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File: 53 KB, 324x500, Orientalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5360735 No.5360735[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"Aladdin" is now ruined for me

>> No.5360765

> dat hegemony lens

>> No.5360767

dude but they're so crazy and unchristianized WOAH

>> No.5360788
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It was ruined for me two weeks ago.

>> No.5361292


>dat hegemony of being un-hegemonic lens

>> No.5361296



>> No.5361306

Post-colonialism will only lead to neo-colonialism after the "new" factor wears off. A deeper understanding of other societies just shows us more and more how regressive and alien they are.

>> No.5361310


>> No.5361391

Good; neo-colonialism is the way to go anyway.
Can't decide if it's a pity China's the main one getting in on the action these days, or if I should start learning Mandarin and try to convince their government of the authenticity of my love for Communism

>> No.5361404

Did you know orientalist Western shit is usually beloved in the part of the world it's orientalising? Aladdin is huge in the Arab world.

>> No.5361438
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Writing and a huge amount of reading is now ruined for me. Also, most cinema and all history.

Thanks a lot, Boal.

>> No.5361448


>how dare they use x as a source of inspiration!

thanks for ruining everything humanities departments.

>> No.5361452



>> No.5361459


only plebs let critical theory get in the way of enjoying things.

>> No.5361460

>pooping gloops and namin' them Slothcrap

Thanks for ruining my life, Pynchon.

>> No.5361462


>yeah but using x as a source of inspiration oppresses them as does the very work that is inspired.

kinda the argument of the whole book

>> No.5361475


i know, its a shitty and myopic argument, worthy of derision.

>> No.5361497
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Yeah, thanks.

>> No.5361505

Then, I'm a huge pleb. Boal really fucked me over. I seriously haven't read a book in forever, and I used to read 200 books a year, easy.

>> No.5361519


I actually think it is not a bad argument. Cultures dehumanize other cultures through their depictions and conceptions of them.

"Americans are fat, lazy and stupid"

"Latinos are dramatic and sex obsessed"

"Arabs are ugly ignorant zealots"

"Africans are not well evolved"

"Europeans are decadent and smug"

These are all nasty ideas and I think we all have experience with some variation of them

Said is just charting in depth the depictions and concepts that European/Americans had, and still have to an extent, as regards the Middle East and Islam

>> No.5361531 [DELETED] 


>"Americans are fat, lazy and stupid"


>"Latinos are dramatic and sex obsessed"


>"Arabs are ugly ignorant zealots"


>"Africans are not well evolved"


>"Europeans are decadent and smug"

Decadent no, smug yes. And for good reason.

Only two nasty ideas and 3 correct.

Oh and you forgot:

>"Asians are uncreative and cruel to animals"

Also true

>> No.5361540

>not fat
>not lazy
>not stupid
confirmed for being an america too fat lazy and stupid to notice his own fat lazy stupidity
>not decadent
in england we snort so much coke it's turning up in the water supply

>> No.5361542


Why are you believing in nasty opinions? Don't you know how nasty you are? Don't you know we are all EQUAL.

>> No.5361543

Let me guess, you are American, right?

>> No.5361544
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>> No.5361548


Can you stop the racism please? This is the age of EQUALITY and RELATIVITY you know.

>> No.5361556

I'm an American, and I think Americans are fat, lazy, and stupid.

The laziness of Americans is astonishing, at times. I lived in Europe for a short while and was at first somewhat shocked that almost all the people did recreational shit outside and also made 90% of their own meals.

Most of the Americans I know play vidya or veg out in front of the TV and wouldn't even dream of going for a walk. Meals are drive-through (nastily spelled "drive thru") endeavors or delivery, mostly.

That's not even the worst of it, though. I think the worst characterization of Americans is that they are ALMOST ALL in heaps of debt, including myself. I'd mention my debt amount to people and they'd laugh and go "is that all? I have double/triple/four times that amount." Friends sometimes boast that they don't or can't use a credit card they have because it's maxed out (so they just use another).

It really is a cancerous society, this America.

>> No.5361560


Gosh the mexicans and asians better stay in their own countries. Hate to burden them with this shithole.

>> No.5361566

The grass is always greener on the other side. It's not really a great argument to say people want to come here so it must be awesome.

It's also hilarious that you think Mexicans wanting to leave Mexico for the USA is somehow telling. "Better than Mexico", wow, what a paradise!

>> No.5361569

you just have shitty friends

>> No.5361570

u look gr8 hon

>> No.5361571


Because the future IS equality. Equality is the future!

In the future we will all be equal. There will be equal numbers of whites, blacks, yellows, browns, and reds. Their countries will all be equally powerful. All the people in those countries will be equal. There won't even be countries, because those are clearly unequal. There will be an even number of black, white, yellow, brown, and red doctors and lawyers. scientists and artists. All those doctors, lawyers, scientists, and artists will be equal to your local plumber because all jobs will be equal. Everyone will earn an equal amount, sleep an equal amount, lift an equal amount, eat an equal amount, drink an equal amount, think an equal amount, LIVE an equal amount. We will live and breath equality. We will BE equality.

Yes, better than those nasty unequal thoughts. You do not believe in any nasty thoughts.

Except you clearly do. You have a thought that Americans having the country they built invaded is okay. It is equal. Sharing is equal after all! The sons of Europe dying is EQUAL and a GOOD THING. They NEED those immigrants, because those immigrants are bett- I mean more equal.

The Europeans facing a "final solution" in their own countries is also equal. Those Euros spread a lot of inequality after all. Someone has to fix it. They are also smug and decadent too. That isn't very equal.

What can we learn from this? All people are equal but some are more equal than others.

You are all pigs. Rather you are Orwell's pigs. Crafty little pigs -- Orwell himself was one of them. You are just too dumb to see it.

>> No.5361573

Dye Japan? They love animals more than black people.

>> No.5361576

Well, no argument there.

But, this characterization fits 99% of my family members, 80% or so of my co-workers, 100% of my classmates and 80% or so of acquaintances I've met at social gatherings to a T.

At my job, I'm known as "the healthy guy" and I don't even do anything health-conscious. I don't even eat right and I don't work out. I don't even recycle, and people think I'm environmentally conscious.

So, please. If it's anything I know, it is Americans.

>> No.5361621


Lol, thread dies after I destroy "equality" once and for all.

Not a huge surprise.

>> No.5361644

Orientalism isn't about not enjoying pretty paintings of Arabs or whatever the fuck. It's about recognizing that studies of other cultures have tended to be self-replicating, unself-critical, and driven by interests of political domination. Also that an important part of constructing identity involves portraying 'others' in ways that essentialize, sometimes deprecate, and very frequently have more to do with the depicter than the depicted.

None of this should be particularly controversial. People just get buttupset because Said discusses 'Western' cultures doing these things to Middle Easterners. Every human collectivity does these things to other collectivities.

>> No.5361655

Brah it's not us you have to convince it's the masses. Unfortunately egalitarianism is not going away any time soon, and it's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better.

>> No.5361658

What a load of dumb crap this post was. All of contemporary academia is worthless garbage. Future generations will study it only as an historical curiosity.

>> No.5361664


Calm down and tell me what bothered you about the post, little man.

>> No.5361665


here's a more formal destruction:

The inferior races and cultures do not want a "right to exist" as they so often bleat. If they just wanted to "exist" they would enjoy their "existences" which is being a slave lol.

No no, they want the right to "compete" with us.

Competition is a euphemism for DOMINATION. Competition = making other people lose. Get it you little cowards? You want the right -- to make us lose. WTF did you think we were doing to you all of history, the "unfair" treatment we gave you that kept you from "competing" (dominating) against us? We were competing. That is simply our level of competition. It is thoroughly immoral, but, hey, you brought it up lol. You're the ones that love it so much!

Now if you want to "exist" "alongside" "us" you can continue your current existence -- slaves and foreign trash. If you want to compete, we will compete right back -- it's just that our form of competition is colonialism, "systemic oppression", total war, and gas chambers. Don't like it? Don't let AuschwitzTor hit you on the way in.

>> No.5361668

nice strawman bro, there's a difference between "stop being needlessly racist" and "harrison bergernon is a perfect society"

>> No.5361673


>playing chess with a child who has just learned
>mercilessly wipes the floor with the child.
>child begins to cry
>"Why are you crying? Life is nothing but amoral competition!! It is kill or be killed and damn it all if I am going to be beaten in chess by you! We might be competing for the same woman in twenty years, I need to show my dominance early

>> No.5361675


who are you even talking to?

>> No.5361676


So if you end up being enslaved, you would be cool with it right?

>> No.5361677

keep /pol/ shit in /pol/

>> No.5361679

kill yourself

>> No.5361680


Watch out, we got a member of the "master race" here.

>> No.5361681


It is a perfect society. YOUR perfect society. You brought it up. This is because perfection is attainable -- only in theory. Which also "exists" like everything else. So obviously you will never attain H Bergeron -- your principles IMPLY it when carried out to their logical conclusion.

Get it retard?

H Bergeron will never happen because the inferior races will, god forbid, finish exterminating whites, or whites will bring back the EXTREMELY generous process of SLAVERY. End of discussion.


>needlessly racist

lol, see above.


Children lol? The mongols were at our gates but assessed they had at best a 40/60 chance of destroying us.

The muslims occupied spain for 800 YEARS. We FOUGHT them in open warfare for 1000+. We beat other adults. Get over it.


The people responding retard.


Yes. I would deserve it. The libs and minorities agree too. This is why they believe wholeheartedly in "competition" (domination) and "property rights" (slavery. people were property too once, you know).


kill yourself!


I prefer the "historically most dominant and dominant in all future simulations race". You're the one so obsessed with masters. See above that I am 100% okay with being a slave in the first place, if it comes to pass.

>> No.5361683


Ironic that studying past academic works from the 19th century as examples of a particular historical attitude is a huge part of Said's book

>> No.5361684

Literally kill yourself

>> No.5361687


Samuel P. Huntington, is that you?

>> No.5361689
File: 26 KB, 427x231, Cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw I realize that some people actually believe this

>> No.5361690


>> No.5361692


Also you retards seem to believe there are not already "slaves" in the modern world. #1 most popular euphemism for enslaved is "employed", lol. Indeed many whites are currently enslaved.

Retards seem to think slaves have to be fucking destitute. This is not so! They simply have an extremely small amount of wealth compared to their masters! The wealth ratio of "slave" to "master" have simply steadily increased because history steadily increases! It's true look it up!

>> No.5361696


Stop oppressing my historically systematically oppressed minority. We became so equal by equaling other people in equal competition. We are just more equal, we can't help it.

>> No.5361697


Where's your off button?

>> No.5361700


*equal equaling

>> No.5361703


ask m00t

>> No.5361706


Sounds like an uneducated blockhead like most Anglos.

>> No.5361708
File: 17 KB, 320x352, Troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5361709


Quit shitting up the board with inane, disorganized rants. We get enough of those as it is.

>> No.5361710


Die please


You don't even get rants. You get shitposting on par with /v/

Average /v/ thread:

>do you like this gaemplay

Average /lit/ thread

>do you like this bookread

>> No.5361711


You haven't even addressed the book!!!!!!

>> No.5361715

but the chinese were kicking ass forever, /pol/bro
what will you do when they start that again?
the norms should be installed while we're ahead

>> No.5361721


you mean stagnating and enjoying the pleasures of circular reasoning and arts n. crafts (their philosophy and art, respectively).

>> No.5361730




they are retards who have yet to accept that the word is zero-sum. and they like to whine. if you whine you have already lost.

>> No.5361738

i thought you were redeemable if approached on your own terms, but you're clearly just a cunt looking to compensate for inadequacy by yelling about how great white people are
what's the point of even writing? you have to engage someone or it's just masturbation

>> No.5361744
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When America is twisted and stretched into bizarre self parody by foreigners, I'm amused and flattered. Why get so flustered over it?

>> No.5361749


Yelling? I haven't used enough caps lock for that.

Seems like you're just a mindless chink booster. Read any Confucius lately? Enjoyed any "block prints" and ink splotching lately? Thought not.


>> No.5361751

your lack of whining is why i thought you worth a response

>> No.5361780

And what of the future?

If whites are enslaved, it proves that even the highest and most glorious beings can become utterly wretched. It also means that the wretched can become glorious, and that this process will repeat eternally.

As we know, everything flows, and everything flows equally. Now that's a lesson in equality the libs should take to heart.

>> No.5361782

>if it comes to pass.
Dude come on, don't even entertain that idea. They buy our debt and import our culture and think they're getting back at us somehow.
We wrote the rules to the fuckin' game and tell 'em at the outset it's rigged but they still play.

>> No.5361788


Now that's a race-positive attitude I can get behind.

>> No.5361794

they also imported our jobs
the benefit of the white rich is not yours

>> No.5361801

Yup, reading Aladdin sure made me hate all people from middle-east.

>> No.5361804


white rich = white

why did you think the Irish were called the negroes of Europe?

>> No.5361811

Because of their red hair and non-roman heritage?

They were called the negroes of Europe because britain needed an excuse to invade and rule them. That is pretty much why. I doubt that Finnish or Polish or Italians has actually called the Ireland the negroes of Europe at any point in time.

>> No.5361814

Not that


does not contradict


I 100% believe whites WILL be defeated one day: it simply looks like it will just never be other homo sapiens that do the job. That is going to be reserved for space aliens or cyborgs.

>> No.5361917

>try to convince their government of the authenticity of my love for Communism
If you started promoting Communism in China, they'd lock you up quicksmart.

>> No.5362847

what do you need to read before orientalism?

>> No.5362897

what a jewish way of thinking

>> No.5363714

Everything written before the year it was published.

>> No.5363752

>tfw hippie new age gf is flagrantly orientalist
>wish she could just be a normal racist like i secretly am