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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 262 KB, 540x360, tfwyouwillneversuckonthesetitties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5360642 No.5360642[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Look what I just found.

"Rowling’s creativity when writing the Harry Potter series has been unmatched by other writers.

The writing and story line appeal to any age of readers, making the series something a whole family can enjoy together."

>the average person actually believes this.

>> No.5360644




>> No.5360661


>Rowling’s creativity when writing the Harry Potter series has been unmatched by other writers.

But that's actually a good point. Ignoring all of you faggots that read 2deep4u shit to appear more intelligent, Harry Potter is an objectively brilliant book. It wouldn't have had 8 box-office hit movies produced about it otherwise would it?

>> No.5360664


not sure if srs

>> No.5360676

>all of you faggots that read 2deep4u shit to appear more intelligent

It must be strange living in a world in which everything you disagree with is reducible to a 4chan meme.

>> No.5360687

i don't think you know what that means and you should probably stop using it

>> No.5360702

I enjoyed reading Harry Potter. I was in third grade when the first book came out and liked the series. I thought books 5 and 6 were unnecessary filler and the last book wasn't wonderful, but I still enjoyed the series.

What keeps me from mentioning I like Harry Potter irl is the fucking fangirls. Harry Potter fangirls are by far the worst fans ever, worse than Twilight moms. Seeing these people makes you wish Rowling's books never achieved the popularity they did.

>> No.5360727

Well, while I don't think she's especially more creative than a good many other writers, she did do one thing exceptionally well, and that's to create a decently creative story with mass appeal and a very profitable target demographic. Being financially and critically successful as a writer is an accomplishment in its own right, regardless of how good your work actually is. Hell, Dan Brown sold a shit ton of books, and I think we can all agree his prose is basically bottom of the barrel.

>> No.5360729

I've never read Harry Potter. I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything.

>> No.5360738



>> No.5360740

It's good, but if you aren't already interested then you really aren't missing out.

>> No.5360747

That's because it's feminister. She thinks that being a slut is a valid behavior in the pursuit of sexual equality.

>> No.5360769



>> No.5360790

Wait, this is who feminster claimed he was? I've seen that other pic but not this one.. lol

>> No.5360945


Love it or hate it, I'd say Rowlings creativity is outdone by several others. I give her credit for the vastness and intricacy of her concept, but for sheer creative power I'd give the award to Vonnegut.

> time traveling WW2 soldier
> kidnapped by plunger aliens
> mated in a zoo with a porn star
> etc.png


>> No.5360971

Not her.

>> No.5360983

Vonnegut is a talentless hack who tries hard to be edgy.

"uuuuuuuh hey guys? SEX. uuhhhhh hey guys.... NAZIS.... uuuhhhhh hey guys WHAT IS THE MEANING OF LIFE DEEP QUESTION. ... uhhh hey guys alieans and shit yeah..."

>> No.5360986


Man, I think you over simplify him. You could oversimplify any author with an overtone of condescension. But to respond to you more directly, what do you find to be the hallmarks of the talentless try hard as opposed to my opinion that he is utilizing a large array of subjects for one large point?

Also, what else have you read? Mother night was fantastic and rather down to earth.

>> No.5360998

i think sirens of titan is more creative with a more intricately crafted universe.

>> No.5361002

i am not convinced that you've read a single one of his books. sounds like you're just parroting /lit/ bullshit you saw in a few threads.

>> No.5361013

Sounds like every anally demolished faggot who gets offended on Kurt's behalf.

>> No.5361015

>Sounds like every anally demolished faggot who gets offended on Kurt's behalf.
christ, go back to /b/ or grow the fuck up. you sound like you're 13.

>> No.5361125

>I am a sophisticated mature intellectual :DD
>this dumb puerile website should be more like my favourite subreddit :D

Literally the cancer.

>> No.5361145


>> No.5361146
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>Someone this upset that vonnegut a shit calling me 13

>> No.5361173


>> No.5361272


>> No.5361283


I don't think he's wrong, though. If something achieves that level of popularity, obviously SOMETHING went right. I don't think it's particularly wise to write off something as populist trash just because it's accessible to a wide range of people.

>> No.5361317

Has seeing something you know you will never have ever made you feel so empty and lonely and cold inside?

>TFW no goth GF with Satanist top on Satanist boobs and Satanist dog collar and magenta lipstick

Why do I even live

>> No.5361323


a rube who buys so much into heavy-handed symbolism probably wouldn't be that much fun to date

>> No.5361350

I feel like that whenever I see a young woman with a nice ass. It's my first semester back in college after being out for six years, and I'm really struggling with all these hot girls walking around in booty shorts.

>> No.5361414
File: 17 KB, 436x578, 155240173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5361641

>obviously SOMETHING
Which isn't creativity.

>> No.5361844

Why do you always assert Feminister is a woman? Do you have any proof, anecdotal or otherwise?

Because she was outed on /adv/ as a man masquerading, and disappeared immediately after. Feminister is a dude. You got duped like the rest of us, but I understand it's more embarrassing for you since you always played the toady.

>> No.5361857

Ehh I was just being a cunt. Been awake too long and Vonnegut gets under my skin.

Sometimes it feels good to let bile, ya dig? No worries though man we cool

>> No.5361862

>It begins

Yes. The last dude was a vampire pope and you could ask him anything. You had better step it up, senpai.

>> No.5361863
File: 88 KB, 680x989, Too+big+too+rough+yet+effective+_8b46d9a6f28f496e4999301b3c652964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair this is the most obvious bait I've ever seen, Don't fall for it goyims.

>> No.5362141
File: 29 KB, 640x480, 1407248915258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rowling's creativity
She just plagiarized 'Young Sherlock Holmes' movie, added shit like magic wands and kept writing till it all became a 7-book-mess only readable by teens with little taste.

>> No.5362204

Epic meme

>> No.5362213

What meme?

>> No.5362781

I don't think it can be called plagiarism if the product has more success than the allegedly plagiarized. If you can turn shit into gold, that's not plagiarism, that's art.

>> No.5362849
File: 77 KB, 479x408, CartmanCheat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only cheating if you get caught, right?

You're so full of shit.

>> No.5362861

Nah, HP's world is pretty interesting and creative.

>> No.5362868

Pretty sure that's creepyyeha of tumblr fame


>> No.5362872

Second part is pretty true. First part doesn't say
>unmatched by any other writers
so it's true too, unless you genuinely believe that Rowling is either the least or the second-least creative writer in history.

>> No.5363932

I started reading Harry Potter to test my english, seeing as it is not my native language... so I chose something easy. Even back then I thought: dear God- this is awful. The story is quite nice and everything -one could really make something out of it...