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5352628 No.5352628[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>creative writing class
>everyone in the room wants to be an author
>they're all rich white girls
Anyone actually get interesting people in their classes?

>> No.5352637

>creative writing
>rich white girls
Yeah...? I've never met a male creative writer that wasn't gay or autistic. At least 9/10 creative writing majors are rich girls.

>> No.5352641

Nope. Exact same situation here, anon.

>> No.5352643

This. The only good male writer I've met turned out to be a transsexual, the days of the white male writer are over.

>> No.5352663

I had some weird guy last year. Acted overly friendly and spoke in long-winded metaphors. Whenever he reviewed anyone's work he never had anything negative to say, even after the professor threatened him with failure. He always spent a good several minutes explaining that the story he just read was the greatest story he'd ever read, and that he would rather be killed than have to find something wrong with it.

He wrote bizarre stories in the first person. I remember one was about a homeless guy leading a bunch of other homeless guys in some sort of revolution, and they all talked about nonsense the whole time.

Weirdest part was, nobody could tell if he was being facetious, since he never broke character.

>> No.5352727


This person sounds interesting, like he could actually be a writer.

I have met so many slightly smarter than average white bitches who think their shit doesn't stink who think they have what it takes to make it as an author...a year in it becomes children's book author or illustrator...by end of graduation it becomes teacher (mostly little kids).

And most of the guys are liberal faggot pussies, and have nothing to say about anything but to nod their head in agreement with whomever is most popular.

English major type people are boring.

I'm probably no better, being a douchebag observer. But whatever.

>> No.5352758

>The world is actually going to end soon


>> No.5352761

What if I said James Franco was in my MFA writing workshop at Brooklyn College?

>> No.5352772

>interesting people with potential to become decent authors
>spending their time in creative writing classes at college

pick one

>> No.5352773
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>> No.5352783

B-But I already spent $300,000 to become a writer and I'm in alot of debt? How am I supposed to pay this off if I don't hit it big with a big seller?

>> No.5352829

> even getting good enough grades to GET INTO college

>> No.5352836

>not failing out of elementary school for getting too poor of grades
You shucks will never EVER be famous wrighters.

>> No.5352854

>not biding your time in creative writing courses because you have no future prospects
Get a load of this pleb

>> No.5352930

biding time? you mean wasting time in college with classes and homework and a hyper constrained living situation that will only result in debt and a lack of exposure to the world

sure, keep telling yourself that

>> No.5352939

>not murdering your family at 12 and spending your youth in prison

>> No.5352946

Most of them will commit suicide by 20 anyway.

>> No.5352947
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Well it was either that or work a 9-5 job. I think I made the right choice.

>> No.5352959

Why do you people always assume you have to work 40 hours a week just because that's what everyone else is doing?

>> No.5352962

>not being straight up born in a cardboard box in some dank alley

>> No.5352970

out of the two other guys in my creative writing class i'm the only straight one...

>> No.5352973

What would you do? NOT work?

>> No.5352976

There's always that one person who got one or two shitty poems or short stories into a collection or paper, and really they've already made it, they're just slumming around with you monkeys to sharpen up before their break.

>> No.5352987

Guess it's due to my boring personality, but it's actually my dream to get a 9-5 cubicle job. Short drive from my future fourth-floor, one-room apartment in a quieter part of the city and I'm in heaven.

>> No.5352998

> not working as security at some lobby at some building and writing the entire time

>> No.5353007

> sharpen up with monkeys
you mean get bad habits by immersing himself/herself in losers that never made it

any writer that thinks he has to sharpen up anything is too insecure to do anything useful

>> No.5353009

There's a bunch of writers who never took a class but wrote on the side of a blue collar 9-5 pulling pork knuckles at a slaughter house, that kind of stuff.

>> No.5353020

I want to work a night shift so badly.

>> No.5353024

>having money and time for writing classes
>not being rich and white

What did you expect?

>> No.5353026

Some girls I lived with in halls did Creative Writing:
>First lecture - their lecturer walks in and said, "Look, none of you will be good enough to be writers. One or two of you might have a short story or something published but most of you might as well give up!"
>No one gets upset by this...
>Comes to the first assignment.
>Mark from lecturer and a peer assessment.
>One of the girls I lived with read through all this crap.
>All of it was bad tumblr fanfiction tier writing.
>Once I was stood outside the main building having a smoke.
>Another guy having a smoke was one of that lecturer.
>Dude was miserable as shit.

>> No.5353028

actually met a lot of straight white male writers. Poetry writers no less. One aspires to be a meta poet. The other is inspired by Poe and Whitman, and he has nice style. The last one writes depressing realistic.

I'm a non-white, gay and bipolar poet writer.

>> No.5353031

>they're all rich white girls
Ha, the university I went to had a creative writing department full of poor white girls. So hilarious considering how much the debt will fuck them.

At graduation I saw a fat creative writing chick, all alternative chick (coloured hair, tattoos, etc) do a black power salute to all these cheers. I cringed so badly.

>> No.5353032

>I'm a non-white
Kill yourself, lmao

>> No.5353042

diagnosed motherfucka
in reality, it doesn't make me special
in fact, I'm literally can't do anything besides hide in my bed and cry

>> No.5353045

>paying for education
Sucks to live in your country, man.

>> No.5353054
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>not living in a country where education costs money
>not having mum and dad pay for it all

>> No.5353057
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Did she look like this?

>> No.5353058

>Orientation for my MFA program tonight
>Show up early (thought there would be traffic)
>next two people that show up are two chatty white girls
>uh oh
>rest of the group shows up
>very diverse group of people
>all different ages, backgrounds, interests
>stand in the corner awkwardly until orientation is over
Just kidding, I actually met one person and had a nice chat with him about books and shit which was cool because no one in my undergrad classes seemed to read.

>> No.5353059

The types of people who major in creative writing are rarely the type to write anything interesting.

>> No.5353065

WORSE. More eyeliner. More clevage/skin showing.

>> No.5353069

You sound bitter.

>> No.5353083

Most writers never took a fucking class--at least not on writing. You think German poets majored in "creative writing" when they went to university? The whole major is a ridiculous scam, a degree in philosophy or classics will teach you more about "creative writing" than any creative writing program.

>> No.5353085

Though he's probably right. Doubt the life of somebody who would bother with that stuff had enough to justify writing anything.

>> No.5353098

>sophomore year after knocking out most of my prereqs finally take a writer's workshop
>sit between a 9/10 and 7/10 qts that I fapped to after every class because they both had amazing cleavage
>about a dozen other people in my class but nobody else stands out except for this one dude who probably had asperger's
>pale ass ginger, wore trench coats and a fedora, long ass rat tail reaching down past his hips, shit you not
>his actual writing was good, but his structure was so convoluted because every chapter in his novel switched perspectives and locations so nobody knew what was going on

>> No.5353100

>no one in my undergrad classes seemed to read.
Fuck is with this? Everyone in all of my classes is some woman or liberal gay guy I like dicks too but I'm not a fuckin fag about it

>> No.5353105

Because non-subhumans major in STEM or philosophy. Of course the English programs are filled with females and homosexuals--and yet somehow all the actual academics are still straight white males! The inferiority of degenerates never ceases to amaze.

>> No.5353107

I don't know if it's fair to put down those classes as harshly. The creative writing and MBA programs are relatively new (1960's or something I think), so of course there's little representation to the whole of written history. Also, nobody would expect to become a painter or photographer taking a few classes, nor would say it is required of an artist. These programs are mainly to elevate the general public, to enrich a hobby. Mediocre as that may sound, a genius wouldn't care which way.

>> No.5353116

>no one in my undergrad classes seemed to read.
>Doing history at a fucking Russel Group university.
>First year.
>Doing loads of reading.
>Seminar - tumbleweed and silence until I started talking since no one ever did the recommended reading or any extra reading
>This continued all throughout my 2nd and 3rd years.
>In second year this ditzy girl said she hated to read.
>Someone asked her why she did history and she said something about finding it interesting but she just hated reading.
>Degree is mostly reading...

>> No.5353117

If we can't have a part of the culture that maintains appreciation for the arts, we shall have no culture at all.

>> No.5353137

Mate, English programs long ago abandoned any pretension of "appreciation for the arts." What they care about now is things like "white privilege" and making sure there are enough brown people on the syllabus.

There may well be a segment of our culture that maintains appreciation for the arts but it is definitely not the university English programs.

>> No.5353146

I'm an English major, so I can tell you that isn't true. Not entirely true, at least. I've had to eyeroll my way through multicultural literature, but beyond that? Legitimate stuff. Contemporary literature, Victorian literature, Approaches to literature, Bakhtinian theory, and so the list goes.

>> No.5353197

This is bullshit.

>> No.5353211


Clenched fist isn't just for black folk m8.

>> No.5353224

And an outstretched hand isn't just for Nazis.

I agree with you by the way, the majority wouldn't.

>> No.5353240


The American majority might not.

In Europe its pretty well known that the clenched fist is the universal socialist salute.

>> No.5353244

Fuck, I never actually heard that clenched fist supposed to be for blacks. Seemed like the typical gesture of solidarity.

>> No.5353252


Fuck, its not 'supposed to be for blacks', the panthers used it because they were socialists, they got it from the labour movement, not the other way around.

>> No.5353292

i took a creative writing class as an elective last year and ended up winning an award from the school for best creative writing that year. felt pretty good.

>> No.5353608

What's not interesting about rich white girls? Maybe they'll give you money if you eat them out.

>> No.5353615


>creative writing class

into the trash

>> No.5353621

english plz

>> No.5353631

>rich white girls
>complaining there are no "interesting" people in his class
What are you, OP?--some sort of homosexual?

>> No.5353643


Well, the second poster did say that he's never met a male creative author who wasn't gay or autistic. Since he's on 4chan, OP is most likely both.

>> No.5353649

Rich white girls who "want to be an author" are pure cancer. They have issues, and no talent to redeem that.

>> No.5353660 [DELETED] 

>creative writing

serves you right for choosing such a shit major. have fun getting your grammar and punctuation nit-picked by whovians

>> No.5353666

>creative writing

serves you right for choosing such a shit major. have fun getting your grammar and punctuation nit-picked by whovians, readers of the oatmeal and people who fucking love science

>> No.5354170
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Satan please stop being so mean I just woke up.

>> No.5354204

I have a weekly 3-hr creative writing course this year

are you telling me that i can use it to pick up cute pseudo-literary hipster girls, anon?

>> No.5354228

>first day of magazine short-fiction writing
>we have to write a six-word memoir as a warm-up/intro
>people are writing shit like "Suburban boy makes city his home."
I think I'm getting the fuck out of this class.

>> No.5354236

There was a poor negro girl in my writing class, but she dropped out. I don't know if her race and wealth made her interesting, though.

>> No.5354260

Most of the people in my creative writing class are interesting. There's a polyarmous ex- prostitute and a long-haired magician and a depressed indigenous lady and a guy who lives in a boarding house and writes stories from the perspective of inanimate objects. But it's not at a university, it's at a CAE so, yeah.

>> No.5354265


>please tell me some modern literature that is good that wasn't written by a white male author

>> No.5354278

How are they different to all the rich white boys who are convinced of their giant literary talent?

>> No.5354284

Heard of the Iowa Writers' Workshop?

>> No.5354287

I'm poor white and male, but I'm bisexaul. Do I count?

>> No.5354295


the question is: Do you write well?

>> No.5354298

Well, shucks.

Didn't realise that was one of the criterion..

>> No.5354299

Yeah. It hasn't produced a good writer in fifty years.

>> No.5354316

Denis Johnson, Michael Cunningham, John Irving and Joy Williams spring to mind.

>> No.5354434

>creative writing class
>all rich white girls except me and a girl I used to know in high school
>teacher is a failed author and a bitter old man
>he is a huge dick to me and her
>friend decides to write the most depraved, fucked up she can come up with, always shares it with the class and eventually drops out of school about half way through her first semester
>shortly after gets into heroin because her boyfriend, who later starts whoring her to support their habits

>> No.5354436

>All rich white girls except for myself (a white girl) and a white girl I went to school with. Our dad's are only doctors ;_;


>> No.5354438

>the days of the white male writer are over.

Yeah bro, like totally over.

>> No.5354504
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>be me, adjunct professor teaching a creative writing class at U of O
>remind people in the class that they should be reading works of literature for inspiration
>some edgy little bitch raises her hand
>"Oh yeah? Well what are YOU reading?"
>explain that I'm reading The Idiot
>their faces go blank
>mfw they don't even know who Dostoevsky is

>> No.5354606


>try to get kids interested in reading
>tell them about the Russian insomnia remedy instead of thinking of something they might actually be interested in

You asked for it.

>> No.5354635

Some of the boys actually _do have_ talent.

>> No.5354671

My class was roughly 60/40 female/male, with a fair distribution among social classes. There were of course the obligatory crazies, one of which would only write dream-like fantasy about (and I quote) "unicorns and mermaids". When asked to maybe try something else, she wrote from the point of view of a hunted deer and jammed in every "hunting is bad" trope she could think of. She quit after a while, not sure exactly why.

One of the guys there got a poem in a collection published by what amounts to a vanity press, but I haven't heard anything even remotely good (re literature) from anyone else. One of the other crazies, a bipolar girl who I'm still friends with, is writing a book about nutrition's impact on mental health, though, but that doesn't have too much to do with what we were actually taught. And I'm writing a novel, because of course I am.

>> No.5354680

Referring you to OP pic as to where those spring to, exactly.

>> No.5354799

>I'm a dumb pleb

>> No.5354824

He's not the pleb here m8.

>> No.5354831

It's okay to be a pleb m8.

>> No.5354848
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>> No.5354859

:^) m8

>> No.5354976

Why don't more of you literary types join the military? You get to travel and if you pick something like a Linguist for your job you can learn a language like Korean or Russian, wouldn't you like to read Tolstoy in his original language (You don't have much choice as to what language you learn, it's all up to the needs of the military unfortunately.)? You're 100 percent provided for, and if you serve 20 years you'll have a hefty sum in the bank that you could live off of until you write something that's actually good. I know I'm sounding like a military recruiter, but seriously, it's a lot more efficient than going to a college to learn from failed writers on how to be a writer and being 100k in the hole.

>> No.5354984

This isn't your legitimate king's military, bub. I don't want to get PTSD or lose both my legs to an IED.

>> No.5354987


I don't know about other people, but back in my days of mandatory military training, it kinda killed my creativity, as well as my interest and ability to express myself in ways more complicated than sir, yes sir.

>> No.5355400

A couple. My school was known for the writing program and there was some serious talent. Whole lotta horse girls and a whole lotta LA girls and a whole lotta suburban white girls, though.


The Navy would give overeducated fags like ourselves a cushy job on a boat.
I very, very seriously considered it.

>> No.5355431

read this post in an angry german voice

>> No.5355434

The military is funded and trained to dehumanize you.

>> No.5355452

I've neither chosen a major nor attempted to get anything published. I have nothing to be bitter about.

"Creative writing major" and "graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop" are not the same thing.

>> No.5355468

>What if I said James Franco was in my MFA writing workshop at Brooklyn College?
Tell him to read "Story" and when he's done explain how writing a novel differs from writing a screenplay in terms of the author's priorities.

>> No.5355473

Gene Roddenberry became an LA cop specifically because he knew how much dead time was in the job he could spend writing –plus it got his foot in the door writing for cop shows.

>> No.5355480

where did this delicious misha come from

>> No.5355489

>polyarmous ex- prostitute
tell her not charging for it any more doesn't change her job title

>> No.5355496

Yeah, there's one girl in two of my classes who is at the same level of intelligence as me. First time I've encountered a girl who could actually be smarter. She's a bit autistic though and has no sense of good form or modesty, so most people dislike her since she speaks out too much.

Everyone else is uninteresting

>> No.5355497

>be me, adjunct professor teaching a creative writing class a

An adjunct professor teaching writing who uses the shittiest Reddit meme to introduce a story

If I were you I'd be spray painting every reflective surface matte black to avoid having to look at myself

>> No.5355498

>cant handle dosto
Shut the fuck up you pleb

>> No.5355503

I think most schools regard Dostoyevsky as more advanced, so people don't typically read him 'til they're a senior or in grad school.

>> No.5355511

Not charging people for sex is by definition not a job.

You a prude or a jealous-fag?

>> No.5355515

I'm unimpressed with people who make up a word from a greek prefix on a latin suffix to substitute for "swinger"

>> No.5355537

As if we have to keep the word origins separate.
Not into it myself, but people would be much better off if they'd stop being so butt-clinched over their and others sexuality.

>> No.5355539

>no writing genre fiction in my classroom, guys
>only literary fiction :^)
Why do creative writing professors do this? As if genres were invalid and marginalizing literary fiction in such a way that it becomes a genre unto itself?

>> No.5355544

can one of you tumblr hippies explain what's wrong with the word 'single'

>> No.5355546

Anyone that is jealous of a prostitute is, by definition, a retard.

>> No.5355571

I think the big issue is getting students to fucking WRITE literary fiction. It isn't a genre, it's a degree of quality that people strive to achieve. Good fiction is literary fiction. Bad fiction isn't. It can conform to a genre and still be literary.

>> No.5355591
File: 47 KB, 768x512, fda9efe17126187d78cde6e7f5c620ba9f2e8e69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reducing your source of inspiration down to only one thing.
>Not taking inspiration from anything and everything that interests you.

You'll never amount to anything.

>> No.5355856

not sure where you got that from. all i read was that somebody asked somebody else what they were currently reading and then they answered.

>> No.5355921

"literary fiction" is a genre though, it's trite shit that's considered literary by newspapers and reviews on Amazon but appears to be boring, uninspired horseshit to any actually intelligent reader - the kind of shit "creative writing" teachers teach and students produce like diarrhea.

>"teaching" creativity

>> No.5355992

>teaching creativity
>teaching an innate quality
Blame the idiots who fall for this rubbish.

>> No.5356057

Michael Chabon calls this the "contemporary quotidian, plotless, moment-of-truth revelatory story"

I like that or some shortened version of it to describe what you're talking about, and we can leave "literary fiction" to mean "good fiction."

>> No.5356118

>going to a college
>wants to be an author
>wants to be an author
>learning how to write from a failed author
>can't think how to write without the help of a failed author
>implying you'll ever be an author if you go to college for it

>> No.5356179

Why wouldn't they be interesting?

>> No.5356209

a lot of successful authors teach

>> No.5356224

>Creative writing class
>realize later on that we really didnt learn much about plot structure or developing characters, we just wrote whatever we wanted and did peer-critique

I liked the teacher, but this was pretty dissappionting

>> No.5356235

pretty much all authors teach. it's kind of disheartening seeing them all sell out but they need dough and no one reads so can't blame them

>> No.5356239

i refuse to believe people in college never even heard the name dostoevsky.
i'm not saying they should've read it, but never HEARD about him? fuck's sake.

>> No.5356371

Are you me?

>> No.5356602
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I took a creative writing class in college. I submitted a couple of short stories. One girl said it was the best thing she'd ever read, and then compared it to Twilight. I killed myself after class. Being dead's alright, I guess.

>> No.5356619

Someone please make this last panel an alien that says "ayy lmao" so I don't have to in 3 hours.

>> No.5356624

Your problem is that you think being in one of those classes will actually help you. You have the same ambitions as everyone else. What makes you so special and interesting?

>> No.5356655

Of course because creative writing classes are, like, totally the main source of new western literature, you see ?

>> No.5356674


someone put a sterner in the last pane you stupid fuck

>> No.5356682 [DELETED] 

What was the story about?

>> No.5356692


I'm curious what you majored in. English programs are more or less the way you have described them, but it varies quite a bit by University.

That being said, if English major types are "boring," which majors aren't?

>> No.5356698

kind of looks like me, only im fatter and a little less handsome ; )

>> No.5356707

I recently met a history major in Paris (and not an undergrad at that, he had already started writing his masters' project) told me almost nobody in his class was interested in literature. He had a sad look saying that.

>> No.5356734

>are you telling me that i can use it to pick up cute pseudo-literary hipster girls, anon?

You mean that wasn't the reason you choose the course ?

>> No.5356801 [DELETED] 

>I'm in a creative writing class
>I desire to be an author
>I'm an upper-middle class white guy
Should I just fucking kill myself now?

>> No.5356813

You should have a failed suicide attempt then spend your whole life searching for the truth of that one life-changing experience. Your search would then be told in a masterful autofictional novel entitled In Search of Last Fail.

>> No.5356843

>First time I've encountered a girl who could actually be smarter.

>> No.5356858

OP just made me realize that I should definitely take creative writing. Rich white girls everywurr and I'm the only straight dude. Sounds pretty baller right.

>> No.5356878


I substitute taught 7th/8th grade science a few years ago and had to set up the lab and teach the kids to observe/document slides.

"Mr. Anon, are we going to be using those things from 'Twilight' today?"

>those things from Twilight

>> No.5356901


only if you can lie through your teeth about caring for their insanely misguided notions of feminism.

one slip in your facade and you're forced to drop the class, lest you want to endure the collective glares of 10 women, all menstrual synced with the moon, telling you all about their poor understanding of the latest Zadie Smith essay they read and adopted as religion.

good luck Anon. Enjoy Diet Coke, Starbucks, and Ugg boots.

Know what 'Topshop' is and you'll be in that pussy in NO TIME.

>> No.5356917

Fairly certain I know her. Didn't she have a boyfriend that lived in Europe or something?

>> No.5357027

>Take creative writing course cause what the fuck it's the last semester in college and I need the credits to graduate
>walk in and take a quick glance at the class, seems like a pretty normal....
>in walks chubby fat girl who had hot topic explode all over her
>she is carrying two books, the first in a complete collection of H.P. Lovecraft and the second is Twilight
>though none of us knew it yet, this girl would be our nemesis
>every writing assignment would have her bring in an exerpt from her book she is working on
>you would have to read it out loud and so we were blessed with the continuing adventures of a female drifter who falls in love with a werewolf that can make more werewolves by having sex with women
>did i mention she had a lisp?

>> No.5357047 [DELETED] 

Why do girls take creative writing classes so much more often than guys?

>> No.5357061

Creative writing = dogshit easy.

Men take philosophy classes.

>> No.5357064

>going to college
>not dropping out before orientation without letting anyone know, being kicked out of your house by your livid parents and moving to a new city where you live paycheck to paycheck and work on your novel

you ain't shit, /lit/

>> No.5357122


Tell us the story nigga

>> No.5357128

>you ain't shit

Thank God. You, on the other hand, are not so lucky.

>> No.5357166 [DELETED] 

What do you think it would be like to be in a creative writing class with some contemporary author that would go on to be incredibly successful and influential like Pynchon or DFW? How would you feel knowing you were there to witness their conception as a writer firsthand?

>> No.5357170

Actually I'm just being a shit. I was slated to go to University of Iowa but $7,000 in loans every year ain't gonna fly when you and your family legitimately have no money. My parents wanted me to do it anyway because neither of them went to college but I thought it'd be better to just not go since all of the things I'm good at aren't profitable and it'd be better to be blue collar than owe thousands I'll never be able to pay back as well as be blue collar.

>> No.5357175

You might get to hear their stories but I'm sure they'd be very disinterested in the class.

>> No.5357235

Generally because they're fucking sick of reading students' shitty genre fiction, although just saying 'no genre fiction' is a poor way to explain it.

I get the impression that many of them enjoy teaching, and depending on the institution literature is at least a subject which allows for some degree of spontaneity in the classroom.

>> No.5357262


what program are you in anon?

>> No.5357328

> taking a creative writing class to learn
> not taking it to fuck all of those rich white girls


>> No.5357330 [DELETED] 

Why not both?

>> No.5357349
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>> No.5357389
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Chuck Testa

>> No.5357403

you're an idiot brah. 7 a year in loans aint shit in the grand scheme of things. if you really didn't have many you'd get a pell grant which would cut your loans in half. but enjoy working in that mill bringing home 500 a week with that overtime pay.

>> No.5357417

I was in an undergraduate creative writing class with a guy who eventually wound up getting a deal for a novel at 23. It's still to far in advance to know if he'll be truly "great," but when we were in the class together it was obvious that he was in a league of his own. The class was structured such that we weren't reading each others' stories until the second half of the semester, but the first half when we were discussing short stories and writing techniques he dominated discussion. Not in an aggressive way, but simply because his comments were perfect little observations on how a writer might have come up with the story we were reading or how a style contributed to the overall message (I can't remember anything more specific than that). When we were workshopping our stories, we was the third one to go, and after that I think everyone was a little discouraged. We all wrote the pretty typical undergraduate stories revolving around (for the girls) failed romances and (for the guys) dull writing interspersed with flashes of violence (as well as the few kids who insisted on writing genre fiction), but his was about a group of old men trying to recreate a film they had seen as children that they had always remembered, but in the process discovered that their recollections conflicted. The second half of the story involves them trying to reconcile these differences into one "over-film" that contains all the possibilities of what it could actually be like. Again, the dude wrote this when we were undergraduates. His was like 35 pages when the next longest was half that. Like I said, pretty intimidating considering it was obvious how much work he put into that story and his writing in general. Definitely shut up a lot of the girls who thought of themselves as writers but were too lazy to put in the work. I sort of tried to make friends with him but he was too...mysterious I guess is the word. Like when you'd talk to him it was like he was seeing not just you but a whole web of things you were interconnected with that you were unaware of. He'd mention something out of nowhere and connect it with what you said in a brilliant way, having these bursts of thought where more and more things came out after one another like he was talking to himself. He wasn't rude, but again, it was intimidating. It's difficult to meet a genius when you had pretensions of being talented before. It really knocks you down a peg. No one in my class doubted he was insanely talented though. I think the only dissent came in whispers when he wasn't around because other people were jealous.

>> No.5357419

>Expecting americans to understand stuff

>> No.5357447

>implying white women as a whole are uninteresting

>inserting race baiting into a literature discussion

>> No.5357509

I did get a Pell grant. I got the maximum you can in other financial aid as well because my family has no income but they still left me with $7,000 left to cover. All of the areas I would get a degree in are useless to the market, or they don't pay well at all. Radio production, linguistics, Italian, etc. Useless. Plus you can learn any and all of those without a degree.

>> No.5357555


That sounds like a fascinating story anon. Do you remember more details of it, how the end panned out, etc

>> No.5357608

Did people try to be friends with him? Or were they also intimidated or found it difficult to speak at the same level?

>> No.5357609

underrated post

>> No.5357642

Pls tell moar

>> No.5357673

Every major has this same problem. I hated everyone after taking a few film classes, the teacher knew it was bad though, once he mentioned "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" and was like "but you've probably never seen it...".

In Computer Science everyone is just a nerd who wants to make games and they play with their laptops during lectures, not even listening.

>> No.5357681

I want to take a creative writing class just so someone will force me to write something
I sit down to write and I stare at the page for 20 minutes before giving up

>> No.5357687

That's whatcha get when you tell people they need to go to school above all other things. Don't worry about what you actually want to to do, don't think deeply on what you really want to be an expert on, just fucking go to school brah. Just go to school and everything will sort itself out, somehow!

>> No.5357691

sounds like me in most of my math classes

>> No.5357925

That's exactly what they work for. It gives you ludicrous amounts of time to write and discuss writing. And, yeah yeah, "a true artiste will create even when he's working twenty-two hours in the asbestos mines and has an eight hour commute to the leaky cardboard box he lives in", but writing classes *force* you to write, which is what people without discipline often need. And it forces you to write even when you're not "inspired", which is good training.

>> No.5357933


true points, but isn't there a danger in relying on someone elses controlled structure for your creativity? i think truly the biggest hurdle for many of us is self-discipline and taking a creative writing class, in many cases, is simply a way for us to get our little pats on the back, to eat our little nuts, and then for many it's back to huge periods of non-creativity.

a good creative writing class or shop would teach you to develop a personal writing routine, no? that's tough, but useful beyond the class.

>> No.5357955

I don't think he wants for the creativity. He wants it to spur has discipline

>> No.5357959

>isn't there a danger in relying on someone elses controlled structure for your creativity
There is, but it at least gets you into the habit of writing more or less daily. After I was done with the writing class I kept that up for a while, then faded into playing DF far too much, and then writing again, but it was difficult to write when I didn't have a specific goal, like "deliver it to the teacher for criticism". Then I set myself the goal of writing a novel, though, and things went swimmingly. So, yeah, the onus of writing ultimately falls on the writer, but the practice given by writing classes can be helpful for certain kinds of writer.

>> No.5358008

That's that Elijiah Wood movie, right? What's it called?

>> No.5358053


>I hated everyone after taking a few film classes

I've been there, but from my personal experience the people who annoyed me the most were those who simply liked watching films (which may sound strange but bear with me). They never had much intention of discussing anything major about films or looking at them as being anything beyond the entertainment that everybody in the West grows up to associate with cinema. It was more like film appreciation and it took me a while to figure out why I couldn't, and still can't, relate to the majority of film majors I've known.

>> No.5358145

I love watching films, but still all of my favorite films are art-house and I like to read analyses and theories as well. With film I love watching even shitty films, with literature the book has to be good for me to enjoy it.

>> No.5358153

>using white as a derogatory term
You must feel so enlightened. I can almost smell your pretentiousness through the monitor.

>> No.5358162
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>or philosophy

>> No.5358163

underrated post

>> No.5358184

What was his name Anon?

>> No.5358227

Sounds like a delusional faggot.

>> No.5358286

>they're all rich white girls
gtfo back to /pol/

>> No.5358298

>enjoy working in that mill bringing home 500 a week
is this supposed to be an insult?

>> No.5358825

This was a long time ago (I'm 24 now, took the class when I was 19), but it was fascinating enough I remember the plot points pretty well (I also had a copy on my computer for a while until it disappeared). There were five old men I think, all of whom had immigrated to America from a totalitarian regime in Europe (can't remember if it was Nazi Germany or USSR). They didn't know each other as kids, but met each other when they were 60-ish in a community for people from their country. They get to talking about the movie they had seen as kids that they all remember but are unable to find in the US because it was presumably lost in the regime's collapse. But their memories are so vivid and they love the film so much they try to recreate it. Some plot points they agree on (unfortunately the actual contents of the film are what I forget most) while others there is no consensus on. Their five different personalities also influence how they perceive their memories. For instance, one is now a progressive activist and thinks the film was totalitarian propaganda (though he still enjoyed it). Another is a painter and keeps comparing it to Tarkovsky. For years they try to recreate the film by incorporating all their memories into a single entity. It ends with them dying off one by one from old age. Their version of the film is unfinished, but one of their children decides to make his own version of it based off childhood memories he had of his father trying to make the film. The whole thing is told in little fragments that mirror the thought process of trying to remember something. I hope he publishes it someday, but knowing him he seems like too much of a perfectionist to release something he wrote as a teenager.

>> No.5358833

He had a (small) group of friends, to be sure. But no one in my class ended up being friends with him because it's hard to have your first impression of someone be that intense. Plus, I'm sure he collectively bruised the egos of everyone in the class, and as we know inflating egos takes up an unfortunate portion of a writing class's purpose.

>> No.5358843

His name's David Lapinsky. He got the novel deal about six months ago and it isn't out yet (not sure of the release schedule, or even its plot, either). I'm friends with him on Facebook but he hardly ever updates so there's still tons I don't know about him but wish I did. Look for his book to hit the shelves, I guess. Not that I know its name either.

>> No.5358859

>first year writing workshop
>one ugly white girl who always has 'opinions' in class
>'whatever,' think I, 'she's probably a really good eccentric writer and deserves to have all these stupid opinions'
>one day put in a workshop group with her
>she tears holes in everyone's story over the minutest details, missing the actual issues
>only critques my grammar and word choice like a bitch
>'what are these tiny silver dragons in the field'?(Or whatever I wrote.) 'They're dragonflies.' 'Well that's not clear'
>we all read her story
>we trade glances among us while she waits expectantly
>it's the worst shit we've ever read
>a monotonous four pages about a peasant woman picking cabbage, at the end of the story she realizes her house is on fire
>tell her there's no tension, action, development of themes, reversal, anything to keep the reader interested
>'that's the point! i'm trying to evoke the feeling of boredom.'
>and why did you use the word 'musculoskeletally' here
>'to shock the reader. it's jarring.'
>skip to a week later, prof gives me my assignment after class accompanied by a handful of compliments (it was about a woman trying to recall watching her friend fall off a cliff when she was too young to understand what had happened)
>white girl is there with her assignment which had received an 'injustly' low mark
>leave, go to the bathroom, step back out into the hall
>white girl bursts out of the classroom in tears
>try to ask her if she's okay what happened
>she glares at me and walks

Then she dropped the course hahaha

There was also this one cool nerdy dude who I thought had a speech impediment but in reality was just too fucked up by drugs from his rock n roll lifestyle. He had opinions like he was on shrooms constantly and only wrote short stories about his menagerie of past girlfriends (seriously he was 25 and there were like 40)

>> No.5361021


Yes, you sub-human white trash.

>> No.5361053

Do you remember his name or know what his published book was titled?

>> No.5361062

because of some tragic misstep in my sexual development i can now only masturbate to vaguely homely girls reviewing books on youtube. mostly, then, i just search "book review" and good golly miss molly, it's miles and miles of university aged white females reviewing young adult literature, often by middle aged white females. rarely ever do i encounter a male or a darkie. also, if another one cites harry potter as a defining influence on their development, i am going to rip me dick off.

>> No.5361090

she actually sounds like the best writer in your class

>> No.5361114
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>peasant woman picking cabbage, at the end of the story she realizes her house is on fire

This sounds like the making of a Monty Python skit.

>> No.5361142

All the college kids are journalism dropouts

>> No.5361174

I came to this conclusion as well.

How did the peasant woman react to her house being on fire? How did it catch fire?

>> No.5361177

And when do peasants have their own homes?

>> No.5361204

I remember this one sickly young white fellow who would always write these nebulous stories with self-hating narcissistic characters, and I always feel conflicted critiquing his work because they were perfect caricatures but it seemed like only I through my neuroses was interpreting them in this way and they were in fact being generated entirely by accident.

Then there was a large fat black student who always stared at his desk and turned in a fantastic short story about a young boy with delusions of masculinity that were destroyed when he was confronted by a homeless man who attacked him and his crush, and you can just see the deep pervasive cowardice developing in the character as the girl takes the hand of a rival boy that actually rose to action during the ordeal.

I remember this stupid fucking bitch who was obsessed with korean dramas and would write horrible nonsensical pilots for k-dramas of her own.

I also recall this depressive fellow who wrote long rambling novels and would post them for critique and no one would really read them. I liked him and he told me he was reading Delilo and he hoped one day he could make it as a novelist but he felt it was all just so intimidating. I don't know what ever happened to him.

There was another one who may or may not have been psychologically disturbed, he always wrote surreal short stories and after graduation he wandered into the desert and has apparently been adventuring ever since.

There was also a hispanic girl who wrote these fiercely emotional stories, obviously uncertain of herself and with something to prove, who after we parted ways went on to Alaska to work a radio station in some far-off little town.

I guess these are more interesting experiences than most.

>> No.5361221


I'll also mention that the desert-wandering fellow tried to create a society for our class, so that as writers we could continue to work together even after the class was over, but literally no one responded to the entreaty, not even me, something I regret terribly and would not have done if I were not such a coward at the time

>> No.5361451

>David Lapinsky
that story sounds sick, will hopefully remember the name if it comes out

>> No.5361486

actually further question if you happen to see this: do you remember what he read or liked to read?

granted i'm sure his tastes expanded from 19 to 23 I'm always interested

>> No.5361539
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>Because non-subhumans major in STEM or philosophy.


>> No.5361671

I took one and all the people in it were just average people who wrote mostly boring stories.
>Sub-urban white girl who believes she's immensely talented and talks about how she believes she will be a big time writer on facebook
>All her stories are soppy romance stories about a girl going with a "special guy" to some foreign or big city like New York

The only story I liked that I wrote in that class was a short story about a teenager who's friend named mason gets arrested and the protagonist believes he's falsely accused so he starts an internet campaign. He later believes it's gaining steam when he here's of and joins the Freemasons. From there it kind of delved into a surreal journey through freemasonry and the incompetence of modern bureaucracy.

>> No.5361719
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because failed authors never taught anyone how to write, right?

>> No.5361723

>all the actual academics are still straight white males


>> No.5361729

Where the hell did you get this idea? Dostojevsky writes stylistically simple/bland prose with no difficult ideas. He is literally a high school author in Russia, with his only advanced or challenging parts being the absurd amounts of filler in his novels.

Pynchon is grad school stuff. Joyce is grad school author. Spenser is a late senior author. Dosty is a fancied high school writer.

>> No.5361756

Yo, le protip: plebbit is a bastion of liberal arts and assorted degeneracies therein.

>> No.5361766


>> No.5361776

I got diagnosed once, then undiagnosed. Maybe you're still faking it? There's a chance.

>> No.5361779

>He is literally a high school author in Russia
No, Tolstoy is the high school author in Russia. Dostoyevsky is a bit too controversial and more difficult to read. (He has a rambling, conversational style, very disconcerting for people used to 'clean', literary language.)

>> No.5361783

>Pynchon is grad school stuff

>> No.5361784

It was a fucking solidarity salute. Does it confuse you that there are socialists at your uni?

>> No.5361785


>> No.5361791

I hate this. I get so self-defensive whenever I come across someone and think "this person might actually be better than me." Then I try to poke holes in the person while pretending I'm genuinely helping him.

I feel like Antonio Salieri in Amadeus, always second fiddle to these people with great aspirations and inspirations, and when I do meet them, instead of encouraging them, I try to subtly drag them down to my level.

>> No.5361795

That anon might not be right about the brown people, but they're certainly right about the programs not caring. It's a business, mate.

>> No.5361800

I pumped out a goddamn novel during the semester I had a creative writing course. After that? Nothing.

Some people need the extra push.

>> No.5361805

>Then I try to poke holes in the person while pretending I'm genuinely helping him.

The majority of people I know did this to me when first getting to know me and it's horrifying.

>> No.5361812

>"Oh yeah? Well what are YOU reading?"
I don't understand. What reason would a person have for asking this?

>> No.5361818

>the majority
That might be paranoia, anon.

>> No.5361835

I don't meet a lot of people.

>> No.5361928

on the plus side, salieri is pretty much my favorite character from all forms of media. He is on a complete other level, the name deserves immortality from that role

(with the exception of the childhood flashback)

>> No.5362269

>creative writing class
>in-class exercise
>we read them aloud
>all but two (my own included) are about college kids getting drunk and hooking up

>> No.5362534

>a monotonous four pages about a peasant woman picking cabbage, at the end of the story she realizes her house is on fire
You went to a writing workshop that featured herman melville?

>> No.5362541

>To whom it may concern: I wish to registry a complaint about the last sketch. The cabbage picking details are irrelevant and the destruction of the peasant's house was uncalled for.
>Best regards,
>Leonard J. Cimmerbadge Jr., Mrs.

>> No.5362568

>All her stories are soppy romance stories about a girl going with a "special guy" to some foreign or big city like New York
isnt that the kind of story that makes people famous though

>> No.5362584

Does this shit happen outside the US? Because every time I see someone questioned on their university, they reply that it's really some apparently prestigious American school, yet I never see any other nationalities producing these horror stories.

>> No.5362621

i live outside the us and i've never even heard about creative writing classes being held around here.
i'm sure i could find them if i were to dig around but i'm pretty sure they're few and far between.
maybe some icelandic /lit/erati could tell us whether they have creative writing classes and whether they're good since they have so many authors.

>> No.5362626

Excepting this detail, Iceland sounds idyllic. If I'm ever not poor, I want to stay there some day.

>> No.5362639
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no dude don't tell them. they'll want to go there too.

>> No.5362737

Iceland: the only Nordic country not ruined by mass third-world immigration. I too think that it sounds paradisiacal.

>> No.5363746

>a teenager who's friend named mason gets arrested and the protagonist believes he's falsely accused so he starts an internet campaign. He later believes it's gaining steam when he here's of and joins the Freemasons.

>"Free Hat" is episode 88 of the animated series South Park. It originally aired on July 10, 2002. [...] Cartman writes "Free Hat" on the advertising poster in the belief that freebies are necessary to attract people. However, the crowd mistakenly thinks the rally is to free Hat McCullough, a convicted baby killer they believe was innocent.

>> No.5363763

I'm Norwegian and even we have four or five "full-time" writing classes. Man, you guys were supposed to keep on being skalds and shit so we Norwegians could keep up with the rest of the world without feeling bad about our traditions dying out.

>> No.5363817

>8/10 girl who writes "funny" stories about her waking up and not wanting to get out of bed because she's hungover
>thinks she'll write good stories because her life has been so "funny"

>black aspiring story-teller writes thematically simple but convoluted stories that he reads in sort of a generic "story teller" voice

>old woman who took the class to learn how to write bedtime stories for her grand-daughter actually uses symbolism properly, albeit still amateurly.
>One of the only people in the class that I could see going on to write something worthwhile

>spirit-healer who made sure we all knew that her brother was dead writes about non-sense recurring dreams featuring her dead brother walking around in green mist in a basement

>one guy who writes high fantasy and supernatural stories with rogue-like characters but reads it in a voice that I couldn't really bear to listen to
>don't really read fantasy so I can't say whether his stories were good or not

>one kid who reads us his delusional chuunibyou notebook scribblings while we all struggle not to laugh or cringe posts poorly designed flyers before class one day and passes around his self-published novel
>pic related, you can also read the preview

>> No.5363831
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>pic related

>> No.5363840
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interesting people don't need to take creative writing classes

>> No.5363895

>73 year-old gypsy woman with the equivalent of ~8000000 dollars in the bank
>buys an apartment instead of living at the boarding school
>writes about her own experiences in foreign countries, romance and light comedy abounds
>great prose but entirely uninteresting

>guy with a drug problem who only writes genre detective fiction
>gets confronted about the fact
>writes a zombie story
>people still dislike his genre-ness
>writes a poem called "Sjuk kuk" (literally "Diseased Cock")
>it's about two extremely old people having sex while they're practically falling apart
>when he reads it to the class, one girl leaves the classroom and vomits in the flowerbed

>> No.5363913

Damn it's true.

>took creative writing class
>shit tier writers everywhere
>do all the work
>get a B+

never again

>> No.5363917


did someone come out and fuck the vomit afterward

>> No.5363935

I'm a straight white male who's relatively conservative. I snuck my way into an MFA program. So there's hope.

>> No.5363936

The drug guy sounds hilarious as a barrel of monkeys.

>> No.5363973

You mean the program with professors that don't provide any comments on their student's work? Such a good program.

>not going to Syracuse
>not going to Houston
>or even a variety of other programs

>> No.5364867

>old woman who took the class to learn how to write bedtime stories for her grand-daughter.

This is adorable.

>> No.5364879

>>when he reads it to the class, one girl leaves the classroom and vomits in the flowerbed
I would have clapped and I'm not even american.

>> No.5364886

>>dont really read [genre] so I can't say whether his stories were good or not
You are a good man, anon.

>> No.5365097

You don't need to read genre fiction to know it's shit, genre plebs should be put in their place at every opportunity.

>> No.5365111

>not being the product of a failed abortion

>> No.5365465

>Prostitute with multiple armors
>Kamikaze redskin
>ESP-reads objects
That sounds like a pretty complete team. Any quests yet?

>> No.5365477

>isconcerting for people used to clean'
this, if you ask people who don't even read anything to read that you'll end up with a ton of copycats who don't even grasp what they are trying to copy but just feel they should.
Like teens reading kerouac.

>> No.5365482

But don't forget the poor girls has no sense of modesty, unlike anon.

>> No.5365484
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Nor do they need a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. Jesus Christ what a huge waste of time and money. And all the writers those programs shove out are shit!

>> No.5365489

>I was born with all my creativity
>This people in this book, I was born knowing how they would behave and what could be an interesting motivation
>All this settings come purely from my mind, if I had grown inside a bottle I could still describe them just like that

>> No.5365498

That could had gone in so many great ways from apples and babies to vampires and cars.

>> No.5365499

I've done some one-shot, to multi-week workshops with an established author that put me in touch with a group of decent local poets. (One of them got accepted to the Iowa Workshop halfway through, several had or went on to get MFAs.) You're just as likely to meet these sort of people in your community literary scene. Open mics, readings, small workshops.
University workshops, run by staff, are almost always all uncommited, or semi-commited writers, with maybe one or two people who really have done reading and have written away all the usual bad habits.

>> No.5365505

burn in hell lou, you can't write for shit

>> No.5365507

You can be a transla... oh, italian. If only you had it to learn russian you could make a buck doing fake translations of things putin never said.

>> No.5365526

That sounds like equal parts of hard work and charisma. And you need both to get published and stay so, I guess. If you can sell youself, in the good sense, you're more set than if you are a god but no onw knows.

>> No.5365537

Imagine the joy of living in a country without any kind of industrial movie production and having people want to make blockbusters.

>> No.5365545

Just ask him out already, you big closeted homo(sapiens)

>> No.5365555

>>5361114 first part, peasant woman and fire

>>5362541 second part, formal complaint

>>5361177 third part, viewers confused

Yeah, it's pretty much a middle tier mothy sketch