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5359297 No.5359297 [Reply] [Original]

Post your book ideas, others say if they'd read

>dystopian novel about a stagnant future wherein all politics are replaced with people writing dystopian novels to push their political views by misrepresenting the view they dislike with a thinly veiled strawman which is in control of a "nightmarish future" (near identical in every novel) where the government is corrupt because that political group is in control, and portraying the view they're pushing as the rebellious class oppressed by the mean government whom eventually gets overthrown because their philosophy always prevails in the fictional world where everything goes according to what the author thinks
>at the end of each year, the novels are rated by the public and the one with the best ratings dictates how the government will proceed
>nobody pays a lick of attention to what the government does anyway because they're too busy staying inside their homes angrily typing away about how shit their opposing sides' views are

>> No.5359308

>a musician in a prestigious orchestra wakes up with his ears bleeding; he goes to the hospital where he's told that he has a rare infection that fucked up his cochlea, with the only solution being crafting a new one with his urethra and penis muscles, so he has to choose whether to be deaf or dickless for the rest of his life

>> No.5359315

dude who the fuck would choose their sense of hearing? there's sign language for the deaf, but there's no sign-fucking.

>> No.5359320

also dickless people have to satisfy their sexual urges with prostate stimulation. fuck that.

>> No.5359341

>preferring the short dopamine rush of intercourse over the eternal beauty of music
pleb :)

>> No.5359347

get laid faggot

>> No.5359434


>> No.5359463

I liked the first and the last idea, but the middle one seems a bit forced, like you wanted to create a strawman of policy-making through dystopian novels...aah, see what you did there.

>> No.5359788
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Some old dude with a brain tumor goes crazy on medication and starts digging a tunnel in the woods. He finds more and more fossilized cambrian sea-life and gets visions of being watched by a gigantic stone angel standing in a primordial sea. In his dreams, the angel shows signs of organic decay, oozing into the ocean, which, as becomes clear, is still sterile. While he digs deeper and deeper into the earth, he enters the earlier ediacaran fossils and later, as he nears the horizon of fossils, the angel decomposes slowly while still watching. It's a little bit like Lovecraft meeting Mishima.

>> No.5359805

don't knock it until you've tried it, friendo

>> No.5359849

You've got be fucking kidding me. Is sex really that important to you? What about music? What about the depth of communication that hearing helps established? The way you experience the world? The mere convenience of it all?

An interesting idea but the decision seems so clear to me. I can't imagine anything but the most base, undeveloped individuals choosing their penises. Maybe I should be more cynical than I already am.

>> No.5359974

>book is set as a biography of a five month old foetus
>is entirely blank except for a Budd light stain on page four

>> No.5359986

I'd read. couldn't imagine it being any longer than novella-length though

>> No.5359988

I'd read it although I'm not sure it's a novel, sounds more like a novella or short story

>> No.5360025

its really shitty but whatever

>a living doll left to wander about in a surrealist world tormented over her lack of a soul and searching for proof of her existence
>she encounters several other dolls who don't acknowledge the strangeness of their environment and are oblivious to everything that is wrong

>> No.5360062

That actually sounds like it has potential but I feel like it would be absurdly challenging to make this into an effective novel. Could make a great short story though

>> No.5360081

a very young dog is lost in a desert environment bordering a national park. This isn't a charlottes web type thing, it just follows the dog, essentially no personification. It will take place over the course of the dog's lifetime as he struggles in the wilderness, grows into adult hood, etc. Every once in a while the focus will shift briefly to a ranger but will stay mostly on the animal.

>> No.5360096


Do you even into tantric sex?

>> No.5360129


that's a scary picture of the future OP
consequences of immigration

>> No.5361705

Inspired by the movie '9'?

>> No.5362221

A book where half of the story turns out to be dream: the wakeup happens halfway.

>> No.5362265

A depressed accountant partners with a penniless bum to rob a bank. They do so and flee across the country with two million dollars. As they make a bid for freedom, they are pursued by an army of cops, an obsessive detective, a baseball-obsessed and homicidal ex-preacher, an aging hitwoman, and a host of other wacky characters.

I guess that on a more intrinsic level, it also tries to deal with the ideas of justice and balance in relation to debt, which has become ingrained into modern American life.

>> No.5362272

Sounds like someone has been reading Pynchon.

>> No.5362279

Not the biggest Pynchon fan. I've only read Inherent Vice and Gravity's Rainbow, and I liked Inherent Vice much more than the latter. I thought that, for all its twists and turns, it was more coherent and to-the-point.

I think that, based on the stories I've kept in mind while writing this, I've based this more off of Hiaasen and Leonard.

>> No.5362293

Humanity is being driven into extinction by mysterious, god-like entities that appear out of nowhere.
Instead of a story about people fighting back the invasion, the book describes the remaining people's struggle to survive against an enemy that is truly invincible. Whether to accept reality and find a new role in the world, or hold onto defiance and ultimately perish.

>> No.5362307

>successful young man get a brain tumor
>he'll die in 6 months
>he can't accept it
>he left all without saying anything to her waifu, colleges, family
>by chance, during a doctor visit, he deceives a lonely innocent healthy girl into believing that she got a brain tumor and she'll die in six months
>he feels good taking care of the girl
>he feels good having someone who can understand him
>both fall in love to each other
>the truth is uncovered

>> No.5362336

Sounds like a nice parody of the genre, a pretty clever idea. It might be kind of hard to write more than a short story about though.

>> No.5362596

An old, unsuccessful writer goes to a run-down diner every night for a week in an attempt to cure himself of writer's block. After a full week of excruciatingly little progress, he begins to notice the same 7 people eating at the diner every night. Finding inspiration, he begins to use the regulars as a canvas for his creativity by creating imaginary backstories for each of them.

The book would consist of scenes alternating between the diner and short stories that the protagonist is writing about the people in the diner. As the book progresses, the reader would soon realize that the writer is projecting himself onto the people around him, perhaps becoming more specific and more emotional as the pages turn.

I dunno, this was one of my more avant garde ideas that I thought was cool but never really got more than halfway through writing.

>> No.5362736

I was spooked when he started to notice the same 7 people every night, because I thought it was about to turn into a creepypasta about the diner being not really a diner; really a recruitment agency, with him being the newest recruit. And bit by bit, as they change, he changes; until he leaves the diner one night and he's not sure where he is but he's sure it's not where he parked.

>> No.5362752
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>middle aged mainstream politician gets fed up with the bureaucracy and opportunism of constitutional democracy and defects to a fictional authoritarian dictatorship

>> No.5362823

>a presidential secretary sees a strange doctor and his tall manservant visit the White House in 1941; later, they kill the secretary and the servant steals his face
>a young Swedish soldier deserts a struggling army in the Great Northern War and is seemingly killed
>a strange man brings the soldier's corpse to a mountain where a person who introduces himself as a marquess and hosts a feast for dead nobles revives him
>a young boy recounts his life in late 19th century France in an interrogation file that is read by an investigator of the State police in heaven
>all this ties to a power struggle in heaven, a circus of magicians travelling the Western world and an ailing God

>> No.5362889

There is a metaphysical plane where we are how we (consciously or subconciously) see ourselves.
But you can't normally access it.
A few people in the world though have the ability to open a tiny crack into that plane and access it's "powers" (you can't really steer its effects since it just happens). It is the ultimate wish fulfillment device, or if your self-image is fucked, your ultimate nightmare.
There is a conflict between factions, naturally as in all human tribes, and as it turns out the psychopaths and narcissists are stronger than the good guys.
(It doesn't help that the good guy is a transsexual in denial)

Lightly influenced by Jungian thought.

>> No.5362912

Ligotti has pretty much already written everything worth writing.

>> No.5363024

Getting pissed off with this idea, I've thought about it quite a bit but I'm still not sure if it's worth writing. The story is very similar to one of many others drawing from the myth of Pygmalion's statue.

>half jap, half american weeaboo bastard child inherits the majority stake of a japanese media conglomerate by being the only living relative of its CEO and by some quirks of japanese inheritance law
>becomes the ultimate otaku, with an entire media conglomerate dedicated to producing shit to satisfy his tastes. Corporation expands endlessly through acquisitions and becomes the asian entertainment media equivalent of EA
>everyone hates it, but the company is too big to fail
>puts money into unethical human research to create his waifu
>one thousand dead kids later, the perfect candidate is created and lobotomized, and a personality construct with the character's "memories" implanted
>the story starts here from her perspective, touring as a popstar idol and gradually realizing and struggling with the fact that her memories, personality and identity are fake, came at the cost of thousands of lives, and that she was created entirely for the service of one man
>she escapes into the streets of urban Neo-Neo-Tokyo, becomes hunted, shit goes down
>ends with a cyberpunkish deus ex machina: the side effect of the creation of her mind was the world's first strong AI that escaped deletition by moving to a cloud computing instance, a ghost who has been guiding her the whole time
>weebshit dies somehow while she uploads her mind and leaves behind the flesh that she perceives to not be a part of herself

>> No.5363077

Already exists to a smaller extent, look up The Horla.

>> No.5363096

War of the Worlds, minus the happy ending.

>> No.5363306

Virgin detected.

No seriously though I think you're simplifying it. Not only is hearing not essential for communication - though an obvious boon -, but sex is incredibly important in terms of intimacy. And we haven't even considered the consequences on reproduction. Personally, I think it's a much harder decision than you make it out to be.

Either way you're missing out on a lot.

>> No.5363331

>look up The Horla.

Based on the synopsis, it sounds like a psychological thriller. Might try read it someday, thanks for the tip.

>> No.5363333

>In a dark and twisted future where overpopulation and poverty are no issue and humans live long and healthy lives all due to miraculous nano-machines, one man dreams of killing himself. It's a comedy.

>> No.5363406

Call it 9184 and it's perfect

>> No.5363526

I don't need to fuck someone to be intimate with them. Yes it may stimulate an enhanced feeling of intimacy, but it is temporary and does nothing to actually strengthen the bond between people. It may make you FEEL like the bond has been strengthened but if it were really doing so then you would be able to sustain a healthy relationship with sexual chemistry alone.

If you're worried about being able to have offspring that share your DNA there are several ways around that.

>> No.5363570
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Sounds good.

>> No.5363608

One day while flying through a corridor of well known paranormal and supernatural events similar to that of the Bermuda Triangle, two pilots a pilot and his co-pilot, discover one day while out on a fly that they can pick up radio transmissions from the past and send them back. However at first they dismiss it as a silly prank known how reputable the location they are flying is a well known spooky hotspot. Deciding to play along with what they assume to be a prank played by another base, they give information to someone claiming to be from the past that changes a major world history event, after doing so they are returned to what they assume to be home where they are nearly shot down for being a UFO, arriving "home" they discover the world to be vastly different to the one that they had left behind which drives one of the pilots insane. Will the remaining pilot help him and his friend find a way back home or will he cave in to sanity like his friend with all the changes to history?

>> No.5363623

could be good but it must be like real life in every way. Like, write it in a realist style, not a fantasy style

>> No.5363632
File: 69 KB, 269x450, 1350620860159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure exactly sure if I've got the space for this: It's an idea for a book I got around the time Gone Home was put out and now with the Zoe Quinn fiasco I really do want to write it.

At its simplest, it's about a gay indie videogame designer, who creates a Gone Home style video game that's extremely loosely based on his experience living in an abusive fundamentalist Christian household. The player character in his game is the sister of the analogue for himself.

The story itself is told like this: similar to "If on a Winter's night a traveller" the main character is referred to as "you," only skulking through the office of a game review site looking through other people's letters and correspondence, rather than books. From here, more traditional stories are told, each about individual game journalists, their relationship with the game developer character, and what led to them giving him positive press.

This is where things get difficult:
Each story shows an increasingly negative portrait of the game developer, showing him as someone who gets off on manipulating and humiliating others. Meanwhile, the framing device of the "you" going through other people's stuff gets more and more alienating. First you get described as a man, then as gay, then as a game developer, then your memories and personal beliefs, until the reader is completely distanced from the "you" that's being described for them. The final piece of writing found by "you" is from the game developer's sister, who changed her name after leaving the family and was accidentally given duty to do the final review for the game. This review gives the full story of the main character's childhood. He only came out after the parents had died. Meanwhile, he would very uncaringly participate in the abuse the sister received: in particular, when it was found out that she had sex before marriage, he joined in beating her alongside the parents.

The role of the sister character in the video game, as the player character, is a neutral empty shell, through which anyone's commands can be given, passively accepting the world that gets put before her by the game designer.

I'm hoping just as the sister rejects the identity that's being imposed on her by the video game, the reader too will reject the identity of the game designer character being referred to as "you."

>> No.5363641

would it be 'wrong' to write a story based on someone else's idea? is that creatively bankrupt?

>> No.5363645

I don't believe in these kinds of time-travel shenanigans.

>> No.5363659

A man who has recently gotten out of jail for attempted murder and robbery for trying to find ways to support his family is left alone. He finds out that his wife and kids are with another man and that they have completely forgot about him. This leaves him with no other means of happiness. Left to survive on the streets with no support whatsoever, he grows to resent every single person with even a distinct smile on their face. This leads to his descent into tyranny as he begins developing relationships with other low-level drug dealers, robbers, and high-school drop outs. Slowly he builds a drug-dealing circuit in his county and decides to expand. The expansion takes place over time and soon he is able to control the import/export of drugs in an entire state. However, the power-trip gets to him as he begins developing relationships with the wrong types of people and begins a sort of 'war' while trying to maintain his notoriety across the entire country.

>> No.5363664

Morally yes, since it is their intellectual property.

Legally no, because they haven't copyrighted or trademarked their idea.

>> No.5363665

How would you know all of this?

Are you implying that you've had, dare I say it, SEX?

>> No.5363675

I like the idea. Personally I'd go for satire with that setting, but it's your child you do what you want with it.
>tfw no one has commented to my idea
Come on guys my narcissistic ego is built of glass.

>> No.5363683


What if I told you it's not time travel but the twist is one of the pilots suffers from some sort of mental disorder and imagines what life would be like had WW2 played out differently?


Sounds exactly like Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

>> No.5363689

Intellectual property is a legal notion, it has little to do with morality outside of that. "Stealing" ideas (whatever that actually means) has been done by all kinds of artists for centuries, it's one of the lifeblood of art innovation.

>> No.5363691


Can you imagine how pissed the dude would be if you used his idea to become successful and nobody believed that the idea was his to begin with?

As I was writing that I realized that kind of thing happens all the time and got kinda sad.

>> No.5363692

The story of Knight Templar Pjotr Radlewsky and his life sentence in an Argentine Womens' Correctional Facility

>> No.5363695

The saddest part is when the guy pull your idea off better than you could have.

>> No.5363705
File: 394 KB, 584x622, this kills the lit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey guys I'm running out of ideas
>post your intellectual work on a public forum so when I steal them there is no copyright infringement
>I'm not gonna steal I promise

>> No.5363709

So it's basically Slaughterhouse 5 then?

>> No.5363719

Ideas are worthless, execution is king.

>> No.5363722

>Sounds exactly like Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

No it doesn't. Did you even watch the show?

>> No.5363734

Neon Genesis Evangelion, much?

>> No.5363735

This. Good luck with taking mine, it doesn't make sense since you don't know the themes behind it and lack the background info which I have. Plus I'm already halfway ready, so I'll have it out first anyway.

>> No.5363736


that's what I thought of too

>> No.5363747

not really, i mean the angels arent that powerful in eva

>> No.5363761

>implying there is anything worth while stealing from here

>> No.5363805

Ugh. Yes. Can we take this conversation in a direction that less resembles a conversation between two insecure teenagers?

>> No.5363809

Pretty much. If you took a vague premise and had two random authors write it it would end up completely different. This isn't even factoring in the competency of the writers.

>> No.5363825


did you fuck a book

>> No.5363841

just remember tht each time nazis win ww2 a child gets cancer.

>> No.5363889

Here goes:

>A girl and her seal travel through the world and time. They end up making many friends and seeing many different cultures. They learn black magic from a bird-man in Finland and study Orthodox theology in Tsarist Russia. They end up killing (or converting her to occultism, I'm not sure yet) Joan of Arc and vastly alter the course of Western History.

>> No.5363925
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My thoughts:
>a girl and a seal travek through time
Sounds interesting enough but why seal? That seems unnecessary. I'd go with only the girl or at least some kind of psychopomp that has basis in mythology/theology/anything.
>They end up making many friends and seeing many different cultures
Sounds like a children's novel.
>They learn black magic from a bird-man in Finland
kek at Funland
>study Orthodox theology in Tsarist Russia
Sounds cool if the plot can be worked around it. But I hope you actually know your shit or it's going to be difficult.
>Joan of Arc and vastly alter the course of Western History
History is fun but Joan of Arc isn't big enough figure for that massive a change. Maybe you should go for a slightly smaller scale? It doesn't need to become THE CATALYST, you might be fine with just Joan

The historical stuff ticked me, had to comment. I'd probably read it because of that, but as it is I'm going to say 6/10 interest.

>> No.5363937

The Rainbow Hallucination
The Porcelain Carousel
Across the Green Hills

What do you think?

>> No.5363962


I misread "The Porcelain Carousel" as "The Police Carousel" at first, would read. It sounds like the title of an Eastern Bloc dissident novel from the 60s or 70s.

>> No.5364129


Good, I hate children but a Nazi WW2 victory is something I would try to avoid since it's such a cliche in time-travel nonsense.

>> No.5364351
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I've got two ideas I've written down. I can't write for shit but they seem like they have potential.

The first takes place in a modern-day world where doing good always results in good consequences. Returning a lost item gets you a reward, donating money to a charity results in awards, not cheating results in better grades, etc.... The people in this world are not happy, however. They feel obligated to always "be good" and can't do anything to for the sake of it being good. I dunno where it would go.

The second takes place in a world where there are teleporting messengers that deliver messages nearly instantaneously but start to become obsolete when telegraphs and phones come around. They are somewhat relevant in the modern age but are too expensive and not as necessary It would focus on the loss of identity of one of these messengers in the present despite the fact that he has an amazing ability.

You guys will probably look like pic related when reading this but that's why I'm grateful to be anon.

>> No.5365414

A short story about the man with the world's most punchable face.

Everyday of his life at least one person he meets just gets overcome with the desire to punch him and they never have any idea. What makes the man most frustrated isn't so much the punch itself but the pointlessness behind it all. The inevitable apology after the punch makes him more than the punch itself. He eventually meets a woman who legitimately hates his guts and he falls desperately in love because there's an actual emotion behind her punching him in the face.

>> No.5365554


>> No.5366078

I might as well post a few early paragraphs I've done, I've been going from place to place, but the starting stuff is mostly just introductory jokes. There's probably going to be some paragraphs in between the stuff I've written here.

>Harry M. Riordan was the man with the most punchable face in the world. His mother was from a line of Scottish aristocrats, and his father was a high-level banker, occupations both where a well-placed fist the gob was always a possibility, if not a full-blown occupational hazard. But his parents had Harry anyway, full well knowing the risk. But even they couldn’t have expected the extent to which their own son’s face seemed to beg for 5 knuckles at all times.

>Harry tried putting on glasses to both mask his face and create a hesitance towards punching him. These glasses had the exact opposite effect. Instead of the usual 1 to 2 punches a day, he was now receiving 3 to 5. When people were asked what made them want to punch a man in glasses, the only way they could articulate it was that while having such a punchable face was bad enough, the fact that it was trying to hide it was so contemptible that it seemed to call for a knuckle sandwich even more.

>Once, Harry M. Riordan went to the circus and entered the house of mirrors in a moment of poor judgment. Seeing a strange face come around the corner, he felt the immediate, uncontrollable urge to swing his arm at it. His hand smacked into the glass with a dull thud and a surge of pain coursed all up his right arm. Harry clutched his arm and hunched over in pain, grunting under his breath. In trying to soothe his pain, however, he stood in place too long, and another man came up behind him, asked him if he was alright, and then swiftly smacked his fist into him when Harry turned around.

>> No.5366095

Fucking hell /lit/, please hold me

I've been writing a novel about superheroes (it sounds bad already) and I finished the first draft a week ago (around 100 000 words). I recapped the story and it's Harry Potter level stuff (written better, in a way) but without the magic that JK's writing has.

I've put in too much time to abandon it, but when I blurbed it for a mate the other day I just felt bad.

So here it is: science program takes children for experimenting. Children get powers, things go downhill. Government gets involved, children forced into real world. MC tries to live on the outside with powers and survive.
Science facility is a bit darker than it seemed and tries to forcibly brings subjects back.
Follows the MC as he has to overcome his fear of holding onto things (because everything he likes is normally taken from him, so he stopped caring) and a secondary character who only wants to be strong, but becomes a brute.

Fucking hell, it sounds so generic.

Needless to say, there's a lot more but if I had to pick an overarching plot that's it. I can't deal with it guys. Please tell me that it was all worth it.

>> No.5366121

just put it out under a pseudonym if you're really not that sure.

>> No.5366325


>aren't that powerful
>no man-made weapon can stop them

>> No.5366340

Sounds like any given story from The Illustrated Man

>> No.5366378

>the afterlife
>a very still painless place
>always dusk
>planet/terrene doesn't rotate, ever
>no other humans, only animals which avoid contact with the dead person
>cool fields n shit barns around n shit
>describe this transcendental, solitude place throughout the whole book with memories of the previous life before death, perhaps structured in a house of leaves style where it switches from life and the afterlife constantly
>cool chilled out book to read
>realize it's impossible to come up with an ending for
>give up on the entire book

^ true story

>> No.5366391

White Fang much?

>> No.5366399

lol this is cool.

>> No.5366409

Drop the weeaboo shit and it basically becomes Transcendence.

>> No.5366428

The Fountain?

>> No.5366435

i hadn't heard of it but i've just looked it up and it looks good, gonna watch it. i hope it's not too much like my idea.

>> No.5366630


Because the whole show totally isn't about fighting the angels and killing them all. Also, if Eva is all that comes to your mind upon the mention of a post-apocalyptic survival battle, then you should check your weeaboo levels.

>> No.5367019
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A novel set in Germany and Austria in the year before World War One breaks out, where the immortal vampire Karl von Wallenstein, son of the 17th Century general Albrecht von Wallenstein, rises from his slumber and attempts to kill everyone in Europe to get some peace and quiet. He's opposed by an elderly British gent, the last of the line of hunters who've consistently fought him and who posses the only technique capable of banishing vampires, and a knight from an order of tamed vampires who has to join him after she relapses and bites him without his consent. Oh, and the German Army. Cue adventure, violence, and hot vampire sex. This is my "letting off steam" project, and I have to say if nothing else it's proving that I have a lot of steam to let off. 80,000 words written in a month.

>> No.5367069

A depressed college drop-out befriends a strange tomboy who tries to cheer him up, hijinks ensue. Set in ~2050, when life-like androids are becoming more normal, and their struggle to gain human rights is a sub-plot.

>> No.5367156

>transendence invented the singularity trope


She does it to resolve an identity crisis. She sees a human being as composed of three aspects: genetics, fate or chance in birth, culture, experiences and self-defined value, something emergent of the other factors. Her form has been chosen for her, so she has no genes of her own, and the role of fate has been taken out of her birth. She has been indoctrinated with a false identity, so she has no cultural identity. She isn't sure if many of her experiences ever even happened. She doesn't understand what she is at all, and has nobody who she can relate to. She is also burdeoned by the knowledge that her life came at the cost of a thousand others, and that she's essentially wearing another girl's corpse.

The upload resolves her conflict. She realizes by the end that she's grown beyond what initially defined her, and as she transfers she can shed the role that has been imposed not just on her but within her. She leaves humanity behind because there was nothing that defined her as human to begin with.

She doesn't become a superintelligence that tries to restore/destroy/conquer the earth, that's been done to death.

>> No.5367207

>80,000 words written in a month
u wot m8
I've got 35 000 after 4 months.

>> No.5367399

you aren't trying hard enough

sounds like trite wish fulfillment

>> No.5368077

Take it at your own pace, dude, and on your own time. Going speedy doesn't mean your writing will be better. Neither does taking it slow, but what I'm really trying to say is to just do whatcha gotta do.

My own:

I've been trying to hold off on writing about writers for a while now, but I got an idea involving it that I kind of like.

A young, impoverished writer teaching classes at a high school comes back to his hometown to give a reading. The night of the reading, he's repeatedly beat up by various people he knew and ostracized by the townsfolk, though they all liked what he wrote. Later that night, he is struck by lightning and hospitalized. Waking up, he finds out that he has gained the ability to see people's memories on physical contact with them using a hand that he mutilated in a childhood accident. From there on, I have no fucking idea what this is going to be about. Which is kind of exciting.

>> No.5368797

I like those ideas.

>> No.5368805

Wow, you sound like a moron.

I bet you think the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

>> No.5368860

Thanks! I thought that I would get a new ass torn but I'm grateful I didn't.

>> No.5368884

Aside from the main character being a doll that is alive not really. Instead of the post apocalyptic environment 9 has, I'd want to go for more of a surrealist feeling almost like a Beksinski painting.

>> No.5368917

Ugh. I'd never heard of that but that is pretty upsetting now that I look it up. I still might finish it though, they have fairly different stories even though violence is a major theme in both.

>> No.5368928

It's cool. It's not mine, though. It's from Kou Kou Kyoushi 2003.

It's a shitty jdrama, full of gimmicks and the typical stuff of that medium and that genre.
If you are able to ignore that, you can enjoy it and interpret and think about the main characters, even if they are not really well constructed in the dorama.

>> No.5368931

>YA dystopian (yes its overdone at the moment, i know)
>three cities in asia/tropics (even though its in asia, theres a good distribution of races because only area left after a disaster, refugees from all over etc)
>3 cities are joined by walls, forming a very large triangle. Safe within the triangle while nature reclaims the rest of the world
>main character, MC's love interest, Love interests brother and some others leave get thrown out of the triangle by a gang thats taken over an area of the inner triangle
>they now mad at guvmint too, for not controlling their lands
>Stories of strange beasts in the lands reclaimed by nature
>group members start dissapearing
>MC isn't group alpha, but the love interest's brother is, and he starts losing his mind
>tries to sacrifice the rest of the group to the 'monster' in hopes that it will appease the monster so that it leaves him alone till they can get back to the trinagle

>> No.5368949


>> No.5368963

a book that explores the introduction of magic into the modern world (slightly in the future but whatever) and its newfound role as a commodity

>> No.5369012

A NEET girl dreams about being the greatest writer ever,but she barely read any books since she started using a lot of drugs,she just leech money from her parents,and abuse her friends emotionally,and after she plays the innocent one.Everybody hates her,but she is always happy,because she have her endless talent,a cat,and of course,herself.

>> No.5369017

She has*

>> No.5369033

What is magic in the world you're creating?

>> No.5369040
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It's a science fiction story, or more like a science fantasy story, set far into the future. The world was destroyed in warfare a thousand years ago, and it was rebuilt by the efforts of a union of scientists.

A thousand years later, those scientists have evolved into a kind of impossibly technologically advanced religious order that controls the world from the shadows. They create four children, each of whom has some strange power over one of the four Classical Elements. The order wants to use them to bring the world under their concrete power, and also to alter reality so as to achieve Paradise on Earth.

The children rebel, escape, and from there they're on the run from the order across a weird, alien world in which past and future, art and fact, lies and truth run together like watercolors.

There is also a paramilitary group of the order's old creations, beautiful men and women that fly on metal wings, who oppose them.

And something about a work of Apocalyptic literature written by an AI.

>> No.5369050

How much of this is a direct self insert?

>> No.5369063

How do you plan on weaving all of this exposition into the story? What's the overall structure of it all?

>> No.5369074

What sets your Young Adult adventure apart from the rest?

>> No.5369148

Does anyone here have any fully completed stories they've made?

>> No.5369183

It's my female side

>> No.5369200

A captured American terrorist gives some fictionalized and true accounts of his past as well as his thoughts on faith and purpose during an interrogation process in Dubai, which is itself also fictionalized. These interviews are collected by a journalist that gives no input besides one or two asides about the increasing impossibility of the recorded events happening in the way they are described, and the only account that he can confirm as true is that an American was tried and after one year hanged for masterminding a string of suicide bombings in Dubai. The work is a collection of vignettes (some short, some long), and the only things connecting them are their supposed linearity and their central character.

>> No.5369298

It comes out gradually, because I'd like to write more than one book featuring the characters. We learn everything slowly.

>> No.5369308

A crisp metamodern tale of a paranoid narrator who uncovers a conspiracy of government research into a lifelike fleshlight, called "The Hollywood Project," in the same vein as the "Manhattan Project."

>> No.5369313

>guy in his 20s learns he has cancer
>he's really excited to die
>everyone has a problem with that
>he doesn't care
>the end

>> No.5369341

Two schoolchildren discover Machiavelli and attempt to conquer the playground

>> No.5369381

How specifically do you like to put in your exposition?

>> No.5369412

i don't have an opinion on your story, BUT here's what i would enjoy happening if i was reading your book right now

at first, i would make the monster a little more important. it's well accepted in the culture of that society that you don't leave the walls or the monster is going to get you. parents tell their children not to fuck around if they don't want the monster to eat them and so on
>mc is, like a typical ya protagonist, smarter and more progressive than anyone around him
>convinced there is no monster, it's just a dumb myth
>finds the corpse of a lost group member
>he fell of a cliff and broke his neck (or similar), no signs of monster impact
>monster aint real, nigga just fell down a cliff while getting water
>brother of love interest grows more and more paranoid
>talks about how he heard the monster at night
>sanity gone
>tries to sacrifice everyone who's left
>ya protag gets really brave, fights the brother
>the fight is bloody and terrible, i'm talking smashing his skull on a rock type of shit
>ya protag is victorious, he was right once again
>monster comes and eats them all, it's really really terrible

also, in the inevitable movie that will follow your incredibly successful ya novel, the mc is white, while the love interest is a qt asian and her brother a stereotypical, built, intimidating, protective asian big brother. like the guy in fast and furious tokyo drift

>> No.5369451

>Man assassinates The President and justifies it to the court as performance art.

>> No.5369460

Depending on the writing style, would read

Depending on the writing style, would read

Would not read. You seem to take it far too seriously for how silly it is, that story could only work sarcastically

Would not read, the story sounds pretty stupid

sounds pretty bad, honestly. either boring or silly, without much room for any experience but boredom or confusion

If the writing style were maintained, I would maybe read

Sounds like a shitty improv class. Would not read unless if it was satire of shitty character creation processes or itself

Sounds absolutely terrible

It could be good but there's not much room there for originality or novelty. Would maybe read if it were paced well, were written well and was dense in allusion or other enriching literary mechanisms.

nope, would not read

You're not Pynchon

Nope, wouldn't read


Would not read

Could possibly be not bad, would maybe read

Would definitely not read, if only for everything you said before his dominating the drug world

never include stupid-ass cliches in your writing like "he lost his lover and now has nothing to lose :(," unless if that is an important element in itself. using it as a tool for a character to go on a self-destructive spiral is just shit writing.

Alternative universes where logic and basic ideas like physics and causation work differently are rarely good. Fundamentally we can't imagine anything truly extraphysical so writing about it will be just as bad.

would not read.

Would not read

Would throw away and not look back

sounds pretty bad man

would not read

would not read

Could be good if it were well-researched and was more than just the plot


Sounds awful, would not read

Interestingly, the entire thread seemingly is postmodern meta lolz or scifi. Good postmodern is very hard to pull off and frankly the world needs more truly aware criticism of itself, not just even more sarcasm and laziness obfuscated as cleverness

>> No.5369471

The story is about a somber man who meets various people. They open up to him and often break into tears. The man struggles with his apathy for their situations. He never encounters the same people twice. At the end of the story we find out the man's name is death.

>> No.5369474

adding on
at the end, before the monster comes to eat them all, the love interest should be really fucking terrified about her brother getting shrekt by the mc.
she shakes her brothers corpse despite his head being nothing but a bloody pulp, she starts crying and screaming
runs out into the jungle, completely out of her mind becauses shes a young girl outcast from society and alone in the jungle who just saw her brother getting fucking obliterated by her bf
ya protag follows her, shouting her name
turns a corner, has to watch her being munched by the terrible monstrosity while shes screaming his name in pain and insanity
there is no escape, he gets ripped to pieces too

maybe he gets to escape for a while and maybe there is another group member left (ideal would be a young child) that he tries to sacrifice without avail

plot twist: they dumb incident with the gang that got the kicked out of triangle land was nothing but a devious plan
the mc and his group are supposed to be the yearly sacrifice to the monster to keep it from entering triangle town and eating everyone
maybe thats how you could start off the story too, like in the fucking hunger games or that trailer for a movie i saw where people run through labyrinths

there more i think about it the more potential for fun there is in your story. keep thinking about it

>> No.5369476
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i like it

>> No.5369482

It's not really a plot twist. I would hint continuously towards the man's identity. He, himself, knows of who he is. Also people are often found dead or missing after he has those "meetings" with them.

>> No.5369544

You could go about lengthening it by writing extracts from the characters novels throughout the storey.

>> No.5369547

A 19-25 year old with high aspirations but no motivation following a series of events in which he essentially loses faith in most people wakes up to find himself stuck inside a massive Costco store with nobody inside and no way out (doors closed and un-openable, no windows, etc etc).

The novel revolves around his recounting of his childhood up to this point following seeing relevant/pertaining objects in the Costco. His general psychological state deteriorates chronologically in his memories as it further does as he recounts the events, often having to do with friends, family, lovers, jobs, school, etc.

This part culminates in his conclusion that for this to happen, he must just be the pawn of some malevolent agitator and he compares his situation to that of a fish in a fishbowl.

After an ill-ending dream in which he believed he had returned to his old world, he comes across objects in the same manner of those that provoked flashbacks and recollections, but they are objects he doesn't recognize.

He eventually realizes that they are objects pertinent to his future and the path his life takes. In a state of severe distress he imagines all the paths his life could take, and refines them based on the new shit he finds

He finally, after much psychological becomes under the impression that the life he was/is bound to lead is a life that gets much better, should he not have woken up in this Costco. He sees signs that he ends up with kids, a wife, and a lot of money. It somewhat calms him and his psychological state betters.

Long story short I gotta go the last object is a gun and he shoots himself

>> No.5369555

> Pimp hires a private investigator to run surveillance on his motel in order to find a missing girl. P.I bugs all the rooms and spends day after day listening to tapes of increasingly sad and desperate sex in hopes of solving a crime that likely isn't actually a crime. Majority of novel is vignettes based off what he hears.

>> No.5369564

It has potential to be a good story but I hate all of your specifics. Dabbling in psychology is a fast track to writing stupid bullshit, and it sounds like so much of your story is based on psychology that I'm afraid you wouldn't avoid it completely.

>> No.5369592

Sounds a bit like rozen maiden

>> No.5369610
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>Ending your summary with a cliffhanger

That was the last laugh on a pile of lel

>> No.5369615

Depending on how you write, it could be good. I would avoid cliches like "sex workers are all so sad and depraved".

Types of shit you should try to avoid: the guy who's an idiot but sees the world more honestly than his intelligent peers (Faulkner did it well, but it's really a massively stupid trope that needs to die. I work with many people that have MR in a home, and they are just as if not more delusional than others. I've basically learned to absolutely fucking despise people who try to use individuals with disabilities as an object for propagating their shitty false wisdom), the truly-good-but-broken-due-to-circumstance woman, any character building that starts by describing the character as a X P, where X is an adjective and P is a profession (wacky professor, wise but arrogant preacher, whatever). Basically, stop with all of the cliched bullshit that everyone else already uses.

What I mean here is don't try really hard to make the sex seem depraved. Just write it like it's just an event happening, and let the reader draw their own conclusion.

>> No.5369619

i'm still working on it
>desert planet
>life is fucking terrible
>giant oceans of sand
>only few, small settlements in underground caves where there might be some water and breathable air
>no oasis because the planet is really fucking terrible
>people know how to repair and maintain the space tech they got, too dumb to invent new one though
>they sometimes have to traverse the giant deserts to prevent everyone from getting fed up with each other, becoming inbred or running out of stuff and so on
>make the journey over said sands is literal torture
>people who come back are changed, like someone who went to a horrible prison and got tortured by terrorists
>they are like shell shocked war veterans
>it makes you go fucking mad
>the sunning is burning you, slowly and steadily
>the wind feels like you are a pirate getting whipped, over and over again, for accidentally dropping a lot of hardtack in the sea
>you really wish you were a pirate surrounded by water and not a poor fucker trying to keep yourself from physically and mentally collapsing on the desert planet
>nights get REALLY cold
>you have to wear a really heavy suit and breath through a gas mask type mask that is connected to the air filter that you have to carry around on your back
>every breath is painful, filling your lungs with fire
>thick glasses on your eyes, you can't see shit and they hurt but you need them to keep your eyes from drying up
>if you look too far up into the giant sun you will go blind, just keep looking at the sand, endless below your feet
>you feel your weight slowly sinking into the sand, you have to overcome yourself to pull your feet out and keep going
>every step you take brings you closer to insanity
>your body and mind can't even take all of this, it's just too fucking much
>there are big tanks on your back that are filled with water to keep you from dying
>you don't know what happened to the others in your group
>you almost fall over a coughing pile on the ground before you
>you can't help him, it would mean your death too
>he was too weak for the desert
>you also have to smoke some real dank herb
>the tanks are not filled with water, it's weed
>mask and filter don't make you breathe air, they make you breathe dope
>it's actually not all that bad

>> No.5369630

i wouldn't read it

>> No.5369645

To be more clear, there's a vast difference between these two statements: a character listens to many sex acts and finds himself disgusted with their depravity, and a character listens to many depraved sex acts. The latter implies a judgment by YOU, the author, the former implies a judgment by the character. You should never imply a judgment as the author, if a sex act is depraved the reader will see that without you leading into that. A character's opinion can be right or wrong, the author's opinion is always right within the context of the work.

>> No.5369649

I've never posted this before and I won't really bore you with the details, but it's always in the back of my mind, and I think it's a good idea.

Essentially the main character works for an insurance corporation and has a token girlfriend who uses him for his money. This is where the themes of ownership, risk and insurance, and the lack of emotion towards death and destruction play a big role. Anyway, unbeknownst to him, his girlfriend practices occult magic while he is away at work and opens two portals, one to the past and one to the future. At that moment the main character walks in the apartment while he should be at work because a higher power told him to be there. While he and his girlfriend look on, an aged version of his girlfriend, a reptilian, and a copy of the main character come through the futuristic portal. They force the 'unaged girlfriend' to go into the past and the main character to come with them into the future.

The girlfriend character will then be transported back 1500 years to North America and meet a great being known as 'Environ'. The greatest tree that ever died in the colonial expansion. Sitting next to the tree, she practices her meditative experience and connects with the being who tells her to eat some tree sap that will never allow her to age. Then the tree tells her she will go through this loop forever but enjoy it because nature is self-fulfilling, never the same experience, and renews your perceptions of reality continuously. It was her destiny to do this and she knows why, but the reader doesn't really find out until the end.

I'm still working on a few details, but the reptilian being will be able to solidify morality. In other words, the more severe and terrible the morals of the society he is in are, the more acidic and chemically unstable/ambiguous the material he makes is. The story has an arc that goes through his life in an underground society where he has a job as a miner, using his chemically abrasive substances generated from the ill state of his society to dig through the earth.

>> No.5369657

>but the reader doesn't really find out until the end
tell me now

>> No.5369676

I don't really know, it's still falling into place. It's going to be a big project, probably 5 years or so. And honestly it feels like I'm revealing too much by even typing just this. I've always thought about it though, and one day I will start fleshing it out completely.

Time will be a major thing though. As in, the insignificance of it.

>> No.5369697

>dystopian novel
>wherein all politics are replaced with people writing dystopian novels to push their political views by misrepresenting the view they dislike with a thinly veiled strawman
picked back up

>> No.5369699

Yeah I see your point. I don't want it turning into 120 Days of Sodom as much as I love that one. I've had trouble with the idea of the P.I as a narrator, whether he copes with the subject matter by complete detachment or manic over-involvement. I guess it doesn't necessarily have to be either extreme.

A lot of the subject matter comes from my experiences with pornography.

>> No.5369721

Sounds like the beginning of like five different stories.

>> No.5369724

>a kid who used to be in a street gang befriends another kid who used to be in a street gang and they start doing criminal shit together
>they grow apart as things begin to get progressively more violent on the part of the protagonist's new friend
i'm using this as an exploration of the atrocities a person can commit with the power of another person. not great, but i'm hoping that i can pull it off.

>> No.5369727

Ideally no big infodumps. Well, one or two, but they fit into the broader story well, I think.

I may not be a good enough writer to write the story yet. It's sort of my magnum opus, the best idea I ever had. I want to be a better writer before I tackle it.

>> No.5369751

How can you have a magnum opus without having written anything else?

>> No.5369761

Are you taking any inspiration from Gene Hackman in The Conversation?

>> No.5369765

This is the best one in the thread, congratulations

Like other guy said, it would need to be well researched though.

>> No.5369771

Would read

>> No.5369772

I've written a lot else. Short stories and novels and a few poems when I was younger.

>> No.5369777

Post something you've wrote.

>> No.5369788
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>> No.5369791

It's something that I've kept in mind for sure. That and De Palma's Blow Out. There's potential for conspiracy but I'm not sure if that's a route I wanna go down or not.

>> No.5369798

Here, I banged this out in a few hours last week. It's fairly short.


>> No.5369799
File: 147 KB, 1024x1024, potential mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a scifi story I just pulled out of my ass:

In the far future, mankind has dispersed himself through the stars, but after great interplanetary wars between rival factions over territories and resources, most of the ships, technology, engineers, and infrastructure required for space travel are wiped out.

The story takes place after all that, with only hints and clues about the past left for the reader to speculate on.

On one such planet, mankind is stranded and awaiting it's death because this world keeps getting hotter and hotter, about 1 degree Celsius every day. remaining scientists scramble to find the cause as they run out of time. Forests and grasslands burn, lakes and rivers dry up, and most people and animals are dying of thirst. A former farmer and his family must cope with the fact that his world and everything he's ever known is slowly dying around him. Faced with the prospect of total anhilation, he must find a way to save himself and his loved ones. if only there were a way off, or a way to return his world to it's former state.

Literally just came up with this.

>> No.5369807

If you ever write it, please spam it on /lit/ so I remember to read it

>> No.5369818

I would definitely keep that idea then. Stew it a little in your mind, with time some good ideas about narrator and stance will come

>> No.5369885
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>A college-age man arrives to his flat, finds his cat dead, valuables stolen, and flat destroyed. The story follows him trying to cope and reason why it happen to him. He wants to give up his faith on people and he doesn't want a bleak outlook on his life forever. In the end, he realizes he needs to stand tall and push through for he has rest of his life to look forward to. He proceeds get stabbed in the throat by homeless man outside of a bar and it ends there.

How shit/great/meh is this story

>> No.5369899


I wouldn't lead with him finding the cat dead. Trivializes the rest of it. Nobody loses their faith in humanity because their cat died.

>> No.5369906

it sounds like that shitty movie with kevin spacey and the i-see-dead-people kid

uhh.. pay it forward

i mean, a book where optimists get their comeuppance is great, but particularly the way you describe your story makes it deeply cliched and uninteresting

>> No.5369907

even if someone kill it during a break-in for no reason

>> No.5369915

>2165 Spain
>So you got your female protagonist who's been transferred to another section of the army after losing an arm and being sidelined, for a while.
>of course they don't like her because she's from line infantry and they're fast attack infantry
>World is kinda fucked up, to be honest. Europe, Asia, and most of Africa are united under an intercontinental state, but Australia claims the barren Americas and the revolutionaries are just being assholes to everyone
>so basically she's doing shit like urban trench warfare and whatever in a megacity, generally connecting with the people while also trying to defend them
>this idea is really hazy in my head because I'm reworking the whole story, don't kill me.

>> No.5369966

Sounds kind of pointless as a story. What am I supposed to be exploring?

>> No.5369982


It's senseless and vile, yes, but you'd have to be someone with pretty weak character to just give up on humanity entirely over something like that.

Also, if at any point in the story you use the phrase "faith in humanity" I will find where you live and unorganize your bookshelf.

>> No.5369997

Well, I would dispute that. There is absolutely no order of words that are off-limits to good literature. It depends on the context of those words, though. If they use "faith in humanity" as literally intended from the author, yes, I would agree with you.

I don't really agree though with you saying what a "rational" or "real" person would do, though. Pretty weak characters can make strong protagonists if they are portrayed correctly. Ignatius J. Reilly much?

>> No.5370026

>faith in humanity

I meant for the main character just becoming more and more detach from society and on the verge of becoming a fully dissociated person. Like imagine get hit in the face suddenly and the shock and dissociating effect on you. I want my character feel like that but 10 times the effect.

>> No.5370034

Do you mean dissociated or disassociated? The former means, like, faulty senses and delusional. The latter means he chooses not to identify or participate in society because he hates it.

>> No.5370050

dissociated because I want to give a feeling of disconnect. Not because he's a asshole who just want lock people out but just his head feels it's coming apart

>> No.5370067

Eh, that makes it sound less interesting. Maybe it's just me, but like I said a few posts ago, I generally dislike psychological things like that in books. The Crying of Lot 49 was a rare exception, and The Sound and the Fury, but unless if you're a very solid writer I would cleave from it.

>> No.5370072

That depends on personal taste. I feel an asshole MC would just separate the reader from the book and make the story way too unreliable.

>> No.5370075

Most people are assholes though anon. You have a very narrow perspective on humanity.

>> No.5370083

I have other ideas about the future that I'd like to explore, but this one would be the central plot:

>in the future, silicon integrated circuits become so atomically small that they are unstable
>other ventures into operational computing substitutes such as quantum computing are fruitless
>Moore's law slows and eventually stops altogether as tech worldwide plateaus
>planned obsolescence/upgrading in tech hardware prevents the industry from being viable
>convergently, the current world chess champion (who won the title at age 6, the youngest ever and is now middle aged) is considered by most to be the single strongest player in history
>in this future, the game of chess was never eventually "solved" by computers and it will not feasibly be assumed that it ever will be granted that computing ability hit a so-called brick wall
>this inspires a showman to reinvigorate interest in the "man vs. machine" idiosyncrasy with regard to chess
>he organizes a match between the greatest human chess player and the greatest chess computer physically possible with resources located in this solar system

>> No.5370088 [DELETED] 

Who wants reads a book on an asshole character in a world filled with assholes while being an huge asshole to every other asshole, meanwhile in real life it's the same deal.

>> No.5370103

In his dimly lit basement, a depressed and alcoholic closet homosexual and aspiring writer rises up out of a mountain of crumbled paper balls to indite a short summary worthy of his anonymous peers' calculating glares. In the aftermath, his delusion orients him on a path entirely apart from self-discovery and not so far from meretricious prosody and lavatory sterility.

>> No.5370108

im >>5368931 that guy.
I think i love you.

>> No.5370110

Why are north Korean girls so hot? aren't they supposed to be starving or something?

>> No.5370112

But anon, many great protags are assholes. I wouldn't be saying anything if you mentioned mild dissociation, but you mentioned dissociation on a new level. I just don't see how you could meaningfully communicate that without the work descending into incoherence.

>> No.5370114

It's not even your story anymore though.

>> No.5370125

They probably take the prettier ones and feed them better so they can post a semicandid picture of them laughing on the Internet for propaganda

>> No.5370128

I would rather read OP's book

>> No.5370155

A Chinese peasant during the communist revolution in china tries to stay neutral in the conflict between Mao and sheck. Unfortunately for him and his family the combat is creeping upon them. Soon he must make a choice between the two or surely end up as collateral damage. He reviews everything about his life and what side can leave him alone the most ultimately choosing the Kuomintang. The majority of the book would cover his time in the KMT and how he tries and justifies the horrific things he does to himself as someone who doesn't actually buy the party line. It ends with him returning to his farm after losing the war and killing himself in his house.

>> No.5370166

So how does he justify his actions?

>> No.5370170

Book where chapters alternate between two characters who are absolute polar opposites of each other.
As the story progress, you work out the even chapters are linear, but the odd chapters appear in a reverse linear format.

When the two dates collide, the two characters interact with each other, and in the end, you find out, they were the same person from the beginning, and the colliding point is a sort of pivotal moment in the characters life, which changes him for good.

>> No.5370180

Neat gimmick, but what's the story about?

>> No.5370186

I meant tries to justify not and justify sorry for the typo

>> No.5370191

After several brutal wars over disagreements people had: everyone mutually agrees to stop interacting with one another. Each continent has one ruler. In all 7 continents it is illegal to talk to another human being. Nobody lives together. Nobody works together. It is literally every man for himself. There is an annual breeding season in which a fraction of women are impregnated. Babies are nursed until they are able to walk and then sent out on their own. They never learn a language because nobody speaks and language itself slowly fades from existence. Only rulers speak and only through writing, at that. In this dystopian world, the human race slowly regresses and all progress and advancement is slowly lost.

>> No.5370204

>After several brutal wars over disagreements people had: everyone mutually agrees to stop interacting with one another.

Already stopped reading. Terrible idea.

>> No.5370205

>A cruise ship pilot on the maiden voyage of their newest ship
> Random, unnaturally large wave comes out of nowhere
>Disintegrates the ship, all that's left are drifting bits
>captain wakes up on a bouey type thing, turns out to be a life raft
>Drifts around for a long time eating fish and rainwater, eventually landing somewhere uninhabited with a massive mountain range
>realizes the mountains he sees aren't like any he's heard of
>climbs to the top of a smaller peak
>looks out and realizes that he's not on a mountain, he's on the edge of a crater
>a comet had struck the earth and wiped out most life on land while he was at sea
How the ship wasn't aware that a comet was about to hit earth will obviously be explained away with technical mumbo jumbo. He will learn details through a go pro or something he discovers.

>> No.5370215

Literally kill yourself

>> No.5370606

I would choose my ears.

Only because I'm a premature ejaculator and have come to hate intercourse.

>> No.5370715

why his? make the story more interesting making him break into morgues and cut dicks of dead trying to find a specimen which can me transplanted to his ears

>> No.5372175

>man looks in a mirror one morning and sees someone else
>everyone else sees the old image, except for him, who has to go around looking like an old black lady or something. eventually his self-image starts to crack.

I'm not sure where to take this, I just wanted to ape Kafka for a bit