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/lit/ - Literature

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5365183 No.5365183[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Wrote girl a poem about us
>She doesn't respond
>Remove her from being my friend on facebook
>No response
>Several weeks go by
>Her instagram and twitter give no signs that she thinks about me at all
>Flash forward 5 months
>She starts posting selfies with direct quotes from the sonnet I wrote her
>She starts posting excerpts from other love poems written by other authors

Women wonder why men aren't chivalrous/romantic anymore, this is why.

>> No.5365191

lol faggot

>> No.5365192

nobody cares about your sad fucking life

>> No.5365198

>write girl poem
>no response
>remove her as a friend on facebook
and with that i can say with 100% certainty that you have a serious case of the ass burgers

>> No.5365202
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Jeez sorry guys for trying to start a thread about wooing girls with written work.

Fuck me right?

>> No.5365212

>fuck me, right?
No one wants to fuck you. Clearly.

>> No.5365221

Sounds like you got owned.

>> No.5365222

>jeez guys i'm upset that no one is giving me the attention that i think i deserve and that i don't receive offline, so i'm resorting to passive aggressive posts in a blog po-i mean "thread" tangentially related to the board's topic in hopes that i'll bump the thread and get the attention i feel oh so entitled to


>> No.5365223


Yes, fuck you.

>> No.5365224


Don't pretend like this is more literature related than it is a fucking /r9k/ pity party.

Would you have rather invested serious time and cash into this girl only to find out that she was a vacuous selfie slut when it's too late? You dodged a bullet and you're too fucking stupid to see how lucky you are.

Walk it off, m8. You got lucky.

>> No.5365227
File: 1.62 MB, 1810x1364, Screen Shot 2013-12-31 at 3.07.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she liked the poem, she didn't like you

if you're uncomfortable not crediting you, confront her

if you're the type of guy who says "THIS IS WHY GUYS AREN'T ROMANTIC ANYMORE," you aren't the kind of guy girls want to be romantic with.

>> No.5365238

>write several poems for a girl in my lit class over the course of a week
>spend a week intensely vetting the poems
>spend a further week deciding which of the poems most earnestly describes my affections
>make it as personal as i can with annotations on particular literary inspirations
>further improve the poem
>write cribnotes on poem and a short explanation of the poem so i can really make it clear to myself what i was trying to achieve and what i have achieved
>read it over and make sure it's accurate, make a couple of very minor changes
>finally happy with the poem
>its been six weeks
>write out poem
>takes several attempts because new fountain pen leaked
>finally about to give her a poem i've written
>turns out she's been seeing some guy for a week already.
>print out one of the poems that didn't make it past the first stage
>give it to some other girl in a bio class i met once, briefly.
>been together for three years now

>> No.5365239


>she liked the poem, she didn't like you

to be fair not even replying with a thanks and then ignoring him while quoting it means that she is an equally shitty person

as in most of these situations everyone involved ends up seeming like a thoroughly shit person

he is a little dweeb and she is a cold ass cunt

>> No.5365241




>> No.5365251

I really fucken hate this gay earth.

>> No.5365254
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I never understand why people write for normals. If they don't read no matter how good it is they're just going to think you're a closet case. Why would you fuckers do this to yourselves. Hide your power levels better this shit doesn't play irl.

>> No.5365256

Hey OP this never happened to me but I feel for you. Hopefully you've learnt your lesson about what to post in this thread of shitheads.

>> No.5365260

Post the poem OP

>> No.5365261


>whiteknighting a man

you've just saved op from saddest faggot in the thread award

>> No.5365267

do it. hopefully it is as bad as that guy's letter to his professor earlier today.

>> No.5365271
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why would she reply with a thanks? why would she be grateful? he didn't do anything for her. sounds to me like he did this for himself.

i mean, yeah, not acknowledging him in any way is kind of shitty but there are people who will take literally any response to mean "there's a chance." you have to keep your distance from people like that
best comment /lit/ 2k14
stop your autistic nonsense

>> No.5365272

HAHAA, considering the laugh you've given me I gladly accept.

>> No.5365277

I missed this. please share post

>> No.5365278

Something something mock blazon something something shakespear.

>> No.5365280
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i meant to quote >>5365241

>> No.5365283

>>She starts posting selfies with direct quotes from the sonnet I wrote her

She's crazy. Or fucking mean.

>lol look at this [telling this to herself] poem that Anon wrote me. I don't like Anon
>time goes by
>oh someone loved me so much that wrote me a poem, I'm so special and it was so romantic (but I didn't even say thank you to Anon)

>> No.5365284


>> No.5365285
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>> No.5365286


>there are people who will take literally any response to mean "there's a chance." you have to keep your distance from people like that

so she kept her distance by posting quotes of his words about her with pictures of herself?

are you even listening to the dumb shit that you're saying?

>> No.5365287


>> No.5365299

She probably just wants him to try again so she can be flattered again and reject him again and feel like Helen of troy for rejecting the "swathes" of men who beg for her.

>> No.5365303

OP here, forgot to mention, when we were on speaking terms she told me she had a boyfriend. A month after I gave her that poem, she broke up with her boyfriend of 2 years.

>> No.5365310

>A month

its not related son

>> No.5365316
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she kept her distance by posting words written about her with pictures of herself. she probably didn't think he would ever see them if he removed her on facebook.

you're saying this is dumb, but even if it is, it's almost definitely her thought process.

that means nothing, she doesn't care about you

>> No.5365319

This is amazing. Thank you for sharing, you've made my evening.

>> No.5365320

>writing a poem for a girl who has a boyfriend, likely in an attempt to show her she should leave her boyfriend and be with you given your suggestions at chivalry and romance in the op

there are tv programmes with episodes that specifically revolve around teaching social misfits that this is a terribly creepy and pathetic thing to do, regardless of the time period.

>> No.5365322

So, has anyone touched on the fact that he unfriends her on facebook. Yet five months later he's still stalking her?

She might be a slimy cunt, but you're fucking weird dude.

>> No.5365323

OP doesn't share poem - this smells like bait.

>> No.5365324

probably because its awful and he knows he'll get shit for it

>> No.5365325
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Fine whatever fuck.

She wrote a play for her, made her cry during our recital of it, wrote her a poem, stopped talking to her, she broke up with her boyfriend and then posted pictures of herself with quotes from my osnnet in them.

Fine fuck whatever.

>> No.5365327

that was a given

>> No.5365328


>you're saying this is dumb, but even if it is, it's almost definitely her thought process.

you know why you're having such a hard time defending her right now?

because she's probably just a cunt

>> No.5365334

>tfw still occasionally facebook stalk (ain't even friended her) the girl I had sex with once more than 10 months ago then quickly fizzled away with

Damn. When I write that out it sounds kind of pathetic...

>> No.5365336
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i'm not defending her, much less having a hard time of it.

i've been in her position more than once and while i didn't do anything like she did with the selfies, i don't think she did anything that OP should be up-in-arms about. i definitely don't think she did anything that OP should interpret as interest.

>> No.5365339

She used content from his poem in her posts and he wants us to believe that she's a bitch for not responding. He has to believe that his poem is good, otherwise he didn't write one.

>> No.5365344

he could regret it

>> No.5365349

eh nothing wrong with that. We all like to look back at the grounds we've conquered.

>> No.5365351

You're one very small step away from ejaculating into an envelope and posting it to her. Just be careful dude.

>> No.5365359


>i've been in her position more than once and while i didn't do anything like she did with the selfies

oh so you've been in a situation that is nothing like anything that she did. cool.

>i don't think she did anything that OP should be up-in-arms about

took his writing without even responding to him like he wasn't even human. but that isn't much of anything right?

bro are you always this much of a limp-dicked whiteknight?

>> No.5365368

itt: OP tries to get us to tell him a girl likes him; something that he has already convinced himself of.
discussion is meaningless.
move along.

>> No.5365376
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i have had the exact same thing happen to me except for the posting. the only reason this argument is happening is because someone criticized the girl for not replying to OP initially. i have done the exact same thing, so i felt compelled to argue in favor of myself. so if anything, i'm whiteknighting my own actions.

why are you trying this hard to fuck with me? who hurt you?

the most pathetic part of this is the way you structured that sentence

>> No.5365378


not only does she not like him but she knows how sad she is and she's mindfucking him for fun just so he continues to obsess over her.

quoting his words about her while ignoring him like he doesn't exist is a definite mindfuck move.

she probably does this to sorry ass guys all the time. bitches like that are sociopaths.

>> No.5365381

>cruelty for pleasure makes you a sociopath
We really need to lose the word "sociopath". It's completely overused to the point that it's like "idiot" is compared to the former clinical term

>> No.5365383

>You wrote her a love poem
>She politely rejects you
>She's fat now

Everything worked better than penis inspections.

>> No.5365384

sadistic vain narcissistic cunt work better for ya?

>> No.5365386

Too verbose. Just use the word 'woman'

>> No.5365391


>the only reason this argument is happening is because someone criticized the girl for not replying to OP initially. i have done the exact same thing, so i felt compelled to argue in favor of myself.

you haven't done the exact same thing you idiot. it isn't just about ignoring someone initially, that happens all the time. it's about ignoring someone while quoting their work and sending out purposefully conflicting signals.

you say that you need to
>keep your distance from people like that

and op is probably a sad ass fuck who does need to be avoided, but if she was really trying to keep "distance" why would she be directly quoting his work with pictures of herself?

your situation is nothing like that one you fucking idiot

>> No.5365396

Wait, we should ask for a copy of the poem. For all we know it went something like

looking hot in red,
drunk selfie,
drunk selfie/
new shoes xd xd
taco tuesday!

>> No.5365400

It is time my comrade to embrace the superiority of the 2d image in regards to its veracity. The image unchanging, always something ready to hand. Whereas things in the 3D world are subject to perpetually ravaging states of flux, the veracity of 2D remain in tact.

Love is the most fickle and whimsical of the human desires. All it may take is one minute but perceptible change to . Why bother, when you can have as the object of your desires the fixed transposed image

3D in its lack of stability at once fails to ground itself in a stable ontology, and is at once given over to their unreadiness-to-hand; in the face of the prospect of no more possibilities they are at once swept by a sauntering anxiety that petrifies Dasein with trepidation. Unlike an anxiety grounded out of an inclination for selbst-sorge, this anxiety is grounded in the tacit acknowledgement that one will never had that which one had; plodding along in a forlorn saunter towards that all encompassing event horizon. 2D is merely representation you say? It lacks the true essence that the 3D proffers you say? You cannot know the thing in itself through a terminal screen you say? What are you talking about, living in the post-post modern world of thought, whose to say that everything in the 3D is not but a facsimile facade for the purpose of suturing oneself to a readily communicable archetype in order to function in this mode of technology called society? Who is to say the love of your partner is unrequited when time ravages universally all youth in the pinnacle act of pederasty.

2D is something that is already readily accessible, and aids Dasein ability to comprehend Mit-Sein and live an authentic life.

2D is love 2D is Waifu

>> No.5365406
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Or, you know, I can go silicone.

She'll patiently listen to all my love poems and be down to reward me however way I want for my undying love for her.

Imagine, a 10/10 girl who's down to throat fuck any time, whenever you want. A companion who'll listen to audiobooks with you. A perfect movie watching companion, never speaks or texts throughout the movie. A perfect audience for your poetry recitiations. A perfect woman who's always waiting for you to get home. She lives for you. She is owned by you. She'll do anything you want.

This is the future.

>> No.5365411
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Have a run in with a crazy chick and you'll see how fitting it is.

>> No.5365415
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>you idiot
>you fucking idiot
this is not how you establish yourself as the intellectual superior in a conversation. though you're right, i did misread what you originally said.
>it isn't just about ignoring someone initially, that happens all the time. it's about ignoring someone while quoting their work and sending out purposefully conflicting signals.
okay, i see what you mean as far as the quoting being the actual transgression, but no, that isn't a conflicting signal at all. like i said, she liked the poem, not the author.
>if she was really trying to keep "distance" why would she be directly quoting his work with pictures of herself?
because, again, she clearly sees the poem and the author as separate entities. she probably assumed he would never know she was quoting him and it's not like her friends would be aware. someone wrote a poem about her, she liked it, she quotes it. her relationship with OP isn't relevant.

>> No.5365427


>oh fuck he's right my situation is nothing like that one but I have a dorky ass name on every post I make so I better try and save face anyway

why do faggots like you even exist

>> No.5365436

Whats the point in throat fucking something without a gag reflex?

>> No.5365437
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>She'll patiently listen to all my love
But then they will install disease circuits, and the post-menopausal circuits, and then they will become so real that you will be unable to distinguish between the fake and the real, and the fake will become as good or better than the real. Yet authenticity will stand as unattainable object of desire. Until they solve this with the implementation of authenticity-circuits, and not phony circuits. Or maybe they will come up with phony circuits. In any case Gresham's law of kibble.

>> No.5365444
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>> No.5365458

Just ask her out for coffee and if she says no ask her why she was posting your poem.

Don't be such a homo.

>> No.5365470
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people who admit when they're wrong?

damn, who knows

>> No.5365472

What could possibly go wrong with that idea. It's fail proof.

>> No.5365473

More like mildly clever person without unhealthy hatred of their own cruelty.

I have. My ex woke me up twice by burning my hand with a cigarette. She also was an expert in manipulating people and everyone thought she was an angel but me. She would turn people against each other, get people to hate each other, just for shits and giggles. She bought mice just to torture. Only reason I stayed with her is the sex was fantastic and she never fucked other men (I know because I got paranoid and took to following her). I left her a little after she asked if I wanted to help her convince someone (she didn't like) to commit suicide.

OP is a bitch, pure and simple.

>> No.5365478

If you're not a dumb coward it is. She'll probably say no, and then this little feller here can make a little scene, getting in some excitement, maybe even shouting at her in a public place.

It's what I would do, but I would never behave in the way this guy did in the first place, so I guess I'm really just shooting in the dark.

>> No.5365491


admitting you're wrong with a caveat

you couldn't help but add that it wasn't a conflicting signal (which it is) so in the end you felt that you were wrong about something that wasn't even significant in the first place. then you reply after saying that you were only admitting that you were wrong like the whole post wasn't some big saving face tactic for your own peace of mind and preservation of e-peen just because you put sad little names on your posts like a sperglord.

just stop posting for real you have tripped over yourself constantly in this thread

>> No.5365493


OP please post the poem it will redeem you

>> No.5365501
File: 335 KB, 512x512, 1409439554434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should I tell a girl that I don't really talk to that much that I like her? I know! I'll right a fucking poem. That should be within her expectations. She'll respond wonderfully.

>> No.5365504
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>She bought mice just to torture.
>she asked if I wanted to help her convince someone (she didn't like) to commit suicide.

>> No.5365506
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>> No.5365517
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i should have just said i was wrong about everything? where does it end? was i wrong about everything i said in the conversation? everything in this thread? everything, ever?

i'm cool as fuck and i did nothing wrong

>> No.5365518
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>> No.5365528

I looked so you didn't have to.

>> No.5365536


look i get that you're a basic bitch and you're paralyzed with the typical tripfag fear that every fail of yours will be remembered because it has your little e-peen calling card on it, but if you're trying this hard to save face because of that then perhaps you should also stop failing at the same time

you're just making more work for yourself

>> No.5365539
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>> No.5365540

She was a cruel woman, perhaps sociopathic. But this...this stuff OP is talking about, that's not sociopathic.

>> No.5365547


>impotently metas himself out of the picture

it's for the best, sprout. chin up etc.

>> No.5365558


In OPs case the use of "sociopath" is more of a euphemistic play on her selfishness. Whereas the woman you mentioned will know what it is to dig a shallow grave for a victim in her lifetime.

>> No.5365566
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did you just call me "sprout"

>> No.5365568


>must... save.. face..

keep bumping iyw all you have done is fail so i'd love anon to see

>> No.5365570
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>> No.5365573

is this for real

o lawd i hope so

>> No.5365578

>Wrote a sonnet
>For a girl
>About a wood nymph
Dude that has to be the most beta/antiquated/awkward thing you could have possibly done.

Come on like

>> No.5365580

I don't think you understand what euphemism means. Saying she's a sociopath is hyperbole, not euphemism.

>> No.5365582

>I have. My ex woke me up twice by burning my hand with a cigarette. She also was an expert in manipulating people and everyone thought she was an angel but me. She would turn people against each other, get people to hate each other, just for shits and giggles. She bought mice just to torture. Only reason I stayed with her is the sex was fantastic and she never fucked other men (I know because I got paranoid and took to following her). I left her a little after she asked if I wanted to help her convince someone (she didn't like) to commit suicide.
hot as fuck

>> No.5365584

Whatever happened to telling girls they look like pretty actresses? That usually works for me. No point in writing a poem when you can just tell a girl she looks like Jennifer Lawrence, or has Amy Adams's eyes.

Get with the times, friend.

>> No.5365586


I'm sure your girl loves that story.

>> No.5365587


>Muck Bulligan !!ryE2gEjGbpu

>you're right, i did misread what you originally said.

>Muck Bulligan !!ryE2gEjGbpu

>> No.5365589

Hater's gonna hate.

>> No.5365594


Just woke up, you know what I meant ffs.

>> No.5365598

Yes, and I'm saying the inordinate casual use of the term has made it worthless, much like "idiot" and "retarded". Now we have to say "mentally challenged", and soon enough, "ethically handicapped".

>> No.5365600


She's a narcissist, most likely. She thrives by building up and then frustrating people like you, who idealize others, because it confirms, and re-confirms, her worth, which deep down she's skeptical of. It's also likely that she's constructed her sense of self worth partially around her attractiveness, which she uses aggressively to get others to confirm the worth of her the other qualities she values, and she knows she's a fraud. Narcissts constantly tank 1yr+ relationships because they can't get past the stage they're infatuated, and so the attention of their partner is sufficient to stifle their self-esteem problems.

>> No.5365603


You talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded

>> No.5365605

But I please the pussy well enough to get texts from three of my exes asking how I'm doing and if I'm with anyone, within one week.

>> No.5365609

OP just thinks she posted his poem, but it's just the lines he plagiarized from other people.

>> No.5365612

Just shut up, you dumb fuck.

>> No.5365614


>completely misses the quote and goes on to humble brag like a frat boy

>> No.5365615

>le very upset face

>> No.5365619


I'd never hate on any game a guy has but you don't need to act like such desperate to impress loser try hard about it.

>> No.5365622

>completely misses the quote
C-c-c-cool Bo

>humble brag
Ain't no humility here

>> No.5365623

This thread is filled with really fucked up people...

>> No.5365627


>Ain't no humility here


Even guys with game can be losers, and you son are a loser.

>> No.5365628

You don't need to act so mad about it either. It's just 4chan

>> No.5365632

If I am, then losing is the secret to life.

>> No.5365634


>getting shat on more than he's shitting on people
>woah man it's just 4chan okay chill

>> No.5365637

I didn't shit on anyone here, I just objected to the use of word sociopath

>> No.5365640
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>If I am

>> No.5365650

Just shut up, you dumb fuck.

>> No.5365687
File: 3.96 MB, 2532x3232, Konstantin Rudakov, Untitled [(Scene from Eugene Onegin)], cc.1930-1935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
