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File: 31 KB, 250x358, V..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5348295 No.5348295[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who, and what was V?
Why was it important?
Besides Stencil chasing after her, why was she so important?
She was just someone who appeared, allegedly. What the hell of Vheissu? Besides some random city in the arctic or something.

I don't understand.
what was the relevance of any of it?

>> No.5348351

Anyone? Seriously.

>> No.5348406

As I understand it, V isn't supposed to be important in any meaningful way. Pynchon was ridiculing the way people become fixated on vague/superfluous mysteries, individuals, ideals, etc. while ignoring the legitimately pressing world events around them.

Also, don't get so bent out of shape if no one responds right away. This is a relatively slow board and anything regarding Pynchon has been talked about endlessly.

>> No.5348409

Victoria, the girl in the church?
i haven't finished it yet

>> No.5348428

So me believing that V. is simply a sort of an energy, a motivation, a heart breaker, a killer, a thing that allows you to live, all the half-answered questions in the world, that manifests itself into some form in each persons subjective reality is looking too deep into it?

>> No.5348434

V is a few different things. Don't forget the name of the island is Vheissu and the rat disciple at Fairing's Parish (in the sewer) is named Veronica.

Don't forget the ballerina impaled on stage is a virgin.

>> No.5348444

Vagina, I'm not joking by the way

>> No.5348470

Well, yes. All these V-things are women or refer to female sexuality.

I wonder what the significance of the iridescent spider monkeys is, if anything.

>> No.5348495

A running theme in Pynchon's body of work is that it's almost impossible to tell whether the significance found in objects of obsession are real or the projections, desires, and speculations of the characters who become obsessed. By extension, the reader is also asked to decide whether things like V or Tristero in TCoL49 are actually elaborate symbols with deeper meanings or are simply tabula rasa for the reader to inject meaning into.

>> No.5348502

you have to read gr dummy

>> No.5348654

....dafuq pynchon

>> No.5348881

Don't forget the theme of animate V. inanimate

>> No.5348894
File: 69 KB, 461x307, 8_santocrabs_461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whilst reading V. I couldn't stop thinking about those spider crabs.

I knew something I knew have to had related to these hairy crawlers:

>> No.5348899

Not particularly these species, but it shows that Pynchon already had knowledge - if he had - of species not yet revealed to us.

>> No.5349426

>I don't understand

oh nice you totally get it then.

>> No.5349624

I saw V as a symbol for everything and nothing. I also saw it as a visual representation of the two main characters' journey leading to an apex that goes nowhere

>> No.5350876

The mystery of what happened to the final "V" as well as what happened to Stencil Sr. is solved for the reader. Stencil Jr. never finds out and continued his journey to Stockholm, where he will find nothing.

Benny runs off into the void with a girl. Will he continue to yoyo? Will he settle down? Does it matter?

It truly is a great book and I have a hard time understand how someone could hate it with a passion.