidents work their way through the democratic system.
Not to say that democracy is inherently strong or good or anything, it's just an excuse to justify why something is better than other, it's just the current validation aproved by the economic powers. When a country strength was based on its military power people though better of other kingdoms than those savages without a king unless they could stand their own, like Switzerland.

>> No.5371403
File: 20 KB, 481x320, 1257458570877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I study at UEMG, Guignard specifically

>tfw studying fucking visual arts

>> No.5371409
File: 148 KB, 1000x843, and so on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes absolutely but my got

>> No.5371411

Precisely my point. Our government and our people are different things. Especially when it comes to Latin America. The government does whatever it does and doesn't tell us about it, so we don't object to it until 20 years after it's happened.
I didn't mean to implybthat coups were good, is what I'm saying.

>> No.5371412

/pol/ is often funny, tumblr is always tedious

>> No.5371422

Is /lit/ what Plato had in mind when he created the Academy?
A place where pure ideas could exist for disembodied minds (anonymous posters) to contemplate (shitpost about and gain insight into) all day be very day?
Are we living in Plato's Utopia?

>> No.5371424

I think they're both funny in a sad way
>Fucking black people
>Fucking white people

>> No.5371427

shit bait.

>> No.5371428

Both are run by Jews

>> No.5371432

> No one has a million dollars without their parents being rich.
Look at teh NBA fool.

>> No.5371436

You tripfags are starting to piss me off.

>> No.5371437

>I feel Im more well versed in american politics than actual brazilian politics
Perspective makes everything easier, I guess. We also have a huge white noise of people beign pushed and pulled by the media or political groups, both local and international.
In our case it's also matter of everyone being actually tied to everyone and having small subgroups inside other subgroups. For instance, we might as well use peronism to designate any kind of political party and you could find examples in the last couple decades, from miltarism to pseudo socialism to extreme pro nazi right wing.

>> No.5371448

The two-party system has created two media feedback loops in America: a right-wing and a left-wing. They reflect the party lines and shape the party lines at the same time. Lately the two feedback loops have been throwing shut at each other and not doing anything good for the country or anyone else.
America is getting more dysfunctional every day. It isn't Congress or Obama. It's the media-ideology-government complex.

>> No.5371451

I believe that even during military governments there was a certain access to international ideas, as limited as it might be. I grew up in one of those provinces where people think things were better back then and I've met people who read frankfurt and post marxist stuff.
If you read spanish we have Terramar who print a variety of anarchist and argentine left wing history books. The quality is decent and you have to appreciate the chance to get those texts in paper even if they are charging for content that was meant to be free.

>> No.5371456

My point being Americans think all politics in every country can be broken down into a two-party dichotomy.

>> No.5371464

I doubt anyone would think coups are good, when we got ours they kept saying it was a temporary thing and they even did pretend elections where you could chose a general out of their selection. It's funny in hindsight, people voted for peron anyway because we like out kaiser I guess.

tumblr has a variety of webcomics and content creators, /pol/ is part of 4chan and as such is 30% shitposting 70% poor though out argumentations.
Or you really think a website that doesn't allow it's users to interact with each other has some sort of hive userbase? have you ever seen tumblr?

refer to

>> No.5371471

>tumblr has a variety of webcomics and content creators

and they're all dull

>> No.5371472

4chan creates content.

>> No.5371473

And both parties have private industrial interest in mind. But it isn't that different from most governments through out history, it only seems more bleak because we were taught to be cynical and renounce hope so we just accept stuff.
let me believe things aren't worse than before

>> No.5371477

But not with variety and it will eventually be taken by corporate owned sites like reddit and we'll pretend we never liked it in the first place.

>> No.5371485

It'll get better.
It's fixed itself before. It'll happen again.
The situation right now is basically robber baron-type shit all over again. It's a different kind of capitalism than we had in the 1890s but it's the same kind of thing. Basically, now there are just more businesses with more money with more control over more things.
It'll resolve itself. The Red-Blue dialectic always does. It's too simple not to.

>> No.5371500

It's what we need.
>I want 99% of all characters in all media everywhere to look like me
The life of the neckbeard is so pathetic they need to maintain a society that ignores the presence of people that they can't use as fantasy surrogates. As for writers, the world could use stories that aren't down the beaten path.

>> No.5371511
File: 101 KB, 500x366, 1396440297581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like reading
>despise self-congratulatory modern reading culture
>hate everyone on my English course

>> No.5371512

I've had enough off the beaten path shit.
I mean 'shit' in the most literal way. Using a thing's status as being off the path as an indicator of quality proves only that you have no conception of aesthetics. It says nothing about your nature as a compassionate being, either for or against.

>> No.5371540

That kid is really cute.

I heard a thing about it on NPR and they said college educated black women are the largest new reading demographic. I wished they'd cite that, how would you find out?

I don't mind non-whites and women writing books if they have talent but I feel like this campaign is a bunch of people who don't read trying to change things for people that do. Although I don't really care, I don't read anything written by anyone past 2010 unless it is nonfiction.

>> No.5371544

I heard something on NPR about a booming market consisting of Iranian female writers and readers.
They interviewed an Iranian woman who was looking for a publisher. That was their best source. We may have heard the same story.

>> No.5371585

>The life of the neckbeard is so pathetic they need to maintain a society that ignores the presence of people that they can't use as fantasy surrogates.
People write what they like. If enough people buy it to make them happy, why change?
It's like the gaming industry. The gaming industry has many feminist critics, but ignoring feminist critics has been extremely lucrative. If you're making tons of money doing as you damn well please, why make an effort to appease some whiney legbeards?

>> No.5371617

>Or you really think a website that doesn't allow it's users to interact with each other has some sort of hive userbase? have you ever seen tumblr?

Yes. They had a ball pit.