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5359518 No.5359518[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Mao: You know, I voted for you in your last election.
>Nixon: I was the lesser of two evils.
>Mao: You're too modest, Nixon. You're as evil as I am. We are the new emperors. We're both from poor families. But others pay to feed the hunger in us. In my case, millions of reactionaries. In your case, millions of Vietnamese.
>Nixon (taken aback): Civil war is always the cruelest kind of war, but our two countries were forged by revolution....
>Mao: [Speaking through an interpreter] Why are you so interested in peace? The real war is in us. History is a symptom of our disease.

What Maoist literature should I read?

>> No.5359538


>> No.5359554

Communists on /lit/? I'm not surprised at all!

>> No.5359558

u mad?

>> No.5359568

Holy shit this nigga

>> No.5359573


>> No.5359579

Yeah, this is our containment board, now go back to yours.

>> No.5359587

That travesty of liberal unthinking isn't Maoist literature.

>> No.5359593

Sartre :/\)

>> No.5359616

What are you even refering to?

>> No.5359764

>The real war is in us. History is a symptom of our disease.
What does he mean here?

>> No.5359776

I think it's the "hunger" he speaks of above. Ambition, I guess. Limitless ambition. It's a war "within us" because it's the enduring conflict between what we are and what we could become.

>> No.5359838


>> No.5359844

You don't

>> No.5359850

Yes, academic circlejerk > actual movement of third world proletarians

>> No.5359858

>proletarian romanticism
>national liberationism
>third worldist maoism

uh yeah right

>> No.5359867

cool your edge, teenage boy

>> No.5359871

Marxists everyone. They actually think the starving peasants benefited from "their" movements.

>> No.5359872

hate you weasly, edgy americant teenagers

>> No.5359880

what a versatile source of wit you are

>> No.5359889

Perhaps you should read an actual book about peasants in Maoist China, such as William Hinton or Mobo Gao's work. then you would know that their lives improved hugely (life expectancy from 35 to 65) and that Chinese peasants were for the most part supporters of Mao and the CCCP. The famine after Great Leap has largely been exaggerated, and wasn't nearly as bad as the famines that immediately preceded communist rule. See the first link here: >>5359538

>> No.5359892
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Liberals everyone. They repeat exactly what they're supposed to.

>> No.5359896

Dirty Hands is a damn good play script though.

>> No.5359900

Wtf how could Nixon have been as evil as a dictator?? He was an American president ffs

>> No.5359905

I don't think Mao implied they hold the same power.

>> No.5359912

Democracy doesn't beget sainthood.

Any evil man could be voted into power by idiots. They just have to be smart as well.

>> No.5359934

I thought of the E on the stone, and of what Mao said
la lumiere"
but the kingfisher
de l’aurore"
but the kingfisher flew west
est devant nous!
he got the color of his breast
from the heat of the setting sun!

The features are, the feebleness of the feet (syndactylism of the 3rd & 4th digit)
the bill, serrated, sometimes a pronounced beak, the wings
where the color is, short and round, the tail

But not these things were the factors. Not the birds.
The legends are
legends. Dead, hung up indoors, the kingfisher
will not indicate a favoring wind,
or avert the thunderbolt. Nor, by its nesting,
still the waters, with the new year, for seven days.
It is true, it does nest with the opening year, but not on the waters.
It nests at the end of a tunnel bored by itself in a bank. There,
six or eight white and translucent eggs are laid, on fishbones
not on bare clay, on bones thrown up in pellets by the birds.

On these rejectamenta
(as they accumulate they form a cup-shaped structure) the young are born.
And, as they are fed and grow, this nest of excrement and decayed fish becomes
a dripping, fetid mass

Mao concluded:
nous devons
nous lever
et agir!

>> No.5359937

Mao came into power via democracy too, you know.
Democracy isn't exclusively the purview of voting every four years for one of two or three millionaires.

>> No.5359956
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>> No.5359962

literally every regime that's come into being since like 1870 or something has justified itself as 'democratic' in one way or another

>> No.5359967
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>> No.5359969

>tfw you will never kill millions of reactionaries

>> No.5359997
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Born 1999, Wuhan, China; father a prominent Chinese lit scholar. Master of the Five Excellences: calligraphy, poetry, painting, traditional medicine, and martial arts (including martial t'ai-chi, wushu, and others). Studied Chinese Literature and Military History at Beijing University, later acquired a PhD in Psychology from same. Taught joint lock techniques to Chinese military during the Second Golden Revolution, then commanded Golden Emperor's personal security force. Vanished for several years following the Crimson Succession, to resurface in United Nations security training force. Selected Chief of Security, U.N. Alpha Centauri Mission.


>> No.5359999

As has the US and the west. They aren't magically exempt from criticisms of their power and tyranny just because they are the dominant world power.

>> No.5360012

>What Maoist literature should I read?
Zhao En Lai's little yellow book. You probably don't know enough about socialist humanism and "reformism" in the context of workers revolution against stalinism to appreciate it.

>> No.5360033

??? I agree with you, in fact I'm not sure where you're getting the idea that I disagree. I was using 'regime' in a neutral way, just as a generic term for a system of government. In the modern era everyone's justification of their political legitimacy, on all sides of the political spectrum, involves some appeal to democracy.

>> No.5360116

>Why are you so interested in peace? The real war is in us. History is a symptom of our disease.

>> No.5360317
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>> No.5360377

Why are you equating the job of a security agent with a political philosophy? Is the CIA a discredit for liberal democracy?

>> No.5360383

I really liked that too.

>> No.5360384

>the lesser of two evils
>You're as evil as I am
>But others pay to feed the hunger in us
>History is a symptom of our disease

Jesus fuck. Are we sure it isn't from the lost manuscript of like Harry Potter and the Chalice of Heterodox Economics or something?

Or a deleted scene from Snowpiercer, maybe?

>> No.5360386

>Harry Potter and the Chalice of Heterodox Economics


>> No.5360391

>politicians sometimes use clichés !
>remorseless manipulators can be edgy sometimes !

>> No.5360406

>Is the CIA a discredit for liberal democracy?

>> No.5360437

I would read the Fucj out of that book

>> No.5360501
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>are you commenting on a video without watching it all?

Bezmenov doesn't just talk about Soviet Intelligence you selectively deaf Double-think Marxist dingus

>> No.5361098

That whole bombing of Cambodia thing doesn't sit well with some people for starters.

>> No.5361167

Pretty sure neither person said those things.