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5346906 No.5346906[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How long does it take you to read a 300-page book?

>> No.5346909

Half an hour.

>> No.5346934


Or how could that be possible?

>> No.5346940


>> No.5346945

I'm not even a fast reader. If it's taking you more than ten minutes to read a hundred pages you should consider euthanasia.

>> No.5346950

300 minutes so 5 hours. Could be faster or slower depending on how into it I am, but that is what I average.

>> No.5346953

15'20 minutes

>> No.5346956

That's one minute for ten pages.
Six seconds for one page.
It is not physically possible.

>> No.5346969



>> No.5346973

like 8 hours

>> No.5346980

300 pages

>> No.5346988

It depends on the book. 300 pages of twilight level drek would take about 2 hours.

300 pages Herman Melville could take several hours

Why does it matter how quickly you read? You racin?

>> No.5346991

upper bound between 4-5 hours f I were to do it in one sitting.

>> No.5347010

Are you parsing sentences in sequence? Just read them all at once.

>> No.5347013

6 to 7 hours if it's a book of average difficulty and density of text. That translates to about three days in practice since I usually only read a couple hours a day.

>> No.5347015
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>reading sentences sequentially
>not reading a whole book at once

>> No.5347016

fuk reading

>> No.5347019

>reading books

le shiggy schopinhauer face

>> No.5347021

Yes if you are reading children's books.

>> No.5347336

Until my attention span gives out and I go shit posting.

>> No.5347376
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tralfamadorian much?

>> No.5347384

Depends on how long the book is.

>> No.5347462

3 hours if it's straightforward fiction (I average 100 pgs/hr), but it can take twice that if it's nonfiction or complex/surreal stuff.

>> No.5347472


About two weeks. And that's with being unemployed.

>> No.5347498

three weeks

>> No.5347590

Are you guys dyslexic?

>> No.5347601

no. just no specification about the book, so it's an average. but like with my writing, when I read, i don't just read shit i don't like. so. books i read? that length would take me roughly 2.5 weeks, like i said. probably contributed to my dropping-out of school. i like the finer details

>> No.5347624

How many minutes/hours do you put in total in reading the 300 page book?

(I'm imagining an unemployed unshaven dirty man strugglingly [wow what an ugly word] working through a single word every hour)

>> No.5347628

A week because I specifically break the chapters up to fit a 7 day schedule.

>> No.5347631

guy's which board is more of a shithole: /v/ or /mu/?

>> No.5347632


Maybe eight or nine days, since I tend not to read more than 30 or 40 pages from one book in one day. Reading time is something like 12 hours.

>> No.5347634


A great deal of /v/ seems to go out of it's way to shitpost.

>> No.5347636

a few days
I'll read about 100 pages per day and that takes me a few hours

>> No.5347637

have you ever been on /mu/? it's basically [s4s].

>> No.5347642

When you're reading things about catharsis, or the 'politics of driving', you tend to take three weeks. what about the Sun and our knowledge concerning its nature? why are bees dying? shit like that. so pardon me if i dwell in the flowers for a second of life you deem too long . i will stop enjoying myself at your discretion

>> No.5347645

I was last on /mu/ a week ago and received some great recommendations.

>> No.5347651

at least it doesn't have the same
>filename thread
>autism thread
>zoe quinn thread
>vivian thread
>flavor of the month general
on the front page every day

>> No.5347686 [DELETED] 
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Goddamn, the concept of doing this is blowing my mind.

>> No.5347693


>> No.5347694
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>start reading book
>got to page 6 and still no pictures

what the fuck? how am I supposed to visualize what's going on?

>> No.5347695

It's possible. Same way you read all the words of a sentence at once instead of going over them one-by-one. People exist who can do it.

>> No.5347698

>People exist who can do it.
Yes and they are called idiot savants for a reason.

>> No.5347701

maybe 10 hours. I've never timed myself so im just guessing.

>> No.5347702

300 is fairly short. Depends how big the font is though. Shorter books will often blow their font up to make it appear larger.

Like The Running Man is around 300 pages, but it's huge font so it's actually a fairly small book. If it was normal font it would probably be around 200. But it took me about a day to read that, at a casual pace.

>> No.5347707

I wasn't trying to be obnoxious or mean. I just wanted to know how many minutes/hours it takes for you to read a 300 page book if it takes 2 weeks or however long you said. The silly illustration was just that, a silly illustration. I apologize if it came across as something else.

But still you didn't answer me and I am genuinely curious. I want to know over a 2 week or however long period, how much time is devoted to reading? I suppose it can vary on the topic, non-fiction scientific stuff to fiction so maybe you can be specific for each genre?

No hard feelings, sorry again.

>> No.5347708
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>Called idiot savants for a reason
Yep. Many don't even comprehend the writing, or give it much though. They're just able to pick out the facts that they can recall later.
>Who died on pg 310?
>Beansprout Joe

>> No.5347715

Why do you need to read that fast? After you read it can you pass an exam based on that book?

>> No.5347717
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Is this shit for real? Does anyone else have sub-vocalization? I can't read more than 100 pages in an hour and a half (minimum).

>> No.5347724

I do. Probably could get rid of it if need be, but I rather like taking my time reading. Pretty enjoyable.

>> No.5347725

oh no problem. please. i over-react half the time, if anything. trying to work on stuff. who isn't. at least i don't have real problems like some other people i guess. (not you, i can't convey that properly, just english's notion of 'you' in plural). that's why it takes me 3 weeks to read something. look how long it took me to say a little thing like this. and when i say 3 weeks, i usually have multiple readings of the same thing because i'm never satisfied with most authors' styles. i want to write something. we'll see how it goes. but that i spend about 4-5 hours for each day, in those examples. happy reading/writing.

>> No.5347727 [DELETED] 

Motherfucker, you got it easy. I sub-vocalize and it takes me a fucking hour and a half to read 30 goddamn pages.

>> No.5347745

How the hell can I delete sub-vocalization?

>> No.5347748

If I really like the book and it's just a story, a couple of hours. Something philosophical or similarly dense can take months as I like to spend some time mulling over the ideas I've just encountered. Sometimes I read books that I only kind of like and they can take a few weeks. I've usually got a few on the go at one time anyway.

Sub vocalization?

>> No.5347749

I sub vocalize and I do a page a minute.

Is this good or bad? Is sub-vocalizing good or bad? Should I stop?

>> No.5347755

Read aloud in your head.

>> No.5347765
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Sub-vocalization is the inner voice that repeats everything while you read. I consider it to be a waste of time, even though I've never gotten rid of. However, some people say that it makes you understand less.

>> No.5347777

i don't think i've ever read a single word without doing that. but when i drive or walk down a sidewalk i tend to look more below than at horizon. 'they' say that's 'bad' but i find that it works. somehow.

>> No.5347781

That's just blown my tiny mind. Is there another way to read, or do you just mean you read internally as slowly as if you were reading aloud?

>> No.5347782

maybe that's bad too because i also can't find shit, right in front of my face. that can be a man versus woman thing, too, apparently. as men scope distance and women stare at babies

>> No.5347786

Speed readers eliminate this voice. They can read faster than the son of the fart.

>> No.5347787

Why are you driving down a sidewalk?

>> No.5347793

About 30 minutes

>> No.5347794

i realized that and read it back after i posted. just English, or me, being stupid. i'm tired and lazy right now.

>> No.5347795
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No, it's a lot faster than reading aloud would be. Most of the time, words are only half pronounced in my mind, and it's more out of habit than need. Sub-vocalization isn't paramount to my understanding of something, just something I do.

>> No.5347798

Somehow, I sub-continently prefer not to believe you.

>> No.5347801

I read pretty fast, but without that "voice" I don't think you can really call it reading can you? It's more like >>5347708 says with just getting facts for recall later. You'd miss out on almost everything.

>> No.5347804

>I was only pretending to be retarded


>> No.5347807

I've read that shit like 8 times, and I'm still struggling to assign a definition to it. Sub-consciously? Whatever it is, anon, you have outdone yourself.

>> No.5347813

made me smile

>> No.5347815

Who lets a donkey drive their car?

>> No.5347819
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Sorry, it's the auto-corrector. What I meant was what you just said.

>> No.5347826

I was genuinely stumped, STUMPED!
>nice pic

>> No.5347834

says the mighty minotaur?

>> No.5347836
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Most women I know don't read at all.

>> No.5347845

Well, women are strange and fascinating creatures.

>> No.5347861
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How big of a disparity do you truly believe lies between men and women? Off topic 'N' shit, I know. The comment just made me think.

>> No.5347868

Somedays I think it's somewhat substantial and then other days I ridicule that idea as juvenile.

>> No.5347871

Completely depends on the difficulty of the book

Invisible Monsters took me like 3 days, Blood Meridian took me like 3 weeks.

>> No.5347872

>tfw can't concentrate for more than 15-20 min bursts

i have to do like 15 mins on 45 mins off in order to get my motivation back but it's getting better with practice

originally could only do 5 minute spurts

i think i am retarded

>> No.5347878
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As a child I liked the idea of men as humble, weak protagonists; and women as cute but dangerous fairies who could manipulate men with their talk and beauty. (Like classic mermaids)

>> No.5347879

I like to imagine it's a potent mixture of confirmation bias and cultural expectations that makes people believe there is that huge of a difference. I don't know, though. Male and female brains are demonstrably different, after all.

>> No.5347887

Oh anon, will your reality ever come out on DVD, so we all can enjoy it.

>> No.5347888


>> No.5347896

my succubus gf in ugly americans

>> No.5347908

that's what all my teachers in school thought but i've never been formally diagnosed

i honestly think i've just been a lazy shit for so long that i forgot how not to be but i am putting the pieces back together now and my dis tractability seems to be getting better

>> No.5347912

wow i really butchered that post didn't i

>> No.5347916


>> No.5347927
File: 997 KB, 160x160, You can do it!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did great, friend. Believe in yourself.

>> No.5347932

lel, fucking pleb

>> No.5347942
File: 952 KB, 1280x936, tumblr_mvd34g87Zq1skkdrlo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's weird as fuck, my friend
i'm sitting pretty at about 10 hours, too. couple days of heavy reading or a week of very light reading.
because we're all going to die
and you don't need to pass an exam, the point of reading books is not to retain the information but to process it and use it to further your character, your knowledge, and your creative capacity.
i read aloud faster than that
most men i know don't read at all
>they're just "really into music"
i'll put down a book if a female character like that is introduced
>and then set it on fire

>> No.5347954

This pig makes me so happy.

>> No.5347966

Stately Muck Bulligan is right, I know more women who read than men. Though it's mostly genre rubbish. But it's better than my guy friends who sneer at reading recreationally

>> No.5347983

>the point of reading books is not to retain the information but to process it and use it to further your character, your knowledge, and your creative capacity.

>> No.5347986

I only have one friend who really reads and he isn't very secure in his self or in his knowledge. The rest are basically genre fiction to zero about even between male and female. Regardless, I don't get sneered at. At just get weird looks like I'm on some other planet or some deep well of wisdom and knowledge. I suppose the previous really is the case in some sense.

>> No.5347987


I hate it when people say "page" as if it's any kind of common signifier of length.

A "page" is arbitrary. Some books have "pages" that are four words long. Some 200. Some 1000.

Ask instead, "How long does it take you to read a _____-word book?"

>> No.5348003

>some deep well of wisdom and knowledge

I hate this, as if I know the answer to life because I have a different hobby than you.

>> No.5348005

what was the difference

>> No.5348006

Pages serve as a broad indicator. Also, I don't know the number of words in most books I read.

>> No.5348010

I think what he's upset about is the idea of books as a means instead of an end in themselves.

>> No.5348024

I don't know, not to be pretentious (watch as I'm abstained from all claims of being pretentious), but literature is a "deeper" hobby. Certain people are attracted to it, and in it, many important concepts are dissected.

>> No.5348033


I'm saying, pages are USELESS as a broad indicator, because different books contain varying amounts of words on one page.

As for the other thought: google is your friend.

Just type in something like
[book title] wordcount

>> No.5348041

Page number typically only comes up in casual conversations, where being broad is just fine. I'm not saying wordcount is inferior to page number, just that page number is more familiar to people and is better to use in casual discussion.

>> No.5348044

words are useless as an indicator. some words have one character. some have dozens. you should ask "how long does it take you to read a ____-character book."

>> No.5348057

characters are useless, some character like m are way longer than l. you should ask"how long does it take you to read a book with ____ amount of ink."

>> No.5348066


Yeah, but given their sheer quantity, they achieve a kind of average between them. Two 3,000-word texts are going to be very, very close in length. Whereas two 300-page books might be wildly different in length. One could be a paperback. The other could be a statistics textbook. "Page" means nothing.

>> No.5348084

For people who don't subvocalize, do you do it for fiction? or at least dialogue? I'm not exactly conscious of it but I'll go back and forth depending on the content and writing style.

>> No.5348103

>isn't really secure in himself or his knowledge

I think that might be because he reads.

>> No.5348110
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>> No.5348112
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what was the correct answer? what is the point of reading books? if you aren't incorporating text into yourself and instead are just focusing on memorizing the work or "retaining" it, you're doing yourself a disservice.

i'm (pretty obviously) not saying that you shouldn't make an effort to understand what you're reading in as thorough a way as possible, but being aware of your own analyses and interpretation matters far more than just knowing what the author set out to do.

>> No.5348117

The exact same can be said for the sheer quantity of books with pages. It averages out that page length is a perfectly acceptable metric on the aggregate.

>> No.5348131

>Reading books sequentially
>Not reading an entire series at once

>> No.5348135

How are two 300 page books going to vary in length? They're both 300 pages long.

>> No.5348140

>reading books that come in a series
fantasypleb detected

>> No.5348157

>Has never seen a series of books of political occurrences of or pertaining to an event or nation labeled by year in a library
Your mind couldn't comprehend knowing every public thing England has done since 1928 anyway.

>> No.5348160

thank god that sounds gay and boring

kinda like you

>> No.5348164

depends how much im into it i guess

>> No.5348188

Generally you subvocalize when you read poetry, otherwise you miss out on the rhythm of the piece. That's the only time I ever do it.

>> No.5348202

He doesn't actually do that, he's being a dickhead and stroking his epeen. He hate himself so much he comes to an anonymous imageboard to lie about reading.

>> No.5348227

I never thought about it, until reading this thread, but when I subvocalize (is that the "reading in your head), and characters each get their own distinct voices, I read at about 1 page/min depending on the size of text. I just read 1984 (325page book) and it took me 6 hours over 3 days. but, when I read non-fiction, and I don't have to give characters voices, and there is no scenery to set, I read closer to 100 pages/hr.

difference being, after reading a fiction story, I'll recall it in my memory as if I watched a movie. I eidetic memory makes it so I can't re-read books though, I end up predicting the words that are coming up and skip entire pages (no need to re-read the scenery or the character descriptions). I end up reading books as if they're plays, and then I read closer to 100-125 pages/min depending on the amount of dialog (inner or outward).

non-fiction books aren't like movies, I recall the facts from them, but there is no mental image associated (not even "floating" text).

>> No.5348247

I don't do this, nor do I see images whilst reading (barring one or two flashes).

>> No.5348249

4 months.

>> No.5348267

this makes me feel sad for you

>> No.5348271

I don't know about hours, but I'll usually take my time and read an average length book over 3-4 weeks

>> No.5348278

I don't know any different, although I do sometimes feel like I'm missing out.

>> No.5348301

you had a shit english teacher in elementary

>> No.5348306

A couple hours

I always flash read books, then read them again multiple times. I can't read things slowly

>> No.5348311

I always assumed it was something more defective within me. I enjoy reading, I just don't get images internally.

>> No.5348328

It seems to me like you are not at all a visual thinker. You think only in words. yes?

>> No.5348347

go download some audio books and just lay down and close your eyes, see if you can't visualize the stories

>> No.5348348

If I like it, three days.

>> No.5348365

Yeah, that sounds about right.

I never really got the appeal of audio books, but if you have a good recommendation I'll give it a crack.

>> No.5348477

James Marsters reading Dresden Files, really hits his stride in the 3rd book

>> No.5348512

I'll check it out. Thanks anon.

>> No.5348775

two hours at most. But if I;m not busy/distracted, less than an hour

And yes I'm a fast reader
No, I don't read books without understanding them because reading fast is already NATURAL for me to do.

>> No.5348814

Michael, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

>> No.5348847

A day or a week, depending on the format (audiobook, regular) and my interest.

>> No.5348903

/v/ wins by virtue of actually discussing videogames every now and then

>> No.5348909

>And yes I'm a fast reader
Yo, protip: that's not a good thing.

>> No.5348911

About a day, but it depends how motivated I am and if I'm taking notes or not.

>> No.5348915

I've read a few 150-180 page novels this holiday in less than 24 hours. So if the book is exciting it'll take me two days. Depends on size/dialogue/chapter endings, obviously. I average just above 30 pages an hour on Don Quixote, if that means anything to you.

>> No.5349055

A little over a month I guess. I don't read much and I read slow. Rushing through a book is a shitty idea

>> No.5349124

About a year, I consider a book read only once as unfinished.

>> No.5349130

Shitty question, depends on the book. The first chapter of Das Kapital, or the Introduction of the Phenomenology of Spirit, can keep you occupied for about the same amount of time it takes to finish the entire ASoIaF series.

>> No.5349149

What do you take notes about?

I feel like picking out sentences will help me with my own writing

>> No.5349192

Do you slow movies down to half speed when you watch them so you'll 'understand them better'? Speed readers take the same amount away from a book as people reading at a normal speed, and the good ones will have time to read it five times over by the time your sluggish ass has finished.

>> No.5349239

>Speed readers take the same amount away from a book as people reading at a normal speed
As a speed reader: no, that's completely false.

>> No.5349240

Pffffffflol bullshit

>> No.5349245

Dude, people have written 50-pages essays on the possible interpretations of the word 'erscheint', (probably mis-)translated as 'presents itself', in the first sentence of Kapital. Somehow I don't see any word or sentence in any work of genre fiction give anyone that much of a headache.

>> No.5349293



>> No.5349382

Word count per page varies from book to book, hence your question is invalid and you should euthanise yourself. The only valid way of measuring book length is by words per book.

Your question should be:
How long it would take you to read a book containing x words.

Reading speed also varies depending on the type of book and difficulty of text.

>> No.5349420
File: 84 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2014-08-10 at 23.29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It obviously depends on WHAT I'm reading but depending on how much time I have in a day to read, I could read about 1000 words in 7-10
without really "racing" anyway, its my average imo.
Sometimes I pick up the pace and read really fast, and see how much information I retain, and compare it to the pages I read

>> No.5349424

Well it deppends on how long are the pages, but probably about 9-10 hours

>> No.5349434

Envy isn't attractive.

>> No.5349703

Quotations I like, examples of prose I enjoy/wish to emulate, points of reference, key ideas, allusions (this was especially true in Finnegan's Wake)

>> No.5350699

>reading genre fiction

>> No.5350707


>> No.5350716

The depends on the book.

I read 300 paged pulp in one sitting, I read 160 page'd The Crying of Lot 49 in two days because I'm taking my time to map out the conspiracy and appreciate the prose.

>> No.5350856

How does anyone even read a book that long? The books I read are usually 25-30 pages, maybe throw in a 150 page tome now and then if I want a challenge.

>> No.5350870

Are you fishing for "horrible bait" replies? Is this the new trolling? Damn, trolls have goten lazy.

>> No.5351339

>reads faster than "normal"
>equates this to everyone else doing things at half speed

do you watch TV and movies at double speed? while you get the general plot points, do you enjoy them as much?

>> No.5351380

Letters count per word varies from book to book, hence your response is invalid and you should euthanize [sic] yourself. The only valid way to measure a book length is by letters per book.

Your question should actually be:
How long it would take you to read a book containing x letters.

Reading speed also varies depending on the type of text and difficulty of book.

>> No.5351427

I read ~200 pages a day so one and a half days worth of reading.

>> No.5353642

can confirm. its like breathing manually for me, if slows me down and i can't not when i think about it.

with that said i comprehend better subvocalising, its a must for philosophy

>> No.5353653

This is hilarious. If you read a 300 page book in one day, you are not only reading it improperly, I can induce that you having nothing to do throughout the day and that it is a bad book most likely, if a neet who has nothing to do can read it in one day, or is even able to.

It's probably fantasy.

>> No.5353658

Depends on the book, obviously.

(I know this was probably already said a few times, but I just despise the question so much that I just had to add some more useless noise to the thread.)

>> No.5353695

it has had literally all of those things for eons, except that they also obsess over their trips and that in place of Zoe they act gross over female musicians in general

>> No.5353700

However long I want. Got no deadlines anymore. Graduated years ago, boy.

>> No.5353708

It depends on how into it I am. If I am truly focused than maybe four hours give or take.

>> No.5353715

>all these implications

>> No.5353763

i could read 300 pages in a few hours, but i would only remember the bare minimum of the book

>> No.5353767

About 8 hours.

>> No.5355598

I tend to read pretty fast, I read Look to the Lady and Black Plumes just traveling to my school twice (2 hours a day). Somehow, I can only read whenever I'm traveling or doing something else, I can't sit in my house and do it. Dunno why

>> No.5355698

>that's weird as fuck, my friend
How? I don't have the time to sit up and read until I get bored. It's much more efficient to read a certain amount of chapters daily.

>> No.5355729

>It's probably fantasy.

where does this meme stem from? it seems to me that at least 50% of books produced are fantasy, and the most popular books are also fantasy. is this some fedora tipping meme that fantasy is bad?

learning can be fun, sure, but you don't only watch history and discover channel, do you? even those have 'fun' futuristic speculation, and is that not in and of itself also fantasy (syfy)?

I'm pretty sure its bait to say "hurr fantasy" but I'm tired of reading it

>> No.5355734


>> No.5355741

a week. ; ;
i wish i were a faster reader

>> No.5356366

Why did I watch that?

>> No.5356696 [DELETED] 

>A whole movie full of gross racial mongrels except the one Aryan girl who is paired off with one of the brown-skinned mongrels

What the hell has happened to America...

>> No.5356714

This is fucking hot

>tfw no teen mind control dominatrix

>> No.5356717


>> No.5356727
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i just can't grasp the idea that you feel like this has to be an efficient process

>> No.5356738
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>> No.5356768

I read the wikipedia synopsis and if you don't, you're objectively wasting your time and your life.

>> No.5356787

I sometimes will attempt an audio book without any synopsis doing my mindless occupation, this is objectively a gamble I admit but has paid off.

>> No.5356800

Force yourself to look over words faster than you can say them in your head.
You get the ideas from just seeing the words and not hearing them internally.
This is supposed to be a site for it. Keep ramping up the speed faster than you could.

>> No.5356808

Aesthetic experience?

A couple days if I really love it. A week if I like it. Several weeks if I'm not into it. A few hours (4-5) if I have to (but I don't like reading that way).

>> No.5356810

A very long time I'm sure by /lit/ standards. I'm typically mid-way through a few books at any one time because I like to read in 30-60 minute intervals. I also stop a lot and think over what I read and then walk around the house for a bit and consider it further. I know a lot of people that like to read whole books in one sitting but when I do that I don't feel like I've gotten much out of the experience by the end. A 300 page book might take me a few days to a week.

>> No.5356894

Most of the gals I see at the Barnes & Noble about my age (the only ones that matter as far as I'm concerned) are browsing in the Sci-Fi/Fantasy section.

It takes me anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of months to finish up a book. Recently I read Treasure Island in three or four days, I think.

I always sub-vocalize, but sometimes will notice I've spent a few pages just seeing scenes, though.

>> No.5356910

It's because of your pleb reading techniques.

The proper way of reading is to let your eyes glance over the words trying as fast as you can to get to the next page. After you finish reading the book you go to wikipedia or some other trusted internet site and then learn the plot of the story while parading your knowledge of the book to everyone else.

Only fags actually read

>> No.5356916
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>The proper way of reading is to let your eyes glance over the words trying as fast as you can to get to the next page. After you finish reading the book you go to wikipedia or some other trusted internet site and then learn the plot of the story while parading your knowledge of the book to everyone else.
>Only fags actually read

>> No.5356936

With annotation 3 hours. If its kawaii and moe as fuark, 10, because I gotta fap for 7.

>> No.5357479

> tfw you start sub-vocalizing manually
> tfw this transers to your other aspects of life (ex. "breathe in, breathe out, stand up, sit down")

Am I the only one? I hate when this happens.

>> No.5357485

Fantasy is shit, that's why.

>> No.5357499
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>> No.5357530

>sub-vocalizing your breathing

Jesus Christ that must be hellish.

>> No.5357545

I can read 300 pages of say Dragon Gate Cycle in like two hours, but Moby Dick is taking me a while.

>> No.5357563
