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5349540 No.5349540[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do people actually unironically believe in this?

>> No.5349547

Not even the Catholic Church does, at least not literally. It's all about the interpretation, and it has been this way for the past 2000 years.

>> No.5349550

Only the peasants

>> No.5349554

only /pol/ish fedoralords

>> No.5349558

This is a joke, btw.

>> No.5349560

Fedora status: tipped

>> No.5349562

Where does it say that we're not supposed to take it literally? My copy didn't come with a preface.

>> No.5349573

Love the part where Jesus says, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

>> No.5349586

I used to not to, then I got a lot of education and now I take every word as the truth.

Just study it out

>> No.5349591

>Where does it say that we're not supposed to take it literally? My copy didn't come with a preface.

Really? Mine did:

"For my darling Amy.

The views and opinions expressed here are the authors own. Any relation to persons living or dead is purely coincidental..."

>> No.5349592

Abel and Cain is the best story.

>> No.5349596

So, like, incest is ok?

>> No.5349613

i cry evry tiem

>> No.5349617

David and Jonathan is better.

dat brohood.
dat love spanning generations.

>> No.5349618
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You need some training, man. Haven't seen a troll this obvious since the last time I played Warhammer.

>> No.5349632

Well, yes; the Bible Belt is full of people who are convinced that Noah's Flood really happened and all that. Of course, they conveniently forget about the parts telling you to stone adulterers etc., but there you are.

>> No.5349637

If god wills it.

>> No.5349643

oh shit, I totally forgot about that. You're right.

Jonathan said to David, “Whatever you want me to do, I’ll do for you.”

So fucking powerful.

>> No.5349651

David said to Jonathan, "You can start by doing me."

>> No.5349656

4chan is a Christian board :^)

>> No.5349658

>yfw you will never have a true bro wherein you can casually fuck each other's boypussy while still fucking 3DPD

>> No.5349667

I'm sure you can find people in the Bible Belt who believe the punishment for adultery should be death, and that the government should be the one to carry out the sentence.

>> No.5349677

no. but they're supposed to metaphorically believe it. i don't understand why or how

>> No.5349707

Is there an annotated version that will tell me how each of the three faiths interpret each story, and the mental gymnastics they employ in claiming that what is happening is sensible and consistent?

>> No.5349710

Not really an annotated version, but the Dictionary of the Khazars has a similar theme to what you requested.

>> No.5349758

Yes of course it is OK, why it wouldn't be?
>inb4 sex = reproduction
>inb4 i can't do it myself therefore it is wrong

>> No.5350101

It has to be believed for it to work. Was it an ironic question?

>> No.5350248

Everything the Bible says is true, provided you know the proper context of the work
For example, God was created by a man and through God speaks that man. So when the Bible says "God created the world according to his image", it is making a very philosophical point that there's no absolute reality but that the world is an interpretation.
So the Bible is sort of a philosophical novel. I don't know why people don't realize this, probably because most other people in history didn't.

>> No.5350277

>Everything the Bible says is true, provided you constantly move the goalposts of what 'true' is


>> No.5350280

Is there anything wrong with moving goalposts? We do it all the time and there's no original or proper position for them.

>> No.5350286

>Is there anything wrong with moving goalposts?

Yes, it's something that is completely unnecessary if you aren't completely full of shit

>> No.5350293

>Yes, it's something that is completely inherent to interpretation if you aren't God


>> No.5350315

>Illness of the body is caused by the humours being out of balance. No, it's because of little germs. No, it's genetic and enviromental!
>Monarchy is the best way of government. No, we should govern by lots of different rich landed-families in flux with each other. No, the common people should rule themselves!
>Gold is the prettiest thing so it should be worth a lot of other things. No, value of objects should be based on usefulness for the peoples purchasing them. No, value should be assumed by trust given to fiat currency!

what is known is always fucking mental goalposts for the highest order of things. Get the fuck over yourselves.

>> No.5350325

Why is obvious troll? How can you tell which parts where written as it happened, and which parts were just a dream?

>> No.5350328

I do.

>> No.5350336

Are you trying to be evil, or ironic? I seriously can't tell.

Everything you posted is gibberish.

>> No.5350340


Do you know what it means?

>> No.5350345

There is an obvious difference. Medicine is open to discover more precise explanation to why illness happens. The interpretation of what was written in the bible changes "despite" what religious want to interpret.

>> No.5350351

The bible speaks for itself. That men lie about it should not cause anyone to wonder; the god of this world for the moment is the father of lies.

>> No.5350361

So do I.

>> No.5350372

well third world countries always have a propensity to be superstitious


>> No.5350374

It most certainly is not. The catholic church did not, and does not, promote bible study. They claim that only a lifetime of study by experts well founded in the church's tradition can explain to a man what the bible really says.

They literally chained the bible to pulpits for a thousand years, and read it in a dead language. To this day, they will tell you that the problem with christianity is that people started reading the bible for themselves.

>> No.5350377

I'm sorry it is gibberish to your ears, maybe train your ears.
Bible was written by somebody. That is part of the context. This piece of context, depending on how you interpret it, changes the interpretation of the work itself.
Now read that post again, this post is also a piece of context for that one.

>> No.5350381

I ironically believe in it

>> No.5350389


>> No.5350395

See, this is where your ignorance shows.

The bible stated that God gave Moses the 10 Commandments, and for His Chosen People, the Hebrews, to live by them. And to live by them perfectly, as He is perfect.

And in their ignorance, they said they could do it.

They could not. No man but Jesus ever lived a sinless life, and to accomplish that, even Jesus had to pull off a miracle by being born of a virgin, so as to not inherit His father's sin debt. As God the Father is His Father, He started out with a clean slate, unlike you and I.

So in the old covenant, you would stone adulterers as punishment for breaking God's Law. Because that is the punishment for breaking God's Law. Death.

While yet teaching the Law, the mob brought to Jesus a woman caught in the act of adultery. Likely naked. Likely a setup. And they asked Jesus if they should stone her to death, as the Law dictates.

Jesus declared that whoever was without sin should cast the first stone. Jesus wrote with His finger, in the stone, while they watched Him. God, writing with His finger, in stone. One by one they slunk away.

Jesus then asked the woman where her accusers were, and she said they left. "Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more."

Death came under the law.

Grace and truth and mercy came through Christ Jesus.

>> No.5350412

It provides nothing.

>Everything the Bible says is true, provided you know the proper context of the work
The bible is true whether you understand it or not; whether you provide context or not; and to all men of all ages.

>For example, God was created by a man
This is where the difference between evil and ironic leaped in.

>and through God speaks that man.

>So when the Bible says "God created the world according to his image"
The bible says God made man in His image.

>it is making a very philosophical point that there's no absolute reality but that the world is an interpretation.
Not even close. Adam looked like Jesus, Who is God, and Who shared His nature of body soul and spirit with Adam. He breathed His Holy Spirit into Adam, and Adam became a living being.

>So the Bible is sort of a philosophical novel.
Not in the slightest. It is far more a historical piece than a philosophical piece.

> I don't know why people don't realize this,
Because it is not true.

>probably because most other people in history didn't.
This logical fallacy doesn't even work here.

>> No.5350421

>I'm sorry it is gibberish to your ears, maybe train your ears.
>when I spout stuff riddled with contradictions, it's really your fault

>> No.5350424

>They could not. No man but Jesus ever lived a sinless life, and to accomplish that, even Jesus had to pull off a miracle by being born of a virgin, so as to not inherit His father's sin debt.

I can't believe people still bother with and even believe this bullshit.

>> No.5350427

Everything important is eternal.

Everything eternal is important.

>> No.5350433

>implying the bible is supposed to be read like a history book
this is what the protestant countries actually believe

>> No.5350434


That doesn't mean anything

>> No.5350439


>when it's wrong, it was a metaphor all along

>> No.5350440

Catholic master race.
It does. It means that discussing God is important.

>> No.5350441

It is the creation, fall, suffering, redemption, and salvation of mankind, from before the beginning, and into eternity.

Is that not a timeline?

Are you aware that every single historical mention in the bible has proven to be 100% accurate?

>> No.5350449

It should be obvious.

It should be obvious that eternity is more important than the few decades you spend living out your life here on earth. That your eternal destination is more important than your current location. And that you have a choice between two, the one being better than you can imagine, and the other being worse than you can imagine.

It's not a trick question.

The choice is For Jesus, and life, and good, and heaven, or Against Jesus, and death, and evil, and hell.

>> No.5350455

Catholics don't really understand metaphor. When Jesus said "I am the bread of life", they eat bread and say they're eating Jesus.

They really do.

>> No.5350476

>the god of this world for the moment is the father of lies.
This guy knows what's up.

>> No.5350484

Are you aware that every single historical >mention in the bible has proven to be 100% accurate?

ayyy lmao

>> No.5350486

This is why Christianity works. God forgives, but it's ok for me to be an asshole.

>> No.5350495

Daily reminder that there are people on 4chan, and even in this very thread that actually believe the story of Noah.

>> No.5350497

You're an asshole before you're saved, and you're an asshole after you're saved. Hopefully you tap into the power of God within you to stop being an asshole, but there are no guarantees this will happen.

>> No.5350505

So, are all the people who lived before Jesus in hell?

>> No.5350512

Yes, and all the ones since.

>> No.5350513

You see contradictions where you see poorly, my friend. e.g. it was thought for a long time that body and soul are opposite and it would be a contradiction to say that soul is part of a body, yet many of us have different interpretation of those concepts today, and so for some of us there's no contradiction between them anymore.

>The bible is true whether you understand it or not; whether you provide context or not; and to all men of all ages.
Bible doesn't exist without its readers, without it being as a text.

>This is where the difference between evil and ironic leaped in.
Can you expand on that? Sounds interesting.

>The bible says God made man in His image.
And writers of the Bible made God in his image.

>Not even close. Adam looked like Jesus, Who is God, and Who shared His nature of body soul and spirit with Adam. He breathed His Holy Spirit into Adam, and Adam became a living being.
Interesting interpretation. What does this imply though? Our souls look like God (since we are His breath) or that we don't and so we should try to?

>Not in the slightest. It is far more a historical piece than a philosophical piece.
But must there be a strict distinction and consequently a complete removal of one aspect? What makes it not-philosophical? The form of an argument is different, but is this really essential to philosophy?

>> No.5350528

's a bit more complicated than that.


>> No.5350538


>> No.5350551

I mean, not only about me, about the rest too. Being a Christian I could kill people who do bad things and that wouldn't be a contradiction for my moral system, since even though I know killing isn't ok I still can deliver justice (aka vengeance) and God will understand it since he's the only one who's meant to forgive.

>> No.5350555

hell is les other people

>yes, yes, i'm coming, simone, someone is talking about human existence on /lit/
*sigh*, hell is vraiment les other people

>> No.5350590

But doesn't God also forgive those that you would like to kill?

>> No.5350615


I think some of the people who have trouble with Christian conceptions of divine justice forget about the afterlife as a component. Final justice, and final reward or punishment, doesn't happen in this life. It happens after the world has ended, either a person's individual world or the world more broadly at the Last Judgment. Then everyone will get what they truly deserve, for good or ill.

So if a Christian were to start killing evil people, and one of them turned out not to be evil after all, he or she would receive eternal paradise upon dying. It all evens out.

>> No.5350641

What would happen to the Christian that kills? Would he/she still be considered a good Christian? Because in some sense we are all Christians, some of us good, some of us bad.

>> No.5350655

No, of course not. First off, there is no "before Jesus", as Jesus is God, and He created the universe.

Secondly, Jesus said anyone who believed in Moses and the Prophets believed in Jesus, and are thus saved by God and found righteous.

And finally, Jesus told a story about a certain rich man and a beggar named Lazarus who both died, and went into separate parts of Hades/Sheol. The one was paradise, the Bosom of Abraham, and it had many people in it; the other was Hell's waiting room. So before Jesus rose from the dead, all of the people found righteous by God waited for Jesus in the Bosom of Abraham.

Once Jesus died, and went to the Bosom of Abraham, He led the captives free, and now when christians die, they go directly to heaven, where Jesus is now.

Hades is still full, the awful part, but will eventually be cast into the Lake of Fire.

>> No.5350656

No, it directly states that the Holy Spirit, the Breath of Life from God Himself, was lost by Adam, and none of Adam's descendants were born with it.

And unless you regain that Holy Spirit, that Breath of Life, back inside you, you're spiritually dead, will physically die, be resurrected unto death, and be cast into the Lake of Fire.

Read your own post more carefully; I don't want to point out all of the errors twice.

>> No.5350659

No, not really. It's exactly that. Catholics who cannot into metaphor thinking Jesus was talking about physical food, and physical drink, when, in John 6, He clearly stated He was talking about spiritual food, and spiritual drink.

It's thoroughly pagan to "eat God be God".

>> No.5350662

Yes, we read Camus and Sartre too. Congrats. You fit in.

>> No.5350667

A person is either a christian, or not a christian.

Either dead, or alive.

This notion that some christians are better than others is an earthly notion with no spiritual meaning.

That some christians are more mature in the faith, and walk closer with God, doesn't make them "better christians" anymore than walking and barking like a dog would make you a "better dog".

>> No.5350668

What is Bible's view on art and artists?

>> No.5350676

That God gave some men talent to be artists, and in their field, but for the purposes of bringing people closer to God, i.e., building the Temple. Or the Tabernacle.

It's not keen on making reproductions of what you see in nature, or the heavens, or the seas, and condemns making idols to be worshiped as gods.

>> No.5350681

Why would a loving God punish us in such an extreme manner for doing nothing?

>> No.5350683

God forgives them. But I don't have to, since I'm not God.

>> No.5350685
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>not knowing that theists dominate both ends of the bell curve

>> No.5350690

He only needs to confess his sins and repent. This is why Catholics confess, to clean their consciousness. You only need to repent and you will be forgiven (this means, you can sin again, and repent again).

>> No.5350693

But what makes one a Christian then? Having faith in God? Because this just seem to push the question further: what is proper faith and is it not possible that some people are more or less close to it?
For example, a Christian lies - it is obvious that he misunderstood God, his faith was a misfaith, so to say. Now another Christian kills - was his misfaith not bigger than that of the first Christian?

>> No.5350708

I'm not sorry for feeling lust, are you?

>> No.5350710

Nice proof

>> No.5350723

Thanks, seems close to Plato. What is Bible's view on punishment? Should people punish in the name of God? Or will afterlife be the complete judgment of this life?

>> No.5350725

To respect your choice to be dead, remain dead, and be separated from Him, and everything that He is, forever.

I think the piece of the puzzle you are not considering is that each and every human being from Adam and Eve forward deserve to go to hell as rebellious sinners. And if God did just that, it would be just, holy, and righteous of Him.

But in His grace and mercy, He instead offered Himself a living sacrifice so that any who might believe in Jesus could be saved.

My personal opinion is that an existence in a pitch black Lake of Fire would be preferable to being a sinner in the presence of a holy God. And once you die, that's it. You're resurrected either to shame and destruction, or to life everlasting.

You talk about the Love of God, but neglect His justice and righteousness. He will not allow the wicked to go unpunished, and the wicked all had a part in killing His Son.

>> No.5350727

>Having faith in God?
>what is proper faith
According to Kierkegaard it would be belief beyond the realm of reason (and morals). To believe in God and his goodwillingness even if everything you know seems to support the contrary.
>is it not possible that some people are more or less close to it?
Well, you either do or don't. if you do, you just do, there are no degrees. And you don't need to be having faith. Christians tend to loose/gain faith (sincconsciously suspending reason is, well, difficult as fuck).
>For example, a Christian lies - it is obvious that he misunderstood God, his faith was a misfaith, so to say.
No. He can still be a good Christian. Everybody sins (except Jesus, the Virgin Mary, God and the angels)
>Now another Christian kills - was his misfaith not bigger than that of the first Christian?

>> No.5350732

nice cock in your mouth

>> No.5350734

If you can confess your sins and they are forgiven, just by talking, why did Jesus have to be tortured to death?

>> No.5350738

Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord; I will repay.

>> No.5350739

Nope. We will go to Hell.

>> No.5350746

To make it possible for people to start going to Heaven (they were all in Hell or Limbo before him).

>> No.5350748

>To respect your choice to be dead, remain dead, and be separated from Him, and everything that He is, forever.
Is hell this, or is hell fire and torture?

>I think the piece of the puzzle you are not considering is that each and every human being from Adam and Eve forward deserve to go to hell as rebellious sinners.
Sins of the father much?

>You talk about the Love of God, but neglect His justice and righteousness.

No, I reject them. He doesn't seem to be either of those things. He seems to be a sadistic cosmic nightmare monster.

>> No.5350755

To me this says that we should only try to turn sinners to faith in God, not punish them ourselves.

>> No.5350777

Oh, okay. So what Jesus did wasn't enough, and when He said "It is FINISHED", He was lying.

Got it.

Hey, good luck constantly repenting of sins every moment of every day! Don't miss one! You know what happens if you do!

>> No.5350784

Yes. But Christians still punish evil people for shits n giggles anyway.

>> No.5350787

Hell is all of that. It is a confinement vessel built to hold satan and his angels; it will hold humanity with no problems whatsoever.

It has nothing of God in it. No light, no love, no joy, no peace, no patience, no kindness, no goodness, no gentleness; nothing that is God.

Just pitch black fire. So you will be on fire, you will not be able to see anything, but you will hear billions of men and demons screaming in agony, and bump into them from time to time. In darkness. Forever. Where the flame never goes out, and the worm never dies.

That's the Against Jesus eternal destination. And like I said, it's not a trick question. You're either For Jesus, and life, and good, and heaven, or you're Against Jesus, and death, and evil, and hell.

You would think this an easy choice to make.

It's not.

Because you're not alone, and you're not rational.

>> No.5350792

That is correct. I shudder to think of the punishments that God metes out, and wonder if maybe the actual nice thing to do is to try to exact vengeance myself, and in such a way prevent them from experiencing God's wrath.

But that's just me. The bible's clear; you've been forgiven of much, you can forgive others of a little.

>> No.5350794

It seems like ancient Greek blood was nevertheless preserved in Christians, they only need all these complex validations for it.

>> No.5350795

Well, Jesus cleansed all sins until him and made it people for people to go again to Heaven (which was forbidden thanks to Adam). We can still sin, so in this sense it is not over.
You only need to repent once and you're saved. if Christianity was a difficult doctrine to follow it would've never reached the place it occupies nowadays (and specially it would've never been the religion of the empire in Ancient Rome).

>> No.5350800

It's simple blackmail. You'd laugh if I told you that it was the highest good to support AI development, and that Roko's Basilisk will get you if you don't.

>> No.5350813

Don't mention him, you're not supposed to mention you-know-who. Being aware of it is already dangerous, now you got me thinking of it, shut up shut up shut up.

>> No.5350814

Oh, so it took Jesus to be tortured to death, and die, bleeding out on a cross, to forgive the sins that happened before that,

but after that, we can just say "sorry" and we're golden.

>> No.5350820

I get Kurzweil's junk mail too. Not impressed. Strong AI is predicted in the bible, 1919 years ago.

>> No.5350823

>Strong AI is predicted in the bible,
[citation needed]

>> No.5350825

Oh, wait, wrong AI nonsense.

I read about such a character in Hyperion by Dan Simmons before this iteration was made, the Shrike, so I'm golden.

>> No.5350836

And if you're
I'd like you to point out the difference between God punishing me forever for not being sorry for some minor sin and the basilisk punishing me forever for the sin of not supporting its creation.

>> No.5350842

Revelation 13:15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.

>> No.5350844
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>will physically die, be resurrected unto death, and be cast into the Lake of Fire.

>> No.5350851

>four letter word
I believe the word is a... club.

>> No.5350853

Yes, the first is real, and the second fiction.

You are not going to be punished for some small infraction of the rules.

You are dead. If you do nothing to regain the life Adam lost, the Holy Spirit of God, you will remain dead. And then you will die, and be resurrected unto death. And the only place for such a being is in hell, as there are only two eternal destinations.

All of your sins were paid for, in full, by Jesus, on the cross. They're done. They're over. That's not the issue between you and God. You are reconciled to God in that way.

Because you are reconciled to God, and have no sin issues pressing, God can offer you His free gift of Life, His Holy Spirit, if you do two things.

1. Confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord; and
2. Believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead.

Do this, and you will be saved.

>> No.5350855

Well, the basilisk, for all the bleating of Singularity types, isn't omnipotent and omniscient. It also wasn't around since before the beginning of time.

>> No.5350860

Truth has 5 letters.

Cults proclaim exclusivity; I am doing the exact opposite. Salvation is available to all who believe Jesus is Who He says He is.

>> No.5350865

>You would think this an easy choice to make.
>It's not

It's incredibly easy. Genesis and Hell pretty much show YHVH is a ridiculous sadistic cunt right out of the gate. I AM was a war god in his pantheon and it fucking shows.

>> No.5350875

I Am is not in any pantheon, at all. He is the Lord of Hosts. Your rebellion against Him was doomed before it started.

>> No.5350879

Your post made me remember what horrible dislike for this world Christianity has. It's like this place is below sea level if we take sea level to be neutral. It is something to get out of, a waiting room, of no value at all, only a nuisance.
Makes me feel God damn sick.

>> No.5350887

The world is broken, and in pain, and dying. We don't hate it, we look forward to a new heaven, and a new earth, where God will live with us.

The world being the system of satan over the world, over all the world's authorities, and all of the wickedness and evil of both demons, and humans, I will readily admit to hating.

>> No.5350890

Well, the world after this is supposed to be infinitely better, so you can't really blame them.

>> No.5350895

>You are not going to be punished for some small infraction of the rules.
I consider not feeling bad for feeling lust a small thing.

>And then you will die, and be resurrected unto death.
Why would he do that?

That doesn't matter. You're in its simulation, and it can punish you for a very long time.

>> No.5350896


>> No.5350901

God created it. Doesn't something about that seem a little odd to you?

>> No.5350903

God created it, but Satan is the CEO.

>> No.5350906

I read the bible daily. I take it at face value.

>> No.5350908

God let that happen. Doesn't something about that seem a little odd to you?

>> No.5350911

He is going a little overboard in his condemnation of the physical world, I must admit.

Aquinas, for his part, thought the world wasn't evil. And remember, according to the Revelation to John, eventually the world will be made new and beautiful. The whole of the universe will be perfected at the end of time, not just individual humans.

>> No.5350914

What if the afterlife is only a consolation for their negative evaluation of this world? This one seems like shit to us, so let's hope there comes another one after this one?

>> No.5350917

God is omnipotent, isn't he? Why doesn't he skip the suffering and misery, and skip to the 'new and beautiful' part?

>> No.5350921

It is a small thing. You were built with desires, and emotions, and a brain, and free will. You are expected to make decisions based on reason in spite of your hormones and feelings and emotions.

But that lust in your heart violates several of God's commandments, including against adultery and covetousness, and idolatry, maybe, and all stand between you and God.

You're an eternal being. In order to have eternal beings live with Him forever, He made us eternal. You cannot now cry that you wish you were just a brute beast; you were born a human being, and contain an eternal nature within you.

If you think a life full of the Holy Spirit of God is less enjoyable than fapping to porn, you couldn't be more mistaken. Make proper decisions, for your own benefit.

>> No.5350922

Well, for the Christian, it's not hoping, it's knowing.

But it is a sort of consolation, you're right. It's the great hope of the poor and the downtrodden. They will get first consideration at the gates of Paradise. The last will be first and the first will be last. It's why Christianity has always appealed to the lower classes.

>> No.5350928

You're a madman not to see how stupid your theology is.

If it takes the death of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, to forgive sins, then you cannot have your sins forgiven by saying "sorry".

And if you think your sins are being forgiven by saying "sorry", you make a mockery of the work Christ did at Calvary, and call Him a liar when He shouted TETELESTAI.

>> No.5350931

We don't know why and he's not going to tell us. That's the whole point of the Book of Job.

You have to put an awful lot of trust in God that he's not a dick. That's why it's called faith.

>> No.5350936

He created it good. We broke it. He's going to fix it, and transform it, and renew it, and replenish it, and it's going to be populated by people who choose to live with God, in a loving dependent relationship with Him, personally. In the same time space. Together.

So no, I'm not surprised that men and angels ruined the creation; I'm surprised when people who see glimmers of how awesome creation was choose to deny themselves of something much greater and much better, to spite God.

>> No.5350937

Saw a comment that said that everyone who came from Adam and Eve is a sinner and must burn in hell, unless they put their faith in Jesus Christ. Does that mean that a perfect human clone is exempt from this rule?

>> No.5350942

Why the fuck does every religion seem to insist that God is omnipotent and omniscient when it never actually explicitly says that in the Bible?

>> No.5350944

Yes, it seems odd that God would respect the sovereign will of the creatures that He made, but apparently He does. So that's the way things are. God will not impose His will on you, and will not allow me to impose my will on you. We both obviously want you to choose to believe in Jesus, and to love God, and be renewed and transformed and resurrected, but it's your choice, and yours alone. And God will respect your choice.

>> No.5350948

There must be something in the synergy of free will moral agents choosing to love God and be united with God that was unavailable to be created outright; that we end up better than He could have created us, by our choices, unaffected by His power.

>> No.5350950

>You were built with desires, and emotions, and a brain, and free will. You are expected to make decisions based on reason
I do. I don't see why my feeling lust is a bad thing. The bible tells me to do a lot of odd things, so do all the other holy books, so does Roko's basilisk.

>But that lust in your heart violates several of God's commandments, including against adultery and covetousness, and idolatry, maybe, and all stand between you and God.
God made me this way, and he's going to punish me for being this way? How can he be anything but a sadist?

>> No.5350958

It would also be born dead, without the Holy Spirit of God in it, and so would never be heavenbound. In fact, it is likely that God would step into history to stop such an atrocity from happening.

>> No.5350967

El Shaddai means all powerful: omnipotent.

Knowing the end from the beginning: omniscient.

The bible does say those concepts, perhaps in words you didn't consider.

>> No.5350975

He wouldn't ask that of us if he wasn't sadistic.

He knew what he created, how could he not have a good idea of what it would do?

A strange sort of respect leads him to putting me in a pit of fire for doing nothing whatsoever.

>> No.5350977

God made Adam sinless. Adam sinned.

Adam and Eve made little sinners, who eventually made you, a little sinner. You're now an adult, and responsible for your own soul.

There are basically three types of sin; lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, and pride of life.

Your posts contain all three. So what you're really saying is "I don't think God sees sin as such a big deal."

And yet, in order to pay for all of your sins, Jesus came down to earth as a human being, suffered, and was tortured to death, to pay for those sins. Your sins. My sins. Everyone's sins.

Sin is a huge deal to God.

>> No.5350981

Hypothetically, what would you think if it did happen? Also, why would He even allow the possibility of it happening to exist?

>> No.5350982

He knows exactly what He is doing, and how it will turn out, and is not looking for your consent.

If you end up in hell, you will know that you put yourself there. There is enough information in this thread to have avoided hell.

And once in hell, what would you give to come back to this day, and to this thread, and read it with an eye for salvation? And to be saved? And to avoid hell altogether?

>> No.5350988

Well, again, in order to get into heaven, a person must believe in Jesus, and that He is Lord, and that He rose from the dead.

If by clone you mean basically in vitro fertilization, or even somatic fertilization, such a being could make that choice.

If you mean build an adult clone via AI, life without a soul, I believe that is what the bible refers to as the Abomination that Brings Desolation. And such a creation would cause its creator to declare himself god, and to be worshiped as god.

It doesn't end well for him.

>> No.5351005

I considered them to not mean that.

Why should they?

Everything makes way more sense if God is not literally omnipotent.

>> No.5351006

Bible x Asimov
Actual quality theology. Best board on 4chan

>> No.5351008

Will I be sent to hell if I don't believe in Jesus Christ?

>> No.5351010

>God made Adam sinless. Adam sinned.

>So what you're really saying is "I don't think God sees sin as such a big deal."

No. Some of the sins seem like very small things to me. I didn't say that God would also think this. Having said that: I don't think a loving God would put someone into a pit of fire forever for feeling lust, which is something built into him, and I don't think anyone but a cosmic sky sadist would put someone in a lake of fire for not believing something written in a book.

>> No.5351013

*tips penis*

>> No.5351016

You won't go to Haven. But there is still the Purgatory.
But than again, who can say how the perfect judge whose justice is beyond our reason will pass verdict.
But yeah, repenting is safer.

>> No.5351023

>You're a madman not to see how stupid your theology is.
I don't even believe in God.
>If it takes the death of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, to forgive sins, then you cannot have your sins forgiven by saying "sorry".
I explained how this works before. It took him a lot of suffering and shit to get ALL HUMANITY saved (and open the possibility for people to get to Heaven from then on). It only takes you to say "sorry" to save yourself alone. See? there's a big difference between all the souls that have ever existed since the begining of time and just one soul.
>And if you think your sins are being forgiven by saying "sorry", you make a mockery of the work Christ did at Calvary, and call Him a liar when He shouted TETELESTAI.
I don't think you understand. What's finished is his duty. After the calvary stuff people can still be sinners and they have to save themselves. he just made it possible, not necessary (since God made us free and the whole fusking point is for us to make the choice).

>> No.5351028


>> No.5351029

An omnipotent God can restrain His own power, and has.

>> No.5351033

I think I'll start using this as a legit word from now on.

>> No.5351034

Lust isn't the only sin you have. Don't think you'll go to hell for some porno. But things add up.
Also, mind the purgatory.

>> No.5351037

But won't He notice that I don't truly love Jesus Christ and that I'm just pretending so I can get into heaven?

>> No.5351040

and which side are you on?

>> No.5351041


Revelation 21:8 But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

It's not hard to believe Jesus is Lord, because He is.

And it's not hard to believe that Jesus rose from the dead, because He did.

All God needs is your consent to be saved. That's it. He's the author and finisher of your salvation, and He really does want to save you.

And if you ask Him to, He really will.

>> No.5351042

>And once in hell, what would you give to come back to this day, and to this thread, and read it with an eye for salvation? And to be saved? And to avoid hell altogether?

Don't you see that this is blackmail? A loving God would not act in that way.

>> No.5351045
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>> No.5351046

I'm sure he will. So you can't get there by cheating.

>> No.5351048

Why can't he save me regardless of whether I believe him or not?

>> No.5351051

Because you yourself don't want to be saved. It's rather simple really.

>> No.5351056

Again, lust violates all of the commandments. All 10. And the punishment for breaking the 10 commandments is death.

The reason it breaks all 10 commandments is that if you break even the least of the commandments, you have broken them all. And you have to not only obey them as you understand them, but as God does. And not to your satisfaction, but to God's.

If you try to live by the Law, you will find that they bring nothing but more sin in your life, more despair, and death. That's what the Law is intended to do; show you that you are a criminal in God's eyes, and that He is a strict Judge.

So what may seem minor to you, God sent His Son down to earth to die for.

And if you continue down the path you're on, you will habituate and become a reprobate, eventually. It's inevitable. You already are sketchy on what is good and evil; continue going downhill, and you will call good evil, and evil good, and be lost.

>> No.5351058

He gives you everything you need to be saved and you refuse it. What does he do than? He can't force you into haven.

>> No.5351066

There is no purgatory. It is a catholic lie invented to fleece mourning people into paying money to the church to have their dead loved one's sentence in this fictitious place reduced.

It is not real.

The money is real, but the place, is not. It is not in the bible, at all, not hide nor hair of it.

It's a complete fraud.

>> No.5351069
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>Don't think you'll go to hell for some porno.
Of course you will. Impure thoughts are sin. And masturbating has been considered even physically dangerous by Christians since forever.

>> No.5351077

God is not mocked.

And there is no purgatory. When you die, you are resurrected either unto shame and destruction, or unto life eternal.

>> No.5351078

What if I want to be saved in Hell? Why can't He save me then?

>> No.5351079


>> No.5351081

It's only blackmail if you have a downside.

You're already going to hell, as is.

So no, it's not blackmail; it's the one and only chance you have of avoiding your natural destination.

>> No.5351090

Who? Why can't who save you, whether you believe in Him or not?

>> No.5351096

You, and everyone else in hell, will very much want to be saved then.

And it will be too late. Hence the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, etc.

>> No.5351100

fucking catholics

>> No.5351107

Maybe one of the single greatest pieces of literature there has, and ever will, be.

I'm not Christian, however.

>> No.5351109

It's so obvious a fraud, I cannot believe it still works. And yet, it does. That's what happens when you teach people they can never know that they are saved, and always, always, always have to have all of their sins confessed.

Like rats in a maze, with no cheese.

>> No.5351112

What happens to people who never knew of His existence? Like a small, isolated group of people in Africa or something.

>> No.5351113

so are you for not telling them about Jesus

>> No.5351117

I'm going to shoot you in the kneecap if you don't give me your watch. This isn't a threat, I was always going to kneecap you, but if you give me your watch I'll change my course of action.

>> No.5351120

Such people do not exist, and I trust Jesus' judgments, as He judges men's hearts.

>> No.5351128

What an awful analogy.

You're on a water slide, heading irresistibly downwards, when you discover the pool is full of acid.

Jesus drops you a rope ladder from the God Copter and says "Grab on!"

You say "Bugger off!"

There's your analogy.

>> No.5351130

The Bible doesn't say that but the Catholic Church does.

It's been their position for a really long time now that science is real and most of the crazy shit that happens in the Old Testament is just metaphorical.

>> No.5351133

Which is why, of course, most catholics are going to hell.

>> No.5351141

lol if Christianity is real then I think it's more likely that anyone who isn't Catholic or Orthodox is going to hell.

or limbo at least

>> No.5351146
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>not being a restorationist

>> No.5351145

Christianity begins, and ends, with yur interpretation of it. That was the point of the different gospels, the different interpretations of Paul, Peter, and John, that Christianity can be augmented by the reader. And that is the most beautiful part about it.

>> No.5351149

Christianity is the belief that Jesus rose from the dead. Christians are people who have confessed out loud that Jesus is Lord, and believe in their hearts that God raised Him from the dead.

That is the Church; the collection of all people from all times and all places who have done that, and were filled with the Holy Spirit.

It has nothing to do with any system of religious bondage, and no, the Whore of Babylon and her little sister are no guarantors of salvation.

>> No.5351155

That makes sense if Jesus also put me on the slide, and built the slide, and the slide is already uncomfortable, and the rope ladder is grafitti that says "I built the slide, I love you, but if you don't worship me, you'll suffer forever", and there are several scratchings that all claim to be the truth, and the acid doesn't kill me, and Jesus pulls the ladder away once I hit the acid, and I can't see the acid, etc.

>> No.5351158

It is what it is. An analogy. Do I really need to explain the parts of it for you to understand the analogy?

>> No.5351162
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>lol denominations and differing theological positions don't exist lol
>except this denomination I don't like which is going to hell for sure for heresy

>> No.5351170

All this christian fedora tipping is ridiculous and misinformation from every denomination is painful. Religion is a pseudo-intellectual magnet like no other, this thread proves it, atheists included.

>> No.5351179

You need to explain the part where God gets very angry, pushes a couple down a slide he made from suffering, pays very close attention to Jewish sliders for a while, then turns into his son, dies, and proclaims that anyone who doesn't believe that he did this burns forever, but this is love, and isn't sadism.

>> No.5351180

Yes, I strongly urge people that if they are balls deep in the Whore of Babylon, to pull out. All puns intentional. They are the Church at Thyatira:

Revelation 2
‘These things says the Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and His feet like fine brass: 19 “I know your works, love, service, faith, and your patience; and as for your works, the last are more than the first.

20 Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols.

21 And I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality, and she did not repent. 22 Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds. 23 I will kill her children with death, and all the churches shall know that I am He who searches the minds and hearts. And I will give to each one of you according to your works.

So, a church were some are saved, and most lost, and headed for the full wrath of God. I would not recommend that to anyone.

>> No.5351188

There's nothing sadistic about God; whatever sadism you see in God is truly a reflection of your own soul.

Maybe think for a minute, that if God were sadistic, what the world would actually be like.

>> No.5351194

Your contribution to the thread wasn't exactly stellar. In fact, what was it again? Whining about something?

>> No.5351195

What makes you think that isn't talking about protestant churches? Or Islam? Or Mormonism?

>> No.5351198

Alright, he's more like an abusive father than an outright sadist.

>> No.5351205

It's a christian church, a real church at the time, known as the church of eternal suffering.

See the bit about its members going through the tribulation? That should scare any christian out of her. We're not appointed to wrath. We're not going through the tribulation.

I note that this current pope, ostensibly the last pope of the Malachy prophecies, Petrus Romanus, is destined to lead his flock through the tribulation.

Do you see?

>> No.5351213

He's a loving Father, but you're not His son, and so you wouldn't know Him like that. I do. I can crawl up on God's lap and bitch about how life sucked today, how I didn't get what I wanted, and about how someone attacked me. Because in His Spirit I can call Him Abba, Father.

If you are one of satan's children, as all humans but for Jesus were born as, you would only know Him as the Lord of Hosts, the Almighty, the Judge of the Universe.

He has already proven His love for us. There is no greater act of love a man can do than to lay down his life for his brother. But how many people would do this? How many would die for a righteous man? Maybe a few?

But Christ died for all of us, while we were all sinners. He has already proven His love for us, and for me. I love Him only because He first loved me, but once I understood that, I love Him more and more each passing day.

He's literally the best person in the universe.

>> No.5351214

God just made you prone to sin. And sin gets you to Hell. So he made it possible for you to get saved.
You can ask: "why didn't he make me perfect so I never go to Hell no matter what". Well, would have you preferred God to turn you into that slime at the end of I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream? Huh? Would you? Of course you wouldn't. So watch your mouth when you talk shit on God from now on.

>tl;dr: it's not blackmail but well, maybe just a little. Not a full-on blackmail.

>> No.5351227
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>"this denomination is evil because I say so and I don't like them even though I can't explain why"
>cites known hoax and false prophecy as "evidence"

Not sure if bait or if protestants are just really this stupid.

>> No.5351241

>Not sure if bait or if protestants are just really this stupid.
Have you read Kant's Critique of Judgment?
Protestants are WAY worse than this.

>> No.5351245

If it's a false prophecy, it's a false prophecy in the catholic church for about a thousand years.

Where did they denounce it again?

>> No.5351253

Kant is inconsistent, unlike the bible, which is consistent to a level you will never understand.

Kant constantly refers to understanding as the ability to judge, and after the forms of its judgments the foundation for his philosophy, which somehow morphs into the power to judge everything, including God.

Yeah, not for me.

>> No.5351255
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>> No.5351260

Ah, so wiki. Wiki denounced the Malachy Prophecies, whereas the Vatican still follows them, to this day. Peter, of course, being the name of St. Francis, after whom this Jesuit took his name.


Just a coincidence. Peter of Rome, the Son of Peter of Rome.

>> No.5351263

Peter being the name of St. Francis' father....

But you just keep thinking popes resign for no good reason, and hang around the Office of the Inquisition, for no good reason.

>> No.5351269

>power to judge everything, including God.
Ok, you haven't read he Critique of Judgment.

>> No.5351272


>> No.5351277

Apart from ideas about objects that lie beyond sensory experience, such as God or the soul, we also form transcendental ideas about entities that are meant to constitute the ultimate basis of everything that might be experienced, such as the universe as a whole: Kant speaks of “world wholes” or cosmological ideas. Claims to objective knowledge about these cosmological ideas, such as the claim that the universe has a beginning in time or the opposing claim that it does not, inevitably lead us—or so Kant argues—into contradictions or “antinomies.”

Yeah, okay

>> No.5351281

But there is no man without sin.

>> No.5351283

Oh, wow, the catholic church and Adrianna Huffington say there's nothing to see there. Welp, better move on.


You can believe whatever you want; this part of the prophecy is absolutely true, as it is from the bible:

In the extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit ...
Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations:
and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed,
and the terrible judge will judge his people.
The End.

>> No.5351292
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>it's a false prophecy
>"b-but how can it be false if the catholic church believes it??"
>the catholic church doesn't believe it and here's proof
>"w-well it's still true even if they don't believe it because I say so every historian ever is wrong and my uninformed opinion is worth more than their research and I hate catholics so I'm sure they're going to hell j-just trust me on that even though I can't offer any reason why"

>> No.5351298

I never said it was a false prophecy. I said it was a catholic prophecy.

They do believe it. They're acting on it. They're living it out. Grown men are acting as though this current pope is Petrus Romanus. They kicked the old pope to the Office of the Inquisition, renamed, of course, a thing never heard of before in history.

Their disinfo agents are telling the huff post that they don't think it's real, but maybe it is.

They lie, because the Truth is not in them.

>> No.5351299

>can't tell if trolling or actually getting euphoric off the random capitalization

>> No.5351305

Yeah, they are called Christians

>> No.5351308

God and the Idea of pure reason of God aren't the same thing AT ALL. Did you even read? we don't know God, we CAN'T know God. Pure reason leads us to believe there is no God, it's thanks to the practical reason that we (Kant) end up assuming God is just trolling and that even though everything indicates us he doesn't exist he still does but he pretends not to because he expects us to be morally superior and have faith.

>> No.5351311

English not your first language?

>> No.5351314

Which is, of course, exactly wrong, as not only can men know God, but billions of men do. I am one of them.

>> No.5351328

>I never said it was a false prophecy. I said it was a catholic prophecy.

It's not, Catholics denounce it as a forgery created in the late 16th century as a failed attempt to get a certain cardinal elected pope.

>They do believe it. They're acting on it. They're living it out. Grown men are acting as though this current pope is Petrus Romanus.

Clearly not since the last four centuries or so the supposed "prophecy's" predictions have been wildly inaccurate.

>They kicked the old pope to the Office of the Inquisition, renamed, of course, a thing never heard of before in history.

Uh, no. He retired and is living in a monastery in Vatican City. This is also not unheard of in history, about a dozen or so popes before him have retired.

>> No.5351332

>hurr durrrr
Yes, you sure met him and invited you to a BBQ at his house. I know him as well, a pretty cool guy.

>> No.5351336

Nope. It's real, and they say it might be a forgery because some of the 16th century descriptions are a bit off. Not because they proved it was a forgery, and they have never denounced it outright.

You have zero ability to see through lies, so I would not expect you to see through the vatican's lies, as they are especially well crafted, and polished, for centuries. But to me?

They reek of sulfur and brimstone.

>> No.5351337

I was commenting more on the only anons who go that far with all the honorific capitals are either trolls or so entwined with the meme they think the high they get from psyching themselves up with scripture is a communion with anything other than a mental manifestation that comes from buying into scripture. I get the same thing from Shiva, but then the whole point is that it's all just a metaphor that goes far beyond and is much simpler than all that.

>> No.5351348

Um, the Wedding Feast of the Lamb is not "some BBQ". But yes, He invited me, and I'm going.

>> No.5351360

It may be my pride. I'll pray about it.

>> No.5351361

You're aware of the difference between believing and knowing, aren't you? If not I'm sorry to inform you not only that you don't understand Kant but also that you should go see a psychologist.

>> No.5351388

Sure. Belief keeps you from knowing.

I don't believe in God.

I know God.

>> No.5351408

>they say it might be a forgery because some of the 16th century descriptions are a bit off

No because every description since it was published was off, the only accurate ones were the ones that happened before it was published.

For someone who puts so much stock in prophecy and appears to be religious, maybe I should remind you that the Bible itself says to beware false prophecies and literally says that it's impossible for any man to know when the end times are coming and that anyone who says otherwise is a liar.

>> No.5351415

For the third time, I do not subscribe to this catholic prophecy. I note that the catholics are living it out on the one hand, and denying it in part on the other. And no, it is not spectacularly wrong, in any event. It is eerily good, but not quite true, the type of divination you would expect from people consorting with satan.

>> No.5351423

>"I don't subscribe to this prophecy except I subscribe to this prophecy therefore catholics are evil because I say so"

>> No.5351428

The catholic church is the Whore of Babylon. If you think that entity is anything but evil, you're in for a surprise.

Having nothing to do with the Malachy prophecies whatsoever.

Just the bible, that the catholics urge you not to try to read and understand on your own, without their "guidance".

>> No.5351435

>The catholic church is the Whore of Babylon

Ok so we're back to square one, what makes you think this? You've provided no evidence to support this claim.

>> No.5351446

Smart Christian man pls reply:
What happens to individuals that don't even know that Jesus/the Bible exist (Abbos or maybe some Indians living in the slummiest of slums)? Do they go to Hell after living out their life when they haven't even been allowed the chance to hear the word of God?

>> No.5351460

All of my proof is in the bible.

When I post all of those verses, which is a hassle, will you believe? Or will you say "that's why we need the Magesterium to tell us what the bible says"?

>> No.5351474

>All of my proof is in the bible.

Post them then instead of attempting to use medieval hoaxes to support your claims.

>> No.5351482

People do not go to hell for never having heard the gospel.

People go to hell for being born dead, and staying dead, and never having any life in them.

As Jesus is the Judge, and as He is holy, just and righteous, I am confident that His judgments as to the people you reference will also be holy, just and righteous.

There is a universe of evidence for God in the heavens and on earth, and not all men disregard all of that evidence. If believing in Moses and the Prophets means also believing in Jesus, before Jesus was even born, then salvation is not some sort of trick recital, but a softening of the heart, and a willingness to have a God above you.

On the other hand, if a branch does not bear fruit, my Lord has no problems cutting off that dead branch and throwing it into the fire.

>> No.5351521

Revelation 17

The Scarlet Woman and the Scarlet Beast

17 Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me, saying to me, “Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters,

2 with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication.”

1. Harlot.
2. Kings committed fornication; religious power over earthly kings. Like, in crowning them.
3. Sits on many waters; over the whole peoples of the earth.
4. Drunken on the blood of christians. How many millions of Jews and christians has the roman church slaughtered?

So far, all roads lead to Rome.

3 So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4 The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication.

5 And on her forehead a name was written:


6 I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement.

A Woman Rides The Beast.

9 “Here is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits.

The seven hills of Rome.

10 There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come. And when he comes, he must continue a short time.

Emperors, and the Antichrist

11 The beast that was, and is not, is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition.


15 Then he said to me, “The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues. 16 And the ten horns which you saw on the beast, these will hate the harlot, make her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire.

Antichrist turns against the Whore

17 For God has put it into their hearts to fulfill His purpose, to be of one mind, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled.

Here is the key verse.

18 And the woman whom you saw is that great city which reigns over the kings of the earth.”

That would be Rome.

>> No.5351533

Can you explain all that without using any of the mysticism, logical fallacies, or loaded terminology?

>> No.5351541

First, show me the logical fallacies, as you see them.

>> No.5351599

I'm having trouble parsing all of it because it makes no sense.

>People go to hell for being born dead, and staying dead, and never having any life in them.
I can understand this if you interpret it as overcoming the mammalian autopilot of programmed thought and actually taking responsibility for actions, but that is 'hell' already.

>As Jesus is the Judge, and as He is holy, just and righteous
Under whose admission? It doesn't preclude him from being nothing more than a man.

>There is a universe of evidence for God in the heavens and on earth
What do you construe as evidence?
>not all men disregard all of that evidence
But they disregard most of it because it's not evidence? what do you mean?

>If believing in Moses and the Prophets means also believing in Jesus, before Jesus was even born, then salvation is not some sort of trick recital, but a softening of the heart, and a willingness to have a God above you.
There are thousands of other faiths that ask you to make the same leap. It's the arbitrary line that makes you part of the group, actually.

>On the other hand, if a branch does not bear fruit, my Lord has no problems cutting off that dead branch and throwing it into the fire.
Oooh, scary. And you because it's YOUR god, you're automatically right?

Your sales pitch needs some work for this century.

>> No.5351614

>2. Kings committed fornication; religious power over earthly kings. Like, in crowning them.

The Catholic Church doesn't do this.

>3. Sits on many waters; over the whole peoples of the earth.

Sunni Islam is the largest religious denomination in the world, not Catholicism. Also the Church really only has a strong influence in Latin America and parts of Europe, hardly the entire world.

>4. Drunken on the blood of christians. How many millions of Jews and christians has the roman church slaughtered?

lol what religious group hasn't killed people? Even buddhists have been violent as fuck historically.

>A Woman Rides The Beast.

I don't see the connection here, who are you claiming this woman is and what is her connection with Catholicism?

>The seven hills of Rome.

Unlikely since the verse indicates that it requires a special kind of wisdom to understand the angel's message and identify the hills. Why would wisdom be required if it were just a reference to Rome's well-known topography? Also since the "waters" mentioned earlier symbolized peoples and nations consistency would seem to imply that the "seven mountains" are symbolic as well.

Also again, who are you claiming this woman in Rome is?

>Emperors, and the Antichrist

Who are these emperors exactly? Also the "antichrist" is never actually mentioned in Revelation. The term "antichrist" is only ever used in John and does not refer to one specific person, but anyone who is against Christ.

In what way do you connect these emperors and this "antichrist" figure you've created to the Catholic Church exactly?

>Antichrist turns against the Whore

Explain who you're claiming this Antichrist is, why you believe he exists in spite of Revelation making no mention of him existing, and what connection he has to Catholicism.

>That would be Rome.

Again Catholicism hardly reigns over Earth, nor does Rome. If any city "reigns over the kings of the earth" at the moment it's Washington, so what exactly leads you to believe that verse is referring to Rome?

>> No.5351628

>If any city "reigns over the kings of the earth" at the moment it's Washington, so what exactly leads you to believe that verse is referring to Rome?
That reminds me of some christian tinfoil I still haven't gotten around to reading.


>> No.5351633

Oh don't get me wrong I didn't mean to imply it was referring to Washington either, my point was just that Rome hasn't really been at the top of its game in centuries.

>> No.5351643

It's interesting how the Bible is one of the only books where people aren't bashed for being too stupid to put any intellectual effort into their reading of it, research the surrounding history, and so on. Maybe Christians really are more forgiving than non-Christians.

>> No.5351644

It makes spiritual sense.

And Jesus is God, the Creator, Who took human form and lived with us, and died for us, and took away all of the sins of the world by paying the price for all of them, Himself, on the cross at Calvary, and then dying. So all sins have been paid for, in full, and suffered death, as is holy, just and righteous.

So God in His mercy and grace, now that there exists no sin in God's economy, having done away with it, and separated it from us, remembering it no more, can offer us the free gift of salvation for believing that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God. When you do that, if you do that, if you confess Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved, and that Breath of Life, the Holy Spirit, will enter into you, and transform you into a new creation.

That Breath of Life is the same Breath of Life God used when He created Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, He breathed the Breath of Life into Adam, and made Eve from Adam's living rib. They both had then what you do not have now; the Breath of God, the Holy Spirit of God, literally inside them, making them alive. Alive both spiritually and physically.

When they fell from grace and sinned, they lost that Breath of Life, that Holy Spirit of God. They spiritually died that instant. They then physically died later, which they were not intended to do. God exiled them from the Garden; they had to leave, as they were now sinners, and God cannot live with sin, nor can He tolerate it. He is holy and just and righteous. All sin must be punished, and all sin must be paid for, in full, with death, which is the penalty for sin. And it was, on the cross.

However, when Adam and Eve had children, those children did not have the Holy Spirit in them. They were born physically alive, with a sin nature, and spiritually dead. And so forth, until we come to you. You were born physically alive, with a sin nature, and spiritually dead.

I do not mean to say spiritually uninterested, or spiritually uninvolved, but spiritually dead. As Jesus is Life, and you do not have Jesus in you, you do not have Life in you. That is what I am calling dead.

In that condition, there is no place to put your eternal being but for hell, the confinement vehicle for satan and his demons, and all unbelieving human beings. You were born spiritually dead, stayed spiritually dead, and died spiritually dead. You did nothing to regain that Breath of Life, that Holy Spirit, inside of you. You never became spiritually alive.

Heaven is for the living. Not the dead.

>> No.5351667

not me >>5351446
Also, why follow Christianity and not another Abrahamic religion?

>> No.5351669

Oh, you're a literalist and and aren't reading anything you write the way I am. I almost thought you had some sense going on, but now I know it's just empty parroting. This is just you preaching AT me instead of having a conversation WITH me.

You are the dead, the parasite has eaten your mind and animates it for it's own purpose.

>> No.5351672

1. Yes, the pope crowns kings, and has, for centuries. And forced them to do things via threat of excommunication, and bribes, etc.

2. Islam is irrelevant, as it will be dealt with by God Himself in the Psalms 85, Isaiah 17 and Ezekiel 38 battles. The catholic church is on every continent, and over every body of water, as prophesied.

3. The roman church has slaughtered millions of innocent people. Tens of millions. Maybe hundreds of millions, depending on how many corpses from WWII you lay at her feet. Doesn't matter; she's bloodlusting for more. She's a whore, and never satiated.

4. The Woman, Mystery Babylon, rides, is on top of, and over, the Beast, the New World Order. For a time. Then they turn on her and destroy her.

5. Because the woman cannot sit on seven hills, but a city can. And a woman rides the beast. When the bible uses symbols, it explains them. The woman is a city, and the city sets on seven hills. She is mystery babylon, what you call the catholic religion.

6. The antichrist is most certainly described in Revelation, but it is not the pope. The pope is the False Prophet described in Revelation. The emperors connect Rome to the coming prince, the antichrist.

7. The antichrist is a person, a politician, and the woman is Mystery Babylon. The man, the politician, will use the roman church to gather the world under one umbrella, and when the world gives the church its power, and she gives the antichrist her power, he will turn on her, eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.

You keep saying Rome doesn't do any of these things, yet the vatican has spies in every country in the world, and dozens of countries do her bidding daily. Power is in threats of excommunication, bribes, position, etc. The Rome of the Borgias did not clean itself up overnight.

After all of the christians are gone, and most of the muslims are dead, there will be plenty of catholics and other ecumenical persons desiring to have a One World Religion, with the pope at its head. That's the position of power referred to as the Woman Rides The Beast.

>> No.5351675

It's a book of power that has to be understood by the Holy Spirit of God; many people here have read millions of pages, yet would not or could not slog their way through the bible.

It's not just a book, or a collection of books. It is the Word of God.

>> No.5351681

Capitalizing words doesn't make them true, you know :^

>> No.5351685

Why did God create us?

>> No.5351687

You contradict yourself in one sentence. You say I am a literalist, yet you accuse me of not reading your post literally.

If you would like your secondary questions answered, I will be happy to do so.

I like to prioritize, because many, if not all, of a man's objections disappear when the most important thing is realized.

>> No.5351705

>I can understand this if you interpret it as overcoming the mammalian autopilot of programmed thought and actually taking responsibility for actions, but that is 'hell' already.
No, hell is a pitch black Lake of Fire, created to contain satan and his angels. You are not an evolved mammal or primate; your ancestors were made in the image of God, and you were made in your parents' image.

>Under whose admission? It doesn't preclude him from being nothing more than a man.
Jesus said He is God, proved He is God, and is indeed God. A mere man cannot rise from the dead. And a mere man cannot judge the universe.

>What do you construe as evidence?
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the earth shows His handiwork.

>But they disregard most of it because it's not evidence? what do you mean?
The evidence of a Creator is the creation. Many modern people think this creation did not need a Creator, and thus throw out all of the evidence that creation shows them about God, the Creator. God is actually a title that means "Creator". It is not a name. God's name is YHWH, and He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

>There are thousands of other faiths that ask you to make the same leap. It's the arbitrary line that makes you part of the group, actually.
There is only one Jesus Christ, and only He rose from the dead, really, actually, and truly, as recorded in the Word of God, the only holy book on the planet. And yes, of course I know other people claim they are right, and their texts holy, but only the bible dares to make prophecies, and about 35% of the bible is fulfilled prophecy.

>Oooh, scary. And you because it's YOUR god, you're automatically right?
He is not my God; I am His adopted son. One of a billion. And yes, it is a fearful thing to be in the hands of a living God. I advise you avoid it, and reconcile yourself with Him now, while you yet can.

>Your sales pitch needs some work for this century.
It's not a sales pitch, but a warning. You can heed it, or not. Your choice.

>> No.5351711

It's proper English, that I may abandon as proper English is apparently anathema to /lit/.

>> No.5351714

To delight in us. He delights in all of His creation. To know us, and to have us get to know Him, and live with Him, forever, in a dependent and loving relationship.

>> No.5351720

You have to be a troll. No one else would work this hard to make Christianity look like the proving ground of drooling zealots immune to the horror that comes from their mouth.

>> No.5351742


You're a fool.

>> No.5351795

>1. Yes, the pope crowns kings, and has, for centuries. And forced them to do things via threat of excommunication, and bribes, etc.

Uh, nope. No popes have performed a coronation since 1530.

Can't think of any instances in which the Papacy coerced any nations into doing anything against its will in the past couple centuries or so either, if you've got any examples though give them to me.

>2. Islam is irrelevant, as it will be dealt with by God Himself in the Psalms 85, Isaiah 17 and Ezekiel 38 battles. The catholic church is on every continent, and over every body of water, as prophesied.

So is Islam. So is protestantism.

>3. The roman church has slaughtered millions of innocent people. Tens of millions. Maybe hundreds of millions, depending on how many corpses from WWII you lay at her feet. Doesn't matter; she's bloodlusting for more. She's a whore, and never satiated.

Okay now you're just making shit up. Roughly 3000-5000 people died in the Inquisition (for comparison, Henry VIII executed roughly 70,000 Catholics throughout his reign alone), and maybe 1,000,000 Muslims (a fairly high estimate) in the Crusades, which was a fairly evenly matched series of wars for the most part and hardly a one-sided "slaughter".

Also are you seriously attributing fucking WWII to the Catholic Church? You're delusional mate.

>4. The Woman, Mystery Babylon, rides, is on top of, and over, the Beast, the New World Order. For a time. Then they turn on her and destroy her.

Who is this woman? What is her connection with the Catholic Church? If she's connected to Babylon what the fuck is she doing in Rome?

>5. Because the woman cannot sit on seven hills, but a city can. And a woman rides the beast. When the bible uses symbols, it explains them. The woman is a city, and the city sets on seven hills. She is mystery babylon, what you call the catholic religion.

I've got some news for you, if all you're going on is that Rome has seven hills then it has quite a bit of competition.


>6. The antichrist is most certainly described in Revelation, but it is not the pope. The pope is the False Prophet described in Revelation. The emperors connect Rome to the coming prince, the antichrist.

Wrong, Revelation makes no mention of any such antichrist, that is a myth perpetuated by people who have not actually read Revelation.

Also, again, who the fuck are these emperors you're talking about? Who are you claiming they are, what connection do they have with the Catholic Church? What connection does this supposed antichrist have with the Catholic Church?

>the vatican has spies in every country in the world, and dozens of countries do her bidding daily

Source on this claim please.

>> No.5351818

>Who is this woman?

>> No.5351832

It's the product of a few translations and in most cases a poor excuse for trying to translate words indicative to certain languages, like the greek 'logos', which rarely means word in context.

>> No.5351855


>> No.5351863
File: 13 KB, 214x216, 1370798672001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good counter-argument m8 you sure convinced me

>> No.5351900

>God is good
>He is a vengeful and jealous God.

Fuck you no thanks

>> No.5351972

So fucking pretentious.

>> No.5352036

It's pretty much the summation of the introduction to the Oxford Annotated. And this kids, is why death of the author is stupid.