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5346403 No.5346403 [Reply] [Original]

kill 1 marry 1 fuck 1

>> No.5346411

marry dante

fuck shakespeare

kill whoever that is in the middle


>> No.5346414

>kill Shakespeare, boring hack
>fuck Cervantes, he was pretty good looking and I bet he knows some weird Spanish moves.
>marry Dante, beautiful fucking soul and I'd love to live with him for the rest of my life, no homo.

>> No.5346416


>> No.5346426

yeah Dante would love you

>> No.5346427

Kill Cervantes

>> No.5346432

Kill Shakespeare because Brits have weird teeth.
Fuck Cervantes because he's a at
Marry Dante because Italians have big dicks.

>> No.5346437

he's a qt*

>> No.5346439


Yo gimme a citation on that

>> No.5346461

my citation is right here

*unzips dick*

>> No.5346463


Number 1: A genius; greatest poet of all time. Wrote a great number of masterpieces in several different styles with the same mastery. Still widely read.

Number 2: Overrated. His influence is far greater than his merits. Terrible at managing language. A man of only one book (more the product of luck than of talent).

Number 3 – Elegant and crystalline in his versification, but lacks in imagistic fertility. Not very endowed with empathy and comprehension of humanity. A man of old and molded ways of thinking, of rusty perceptions of life. A poets poet, hardly read by other people than literature professors and students.

>kill 1 marry 1 fuck 1

That’s a stupid and gay American game.

>> No.5346489

nice thesaurus m8

>> No.5346491


>> No.5346500

>Still widely read.
They're all still widely read.

>Terrible at managing language
How do you mean "Managing language"?

>(more the product of luck than of talent).
How was Don Quixote's success a product of luck?

>imagistic fertility
Please tell me what this means.

>A poets poet, hardly read by other people than literature professors and students.
I guess I'm proof that that isn't true; it was the epic that got me into poetry, and I read it on my own accord. Seriously did not give two shits about it before I read Inferno. And if it were true that his audience was limited solely to scholars, how does that relate to its (lack of) quality?

>> No.5346504
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>> No.5346512

it's 2009 again? sweet, now i can retroactively change my major to something that isn't fucking stupid and boring and lifesucking.

>> No.5346515

Marry Shakespeare, because he is the only one of them to have had a stable financial and political existence.

Fuck Cervantes, because dat Spanish dick.

Kill Dante, just so I'll have the opportunity to say, "I'll see you in Hell."

>> No.5346518

I think Cervantes would be wild in bed. Dante seems too frigid. Shakey is ultimate boyloving qt3.14.

>> No.5346521
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i-i can be beatrice for tonight, d-dante

>> No.5346528

>lacks imagistic fertility

He fucking defined the Western vision of hell for centuries what more do you want

>> No.5346570

Marry Shakespeare, he leaves you alone with the bed
Fuck Cervantes, the practicality of the position means nothing to him
Kill Dante, send him to a level of hell oly slightly above traitors.

>> No.5346574

Where would Dante be?

>> No.5346578

Falsifiers of words

>> No.5346597

but he repented to christ for his sins. does dantean hell not allow christ-pardoning?

>> No.5346608

>the only person who gave me the impression they've read Dante is the one that hated him
At the time it was heresy to claim one knew whether the sins had been forgiven, though it could be hoped they were. Cf Joan of Arc's defence to Are you in God's grace? at her trial

>> No.5346619

Kill myself because I'm not gay

>> No.5346622

Ew, this is a no boys allowed board

>> No.5346649

enjoy being hung from a tree that's also yourself

>> No.5347339
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I would marry Shakespeare, because he seems like the least religious of the three.

And kill Dante because Cervantes seems like a nice guy.
All right now do mine.

>> No.5347347

Lustful people weren't even placed that low.