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/lit/ - Literature

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535235 No.535235 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/. Having seen a rather faggoty post the other day while perusing /b/ I was compelled to read about the Myers-Briggs psychological model. Like most of you I think of myself as a writer and artist (underageb& so I don't exactly have any credentials) and I found my inferrences about myself in the context of the model to be disheartening. I found I was either an INTP or ENTP of the Rational temperament (leaning further to INTP), which doesn't boast many notable writers or poets, and, starting to doubt my own artistic ability I reread things I've written and now everything I have written seems cold and Lovecraftian. Any benevlolent e/lit/ists care to dispel any bullshit for me?

tl;dr Myers-Briggs: bullshit?
Pic unrelated

>> No.535240


>> No.535239

you are a fucking retard, even for 4chan

>> No.535242


I'm 15, and thought I'd exploit the anonymity to dispel retarded worries of mine. But you're probably right.

>> No.535243


Reported for underage

>> No.535246


the people who make this shit up aren't creative. So they don't know anything about the creative process.

if you're dedicated, it won't matter

>> No.535247


/lit/'s not an 18+ board

>> No.535249


All of 4chan is 18+. /lit/ is just a SFW board.

>> No.535250


4chan is an 18+ website.

Global rule #2

>> No.535263

When you get older, you will come to understand that psychologists are robots without a clue.

They are frightened by passion. They objectivize human emotion.

tl;dr BS? Yes.

>> No.535270

Again, thanks, but it looks like I'm fucked now. I'm off to immediately discontinue browsing.

>> No.535273

Rules make us feel safe on the tightrope.

>> No.535275


You'd have been fine if you hadn't called attention to it.

>> No.535281


Great, fifteen, thinks hes the next Lovecraft because the shit he writes is HEAVY N BLEAK MAN!!1eleventy!!1

Go be annoying somewhere else, come back when you've actually got some literary knowledge.

>> No.535289

But he realizes that Lovecraft sucks and doesn't want to write like him so it's OK!

>> No.535305

he/she/it had a point though. fifteen year olds write shit, if you want proof read christopher paolini.

>> No.535309

Not heavy and bleak, more emotionless and pretentious. Preferring complicated sentences and longer words over substance.

>> No.535312

so like paolini, meyers, and other shit writers, congratulations.

>> No.535342

Alright, I'm actually a Cognitive Neuroscience major, and probably have a better understanding of the Myers-Briggs than anybody else here (not trying to be pompous, it's just probably true).

The Myers-Briggs definitely isn't bullshit. It has a long history of being upheld by rigorous statistical testing, and is one of the most commonly used personality tests in the world. HOWEVER- this does not mean that your MB type will define the rest of your life. Your result means that you have a tendency to act a particular way, not that you always or only act in that way. The fact that there aren't many other INTP writers means that for whatever reason, it's not common for people with that personality to be drawn to writing. Since you obviously seem to be drawn to writing, you can become just as good as anyone else with practice.

I hope that helped.

>> No.535366


personality archtypes are so damn stupid. fuck jung.

>> No.535381

its bullshit. get over it. even though there may be archtypes to classify people the variety of details that make us who we are- are infinite or more finite than man will ever comprehend. now- you can use these archtypes to generalize but if you're someone who thinks what i'm saying above is true then throw these tests right out the window. if you want to believe these tests you might as well go read horoscopes to help your life.

>> No.535388
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Myers-Briggs is bullshit.

It's the Zodiac by another name, except the Zodiac is more accurate because you'll never be a Leo one day and a Capricorn the other day.

/r9k/ eats up this Myers-Briggs bullshit because they're retards who like to take online quizzes.

>> No.535390


You suck.

>> No.535393

Wait, you seem to be disagreeing with me, but I think that our points are the same. Maybe I didn't express myself very well.

The Myers-Briggs isn't a curse or a death sentence. It's a suggestion that you have a tendency to act in a certain way. That's a pretty widely accepted idea. Obviously we can make a very broad generalization and say, for example, that introverts act differently than extroverts. So the Myers-Briggs is saying that often times you are likely to act in a particular (but still broadly defined) way.

Does this mean that OP can't be a writer? No, that's stupid. OP can be whatever the hell he wants. And if OP met another INTP, they might be completely different from him.

Personality tests don't define who you are as a person. They just suggest a tendency to act in a broad way.

>> No.535403

You clearly don't know anything about how psychological measures are created and tested. Part of how a test gets a high validity score (which the MBTI has) is that individuals can fill it out over and over again and get the same results.

I'm very uncomfortably with the idea of you denigrating science when you clearly aren't educated on it.

>> No.535406

ITT: i am a beautiful and unique snowflake and nobody can classify me

>> No.535405

i define my own archtype. i am my own archtype. anything less is an intrusion into that part of my ego which keeps me human. i won't sacrifice the ghost. my vanity won't have it any other way.

>> No.535412

This man is right.

I took the Myers-Briggs in a psych class and both me and two of my friends got INTP. We are, however, very different people. I'm more of an artist/writer than both of them. One is a total douchebag and the other is a really nice guy that's doing pre-med currently. We do have certain behavior patterns that are similar and fall into the INTP categorization, but those things don't strictly define us as the people we are.

>> No.535413

if you read about the different personality types, you'll find that they're more or less interchangeable.

Are you logical, original, and a creative thinker? Or are you friendly, adaptable, and action-oriented? Or are you practical, traditional, and organized? Most likely, you're all of the above to one degree or another. Personality types are bullshit, they're all vague and meaningless classifications that can be substituted with one another with little or no difference.

It's bullshit. No different than the Zodiac.

>> No.535415

How silly! I'm an INTP and writing is the only thing I've ever really shown much talent in.

>> No.535421

this. and its great that people think so.

>> No.535437

just took it here's my result:

All Rationals are good at planning operations, but Masterminds are head and shoulders above all the rest in contingency planning. Complex operations involve many steps or stages, one following another in a necessary progression, and Masterminds are naturally able to grasp how each one leads to the next, and to prepare alternatives for difficulties that are likely to arise any step of the way. Trying to anticipate every contingency, Masterminds never set off on their current project without a Plan A firmly in mind, but they are always prepared to switch to Plan B or C or D if need be.

>> No.535834

Dude, I just got the same thing. We should get together to overthrow the government or something. We could plan it real good.

>> No.535841

you mean real well. not good. could your grammar be any worser goddamn.

>> No.536136

OP again, I don't think necessarily that it should have any effect on my ability as a writer, but having the idea presented to me shook me up a little and I reevaluated some things I've written, finding it to be overly logical and often devoid of emotion, which would make me a shitty writer in my view. I'm fully aware that this is alarmist and immature, but, like I said I'm exploiting the anonymity,

>> No.536172

I hate, hate, hate Myers-Briggs tests.

Always the same result, always describes me perfectly. I'm so self-analytical that I've already come to the same conclusions about my personality and these tests sometimes go and tell me that I would do so.

God damn Myers-Briggs.

>> No.536198

>which doesn't boast many notable writers or poets

That's not because INTPs lack a proclivity in this area, but more likely because:

A) Their tendencies and creative energies produce fiction which, while it is capable as being as good or bad as other MBTI types, does not have the same broad appeal as, say, an INFJ's writings. This is probably because the conceptual core and structural elements will be more significant than deep emotional or social insights.

B) Because INTPs tend towards conceptual/structural exploration and expression, many of them are drawn to the sciences and philosophy where they are unburdened by attempts to understand people, society or emotions on the same level as many novelists do.

>> No.536232

haha i'm an INTP usually but some days an ENTP the introvert/extrovert is the only thing that changes which makes sense as i'm a depressive--i'd be willing to bet that /lit/ is INTP predominant.

>> No.536238

You're just an ENTP that gets depressive, not an ENTP that switches to INTP.

People don't change types except potentially due to exceptional trauma or a very long period of slow change.

'Extraverted' doesn't mean 'always fucking happy to see people'.

>> No.536244

OP again, I'd call myself extroverted, but in social situations where I'm not completely at ease with everyone in the room, as I am most of the time, I tend to withdraw and become just a logical shell, rather than someone with humorous or directive input in a conversation, and that's apparently consistent with INTP.

>> No.536254

right, but when i'm depressed (and also strangely more likely to take a self assesment test ha) i score an INTP and i think it reflects my mood. Depression quickly alters the perception and it seems definitive and permanent at the time..

>> No.536266

ITT: People who have never read Jung.

>> No.536270

I read Jung, and this Myers-Briggs shit isn't associated with anything he's ever written.

>> No.536271

That's not true. People can change types. The MB test has to do with behavior, not the state of your soul or something. In fact, if you talk to an HR person or whoever administered the test, they'll probably tell you that it's a good idea to try to get yourself as close to the center in each category as you can, because you'll have an easier time communicating and collaborating with more people.

>> No.536280
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People take Myers-Briggs seriously? Haha.

>> No.536301

Pepole take Voight-Kampff seriously?

>> No.536302

If you want something that is more open to variability in personalities than Meyers-Briggs, look into Socionics. Its more intuitive, and allows for many different possibilities even within the standard personality types and between genders.

Though, just so you know, you may not be your Meyers-Briggs equivilant in Socionics. I test as an ISTJ in MBTI, where in Socionics I'm an ILI--the closest analogue to the INTP type.

There is also the tiny problem of most of the information being machine translations from Russian, though. And the fact that it doens't have a huge foothold in the west.

There is also the problem that there is no real good test. You just have to do the reading, and be realistic in your observations of yourself.

Though, like the others have said, any type given is not a nail in your coffin, determining your fate. Its just documentation of common personality traits and tendencies that people have.

Its a very human trait to lump everything into boxes and categories. Don't feel bad, just don't let your 'category' define you.

>> No.536309

I pass it everytime