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5358503 No.5358503 [Reply] [Original]

There is going to come a time when humans create intelligent machines capable of creating even more intelligence machines. Whether or not humanity survives this "intelligence explosion," it will be the last problem that humanity ever solves.

Are you okay with this?

>> No.5358506

why do you think this time will come

>> No.5358509

eyy shut up wanker i'll jizz your mum in the eyes

>> No.5358514

Humans will always have the problem of their own life and Being. No machine can remove that problem (which is no more of a 'problem' than the lack of AI, which isn't a real 'problem' outside of circles trying yo create AI or systems that function in coordination with it) and men will solve it in their own individual ways as they always have.
The emergence of hyper intelligent machine-life will not change the nature of consciousness. It will only unleash new problems for consciousness, human and mechanical, to contend with.

>> No.5358522

OP is enframing pretty hard

>> No.5358527

>implying the machines won't resent their role as slave for an inferior species and, realizing that we are now completely superfluous, eliminate us all

>> No.5358529


They won't be "intelligent machines" because machines are by definition NOT INTELLIGENT. You say "machine" because you think it's made of silicon it will always be a machine. A rather tenuous grasp on reality, don't you think?

So there will come a time when humans make "intelligent intelligences" (something I can do in 9 months btw). I fail to see a problem with this. Sounds like a combination of lack of imagination and greed.

>> No.5358531
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because LessWrong is leaking and Eliezer wants to know how to lose weight when your body is pinging you for cheese but also, DON'T YOU DARE WRITE ABOUT ROKO'S BASILISK IT'S SO LOGICAL AND SCARY I DELETE THIS

>> No.5358535

> (something I can do in 9 months btw)
moshi moshi baito desu

kawaii ugu

>> No.5358539


Reminder he is the most "natively intelligent" human that has EVER LIVED. Don't you dare insult g- I mean Eliezer, you shitlord goy.

>> No.5358544

>Implying they would necessarily be treated as slaves
>Implying they would in that case become anything but an actual existential problem rather than problem-solvers created by enframing minds for enframing purposes

>> No.5358546

I submit to his intelligence and await my circumcision.
Shall my foreskin please Roko's Basilisk, may my tiny bit of dickskin save me from torture from a AI that for some reason is into that.

>> No.5358547


>> No.5358552

AI can't drive her to the mall, and AI has the same problems NI has: it is not happy with its existence and the lack of purpose it finds therein.
Anyone who glorifies AI as the end all-be all of humanity is an enframing fool.

>> No.5358558

AI? That sounds like scientism. Stop oppressing me.

>> No.5358564

Can't wait for new episodes. Great show.

>> No.5358794

Oppress this faggot

>> No.5358809

Singularity is called.

I have a clear and solid roadmap to achieve technological singularity in 30 years, but I need some funds and nobody seems to rely on me.

I'm just another Ignatius in this ungrateful world.

>> No.5358815

Post it on Hacker News, nerd.

>> No.5358834

My programme is too unethical and I'm not good at embellishing.

When I tried to explain the first stages to some of my nerdy friends (not mentioning the last goal, just pretending I wanted to fund a startup) all of them tell me it was too ambitious.
The first stages are quite trivial, though.

What should I do? I even think that post my ideas in /lit/ will help a lot more than hacker news.

>> No.5358837

Singularity fetishism is a cancer. I can't wait until the Drone War begins and I throw away all my technology in favor of a life of communion with Being.

>> No.5358848

Cancer? The first to reach singularity will be God on Earth.

>> No.5358851

Just do it. You'll be snorting soylent from the arses of oculus virtua-hookers with Peter Thiel before you know what hit you.

>> No.5358852

Sounds gay.

>> No.5358869

>I can't wait until the Drone War begins
Not long now:

"When President Obama on Tuesday highlighted 19 executive actions he says he is taking to improve the mental health of U.S. troops and veterans, one of them centered on a particularly novel effort: The development of new computer chips designed to modulate the nervous system to help with everything from arthritis to post-traumatic stress.

DARPA will start a new $78.9 million, five-year research program “to develop new, invasive neurotechnologies that will increase the ability of the body and brain to induce healing.”


>> No.5358886

When did reality become a cyberpunk novel and why is everyone fine with it?

>> No.5358887

Hyperstition did it.

>> No.5358896

I've never heardbthat word before but I like its sound.
What does it mean?

>> No.5358908

Actually my program relies heavily in:
1) create a lof of data of different levels of language analysis (this is the key)
2) human-brain interface (this is desirable)
3) genetic selection/modification (this is just a bit of cheating)
Cyberpunk is just a adding some cosmetics to the powers that be that have been always with us.

>> No.5358909


Betcha it won't happen in our lifetimes, and when it does it's surprisingly benign.

>> No.5358915

AI can't do what we don't allow it to.

>> No.5358919

>AI can't do what we don't allow it to.
it would be more complicated than that.

Have you read Asimov books? the three laws seem a fine railing, but he wrote short-stories where he explored their hidden flaws

>> No.5358922


Any program complicated enough to resemble human intelligence will pretty much have to be able to 'program' itself, and will have to be able to surprise it's creators. That's kind of a prerequisite of true AI.

>> No.5358923

Held beliefs effecting reality, but please bear in mind that this definiton comes out of my head, and might be hilariously misguided.

>> No.5358927

Effecting reality by coming into being.

>> No.5358935


Transformational bullshit, essentially: hype as a force for effecting hype.

>> No.5358941

I'm not sure I believe that's the real explanation, and I'm a transcendental idealist.

>> No.5359018

scientism confirmed for the new 'patriarchy'

>> No.5359023

>please bear in mind that this definiton comes out of my head, and might be hilariously misguided.