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/lit/ - Literature

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5347982 No.5347982[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>kissless virgin
>never left my hometown
>barely 5 ft, manlet
>skinny as fuck
>have indented chest
>have nearly no friends
>want to kill myself
>cant because killing myself would be immoral, as if everyone killed themselves things wouldn't be good

What do /lit/?

>> No.5347992

Realize morality is meaningless then kill yourself

>> No.5347995


So you have nothing to lose.

Do what ever you want. Backpack across america.. europe... bum around... randomly ask businesses for jobs... go to school... start your own business... punch people you hate in the face... punch famous people you hate in the face, get famous, write a book...

Your options are limitless.

>> No.5347999

It's simple. Get the fuck out of your house, even if you don't want to in the first place. Go to public places and try to meet people. Get you self-esteem up!

>> No.5348007

i already wrote a bunch of books, it doesn't matter

>> No.5348008

Do you want us to suggest you some books/philosophers so that we can keep this remotely /lit/ related?

>> No.5348011


Stop treating your life like it means something, because if you want to kill yourself you must already know that it doesn't.

>categorical imperative a shit

>> No.5348014

Damn, I really don't know.

Granted your height and weight are pretty damn irrelevant.

>> No.5348017

>Dear diary,

>> No.5348019

>read De Caelo et Ejus Mirabilibus et de Inferno, ex Auditis et Visis

>> No.5348021

immanuel kant dumbass

>> No.5348022

then do the other shit

>> No.5348029

fuck off hume you've done nothing but hurt me

>> No.5348031


Help someone else write a book then.

Your options are either die, or make someone happy... and then die.

Might as well get the most out of it.

>> No.5348034
File: 26 KB, 517x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manlet you say?

>> No.5348036

Read The Brothers Karamazov man

>> No.5348042
File: 47 KB, 400x438, Dwarven_Berserker_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First of all you're a manlet, so manlets have to achieve berzerker dwarf mode (pic related).
Put on muscle + fat, grow out your beard, style it with beard oil, preferably one with a manly scent like tobacco & cedar, and make it look good.

Secondly, you have to man the fuck up and stop feeling sorry for yourself. This is a conscious decision you have to make.

Third, cultivate your interests and use them to socialize, if you like to rock climb join a group, if you like chess join a chess club...etc. Leverage your hobbies and interests in order to build social circles.

4th pick a life affirming philosophy/religion. Doesn't matter which one, Stoicism, Orthodox Christianity, Hedonism, etc...

>> No.5348048

all the sincere advice in this thread


>> No.5348049
File: 64 KB, 640x480, oh ehhe wow ya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


5th Get married to a cutie pie and have a family.

>> No.5348051

lol Did you even read my post? Regardless, who the fuck did Kant every actually help live their life?
>muh categorical imperative
>muh morality
Ok Kant. We get it. Now what do we actually do? If anything, those from Kant's strain of thought have done more harm than good. Not that he wasn't a necessary stepping stone, but just that. A stepping stone.

>> No.5348056
File: 132 KB, 620x916, hume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this just for you.

Now cheer up!

>> No.5348059

Fuck, I'm retarded.

>> No.5348064


Have you ever read his short essay: "What is Enlightenment?"


Kant is based. Sometimes.

>> No.5348065


>>helps random person online to write something
>>they forward you to a friend
>>and so on
>>you start taking donations and tiny payments
>>become more in demand
>>start being paid living wage
>>giving writing classes, writing novels, articles
>>build friendships with co-workers, readers
>>do co-writing with a cute girl
>>you laugh, you play, you end partnership because you don't get any work done
>>strictly professional on the job, but lovers outside of it
>>win awards
>>get married
>>die old, surrounded by your wife, children, and friends
>>whisper "thank you... anon."
>>"anon" becomes the new "rosebud" and your life is immortalized in print and film

>> No.5348067

Kant's cant is something I can't get into.

>> No.5348069

But if everyone like you killed themselves, things would be better.

I solved your dilema OP. Now kill yourself!

>> No.5348118

>height is irrelevant
It isn't if you want to be anything more than a normalfag plebeian. Not OP but I'm a manlet too and dream of being an aristocratic ubermensch like Peter the Great