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/lit/ - Literature

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5358011 No.5358011[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well, /lit/?

>> No.5358013

Your diary, faggot

>> No.5358015

Solitary Fitness by Charlie Bronson.

>> No.5358016


Mein Kampf
The New Testament
Ride The Tiger
Thus Spoje Zarathustra
The God Delusion
Decline of the West
Atlas Shrug

>> No.5358018


>Mein Kampf

/pol/ here, is it actually any good?

>> No.5358019

yes m8, it was nomited for a literary nobel price (the same year hitler was voted top 1 of the time 100, I think it was 38 ?)

>> No.5358025

>/pol/ here
>haven't even read Mein Kampf once
back to rebbit, poser

>> No.5358041

No, it's:
-full of false biological and historical "facts"

>> No.5358050
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The Neverending Story. IT'S ALWAYS DIFFERENT!!

>> No.5358066

it's garbage.
Adolf can't write for shit nor can he ever stop whining.

>> No.5358069

The Holy Bible

>> No.5358071

fucking this.

>> No.5358073


Mein Kampf
The God delusion

>> No.5358131

That was my favorite book was a kid. 10/10

>> No.5358136

Infinite Jest

>> No.5359456

His dark Materials
I cry every fucking time

>> No.5359467

dude, i cried too

>> No.5359478

Fishsticks preparation instructions.

>> No.5359487 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5359497

Finnegans Wake

>> No.5359503
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>Mein Kampf

So much struggles, such moving.

>> No.5359517
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>> No.5359521
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Asterix in Switzerland

>> No.5359528

>implying you've even read it

>> No.5359529

I don't understand how that is remotely
A) funny
B) cringe worthy
C) something that a respectable human being would do

The last two not being antithetical.

>> No.5359533

I think you need to go back to
A) reddit
B) tumblr
C) your sad autistic existence

the last three not being antithetical.

>> No.5359541

>using the word "antithetical" when the simpler word, "exclusive" would have communicated your meaning better
Are you mad because you're the type of person described in that greentext?

>> No.5359575

No, you see antithetical means opposite, and 'something a respectable human being would do' and 'cringe worthiness' are not opposites, as some people would lead you to believe. They are exclusive, however.
Autism is conflated with unique individualistic behavior, and is not humorous in any way. Particularly when you use it in an invective.

>> No.5359582
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what got shoved up ur bum m8

>> No.5359584

Hm? I'm not mad at anyone, just explaining things for the benefit of people ITT

>> No.5359586

Hite Report on the Male Sexuality

MAJOR redpill

>> No.5359592

I can't imagine what kind of person would possibly be offended enough by that greentext enough to post all that
>inb4 I'm not offended
you clearly are.

>> No.5359600

I'm offended that you think I'm offended. Mission accomplished.

You are not reptile to me, have faith.

>> No.5359618

Humor often derives from intentionally fallacious exaggeration. When someone displays an extremely minute ingcling of a behavior often observed in autistic people, and then is called autistic (a clear intentionally fallacious exaggeration) it can be humorous. You see, autism itself is not what is humorous, it is simply a vessel for the humor. The fact you can't pick up on this makes a lot sense considering your autism.

>> No.5359621

⇒reading a book more than once

Why would anyone do that? After reading it once you know its contents. There are too many other books; no time to waste on repetition.

>> No.5359623


Fuck I meant inkling.

>> No.5359638

So you think I should have laughed when he called me autistic in his invective? It was just the tip of the iceberg, sir. The entire post was made out of a place of
A)wanting to belong
B)wanting to ostracize 'outsiders' from 4chan
C)wanting to ostracize those who are autistic, by using it as a pejorative

>> No.5359659
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No words

>> No.5359661

Good :-)

>> No.5359665

Humor is largely subjective. You could easily have laughed or not laughed (laughter isn't required to find something humorous by the way, think smirk or even completely internal etc.), there is no "should". I was simply pointing out that your objective statement that there is NO HUMOR AT ALL is stupid.

>> No.5359673


This board is anonymous so you can learn from these errors and the next time you post here not be connected to your earlier mistakes. Just observe and learn. Don't try and think about what is or isn't right, there's not truth just perspective.

>> No.5359674

He was insulting me (and I do take offense to being directed to reddit). I was obliged to feel offended, not jovial. The first question in my post you are responding to is rhetorical.

>> No.5359688

Jesus Christ man, you didn't say "I don't find anything about autism funny" you said "there is nothing funny about autism" as in it couldn't be funny to ANYONE. I'm sure you didn't find it funny, but other people exist, and they find it funny. Therefor it can be funny, it's just not funny TO YOU.

>> No.5359698

The perspective of those who point out flaws negatively is largely incorrect, because it supports a philosophy from something of hate, spite, and contempt rather than an atmosphere of reliable dialectical compromise.

The picture he posted of the story with some person (18 years of age no doubt) going up to a cashier and acting like an edgy teenager is not only fitting, it's what expected of the vast majority of teens on /lit/. It's not humorous, it's not exactly realistic either though, for some. It's somewhere in between and promotes a culture of generally deprecating behavior, and this breeds and festers in the back of your minds when you see posts like that. You are part of a community, now think about how you want to impact that community.

>> No.5359723

Sorry I should change my statement to be more precise to the impact I was going for

Autism is not only not humorous, but anyone who uses mental deficiencies as pejoratives should be regarded as someone who is trying to ostracize that species of person. As well as someone who doesn't understand what it means to joke properly, and think that humor can be derived from such wanton invectives. Proper joking being derived, of course, from an atmosphere where you aren't insulting others and you're not facetiously treating some underprivileged group of people negatively.

>> No.5359730

I would feel worse about completely derailing this thread if it weren't a shitty fucking thread. Worst thread I've seen in a while. Worse than all the feminism, Laurie Penny, and bible threads put together.

>> No.5359739

I believe you're the one who first mentioned autism. The greentext in question doesn't bring up autism, nor is it suggested the main character has literal autism.

It is because of this that I believe you're trolling, or just extremely stupid

>> No.5359742

I didn't bring up autism.

>> No.5359749

Yes. Yes you did. It was not mentioned before this post of yours.
How can someone be this fucking stupid?

>> No.5359757

>As well as someone who doesn't understand what it means to joke properly, and think that humor can be derived from such wanton invectives. Proper joking being derived, of course, from an atmosphere where you aren't insulting others and you're not facetiously treating some underprivileged group of people negatively.

I disagree. What now? You can't possibly prove any of what you just said objectively.

>> No.5359762

Not who you're replying to, but look at the post he was replying to (>>5359533), specifically

>your sad autistic existence

>> No.5359763

OP here. I'm sorry for making this shitty thread. I understand now that the health of a board is a delicate thing, and that shitposting only engenders more shitposting. Please delete my thread, mods. I have learned my lesson.

>> No.5359784

The state and revolution - lenin
Communist manifesto
Wuthering heights
Great gatsby
And other books I read for school probably

>> No.5359789

My friends in my life and other chans have circles that are not so rebarbative as this one. Proper joking would, in my definition, facilitate the optimum level of information sharing and individual and collective progression, which are synergistic.
You see, in that exact post I am responding to, the other person first mentions autism. Lol.

>> No.5359797


*tips thesaurus*

>> No.5359800

>Proper joking would, in my definition, facilitate the optimum level of information sharing and individual and collective progression, which are synergistic.
10/10 damn, I'm dying

>> No.5359807

You think I care about my reputation as an anonymous poster, which is a transitive thing in the first place, so much that I carry a thesaurus around with me? Afraid not, buddy.

>> No.5359828

Well you obviously care enough to get your jimmies all rustled

>> No.5359831

> facilitate the optimum level of information sharing and individual and collective progression, which are synergistic

I disagree, I would define proper joking as anything that successfully produces the emotional response that we describe as 'finding something funny'.

>> No.5359833

Well I'm not perturbed, but my jimmies are a bit disturbed.
Perhaps I'll take this thread and throw it to the curb.
Ya know what ya herd, word.

>> No.5359910

My diary, faggot.

>> No.5359954

The only book that comes to mind that I've read multiple times is probably the virgin suicides.

I love the feel of it, like a warm summer afternoon. The imagery is great too.

>> No.5360323

The disk sleeve for ff7