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5370243 No.5370243 [Reply] [Original]

How are children so wonderful at expression?


>> No.5370258

children are little creepy shits.

>> No.5370260

Because authority hasn't ruined their creative potential.

>> No.5370283

They haven't been taught shame.

Once you have been taught to feel shame you will spend the rest of your life holding yourself back. It's the most insidious kind of cognitive trap.

>> No.5370305

Because are brains are programmed to find them beautiful.

>> No.5370310

cos ur a pedo

>> No.5370336

please elaborate?

>> No.5370362

They aren't, you just have low expectations of them.

>> No.5370407

did you watch the video in the OP?

the ease and thoughtlessness of her communication are better than 99% of the adult population which are plagued with fear of being shamed and various insecurities. even contemporary stars who are solely employed for their communication/social skills (Jimmy Kimmel) don't even compare to this little girl.

mute the video and watch her facial expressions. they are absolutely on point. is this training? or intuitive?

>> No.5370417

Yes, of course. I'm failed human being and miserable at that. Therefore I like to blame all my failures on the notion of a tyrannical state that through some kind of pseudo conspiracy oppresses my truth creative talent. But deeply down I realize that this is just a spook that my brain has created in order for me to project all my failures on to the world around me, otherwise I wouldn't be able to cope with reality and that is also why I spend my days shitposting on 4chan.

>> No.5370424


I mean just look at this kid. So much expression.

>> No.5370474

david bowie said we're all just trying to be children again, or something like that

>> No.5370483

>deeply down

Is grammar a spook too?

>> No.5370485

kill yourself pedophile

>> No.5370620

Why do you post that everyday ?

Just stop.

>> No.5370754
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Just why.

You see the kid is uncomfortable and yet you have to gall to brush it off as nothing and mock him

>> No.5370762

They don't have any/very few inhibitors on their behavior.

>> No.5370911

children are actually morons OP

>> No.5370944

Adaptation to environnment. Humans are among the mammals where the link between mothers and children is the weakest, and as such human children are more likely to be abandoned. Learning to read and mimic facial expressions as a way to please your parents is a natural way of preventing it.

You should also consider that children don't communicate for the same purpose as adults: they basically ask want they want something, or say whatever they happen to be thinking (ar very young age at least). Adults have more specific goals, and need to operate with a good consciousness of the social standards in effect while they speak.

>> No.5370990

Little critical filter or self-awareness.
Being praised for self-expression.
They're not trying to do anything or be anyone. The poetry flows like an amazing landscape naturally occurring.

>> No.5371005

>they basically ask want they want something, or say whatever they happen to be thinking
This sounds amazing. I would prefer this world.

>> No.5371013

>creative potential
>i was born with all my ideas
>everything i describe would be the same if i grew inside a box
>i've learn nothing from interaction
>if only i had been able to stare at a wall of all my life i could had writen all the novels my mind already had inside

>child actress
>no shame, no pressure, no constant control
this shows are rehearsed, dog

>> No.5371478

You're a retard if you think that doddering, rambling, and indecision in speaking are expressive. She's simply happy to be the center of attention.

>> No.5371569

There's a reason childhood nostalgia has been such a common literary them in the past two centuries. But we used not to pay so much attention to children, the men of the 17th century considered it an uninteresting moment you had to grow out of has quickly as possible.

>> No.5372490
File: 24 KB, 278x300, Peter-Wessel-Zapffe-278x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't "wonderful". Actually, the evolutionary selection process has programmed you to think they are cute so you won't kill the little shits.

>> No.5372495

Is that why they had sex with them all the time back then?

>> No.5372519

>umm well
>you know
>I liked that stuff

Come on OP. Most people can give the same casual interview.

>> No.5372591
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who knows.
Just post more little girls

>> No.5372598
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>> No.5372603
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>> No.5372609

Wow I wonder what they and their parents would think about your posting those pics here

>> No.5372710
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