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5367816 No.5367816[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why haven't you committed suicide yet

>> No.5367826

My grandparents are still alive. Once they die, I'll kill myself a while later. I don't want to live for much longer.

>> No.5367828

you can't kill something that's already dead OP

>> No.5367829

might as well live until I die, the abyss cares not.

>> No.5367830
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Pain, misery and torment is interesting. Occasionally there is drugs and booze.

>> No.5367831

I have.,

>> No.5367838

My heart attack can't be far off, why bother

>> No.5367844

I don't want to screw my loved ones.
But most of the time before I sleep, I think about. How easier would it be..

>> No.5367847

Only a few posts in and this is already shaping up to be an entertaining thread. How many people on /lit/ are depressed? Is it real depression or has are studious life style taught us that life has no meaning?

>> No.5367849

Sleep on your left side, it strains it more. Source: I read it in a book.

>> No.5367856

Because I just found out a manga called "Boku to Tsundere to Heidegger" exists, and I have to wait until it gets translated into English.
Also I really like doing coke.

>> No.5367862

>implying depression is a real thing

It's just a silly excuse used by losers who can't get shit done. "Hurr durr I'm totally not a lazy sack of shit, I have depression". When my ex-bf had "depression", I dumped him instantly.

>> No.5367863

There it is.

>> No.5367877

Because drugs are pretty rad

>> No.5367879

Does studying philosophy really make people depressed or is it something unique here?
IMO metaphysics is beautiful and makes me happier and removed from the mundane empirical experiences of life.
Platonism forever.

>> No.5367882

jesus christ....how did i not find out about this sooner

>> No.5367888
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Complete lack of interest in doing so. Also, I'm working on my keychain.

>> No.5367890


because the rest of the world exists

i got waaayyy too much shit to do before i could feel justified

>> No.5367895

too scared

>> No.5367906

You sound quite immature.

You'll understand what depression is when you'll see the face of death.

>> No.5367908

thread related >>>5367677

>> No.5367909

I don't care about death. #YOLO

>> No.5367916

Depressed =! having a realist-pessimistic world view.

>> No.5367917

I'm getting closer. I'm waiting for my alcoholism to fully destroy my liver first.

>> No.5367942

What's the difference?

>> No.5368019

It can give them an identity/existential crisis, leading to derpression.

>> No.5368028

because i'm constantly on the verge of finding life interesting.

>> No.5368035

I haven't read enough manga to justify it yet

>> No.5368043

It's scientifically proven to be an actual chemical imbalance in the brain, you wench

>> No.5368045


Planning on it. Need to get a gun first (kekheliumtanks).

Why not? Because I need cash for said gun. Also because I haven't yet written the letter that details how it wasn't anyone's fault, that it was an inevitable outcome.

That, and my parents and a close friend of mine are making it harder to actually go through with it.

>> No.5368057

In case I get lucky in life. May as well stick around to see what happens. This is temporary, death is eternal. No point in being impatient.

>> No.5368081

wow I wish I could bring myself to embrace retarded metaphysics, maybe I wouldn't be so depressed

>> No.5368087

cause I have a qt gf and a generally happy life

>> No.5368095

It's not about how many times you get hit but how many times you get up. Life keeps moving forward and so will you because you're better than that

>> No.5368097

Because I have a good relationship with my parents and I have younger siblings to look after.

>> No.5368103

cant be bothered lol

>> No.5368118

Idk, most of the graduate students in my phd program are pretty content -- we only stress when the year is over and we are closer to presenting our dissertation. then again, we are perpetually drunk, so take everything i say with a grain of salt.
lol i am already drinking with a few of the lads

>> No.5368128

So people with depression, who kill themselves, just do it because they're lazy? If you say so.

>> No.5368135

its a shit one time only deal

>> No.5368136


>> No.5368138

Not true.


Lack of Serotonin doesn't actually cause depression, which would explain why anti-depressants have such a shitty prognosis.

>> No.5368147

>committing suicide before you've written several unpublished novels

It's like you don't even want post-death fame and recognition.

>> No.5368149


>> No.5368151

I know, I've tried five anti-depressants, with little effect, but unless we're substance dualists, I think we can agree that depression, like all thought and emotion, is neurological.

>> No.5368156

Well I've got massive PTSD and see shit so I'm pretty sure it's real

>> No.5368162

I don't know, I'm going to give life a chance to improve, maybe a decade, unless things become unbearable, if I'm still miserable by then, I think I'll probably kill myself. Sure things might still "get better", but there comes a time when someone tires of waiting.

>> No.5368212

I need some decent backlog to compensate the sadness of the people who were forced to create bonds with me.
John Keneddy Tool all the way, baby.

>> No.5368223

I have the idea that most people here on 4chan don't wantto do much in their lives so they complain

>> No.5368239

Ever since I've started college, I've become introverted and slightly depressed.

>> No.5368241

i work in a call center, very much depressed and in debt and would like to die

>> No.5368256

Why do I have to die when it's the rest of the world that sucks?

>> No.5368271

a large psychological and socio-cultural component to depression is agreed upon in the scientific community and therapy is the only thing that really works
so what are we leling about
lel lel lel lel

>> No.5368277

jesus christ if someone said this empathetic bullshit to me in real life i'd blow my fucking head off

>> No.5368279


>/lit/ being in charge of knowing shit about brain chemistry or how to interpret journal abstracts


>> No.5368282

Im too pussy to do it.
also days ago some handsome edge guy with a nice life that i know kill himself and so much people(many qt girls) go in his funeral.. It was sad and i think that probably no one gonna go in my funeral.

>> No.5368288

I was hoping of dying in combat. However, since we pulled out of Iraq and are in the process of pulling out of afghanistan, I won't see much combat as an infantry officer. :/

>> No.5368299

1. i know it'd fucking destroy my mum and dad and i don't want to do that to them.
2. i'm terrified of fucking it up and just making myself really sick or injured. i'm not good at practical things and i get the feeling that i'd be one of those guys who gets it wrong and breaks my neck but then survives in an even shittier situation

>> No.5368306

>how to interpret journal abstracts
>implying abstracts tend to be difficult to understand

>> No.5368307

Because you're not aware that you suck too

>> No.5368312
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>because i'm constantly on the verge of finding life interesting.

>My real life has yet to start...

>> No.5368322


Jesus Christ, that image. How do I not do that?

>> No.5368333

what is Alice Glass doing in your comic?

>> No.5368336


Yeah, same here. I've accepted that as a consequence, however.

This one I'm really afraid of. What if I just become brain dead or something, and become an emotional AND financial burden? Sigh

>> No.5368337
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Because I have chosen to live long enough to witness the downfall of those that have made me want to kill myself.

>> No.5368342

You can't. The same people who tell others that they're not living their lives are just deluded, everyone goes through the same shit

>implying video games is wasting time

>> No.5368343

I'm nearly 27 and I still think my best days are ahead of me.

Just kill me now

>> No.5368344

Kaiji is hardcore at times.

>> No.5368349

Start doing the things you want to do and stop waiting for something amazing to happen to you.

>> No.5368350

i haven't because im not a fuck-up, and a decent person, and my parents are good, decent, hard-working people.

i want to because i am extremely depressed at the moment, have no friends, have no skills and a dead end job. i live at home and am 24 years old. i have 10,000 worth of debt, and wont be debt free until february.

>but it gets better

fucking obviously, but it's the fact that i want to kill myself desperately every day, and am stuck in a situation that will not improve for atleast 6 months makes me very anxious to do it now.

there's the additional bonus weight of a constant weltschmerz that comes and goes whenever i seem to think in abstract to avoid my immediate situation

>> No.5368358
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o my fuck

>> No.5368375

Who's to say they aren't?

>> No.5368377

>Because you're better than that
Better than what?

>> No.5368379

You're not very nice. People have killed themselves from the agony of depression.

>> No.5368388

Well of course, but these cause depression by their impact on the brain, all thought, emotion, etc, has a neurological correlate.

>> No.5368398

Jesus christ, I hope this is bait.

>> No.5368409

I'm afraid to say this view is all too common. Then people say there's so much to live for.

>> No.5368422

cause havent earned the right to do so. my life is dedicated to that.

>> No.5368447

>Then people say there's so much to live for.

I wish I could even understand that point of view but my life has been such a dull grind over the past few years that I can't even fathom what there could be to live for.

>> No.5368460

because i love life

>> No.5368498

There are some hings I enjoy about life, but the big life preserver for me is obligation.

>> No.5368499

Well I suppose that's the best reason.

>> No.5368512

Dafug six months? I have family who will NEVER be out of debt like 100k in school loans. I empathize with you but your type of complaining is what makes people with real problems seem like they're just complaining too.

>> No.5368522

Quitting life is like quitting a hard game--it's noobish to not git gud.

>> No.5368543

Well, I've tried. It's not my fault I'm 100% negligent about everything.

>> No.5368544

Probably is bait, but.
I'm depressed (I haven't gone to the doctors, though), but the main reason of my depression is that I'm weak.
I really don't care about the death.

>> No.5368566

I don't even know about the context, but you caring that much about your grandaprents makes me like you.

>> No.5368590

I've thought about it.

Then I realized suicides for wimps who are too scared and too narrow-minded to understand the abstract concept of life.

>> No.5368601

What's wrong with being a wimp? What "abstract concept of life"?

>> No.5368603

>1 Go do exercise.
>2 Go do exercise, you fucking lazy faggot.
>3 Exercise, sleep well and try to keep a good.diet.

>> No.5368618

Exercise is only effective for mild depression. The severely depressed would be too exhausted to even kill themselves. Anyway here's a nice video on the biology of depression:

>> No.5368662

Well, right. But there's only one way out of it and that's exercise.

>> No.5368673

No! Therapy and medication, and loving support are the only way out of it. When you start improving, exercise is good thing to add in. What evidence do you have that exercise is the ONLY way out of it?

>> No.5368696

Like 50% of my family has a biological tendency to depression (me included.
Cynicism is the way.

>> No.5368699

Or I suppose suicide.

>> No.5368706

What has cynicism got to do with the only effective treatment for depression being exercise?

>> No.5368712

Hang yourself in your cubicle, you can lead the way.

>> No.5368716

The lack of exercise is not the problem, I think. It'll help because I'll cut time of thinking about shit, sleeping better and having a schedule even in you free time makes thing easier.

The main problem is being alone, and being "forced" to have a job I can't stand, doing meaningless things and see that not matter how many times I tried to fight against the world, I always lost.

>> No.5368721

Cynicism is a philosophy based on exercise.

>> No.5368733


For all the deficiencies in my life right now, I know one day they will be fulfilled. I will never stop striving, I will never stop living.

>> No.5368742

>You're not very nice. People have killed themselves from their incapacity of seeing the many beautiful things in life and focusing only on shit and scum

corrected for you

>> No.5368749

depression is a first world problem.

>> No.5368767

I don't want to kill myself because I'd hurt my parents and girlfriend. If it were just me, I probably would have killed myself a while ago. But I don't want to bring that kind of pain to my family.

So I'm trying to find a reason to want to live for myself. You know, a personal reason to live, not to just eke out an existence for the sake of others. But it's hard for me to do. Most days I feel resigned from life. The drudgery of the rhythms of full-time work are awful, but even worse is not having it at all, and it's hard for me to find a good reason to justify living another 40 to 50 years if life is like this.

I wish I could talk to my girlfriend frankly about this, but she feels betrayed when I admit to having suicidal thoughts at all. I think she feels like I don't love her if I want to die, or that she can't love me if I don't love myself, or maybe both. But it's the truth, a truth made harder when openly talking about it is difficult.

I don't know, anons.

>> No.5368777

Almost exclusively. But the fact that this is used as a dismissal misses the point. We should be asking why depression is a first world problem.

It turns out that, despite the promises of capitalism, man CANNOT live on bread alone. But even the religious here have bought into the prosperity gospel, and preoccupy themselves with feasting on bread and little else.

>> No.5368788


I am afraid of dying, yet I want nothing more than to be dead.

>> No.5368795

Life is suffering.

>> No.5368803

The world is mostly shit and scum, and many people become depressed for reasons entirely irrelevant to external circumstances. Also, why do they deserve to be hated and made to feel worse for this incapacity, insulting them isn't going to open their eyes to the beauty of the world?

>> No.5368808

Physical exercise?

>> No.5368809

Im naive enough to believe it will be better

>> No.5368813

because theres so much fun and cool shit to do

so many books i havent read.

I'll be content as my body returns to the universe. Its not like i ever left. but i will live on in the soil, the earth, the trees and flowers. and through them, i am immortal

>> No.5368815


Afraid not. But why bother to check if you're correct, if you can just wallow in ignorance and baseless assumptions?

>> No.5368829


Depression is a human problem you self-hating petite bourgeoisie faggot. Get a fucking clue, kid.

>> No.5368830

Because it describes more normative behaviours than before and allows for greater financial compensation. It no longer is used to describe an abnormal state in first world societies but a minimum set of behaviours which lead to greater compensation the more categories match. Ideally, greater abnormality would be required as these behaviours became more normative, but this probably won't happen before it makes up 50% of the disability burden of the West.

>> No.5368831

For fuck's sake, God. Why did you have to make me one of the sentient ones?

>> No.5368836

I tried to but failed

for now I'm just smoking bud and eating codeine, also shittonnes of psych meds, life is absurdly weird and I need a rest because it's nonstop presence presence presence even deep sleep is skipped it's just lay head bam you're dreaming ding ding ding ding alarm says wake the fuck up nigga you had your rest well no I didn't but that wont make the sun turn around fucking cunt

>> No.5368838

Just be glad you're not sapient, it's a special hell

>> No.5368840
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Fuck off retard, life is vulgar and disgusting, that;s why we have art, the opposite of life, which is perfect.

>> No.5368842

I know, right? If there is a God he is a sadist.

>> No.5368844

He's a pretty funny guy when you think about it

>> No.5368845
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Man, this.

I didn't turn it on and I can't turn it off. Awesome.

>> No.5368849

>death is eternal
Prove it

>> No.5368851

Art imitates life. Perfect art is vulgar, disgusting, and considered 'bad'. What would literature and film be without tragedy?

>> No.5368857
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>tfw not ur qt gf

>> No.5368864


>> No.5368869

>but it gets better

>> No.5368881

Are you retarded?
Life imitates art.

>> No.5368885


>> No.5368887

>implying I'm not from a third-world country

>> No.5368890
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What a sad sad lot of frogs so many of you seem to be

>"Why god, why?"
>"Life is vulgar and cruel"

Sheep language. Prisoner language. Self fulfilling prophesies.

>"Better to have never lived. Cease breeding and curing ailments"

Die already. You are the plague.

>> No.5368891


>> No.5368892

because i'm not done reading Infinite Jest

>> No.5368894 [DELETED] 
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>>but it gets better
>fucking obviously

All you do is manage to control the theme of your last depression but then you're left with something entirely new to be depressed about.

You're all brothers of Saturn and you think there's a way out? You think you're going to eventually live some normal life with normal thoughts?

Saturn won't have it. You were born under his star and you'll always follow him.

It's in your blood.

>> No.5368895

Fluterfly should get a trip because I'm tired of all you shitty impostors.

>> No.5368899

Not into the B-Theory of time. Tut tut.

>> No.5368905

really maybe I sound like a lil bitch but I don't see much scum around me - I walk out I see nature, animals, beautiful girls, I eat something and I'm really happy to be alive and able to be able to percieve the good taste of it. Many depressed people have a lot of beauty around them but they can't appreciate it because they think is predicted.

>> No.5368909


>> No.5368911

really maybe I sound like a lil bitch but I don't see much scum around me - I walk out I see nature, animals, beautiful girls, I eat something and I'm really happy to be alive and able to percieve the good taste of it. Many depressed people have a lot of beauty around them but they can't appreciate it because they think is predicted.
sorry for the typo

>> No.5368913


>Die already. You are the plague.

well that's not very "epicurean" of you now is it you lonely and desperate for attention swampass dyke

>> No.5368916


Actually struck a chord